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File: 257 KB, 1078x1050, 1652241369652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50341169 No.50341169 [Reply] [Original]

Is it still worth it to get into nfts these days or maybe not? I haven’t found anything that’s even remotely interesting so I would like some recommendations if possible. Thanks.

>> No.50341330

i don't like to buy in bear desu, but NFTs are a nice investment despite the status of the market

>> No.50341390
File: 645 KB, 972x1116, 1619359947230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My rec? Kill yourself
NFTs are a ponzi and the only way to profit them is joining early

>> No.50341441
File: 253 KB, 850x477, bayc11-850x477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought this one. Don't even think about trying to screenshot or saving it.

>> No.50341452

don't buy nfts nigga
do you want easy money? stake
do you want risky investments? trade
do you want to lose money? nfts

>> No.50341483

>bored ape google search
>first pic
>upload it to the board
>"hey anons, check my nft"
nice larp anon, try harder next time

>> No.50341528

yeah, but with the tokens dumping, nfts lose value too

>> No.50341540

why would he try harder?

>> No.50341544

No anon. NFTs are a scam get over it

>> No.50341545

>My rec? Kill yourself
this is the one and only valid comment ITT, fuck y'all faggots

>> No.50341558

Honest question: What are the perks of having one of those BAYC?

>> No.50341586

you get to brag to poorfags that you "own" a jpeg

>> No.50341588

I got some sweet ass stepn™ sneakers

>> No.50341609

Didn't you had access to some night clubs and party and shit like that?

>> No.50341613
File: 118 KB, 592x800, 1654539102329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50341616

Says who nigger. HAve fun trying to sell to some other idiot your 300k jpeg

>> No.50341619
File: 354 KB, 2392x1920, 1612463077096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NFTs are not a scam, I bought this house with a couple of collections

>> No.50341624
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>> No.50341633

Imagine being this much of an astrofaggot

>> No.50341636

This. Thread this shit nigga

>> No.50341640

Stepn is not that bad imo. At least their nft do something useful to actively make money

>> No.50341653
File: 419 KB, 1080x1080, 164372832718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch this bitching mofo

>> No.50343032

fuck yes. like em or hate em, people who invested in NFT made the most profits during the past run and they’ll keep on making more this run as well.

in fact, so much money is being poured into developing new NFT marketplaces. there are some crypto entities like Hbar foundation that allocated literally a quarter billion solely for Metaverse development