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50341189 No.50341189 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50341238

Hello eurocucks, here's 99 cents for 1 (one) whole euro (ticker: $EUR). I brought it all in the form of pennies, so be sure to count every cent, but don't worry, there is less than 100.

>> No.50341251

It was below a dollar earlier today. Europoors living up to their name, kek. At least they're owning the heckin russian chuds and Putin!

>> No.50341270


>> No.50341272
File: 137 KB, 559x768, rgas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine beeing a europoor and not beeing in euro debt for low interest

>> No.50341282

I unironically maxed out my credit and bought US dollars.

>> No.50341312

If these economic and social conditions continue for another decade then there will be another one. Fuentes will be America's.

>> No.50341342


>> No.50341429

Not a chance
A white anglo or germanic american will eventually lead the cleansing wars and bring continuity back to your once proud continent

>> No.50341504
File: 44 KB, 500x387, 1627616803765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hitler didnt print billions
You deserve all that you are getting

>> No.50341520

Look the effects of a good national gas policy has benefits far beyond price

>> No.50341556
File: 95 KB, 1500x1200, laughingpepe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the germans had oil during WW2

>> No.50341585

this is only indicates that Powell doing QT.
Eventually you're seeing the end of the dollar as a world's reserve currency and crash of economies that are heavily relied on US.
I don't see how this is a laughing matter

>> No.50341603

>debtmaxxing: Berlin

>> No.50341606

holy fucking shit
go back

>> No.50341615


never thought BUSD would be my way out of wagecucking bros

>> No.50341641
File: 137 KB, 656x611, pepe zoomer haircut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally with companies beginning to ghost pajeets due to their retardation and mexicans slowly returning to mexico due to american car companies putting all their factories there I think we'll probably see an increase in European immigration, assuming current total immigration levels stay the same. So we'll probably see current European migration increase from 100k~ to 200-300k, as Europeans migrate to certain parts of the US.

I don't think too many, since we have no free healthcare and Europeans think the USA is a gun paradise. But probably rightwing Europeans, women and poorfags who just come here to pick fruit will probably move to the west.

>> No.50341664

Oh geez china is fucked.

>> No.50341687

It's almost impossible as a European to immigrate to the US.
You guys only accept pajeets and mexicans.
A Dutch engineer with 3 degrees and speaking 8 languages will struggle to come though. A lot of Yuropoors like me would like to, but mostly because European salaries are shit.
A barista in Portland makes more than a German BMW engineer.

>> No.50341703
File: 150 KB, 1024x1024, 1626929253231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Printing press running hot
>No gas
>No oil
>No coal
>60% tax
>Free government gibs
>"We need to fix society"

>Printing press running hot
>No gas
>No oil
>No coal
>60% tax
>Free government gibs
>"We need to fix society"

Germany is not collapsing it always have been.

>> No.50341715

both china and japan have been selling US bonds as for recently.

>> No.50341742

you are literally too normie to get Hitler gas jokes
holy fucking shit I hate you faggots

>> No.50341761

dumb normalnigger

>> No.50341783
File: 111 KB, 933x903, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not laughing at your "jokes"
I'm laughing at (You)

>> No.50341810
File: 961 KB, 811x955, 1656959324879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50343963

don't compare us with pajeets, we Mexi's been on this land long before the Maryflower shit, so fuck you.

>> No.50344649

Get enslaved and raped brownie, you speak a whitebois language now

>> No.50344663

Work visas.

>> No.50344681

>be the descendant of spaniards
>"heh, but there weren't enough spaniards to bleach the natives, so I'm 35% aztec"
Not gonna work sorry. Also aztecs were in fact not in the continental usa and land ownership laws don't recognize "we were there for a while doing nothing" as legitimate ownership because that's retarded.

>> No.50345020

>rEeE yOu BeTtER gEt muH eDgY GaS JeWS jOkeS
Go back to Kindergarten

>> No.50345144

Are you a literal retard? Every Mexican with native DNA is literally a descendant of the original settlers of the americas that crossed the Bering strait. Didn’t they reach you that in school retard? It doesn’t matter if Aztecs weren’t in the US, they are still the original settlers of North America. Not to say that I want them here since Mexicans are mostly ugly and retarded but you can’t deny that they have a claim to be in the US, especially since half of America used to be a part of Mexico.

>> No.50345155

I am a german zoomer and pissed at losing my money to LINK. Should I just start namedropping the jew in public speeches? Also can't we use globohomo against themselves and meme 1 person to be the dictator of the world?

>> No.50345199

EU cucks forever lost to americhads. it's over. let's just hand over our women and hope our stepsons receive their superior genes and spirit

>> No.50345231

I fucking hate that all retailers in the EU, Canada, Aus, etc all base their prices on the USD. wtf