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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50363398 No.50363398 [Reply] [Original]

Why did the Titanic sink? Because of BUSINESS AND FINANCE. It was around the time where coal coke became significantly more expensive, because suddenly it was used for more than just steel production, but also transportation. Shipping lines from British India were buying it at any price, to quickly furnish European tastes for cheap and fresh exotic produce: pineapples, bananas, even mangoes. So, naturally, the price of good Scottish steel used for building hulls (and the accompanying quality control that comes with 300 years of foundry management) went way up, just at the time when cheapo Irish steel foundries came online. “But anon,” you ask, “Ireland doesn’t have significant iron ore mines! Just copper and lead!” Correct, and at the time you know what was the cheapest source of iron ore for Ireland? China. Used as ballast in their trips back (because tea and pepper doesn’t weigh as much as the exports needed for colonial occupation government, cannonballs and wagons and such), Chinese iron ore was dumped onto Belfast in great mountains and was nearly free raw material for shitty Irish foundries. Heavily polluted with tin and manganese, ship hulls were notoriously brittle and inelastic. An iceberg cut through it as if it was made of glass.

>> No.50363478

>Why did the Titanic sink?
Because Astor and other wealthy bankers who opposed the creation of the fed were on board
Also JP Morgan wanted the insurance on a similar boat so he changed the titanic with another boat and crashed it on purpose

>> No.50363731


>> No.50364181

>similar boat
the olympic

>> No.50364213

OP is a faggot

>> No.50364281
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>> No.50364334

70IQ answers

>> No.50364344

Biz always has the real dirt

>> No.50364393

Read a book retard
Everyone knows you’re wrong

>> No.50364413

>elaborate complicated nonsense
>plan that makes sense

They did the same with 9/11. A few birds with one stone. Don't be so naive.

>> No.50364495
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so the basic gestalt is that the entire titanic sinking was a hoax made by the jew glownigger bankers and their families to make a ton of cash from the insurance and the movies around the faked event.

>Titanic was insured by the same company that insured the Hindenburg AND WTC (on 9/11)
>as with the WTC/HB they paid out without investigation
>the exact! coordinates to the Titanic wreck are NOT public (you would need to ask James Cameron)
>the water in April is 15 degrees celsius in that region (member icy lips DiCaprio? that was bullshit)
>Icebergs were NEVER spotted again in that region where she allegedly sunk
>wreck footage was filmed in a studio that explains why there are NO fishes seen anywhere
>the wreck was literally found by a monkey (((they))) are fucking with us)
>now they say they found a bacterium on the titanic that eats the steel away so the wreck will vanish in 10 years
>this bacterium was only found to eat on the titanic wreck (sure Moshe)
>according to the story Guggenheim a Billionaire jew refused to enter an empty Lifeboat (46 places were free) and instead sunk with the ship and let his wife escape with the money, hello? nigger are you awake?
>(((Jacob))) Astor also rich billionaire gigajew industrialist allegedly sinks with the ship, his life insurance is paid out (he only faked it same as Guggenkike)
>Titanic ship was moved to Germany where it was rebuild, mothballed and then sold to the US after WW1 and it became the USS Imperator

>> No.50364511

If we learned anything from this, it's that we should be investing heavily into Lithium related companies right now.


>> No.50364611

Oh no you’re right the titanic was a copy they sunk on purpose like a fucking scooby doo villain, not that completely normal market forces meant greedy jews used bad materials

Hey, was the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire an inside job too? What about the Hindenburg fire? Lemme guess it crashed right on Tesla’s perpetual motion machine

>> No.50364700

Holy shit you’re retarded
It wasn’t a copy
The Olympic was damaged and they switched all the furniture and repainted the name
It must be a coincidence that jp Morgan missed the biggest voyage of all time

I can’t imagine being as dumb as you are
You posted bullshit and everyone here called you on it

>> No.50364702

Yes there are lots of suss major fires from that period, check out the worlds fairs.
As for your attitude, I do not care for it Mister.

>> No.50364832

Fires that melted brick but somehow left telegram poles
Op is an idiot

>> No.50365521

Where did you learn all that? From the movie?

>> No.50365674

who in their right fucking mind sinks an entire ship to kill 2 guys? How do you even know if sinking the ship will kill them? So many questions for this "bulletproof plan to kill bankers"

>> No.50365788

It’s not just 2 bankers you glowtard
It was 3 of the wealthiest bankers who opposed the current system
You can argue their motives but you can’t argue with the results
I bet you think terrorist did 9/11 too
Fucking cu ck

>> No.50365813

It's because they hit and iceberg.

>> No.50365837

>guys the Rockefellers and Rothschilds just got lucky that their opposition to a central bank died on the same shit

Why do idiots believe the most successful just happened to get lucky?

>> No.50365913

based high IQ OP eschews schizoposters

>> No.50365934


you're dumb. OP is smart

>> No.50365935

Tell us more literal retard

>> No.50365962

im so tired of illiterate dumbfucks in life
this guy believes James cameron got it right

>> No.50365992

wow this podcast is based
i should have known it was a jew trick

>> No.50365991

Wow this glow stick is heated tonight. Something happened at the office today no doubt.

>> No.50366022

>"Mr captain of the titanic, I am wealthy industrialist JP Morgan, here is 1 million dollars for you if you crash the Titanic into an iceberg, and btw you will have to go down with the ship and will never be able to spend this money"
These schizo conspiracy theories are held together with leaps and bounds of speculation, not-that-strange circumstantial coincidences, and weed smoking retards
>"the Federal reserve was founded a year later, so that's what this crash was all about, when you really think about it"
Do you hear how retarded you sound?