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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50344117 No.50344117 [Reply] [Original]


in just a matter of one month, Polygon secured partnerships with

>Coca Cola

its official, we’re gonna make it bois

>> No.50344174
File: 56 KB, 1124x764, c2b5d4af-2a59-4f32-8e3e-2ca62a177d91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking giga pump

>> No.50344309
File: 104 KB, 1125x1065, 5f14b3e1-23f4-457b-abc8-85f0ae326724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state of seethers in other MATIC threads is so fucking funny

>> No.50344361

matic is based, and rvlt on quickswap is leveraged matic

>> No.50344369 [DELETED] 

hey nigger, i have avax

>> No.50344397
File: 47 KB, 929x1175, AVAX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey nigger, i have AVAX

>> No.50344422

Yo, f a m, I hope all involved parties have done relevant IP due diligence. >>50343993

>> No.50344441

based. fuck this pajeet coin

>> No.50344474
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not too fast faggot

>> No.50344519

I don't particularly like panjeets, reddit, NFTs, disney, coca cola, crypto currency, or panjeets. However I do like making money to fund the expensive task of rearing many white babies & accumulating arms and munitions.

>> No.50344540

Based. That’s all shitcoins should ever be used for.

>> No.50344561


>> No.50344611

Hahah no you can't redeem your avax anymore
>Hates this coin
No you just hate money
Stay poor rajesh if you're still asking why you're poor you've answered it yourself

>> No.50344629

Including you ranjeet >>50344397

>> No.50344634
File: 68 KB, 979x1024, monies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you like profits then you automatically like MATIC
look at what i did last week

>> No.50344650
File: 50 KB, 650x650, HAHAHAAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50344656

Yeah that's what I've been saying
Don't get absorbed in these faggot endeavours
They're ngmi
These goys exist to get manipulated

>> No.50344685

This shitcoin better do something soon instead of fucking disney "accelerator" bullshit. Can't believe I've been bagholding for more than a year.

>> No.50344700

>Hey nigger, i baghold a dead turk roach coin

>> No.50344735

>proceeds to pump harder than a motherfucker when the entire market was down

>> No.50344784
File: 235 KB, 1124x1137, avax camp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello sirs

>> No.50344837

My favorite thing about matic is /biz/ seething about based jeets. The money is nice, but it's secondary.

>> No.50344838

What are ya getting at fag?
I'm a based matic Chad with 20k tokens on the Vishnu blockchain
This time Vishnu has shown his true form by linking up with lord Shiva Disney
Disney is the absolute NPC hub
Matic pumps this hard in this bear market
Imagine if it was announced in a bull market things would have been soaring high as a mf
I expect to reach top 3 in charts toppling ETH already exit scammed coin

>> No.50344955

i mean matic is performing amazingly compared to other coins now
it literally mooned for the 3rd time this month when the entire market was a sea of red

>> No.50345104

Yes it will continue to do so
It's decentralised unlike Sol
More big corp will invest in this coin and continue to do the needful

>> No.50345475

Plz sirs pump it back above $3, my villae is starvings

>> No.50345514

Bump for lord Shiva!

>> No.50346555

You have to zoom out.

>> No.50346608

>Disney start up subsidiary
Its going to $0.05

>> No.50348525

I wish MATIC would partner with NEAR/aurora.

>> No.50348611

wagmi maticbros