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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50355105 No.50355105 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to Everest General!

Everest is a VFA Licensed platform that issues and verifies user-owned digital identities, electronic wallets, document management, and a license for asset-backed stablecoins in order for users and businesses to verifiably and transparently engage in transactions.

It has two competitive advantages:
1) License to issue and redeem asset-backed stablecoins, so they get bank accounts everywhere; which means users in Brazil, Mexico, US, Europe, etc. can transfer in/out of their normal bank accounts.
2) Identity is owned by the user, so they can use their wallet to share proof of humanness, proof of uniqueness, proof of KYC, preserving their privacy and allowing them to monetize data about themselves.

If you have any questions, please ask
An EverChad will assist you shortly

>Where to buy ID Token


>How Remittance Payments Work

>Official Website

>White Paper

>Official Medium

>Discord Server Invite

>> No.50355620
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The Everest pasta and meme machine is as unrelenting as the Everest team’s approach. Only a dedicated few are here to play witness to the forefront of /biz/ memetics, let alone take a guiding hand in it. How joyously we meme, undeterred by the superfluous short term price action. A marvel takes hold as we produce the subsequent. The aesthetic, the detail - unsurpassed by our contemporaries. The gods themselves smile upon such creation. The crypto industry and regulators are moving full speed ahead to where Everest has been positioned for an age. Anons are demoralised and continue to miss the forest for the trees, but this is of little concern to us. We will continue to meme as the consciousness shifts in parallel with regulation. This time of ignorance is the comfiest of times. It feels good to be right. It feels even better to be right before everybody else. Treasure these days. They won’t be coming back.

>> No.50355723

i literally cannot fathom how anyone who saw these bumbling retards making a simple log in UI last year and failing, and proudly posting a gif of it, how anyone who saw that did not immediately sell forever

>but muh NWO connections!!
pure mental illness

>> No.50355758

The problem with the Everest community is not that they are gay, nor that they venerate a token that has performed poorly, run by an alleged goatfucker. No, the problem with the Everest community is the Reddit-tier egregorical dominance. There is less than 30 active people in the community at present, and only around 5 of which who do not share this juvenile understanding of memetics. Chainlink saw a similar manifestation in the early years, but the distribution between the hylics and the pneumatics in the community was significantly less severe than it currently is in Everest. Unfortunately I do not expect this trend to slow down. As with The Decline of The Link Marines, Everest’s own experience with normie followers will accelerate until it is completely overrun by hylics willingly posting their faces on Discord and Twitter, and such. The primary hope for Everest’s memetic consciousness is a bear market so distraught, it drives the Pajeets and controlbots away from /biz/ for such a time to allow ascended anons to migrate back to the board and see the world. For now we observe the three castes of the Everest community; The Fudders, who whether ironically or not; proclaim Everest to be a scam, The Reddit-tier hylics, these are those who make up the bulk of the community. They are positive, but their contributions leave a lot to be desired. And the anons, these are the ones who manifest.

Textbook fudder.

>> No.50355819
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The sheer tokenomics of Everest alone guarantees that one day 1 LINK = 1 ID. There are only 800,000,000 ID tokens which will be systematically burned by usage of features on the Everest platform, i.e. regulatory compliant KYCing. Not to mention every single institution in crypto and the legacy world wanting to onboard into DeFi will be forced to stake 250,000 tokens if they want full access to the features of Everest. It is not only well within the realms of possibility that 1 LINK = 1 ID given these tokenomics compared to Chainlink’s 1,000,000,000 model - it is an eventual guarantee. By the will of Kek and the All Father, this manifestation is destined to take place. Even if it takes Chainlink dumping further.

>> No.50355937
File: 131 KB, 848x1280, 2022-05-06 00.09.35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna become a god with this project. 5 years from now I'm gonna freeze time, and I'm gonna teleport in front of everyone on /biz/ who didn't buy everest, and I'm gonna unfreeze them, and I'll ask them "why didn't you buy everest". And then I'll delete their mouth before they answer like Neo in the matrix. And then, I'll bring your parents in front of you, and I'm gonna thanos snap them with a sly smile. "You deserved this. If only you had listened". Then I'll force them to suck my dick, and if they do a good job, I'm gonna hand them 0.001 ID (enough to live a luxurious life), but I'm gonna tear all their limbs off, and put them in a pod, and send them to the jungle to fend for themselves in a hunger-games like battle royale, except its all limbless people who just crawl around on the ground and get eaten by tigers and such. I'll also give myself an avatar that looks like a hyperborean alien, and I'll fly around like Levi from Attack on Titan, and assassinate random people. And I'll turn myself into a sissy manlet, and try to attack random brutish-looking fellows, and when they fight back, I'll just blow up their heads, so that their brains cover every surrounding object. Then I'll say "I did this because you are stupid and I'm better than you, you maggot, you should've bought everest, pic related, is me atm". Other times I'll give myself a 15 meter long dick and use it to destroy skyscrapers and stuff. Other times, I'll just randomly make someone smart lose 50 IQ points, or someone attractive suddenly have a really asymmetric face. When I'm done having fun with all the non-everestians who are imprisoned on earth, I'm gonna fly out into space and just explode the planet, and everyone dies, humanity is forgotten, except everest holders who ascended out of this plane of existence into a higher realm of infinite freedom joy and meaning.

TLDR:------> Everest ID is unstoppable. You can’t stop ID2020.

>> No.50355990

Yeah, they fucked up last year. The product team dropped the ball; undeniable.

but seriously, how do you look at this project, their credentials, and their road map (especially now) and think this isn't going to be big?

They're sending remittances between Mexico and the US cheaper than Moneygram and Western Union!

fuck off shit tier pajeet fudder

>> No.50356024

imagine if these guys partner with XRP
I heard they were at the Yacht Party

>> No.50356034

The thing with superior Everpastas is they have to come from a place of soul. Humor and elements of truth relating to Everest sprinkled around a compelling narrative is what will allow for successive reposting. It’s acceptable to come out with outrageous notions, but to rely on them completely is dull craftsmanship and makes the pasta stale. A good Everpasta will have an audience read it all the way through the first time they see it.
This anon has the right idea about avoiding Reddit-tier pop culture. Evermemes are simply above that. Don't worry about him though, he probably doesn't hold.

>> No.50356550
File: 122 KB, 1024x1396, Everest Crusader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rise up my brethren
we must answer the call

>> No.50356602

kek trying to bake a general after a few days of everest shilling. i wouldnt trust brad, that fat glaming bastard.

>> No.50356639

And who uses it for this purpose?