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File: 2.09 MB, 506x900, golfbunny2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50363237 No.50363237 [Reply] [Original]

My spy500 gains from past 3 years have all been wiped out and I've lost almost 20K
Explain why I should trust index funds again.

>> No.50363251

You can't. That's why you should trust options instead

>> No.50363258

because investment time horizons are 20-30 years with indexes.

>> No.50363272

over the top

>> No.50363274

>Just invest for 20 years bro

>> No.50363287

I need to get a gf now.

>> No.50363292


>> No.50363322
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>> No.50363357

lol just hold it until you're about to retire and taken into a state care home for no-longer economically productive individuals.

>> No.50363430
File: 77 KB, 1106x1012, e90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you every trust a spy? You know they work for foreign countries, right?

>> No.50363448

well ya
if you have a modicum of investments and understanding, women will coom. most people don't know shit.

>> No.50363480

fuck off you israeli, russian, chink, iranian psyop fag. fuck right the fuck off.

>> No.50363584

>what is compounding interest

>> No.50363599
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>> No.50363616

>tfw no golf barbie gf to shove tees up my urethra and smack my balls with a 9 iron

>> No.50363634

thats a man

>> No.50363725

and onto the freeway

>> No.50363739

why does that movie exist? why is someone recording her? why does she want to be recorded?

>> No.50363776
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>why does she want to be recorded?

>> No.50363782

even better, jew

>> No.50363792
File: 268 KB, 1600x1091, George-Soros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You only have one fucking life, make the most of it. So for me that means absolutely no boring products or "slow and steady" performing assets. I trade big size based on lots of intel and research. For example most of my profits these last couple of months came from just trading celsius. In fact i can sit on my ass for the next few years earning 0.00% and will still have outperformed your shitty index funds.
Go big or go home.

>> No.50363820

yes. what are you, old?

>> No.50363828

Literally how, the s&p 500 is still up massively from 2019.

>> No.50363851

Based. I'm giving you a big McTip when I'll meet you.

>> No.50363887

> zero tits
> zero hips
> zero ass
I would take the club and clock her hard on her temple with it. Watch her go into decerebrate posturing on the green. Wouldn't even put her out of her misery. Likely just piss on her face and leave.

>> No.50363952

You're just a mexican gypsy nigger.

>> No.50363985

You can trust them to be boring pieces of shit forever
Absolutely based, fuck the passive investing meme

>> No.50363986

Why the fuck is top golf so popular all of a sudden
No one ever knew about it suddenly it’s every fucking where

>> No.50364003

In my own personal experience, I find that all homosexuals are deeply angry, with no exceptions. Violent tendencies as well.

>> No.50364030

no it's not

>> No.50364102

If he was homosexual those would all be endearing features

>> No.50364287

>t. seething black guy

>> No.50364312

God I wish I was that golf ball

>> No.50364363

who the fuck is her. Name or sometjhing

>> No.50364485

really though, it doesn't benefit her directly in any way

>> No.50364507

women like attention dumbass

>> No.50364583

that's a man

>> No.50364886

god I want to be her toilet

>> No.50364944


>> No.50365292

Built for BBC.

>> No.50365339

shut the fuck up and have sex you disgusting incel

>> No.50365362


You didn't lose your shares retard.

>> No.50365427
File: 125 KB, 824x990, 1652716181371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, gains

>> No.50366366

>buy 100 shares of stonk
>the value goes up
>wait 20 years
>still have 100 shares of stonk

>> No.50366536

did it hurt being dropped on your head so much

>> No.50366575

Did dilating hurt your anus so much?

>> No.50366648
File: 76 KB, 735x793, paige.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paige is getting older and this new cunt thinks she's gonna grab a share of golf coomer money (and she's probably right)

>> No.50366705

Because it's a 30-50 year thing, not a 3 year thing you illiterate cocksucker

>> No.50368190
File: 282 KB, 400x462, Disdain_For_Plebs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've lost almost 20K

I look at that and think...
"so?... I gain or lose more than that daily."

>> No.50368215

I don’t want to out myself as a coomer, but the fact that there is a man in existence who will get to cream this magnificent creature not just once but repeatedly fills me incredible rage. Did I solicit, from darkness to promote me?

>> No.50368259
File: 59 KB, 900x900, WALLSTREETFREN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nigga shut up and go get a job at a gas station, nobody cares. I lost and gained 20k about 6 times while writing this comment.

>> No.50368302
File: 969 KB, 496x368, Get_Out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fact that there is a man in existence who will get to cream this magnificent creature not just once but repeatedly fills me incredible rage

Dude... Her tits are not even DDD size!

>> No.50368315

You're supposed to sell at some point anon

>> No.50368430

Lol that girls smoking hot and if you dont recognize ass and hips under those kind of skirts then you must be hugless kissless incel

>> No.50368447

Top kek i would be hard like that golf club

>> No.50368539


>> No.50368559

The blowup of youtube/insta golf channels. Everyone wants to be a range hero now.

>> No.50368666

Claire Hogle. She has a youtube channel and did some colabs with GM and Good Good golf.

She can legit play. She's not just an insta-thot.

>> No.50368698

>I hit a ball into traffic and caused an accident that killed a family of four, teehee

>> No.50368721

Sure you would, buddy. Sure you would…

>> No.50368727

Everyone is getting older, dude.

>> No.50368734


>> No.50368752

>doesn’t know about Top Golf

Golf sucks, but are you guys living under a rock?

>> No.50368775

>hit the ball into traffic
She'd be lucky to have carried that hit 220 yards. You'd need to be able to carry 350 yards with a 150ft apex to clear that net.
That drive wouldn't have even hit the net on the full.

>> No.50368848

Based instant gratification zoomer

>> No.50369698

except now the stonk has been diluted to shits, so you own LESS of the same company

>> No.50369712

Where can I get white girl look like this? I not white btw.

>> No.50369739


>> No.50369744
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>> No.50370428

you just know that she's getting regularly raw dogged by black men

>> No.50370453

indeed anon

>> No.50370470

more like a seething white boi who knows she's built for taking BBCs