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File: 131 KB, 3000x2000, apps-to-start-side-hustle-4134658-Final-9529244b54914c0194b038a0975f17a0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50349904 No.50349904 [Reply] [Original]

Side hustles. don't want to wage slave my whole life. I have 1 going. selling used clothing online. I make $1000-$1500 a month after fees etc. I do about 1 hour of work a day for this.

lets get some ideas going. I'll explain more if someone wants.

>> No.50350260


>> No.50350319

explained here

>> No.50350508

You mean to tell me you're making $41 an hour selling used clothes? Unlikely

>> No.50350629

These "1 hour side hustles" are always scams.
You expect us to believe that you
>go thrift shopping for your inventory searching for specific brands
>take professional pictures for and maintain your online retailer account, interact with customers, etc.
>steam clean the clothes yourself
>package and ship clothes
all of that you spend 7 hours per week doing? That's a heaping pile of bull shit.

>> No.50350823

I sell milsurp, mostly clothing and I worked maybe an hour a day on average if I included driving a couple hours to get the inventory from the warehouse
Interacting with customers takes a minute or two, photos seconds, I don't bother to clean anything, packaging again takes a couple minutes once you know what you're doing. The only real time spent is getting the items, listing them (even then takes minutes at most including the photos once youre familiar) and shipping (but if I was going to get groceries or my other job I would just drop it in a postbox on the way). Make about $1000 a month
Now I have an employee to do all that so I work maybe 5 minutes a day on average

>> No.50350952

>Make about $1000 a month
>Now I have an employee to do all that
You kiddos are so bad at larping

>> No.50350970

Yeah, I have no doubt that your shitty wrinkled clothing that you spend seconds taking blurry pictures to sell to obese larping boomers only takes a small amount of your time.
I'm talking about OP's gig which is complete horse shit.

>> No.50351433

A single mother who takes $300 a month to work maybe an hour a day. She seems happy with it

>> No.50352797

nope youre wrong

>goto thrift store
>look through all the clothes in a fast manner
>look for specific labels
>take home
>3-4 photos

that whole process is 1 hour. I get 1-3 items from the store. I live 15min away. searching takes 15min. photos + steaming is 5-10 min.

The packaging is less then 10 min. take to post office on the way to the thrift store.

perhaps not 1 hour. but pretty damn close.

you can use imacros for the website and copy paste stuff.

consistency is king

>> No.50353071

this is basically me. after a bunch of times doing it you find a rhythm. you find ways to go faster and integrate it into your life. it becomes second nature like going to the gym or whatever. you find shortcuts. and ways to make it faster and easier.

again. its a grind. but consistency is king.

>> No.50353301

Ive been flipping on eBay for a while and I have made realistically about 100 a month. I sell anything I can make a profit on. There is so little money in it due to fees but I like finding weird stuff and keeping it and selling anything else along the way.

Last two purchases were a record and a manga book.

Sold the record for 9 and the book for 20. Cost to ship both were 8. eBay fees about 6. Packing products about a 1. Out of 29 bucks I made 12 bucks.

>> No.50353358

find better sources. learn your niche and apply. get something where the profit makes sense.

>> No.50353431

The local thrift stores want too much for there products where there’s no point in reselling them, I have watched them raise prices. Garage sales have been a bust. I use to love estate sales and they were my golden goose but they are all run by companies now. These scam companies charge ebay -15% leaving zero profit.

I mainly hope I catch something the employees are unaware of. Usually something like weight sets or an antique phone they have listed for $4 even tho it’s worth $150. Far and few between tho

>> No.50353526

I got super lucky with my source. you could try thrift by the pound type places. also known as the "bins". its pretty dirty and you dig through piles of shit. but you can get started.

you get lucky. thrifting feels like robbing and treasure hunting.
Prada winter jacket - $29.99 .
YSL leather pants NWT - $9.99

the only issue is finding a buyer really at that point. some stuff gets sold same day I list them. aka Nike Tech fleece type stuff. I double check they're legit and they are.

you have to go daily or atleast 3x a week. it takes time. once you get that easy lay up its addicting. my only issue now is storage. I find most of my shit sells with time.

pro tip: buy a label gun. and retag some shit.

>buy pants
>take tag
>put on other pants that don't sell

I sorta fell into this shit cause I had a good source by me.

>> No.50353568

Clothing has an advantage since theres so much and most people dont care or think about its value when selling
But if you want to make real money you need a steady supply of profitable inventory and to increase your volume. I may sell tiny padlocks and only make 2/3 dollars profit each. But if I sell a few a month...and then sell a few pairs of gloves and sunglasses, etc suddenly it all adds up and with the volume comes ease, easier to deal with 100 of those padlocks then a new pair of shoes

>> No.50353636
File: 13 KB, 396x396, 87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>side hustle
Call it what it is. A 2nd job.

>> No.50353752

Clothing is really hard to break into if you aren’t familiar with brands. I buy my shit at target and wear plain cheap stuff. You could show me 50 brands and I wouldn’t be able to tell you what’s worth more. I mainly do it to collect cool shit I will never sell. The flipping is extra

>> No.50353837
File: 102 KB, 591x1280, EA060C51-3FAE-4D0E-AA53-854366B5D4AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m gonna dump some of the neat stuff I have collected. Gave him 75 for this

>> No.50353871
File: 290 KB, 1280x958, 47FE9ADB-1DD8-415C-8F46-30B2B63B33EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I this this is only worth about 150 but it’s pretty cool. I wouldn’t sell it

>> No.50353926

Same actually, I started selling milsurp because i found it interesting myself and started collecting. Then I noticed the air force base near where I lived dumped their stuff on a nearby auction site every week and the clothing specifically was completely unwanted so I'd spend like $25 for 100 shirts. The knowledge of what sells and for how much came after I started trying

>> No.50353944
File: 277 KB, 1280x958, 482FC0B3-934A-4552-8D5A-76D49EE73EB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is worth 1k but I don’t even know how I’d sell it. Probably gonna open it on my death bed

>> No.50353973
File: 469 KB, 1280x958, 83CDE892-C98B-473F-8013-E6AC4579BB24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old school hentai

>> No.50354021

yah I was the same. wanted to expand my wardrobe for work. then covid. I work at home now. I don't need half my shit. so I resold it online.

it REALLY isn't that hard with clothing.

go on youtube
"what sold this week on poshmark"

turn on 2x the speed and learn. you can always search the item online before buying. you can also exchange or maybe..return.

legit doesn't take IQ400 for it. start small and grow

>> No.50354035

talk about it with us senpai.
entrepreneurship general pisscord

>> No.50354038
File: 443 KB, 1280x958, 1FEFD852-A6F1-471D-9C3D-095D5A23F3CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My everyday briefcase, I like the old school look

>> No.50354117
File: 284 KB, 1280x958, D08B2519-6601-4185-8608-8E9F2B522B9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought rusty weights at a garage sale and repainted them. All the other shit I bought new tho

>> No.50354405

any decent shit gets taken out from thrift stores by employees before it even hits the shelves. Only a high end area in a big city might have good shit. Location is everything.

>> No.50354411

I tried my hand at selling old video games. It sucks. If the item is worth less than $20 its not worth my time or effort

>> No.50354488

Only time I have been ripped off on eBay. Buyer said I didn’t ship them the games and sent them an empty box. He then deleted his account after getting his money back

>> No.50354498

Neat stufff man, I don't get a whole lot of interesting stuff anymore though did just buy some Italian spurs and knives, rusty as hell but still sell well
Literally all I do is type what it is into ebay and look at what people are trying there. Afterwards once I'm selling I can see if it's too low/high but usually just slightly below average is best

>> No.50354596

if you really make that much doing so little work, you should try to scale, not find another hustle
but if you weren't lying you would've understood this

>> No.50355070


>> No.50355763

I unironically use GMT as a side hustle despite being nowhere as good as it used to be. I'd rather use that instead of those survey pages at the very least but that's just my opinion.

>> No.50356514
