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File: 534 KB, 720x1478, RDT_20220714_1512203774940565290955487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50359519 No.50359519 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50359542

Only NFTs with utility will make it

>> No.50359594

So none of them. NFTs are nothing but receipts for digital things you already don't own due to existing copyright and digital property laws

>> No.50359620

There are already NFTs on chain. The receipt thing is just a shallow analysis

>> No.50359644

The reason they are mostly “receipts” is because it is quite expensive to store pixels on the chains

>> No.50359645

Can I make the deeds to my house into an NFT?

>> No.50359651

NFTs are literally digital tulips holy fuck

>> No.50359678

It's not shallow just a fact. You don't own NFT art. NFTards are the biggest suckers in crypto.

>> No.50359717

>Today, it's worth essentially nothing.

>> No.50359775

Example: access to private groups which then further control markets in groups.

>> No.50359779
File: 52 KB, 700x800, IMG_4221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haha I can just take a picture of that painting hanging in the museum and now I own it

>> No.50359784

You don’t own anything. The government can seize all of your shit if you don’t pay taxes. The bank can foreclose your home, you water and electricity can be shut off, your internet can be taken away, and you can’t be apart of society if you don’t have some form of universal identification. You don’t actually own anything and you never will.

>> No.50359802

NFT’s took advantage of FOMO retards who missed out on Bitcoin and the bull run of the mid-2010’s. Then the Reverse Tinkerbell Effect turned it into a modern tulip mania. Now there’s a bunch of retards feeling retarded (fitting) for blowing hundreds of thousands on worthless jpegs.
You couldn’t help but see these opportunistic shillers shove their magic beans in your face and see the heads of snakes. A true low for humanity.

>> No.50359903

So you're saying blockchain is not fit for this purpose? Agreed.

>> No.50359937

If 'ownership' includes the expectation that nobody can ever deprive you of the thing you own, then nobody has ever owned anything, and the concept of ownership is useless.

We're talking about legal ownership, not whatever useless concept you've invented for yourself.

>> No.50359940
File: 58 KB, 373x327, 1657770175386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a jpeg
>rile up morons

>> No.50359998

Legal ownership is enacted by judiciary legislation. If all you need to have is a little law then it’s really that simple given the qualifications that NFTs have

>> No.50360050

No. They just not efficient enough, yet. That is why technology progresses dumbass.

>> No.50360096

lol this is a good way to scam dumb/young people. unfortunately that pool is shrinking rapidly, the sea of suckers are wising up to your trickery. gonna have to think up some new schemes bub

>> No.50360152

The amount of mental gymnastics NFT holders have to do makes me laugh. Im literally describing ownership as a legal entity and they immediately chime in with YoU dOnT own aNyth1nG G0y!!11. All I stated was a simple fact that you don't legally own NFT images as the ownership doesn't stem from a transactional receipt.

>> No.50360155

oh dear

>> No.50360179

Example2: cards in GU

>> No.50360182

Actually, no. There are many layers to properly titles, deeds, and dispersion.

>> No.50360197

The only way that NFTs could possibly be efficient as a ledger is to not store the item itself in the ledger. Having TBs of images makes the ledger too large to process in any timely manner.

>> No.50360277

>fucking retard doesn’t even have the hall to reply back
>b-but le receipt means no ownership
There is a high probability there will be a court case to determine the legal ownership aspect. You’re just making half-heated conjectures at this point. When they rule in favor I hope you’ll post the livestream where you’ll neck yourself

>> No.50360977

>paying thousands of dollars for a hyperlink

>> No.50361035

I'm not saying it's worth it, just the opposite. The only case where it might be viable has performance impacts so negative as to make it completely nonviable.

>> No.50361193

if none of the current shit is good enough, they're worthless.

>> No.50361235

gods-unchained the game

>> No.50361266

wait until mortgages and car titles are nfts, but yeah.

>> No.50361327

cope: the post

>> No.50361345

That makes zero sense.

>> No.50361384


books are a blockchain and paper is the NFT

>> No.50361411

what problem is this solving

>> No.50361428

imagine the dumbasses who bought and can't afford it unlike lowlife paul.

>> No.50361431
File: 211 KB, 412x412, watermarked.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my Hulky really worthless? I spent 6m eth on it

>> No.50361474

If you aren't buying GET tokens at these prices you're dumb. It is already selling tons of tickets as NFTs to eurobois.

>> No.50361491

just stole this off you. definitely worthless now

>> No.50361499

they are talking about digital cars and digital houses (in your favorite video game)

>> No.50361574

Lol- doesn’t know about Icp. Btfo’d fag

>> No.50361646

why do they need to be NFTs?

>> No.50361669

They are talking about video game land and vehicles.

>> No.50361923

That's still stupid. You don't need an NFT for that either. It's all tied to your account.

>> No.50363330


not if the entire game is on the blockchain.

then NFTs would be the only way to reliably "own" a skin.
I swear you fags on here are ngmi.
probably missed the entire NFT run last year

>> No.50363375

>ETH has scalability problem
>transactions cost $xx last year during peak NFT
>lets put gigabytes to terabytes of data onto the blockchain itself


>private key gets stolen or lost
>help me devs I paid thousands of dollars for these skins you gotta believe me

>> No.50363397

not feeding your village rajeet

>> No.50363421

Now how do you resell it? (enter NFTs)

>> No.50363434

>what is steam marketplace?

>> No.50363436


GTFO this board you fucking retarded ass niggers. Jesus Christ on a stick, we need to implement proof of iq on this board verified by Chainlink oracles so that anybody less then 130 iq don’t have access

>> No.50363443

“exact replica”
>be millionaire
>still exaggerate like a dumb child

>> No.50363487

You literally have Down Syndrome.

>> No.50363492

>people asking very real and valid questions
>seething incel virgin couplet absolutely seething and screaming incoherently with poor analogies
if anyone here in this thread deserves to die, it's you, you spastic incel faggot. Kill yourself you bagholding NFTard

>> No.50363580

cut the middle men, lawyers, notary, this commission, that commission
fuck sake you're all seriously fucking retarded

>> No.50363622

>lose your private keys
>become homeless

>> No.50363643

Not my problem

>> No.50363646

Sure. Just ask Ethel down at the county deeds office. I'm sure she knows

>> No.50363662

There is not a thing that NFTs can actually solve that don't just create a million more problems.

>> No.50363673
File: 48 KB, 754x211, 20220715022637001852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he also spent $3.5m on pokemon cards that were actually GI joe cards worth $5


>> No.50363728

I rather buy pokemon cards.

>> No.50363845

you're somewhat correct, too complex for normie retards, they will use custodia service
NFT mostly will be used by institutions, all bonds will replaced by NFT that gives dividend and the ownership can be split infinitely
multiple NFT can be packaged into a single package like MBS
automatic on-chain dividend payment
rental income, late rent payment and the chain immediately invoke eviction programs that send emails to sheriff office etc. etc.
infinite possibilities, don't bring everything to the retard level, not the whole world is retarded

>> No.50363940

>trusting your title to celsius/voyager/mtgox


>centralizing what is supposed to be decentralized that transcends state boundaries and control
>Glownogs can just force custodial services to hand over the keys

>> No.50363974

if you're retarded and use custodian then you deserved all that, if you're not a retard keep your own key and don't lose it, if you lose your key back to the first step because you're proven retarded

>> No.50363980

It will be linked to your biometric data with Everest
thanks for playing

>> No.50364085

Imagine being this delusional.

>> No.50364098

>purchase $1mm house
>pay a lawyer $1500 so i don't get scammed

seems totally reasonable to me

>> No.50364123

>solving problems that don't exist with clunky, difficult to use software program
okay should really catch on fast!

>> No.50364144
File: 871 KB, 2218x2574, IMG-1324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my watch worth more than your entire net worth

you poorfags always think about buying your own home
it's for automation, rapid transactions, rapid change of ownerships
real estates transactions settles in seconds instead of months for institution buying and selling thousands of properties

you're categorised as retard then, just use custodian and never bother talking to genius like me again

>> No.50364156

smart contracts in many forms are NFTs by definition

>> No.50364230

On Gamestops NFT marketplace there is already an NFT original TV show. It's not the best, but it's a historic proof of concept. Also tons of NFT music on the store too, which I think is a first too.

>> No.50364246

You're describing an ultra-centralized (anti-crypto) database system that is magically supported and enforced by all the legal and police systems around the world. You are delusional.

>> No.50364265

Lmao absolutely delusional. Nobody cares about your gay ass token

>> No.50364277

NFT smart contracts programs will be as common as phone apps, how many are they? millions?
this is automation, the gate that will open us to the age of prosperity, the vessel that will bring us into the new golden age

they've started testing this in Colombia, google the news
roughly imagine the rate of change like the change of smartphone adoption

>> No.50364308

i share this sentiment
my bad for trying interacting with them

>> No.50364378


>> No.50364377

People resold stuff before NFTs existed.

>> No.50364401

I made so much money from NFTs holy shit

>> No.50364409

>multiple NFT can be packaged into a single package like MBS
automatic on-chain dividend payment
MBS and similar mechanisms already exist and work well, no NFT shit needed.

>> No.50364436

no banks taking excessive fees
you're retarded beyond belief, learn construction to survive the future because you're too stupid for tech or kys, whatever you do don't reply to me any further

>> No.50364453

But to be clear, most current NFTs are a scam right?

>> No.50364513

yes 99% do not have utility

>> No.50364668

The very notion of "tokenized off-chain assets" is conceptually incoherent. It's essentially traditional finance with more steps and a slower database.

>> No.50364675

I finna sent you my exclusive dick pic NFT

>> No.50364713
File: 1.08 MB, 2337x3012, IMG-1330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another watch

>> No.50364750

nice try jeet

>> No.50364791

this is a very obvious fake

>> No.50364853
File: 1.47 MB, 4032x3024, IMG-1337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please post online pic and compare, you've all never seen luxury watch before
these are like jokes to me yet they're worth more than your entire net worth
and you try to argue with me, nigga you're all like bacteria in my eyes
munch my smegma or something but don't try to argue like you're equal creature to me

>> No.50364900
File: 7 KB, 256x256, 609A6E90-7C64-4F49-A314-BF88B79C06ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50364919

>Hi random Pajeet, can you mail me a new key to my house? Oh? You...just kept it for yourself?

>> No.50364921
File: 2.18 MB, 4032x3024, IMG-1342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have long hair
and don't make me post my amateur porn again, got 3 days b& last time

>> No.50364931

ahh biz always has cope and seethe to kek at

>> No.50364946

Shitty art is shitty art.

>> No.50364957

What ugly city is this, anyone know?

>> No.50364984
File: 2.66 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thank powell for inducing global recession, these retards need to be slapped in the face with starvation and cold temperature

>> No.50365021

It's funny how no one involved in NFTs has made an argument for their use that either doesn't already exist, or isn't easily remedied through some other method. They really hate anyone that tells them the truth.

>> No.50365113

Where's that reddit retard who bragged about rentcucking and owning nothing but spent $250,000 on a BAYC

>> No.50365119
File: 308 KB, 1600x1146, Jerome-Powell-Rolex-Submariner-Federal-Reserve-Chairman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigga jerome with his rolex
rolex wearers control the world

>> No.50365147

Unironically this, if your nft does not allow you to use a service its just pretty jpg or png you could have m2 saved.
Check out rarity gardens those guys have nfts that allow you to access a sweeping feature to buy more scams kek.

>> No.50365171

>entire game on blockchain
Woudlnt that be stupidly expensive?
Developers already have databases that cost a fraction of the blockchain there's literally no point in using it.
Nfts are a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

>> No.50365279

That ones ugly as shit, mirin the Cartier though

>> No.50365681

you're a zoomer, aren't you?

>> No.50365741

How does that work are you the only one who gets to watch it or do you get royalties or what

>> No.50365775
File: 157 KB, 1080x2320, sketch1657851696191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50365796

>city cuck

>> No.50365976

True. NFTs that actually justify their existence beyond being a fancy picture are the only ones that matter, like nft sneakers you can use to earn some gmt with. Otherwise it's just useless stuff with very little use besides dabbing on retarded people like the one in OP's pic

>> No.50366071

>logan paul
nothing of value was lost then

>> No.50366072

So, cryptogames are what is going to change the game? Because, c'mon... The NFTs that exist on cryptogames, is something with utility in some way, because everyone can interact with them

>> No.50366089
File: 445 KB, 1883x2208, 1652975948948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only NFTs with utility will mak-ACK

>> No.50366097

That's the idea. Because, for example, what can you do with a BAYC NFT? If I'm not wrong, yeah, there are some utilities with them, but you understand what I'm trying to say

>> No.50366101

you gotta be fucking kidding me lol

>> No.50366108


>> No.50366134

kek, this is true

>> No.50366207

Because the idea is the you would be able to transfer ownership of an asset from wallet to wallet without 3rd parties and having a smart contract settle things for you. Now before you sperg out, this is impractical in the current geopolitical environment, but that’s one theoretical use.

>> No.50366245

He owns nothing and is happy. It's the prophecy of the goyim fulfilled.

>> No.50366279

I remember arguing with some faggot about how Logan Paul a retard who failed upward and had no actual financial insight or intelligence in him at all and that faggot started citing Logan Paul's career accomplishments to me and insisting that I was just jealous that Logan Paul's NFTs and his crypto projects were going to make him a billionaire.

Eat shit faggot. I was right.

>> No.50366316
File: 169 KB, 412x412, rarestHulky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The NFT market has crashed.
I am posting a rare 1 of 1 Hulky, without the watermark, for the first time EVER, since it was bought for 6m worth of ETH. You are free to copy it.

>> No.50366703

The biggest stumbling blocks are laws. Your NFT crap won't help you dodge sales or capital gains tax. "Blockchain" isn't a magic bypass-all-laws glitch.
Good luck selling NFT real estate or whatever. You will still need a real deed.

>> No.50367126


>> No.50368017

GameFi has spiked the utilities of NFTs. The current downtrend in P2Es is a clear sign one should buy even more assets as they'll eventually become valuable assets. Games are not built in few months, it takes a long time and versions to get a working game. Sticking around Honeyland and Illuvium long-term as they will become even more valuable over time desu

>> No.50368108

>The NFT market has crashed.

There was never a market you fools. It's was a scam start to finish. A way to separate idiots from their money by creating the illusion of value with meaningless techno babble and an entirely faked marketplace.

>> No.50368444

There are three types of people

>those who don't understand NFT's and bought random shitty jpeg's for millions motivated by the FOMO
>those who don't understand NFT's and laugh at those types mentioned above, thinking themselves so much smarter
>those who understand NFT's in the context of the blockchain and web 3.0 revolution, how impactful it will be in business, apps, videogames, etc. and how much money it will move.

But to be fair, I would not be surprised about the apes actually paying off in the future, considering they have become such a meme.

>> No.50368498
File: 231 KB, 666x607, 1612757208165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NFTs are vastly overhyped and misused, but they do provide usage in letting people trade financial assets in DeFi (think of revenue streams, digitized shares, bonds, or leveraged positions). I wouldn't want them representing real-life assets due to a variety of security reasons, but they will absolutely go hand-in-hand with crypto in being able to exchange financial instruments with actual worth in a trustless fashion.

>> No.50368556

I should make it clear that I meant the exchange of financial instruments tied to projects that solely exist in DeFi (like exchanges and leveraging protocols), not real-world assets that are digitally wrapped.

>> No.50368584
