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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50350794 No.50350794 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ is making fun of us again

>> No.50350837

>having money

>> No.50350920

at least they recognize that all biz chads have 9 figures minimum

>> No.50351220

this dude is a gas station cashier with a 4 year art degree. I couldn't care any less about the criticism.

>> No.50351231

They're not wrong desu

>> No.50351280

Exactly. /biz/ is for broke people trying to dodge taxes

>> No.50351285

Thats the thing, only poor intellectuals think they would pursue intellectual things when theyre rich, instead of more about riches, thats why theyre poor

>> No.50351311

*instead of more riches

>> No.50351329

Maybe if they got on the crypto grind instead of reading all the time, they'd have some money.
Brokies should learn their place.

>> No.50351344

>partake in fine art
Fart-huffing pseuds.

>> No.50351350

I was rich 6 months ago faggot

>> No.50351405

No time for arts, too busy reproducing

>> No.50351436

>ITT: we all pretend to have read Infinite Jest

>> No.50351461

>reading books

>> No.50351466

/lit/ sucks. They don't even talk about fiction anymore, all muh stocism muh christianity muh nietzche bullshit like /his/ and /pol/.
At least I can thank them for actually getting me into reading, but it is not a valuable resource anymore.

>> No.50351468
File: 155 KB, 462x332, 73270D50-C088-4C28-82C1-68C00065EDF5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fine art
>slang for cp
checks out

>> No.50351474
File: 45 KB, 960x960, 240628AC-74A6-4912-8283-2743D7E41135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh books and art
I joined MENSA when I was in my early 20's. I've never met a bigger group of circle-jerking self-righteous smug pontificating faggots in my whole life.
>I read 800 pages of some nigger's unfounded opinion
No one gives a fuck.
>The fact that I read those pages and recite them as my own opinion means you should cede your reason and logic to my "expertise"!
I hope you die in flames.
There's a common weakness with these pieces of shit; they think they are smarter than everyone else; see OP's post. Their hubris makes them easy to take advantage of.
/biz/ and /pol/ are the true brain boards.

>> No.50351489

Reading is for faggots

>> No.50351501

Do NFTs count?

>> No.50351506

He is right though, this board is full of pseuds that think they're investment geniuses for winning a couple grand on some shitcoin.

>> No.50351560

i dont even read the shit that bizraelis post in their schizo threads, no chance im reading gay books

>> No.50351618

/lit/ died when that alt chan for Christian losers shut down and they all moved to /lit/ and started arguing about books they hadn't read because the op post made them angry and they felt the need to spread the gospel.

>There's a common weakness with these pieces of shit; they think they are smarter than everyone else; see OP's post. Their hubris makes them easy to take advantage of.
The smartest people I know who got into crypto all lost money because they thought if people they perceive as less intelligent than them made money it must be easy and proceded to buy into retarded scams like ICP and Luna.

>> No.50351645

My lit intake has noticeably gone down since I started investing which is also around the time I started working. Living in a work routine for me at least has diminished some of my patience and attention span I think because I’m forced to use both at work. Still I have read some great works in the last few years, I finished Moby Dick about a month ago I don’t think it has aged the best. However, I haven’t picked anything new up yet I’ve been getting more into reading manga I think because it’s easier and quicker to read and also it easily keeps your attention if the art is good. My intake of film has also diminished and of course the worst part is my portfolio has diminished recently lol

>> No.50351651
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as if anyone on there reads fine art

>> No.50351674

>I finished Moby Dick about a month ago I don’t think it has aged the best.

>> No.50351789

500 pages of whale anatomical descriptions and Melville defending whaling as some supreme art where they stand with the Pantheon of Greek gods and are praised by kings because they brought the goods for them to make a candle. I just don’t think that aspect aged well, back in those days obviously not as much was known about whales scientifically by the general public but I wasn’t trying to read the world’s longest Wikipedia article on whales and why some Hindu god depiction of them isn’t quite accurate. Everything else was very well done with the actual descriptions of whaling and the characters, Ahab is a great character but if 50% of the book had been left on the floor it would have been a better read imo.

>> No.50351887

its ok man you got filtered, just admit it, you're a brainlet and nothings wrong wit that, moby dick is a challenging book. Not everyone is going to like james joyce either, and that's fine. you do you.

>> No.50351898
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Relax book boi

>> No.50351932

tbf luna did like a trillion X before it shat the bed

>> No.50351997

I love James Joyce though

>> No.50352002

I liked the anatomical descriptions. You make it sound like they were bland infodumps but it was all very well written. If anything I would say it should be more interesting to a contempary audience since whaling is so far removed from the public consciousness now compared to back then and hunting and processesing whales is an inherently interesting job.

>> No.50352084

At the end of the day I just don’t care about whales that much. They are cool, but I’m not a zoologist. The journey and the idea of being out at sea for that long, Shan’s insane obsession with revenge and the diversity of the crew all coming together for the same goal was very good and some of it ahead of its time for sure but the rest was a slog for me and I have read longer novels. I never felt like I was slogging through War and Peace for instance even though I’m not Russian nor in the military.

>> No.50352159

i learned how to read on this website, everything ive ever learned has been from /biz/. im still in 8 figure hell but im definitely more comfortable than i was when i was working a 9-5

>> No.50352188
File: 76 KB, 1024x658, E8476D60-CEBC-494B-940C-7DECED505CDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proceded to buy into retarded scams
You love to see it.

>> No.50352225

Christian posters are a minority, Nietzsche favs are infinitely worse.

Every day a Nietzsche thread with the same basic questions!

>> No.50352540

based. I've learned a lot on here too. /o/, /g/, /biz/, /fit/, /k/, even /fa/ to some extent can be very helpful.

>> No.50352680

He's right. this board is 95% retards trying to make a quick $10k with their $500 in seed capital and 5% people who actually comprehend the technology and are unironically init4thetech.

>> No.50352725

>caring about what broke niggas think
/lit/ is the most depressed board on 4chan, even more depressed than /r9k/ and /adv/. And I didn't mean depressing, I meant depressed, as in it has the largest proportion of users that have depression from reading all their melodramatic shit. Why should I care about what a bunch of depressed nerds think about me when I have six figures in the bank?

>> No.50352761

This describes me, I work in crypto professionally, but I’m also investing about $100k this year in the hopes that next bull run I can retire as a rich faggot and just raise my kids and run little Tony Soprano style schemes and businesses until I croak

>> No.50352940

As long as you understand what you're getting into.

Keep current on industry news and you're basically golden.

>> No.50353043

>im still in 8 figure hell
>decimals: 5

>> No.50353446
File: 79 KB, 391x392, 1634549107803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read a few books but the idea that books are inherently superior to any other medium of information is retarded.
Also "fine art" (and NFTs ironically) is propped up by rich people doing tax evasion. So partaking in that is dumb as hell.
These pretentious assholes can suck my fucking nuts

>> No.50353717

Most of these people are prey... They can be smart or fake it til they make it as much as they will. But it doesn't change the fact they are still a half-ape man that is susceptible to nature and its most intelligent designs. They can even go the entire length of totalitarianism and to find a way to rout out the predator; it still would not change the fact they are still in the designation of prey, and that the game as old as evolution itself will still take place.

>> No.50353820

>the least intellectual board
All of these boards are devoid of intelligent thought.

>> No.50353840

Not for years.

>> No.50353896

>business & finance
I went on /lit/ once saw 6 karl marx threads, realised there was nothing of value there (even less value then /n/) nice to see I am still correct in my assumption.

>> No.50354608

Because you're such an alpha and reading good literature is for beta sois isn't it?

>> No.50356211

What is your excuse for being a faggot?

>> No.50356237

>make a quick $10k with their $500 in seed capital
I unironically did this by buying link in 2018, sitting now around 4k.

I finished a TA book a few days ago, and study economics in my own time. Reading fiction is for children. Spend your time actually learning instead of consooming

>> No.50356280

>board is called /lit/
>24/7 the dullest shit
Where the fuck is the fire

>> No.50356453

This and I'm also /fit/ and could break his skull in one punch

>> No.50357204

I unironically bizpost while I'm at the Smithsonian, fuck /lit/

>> No.50357307

literally me buying shib april last year
being my first ever foray into crypto I didn't want to buy more eth to pay the insane gas fees when the mania was at its highest so I never sold the top

>> No.50357341

Where's the lie?

>> No.50357350

>anything useful

>> No.50357472

Jokes on him.
I spend a lot of time in jail. Used to read one book each day. Limit to borrow was 10 books each week. I was allowed 15.
They even had books such as 'the Israel lobby' and esoteric shit like madame Blatavsky. After countless of books, I can easily say the Bible is the only book you'll need

>> No.50357497

>reading books

>> No.50357616

>they think we are the least intellectual board
retarded, they must not visit other boards much