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File: 148 KB, 1200x1200, fb-tolstoy-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50352726 No.50352726 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everyone so autistic nowadays?

>at dinner
>cousin asks if im reading anything
>I say yeah I the death of ivan ilyich
>he asks if its fiction or non-fiction
>I honestly forget what the difference is so I just say it's a novel
>he says he doesn't read things that aren't real
>I say are you too good for Tolstoy or something
>he says he just prefers to learn while he reads
>I say there is plenty to learn from Tolstoy
>he says "things that have practical value"
>I just stop talking because at this point i'm actually uncomfortable

>> No.50352787

You are based, he is a basedboi practicuck.

>> No.50352816
File: 137 KB, 960x720, 63EE7DEF-6177-43B8-AE03-7E03501A3CFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t like reading fiction either, it never compares with reality

>> No.50352822

Your cousin is unironically a soulless prick.

>> No.50352835

He wants to use his free time to slave away for mutt coins

>> No.50352930

Sounds like your cousin is doing some strange flex in his head trying to act superior.

>> No.50353196
File: 169 KB, 1024x768, 1649412512628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autism on both sides of this conversation

>> No.50353418

That doesn't look like a bird

>> No.50353460

People who say there's nothing to learn from fictional stories are soulless

>> No.50353515
File: 122 KB, 578x559, c7T1nF2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think that's autism?
THIS is autism


>> No.50353518

I dont care for fiction either especially since i day dream fictional stories often anyway.

>> No.50353544

you spilled jelly under the H-orse you dumb C-unt

>> No.50353572

>Why is everyone so autistic nowadays?
>I honestly forget the difference between fiction and non fiction.

>> No.50353578

Based Tolstoy. Read the half mad lord.

>> No.50353597

Every book I have read has had at least one line that made me think about something in a different way. I only read books that are at least 100 years old though, except LOTR and Dune.

>> No.50353599

Funny since Death of Ivan Illyich does have practical value

>> No.50353607

so they couldn't think of an Iguana huh.

>> No.50353638

they already used iguana for G

>> No.50353680
File: 239 KB, 769x1024, 483951F4-AD19-4EA5-BE8B-68FC3CECD271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey anon what are you reading?
>oh it’s just “Brothers Karamazov”
>is it fiction or non fiction
>is there a difference?
Then you 360 and moonwalk away

>> No.50353708

and Giraffe for L so they couldn't put Ladybug there

>> No.50354176

The only metric of a book should be how long ago the author died. There's absolutely no reason to read something read from 1980+.

>> No.50355109
File: 23 KB, 400x388, 063 - JTxoEFm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had a roommate that also didnt want to play any vidya or watch any movies that arent 'real'.
no fantasy of any kind, no sci fi, no supernatural elements, nothing. even historical shit wasnt 'real' enough most of the time.
he liked to watch shitty obscure horror movies about truckers instead.
what a fucking twat.

>> No.50357797

Read enders shadow books and speaker for the dead/children of the mind. Noohh

>> No.50357963


>> No.50358114


textbook npc conversation. Completely pointless, useless, just passing the time. Better be in oblivion.

>> No.50358178

>Sounds like your cousin is doing some strange flex in his head trying to act superior.
this sounds accurate

>> No.50358241


>> No.50358261


>> No.50358725


>> No.50358952

should of given him a video of you taking a shit.

>> No.50359148
File: 271 KB, 900x871, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>he says "things that have practical value"

Preparing mentally for the time you will probably spend on your own death bed is pretty practical, we all have to face death in the end and those who don't come to terms with it, and I mean actually mentally becoming at peace with your own mortality, will have a lot of catch up to do in the end.

Oh and also realizing that most people in your life is probably just like the people in Ivan's life is pretty useful. If you had realized that too OP, you would have ended the conversation after line 4 in your greentext.

>> No.50359249


>> No.50359342

practical niggers are the worst. You don't read good books to gain low level ADviSE or KNAWLEDGE, but to build out your ability to conceptualize, imagine and build out empathy for people and settings that are foreign to you. you are building scaffolding for abstract ideas, so you when you encounter these patterns/abstractions irl you get it faster than monkey retards who only focus on their day to day lives. This was originally the goal of learning philosophy, logic or even going to college. YOU ARE not supposed to get ready made knowledge THAT IS SUPPOSED TO affect your immediate life. You don't need a fucking book for that.
Granted going all the way into theory and abstraction makes you a lefty soiboi s. Ideally you would need to have a mix of both, a balance of heaven and earth , abstraction and concreteness.

>> No.50359347

I unironically read random PDFs I find. I remember delving like 45 pages into some 200 page Afghanistan war report. It just sucks you in.

>> No.50359424

This. Kid is probably a youngster as well

>> No.50360018
File: 25 KB, 384x384, 5fb8093047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he says he just prefers to learn while he reads
Does he not get that if the author is very good, not some women author who writes shitty stuff for women, that fiction is based on reality or has a lot of ideas and elements which are very close to real life people and events or predicts some of the future and one can learn a lot from it. He sounds like he doesn't have any worthwhile imagination, an N P C cuck.

>> No.50360029

Unless you're reading statistics or some shit, all stories are "fiction" in your mind anyways, it's not like reading about ww1 is going to recreate the event in your mind 1 to 1, it's still an imagined movie in your mind

>> No.50361944

Based and trigonometry-pilled

>> No.50362016

If your cousin is female, that's just how women think in general. They are not too abstract, they mostly do things which are of actual use (like getting a job) in this clown society. Rarely you see a woman being a chess nerd because that won't give them any money nor will allow her to climb the social ladder by meeting people in positions of power (although chess nerd girls exist) If your cousin is a man, cut any relationships with that piece of shit now. He's an utter and complete retard

>> No.50362045
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>he asks if its fiction or non-fiction
>I honestly forget what the difference is so I just say it's a novel

>> No.50362053

There are probably 10x the amount of female fiction readers than there are male, it’s like you’ve never met a woman ever.