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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50337073 No.50337073 [Reply] [Original]

still havent made it.
well thats not the full story, i was on my way to making it until i got divorced 3 years ago, ended up moving to a new state where i now work minimum wage, live alone in a tiny apartment, have no friends, no contact with family or any sort of career prospects.
im doomed right? theres no way back from here? $600 to my name

>> No.50337130

What a fucking loser dude!! I got 220k on my name and I haven't even hit 25. Dude what were you doing in the greatest bull run in history (2008-2021)?

>> No.50337138


Google Certs.

>> No.50337195

Just take shit agency jobs and move around, see the world a bit.

>> No.50337225
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>> No.50337230

Post bank statements or shut the fuck up.

>> No.50337232

I'll be your friend anon

>> No.50337282

>Dude what were you doing in the greatest bull run in history (2008-2021)?
missing it like the majority of people. i wasnt unaware of what was going on with crypto or the markets in general, i just felt like i was participating in the upside of the move through property ownership and as the years passed by felt like it was enough to be casually gaining from it.
i am no longer a property owner.

>> No.50337380

Why would a divorce force you to settle for minimum wage & make you incapable of making friends or keeping contact with your family? Are you really that retarded?

>> No.50337406
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This is for one my exchanges, now let's see yours?

>> No.50337455

This is actually a good suggestion. You might not have much here, but on the other hand, you don't have much keeping you here!! Once you get to somewhere like SE Asia, you can find jobs teaching English or whatever pretty easily (I know from experience) for beer money and cheap lodging. A couple years ago you could get 2 bedroom apartments in Tibet for $200/mo or less

>> No.50337499

You obviously never experienced years of suicidal depression. Kinda skews your perspective, a tad.

>> No.50337670

More likely an incel bait thread

>> No.50337679

just go mgtow and you'll be rich by 50 with plenty of time to retire early. not even joking youre broke because you married

>> No.50337713


As in "Google Certificates" anon. Education for us poor and pressed for time folk.

>> No.50337770

i have more than you
a lot can happen in 15 years
cool your jets and be grateful and understand not everyone was as lucky as you were
imagine unironically not understanding that most if not all of life is associated with ultimately, luck

>> No.50337791

It gets a lot worse from here.

>> No.50337804

probs right

>> No.50337837


>> No.50337849

I call that a win frien. Being married is worse than prison. Enjoy your freedom

>> No.50338035

>was on my way to making it
>work mim wage at 40

something doesnt add up

>> No.50338063

Why would i have 220k in one type of asset?

>> No.50338253

Shit sucks fren. Try to unfuck your head first. Try to have one positive thing in your life to focus on when you're not working. Could be anything, being in nature, exercise, meditation, reading the classics from the library, literally anything you could do consistently to not feel miserable. Look for a better job, make yourself essential there, and slowly rebuild your stacks. No one said it would be easy, but what other choice do you have?

>> No.50338388

I just turned 40 a few weeks ago. I know you are supposed to pretend like you are above it, but it stings desu. I only landed my first real middle-class job a few weeks prior too. It's hard to say though, I would hustle to find something better before the recession, but no I don't think it's too late. I'm personally trying to find beauty in all the small parts of life, or some shit. But I don't know. Just two years prior I was hanging out at the beach with a bunch of 20 year-olds and still having fun, but you know that ended after hitting on one of them. Anyway, what I'm getting at is things can still change, but the odds are less on your side at this point. You can beat the odds with hard work though, it's an exceptional rather than the and most don't bother, but it does feel good once you finally try. Go down swinging brother.

>> No.50338504
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work on your meatsack. your physical health is the most important thing you have and your most valuable asset is Time. stop feeling sorry for yourself and become the captain of your ship, master of your soul.

>> No.50338531

Turned 40 a month ago. Made $5m this last run from about $25k. Round tripped half of it, taxes took a chunk from me, and had a “friend” who worked for me steal $250k. Absolutely hate everything about crypto, NFTs, every piece of shit person in the space. But having the best sex of my life with a straight up stunner (out of my league desu), so I don’t give a flying fuck about any of that. My advice is to find some tail and do some drugs and travel. You don’t need much money to enjoy life, mate.

>> No.50338567

I turned 40 in February and it's literally over, still living with the folks, I don't mind that at all, but almost broke and nobody will hire me, I almost made it in the 2017 bullrun, but fell for the HODL meme, ageism is real, nobody wants to hire the 40 year old guy.

>> No.50338571

Just like the movie American Beauty when Kevin Spacey took the minimum wage job cuz he was so fed up with life

>> No.50338628

aaah yes so OP was just too bored with all his success. got it.

>> No.50338644

Doordash,,grubhub etc... I'm a 59-year-old white guy who was released because of age discrimination and this helps pay the bills plus you work when you want it's actually not too bad

>> No.50338668

how is that going now with the price of gas?

>> No.50338678

I had 3mil at 23, shut the fuck up u poorfag and have some compassion

>> No.50339038

how did u get no fiat for your home? wtf

>> No.50339058

Gas is going down again, at least a little.

>> No.50339258

Holy fuck this is embarrassing. The greatest bullrun in history and you only made it out the other side with 220k? YOu are nearing 30, it's literally over for you my dude. I don't even know what to say to you.

>> No.50339263

i work in a factory and literally half the fucking employees are 40+

>> No.50339443

Most people don't start saving until their late 30s so you're not that far off

>> No.50339470

>ageism is real, nobody wants to hire the 40 year old guy.

Your 40s is supposed to be your highest paying years.....

>> No.50339480

Lmao my brother is a pro baseball player that literally makes 100k per game and retards in this thread are bragging about 200k net worth at 30 years old

>> No.50339491

kek, real life is a bit different from people write about in articles online.

>> No.50339690

At least you had a wife and sex. I'm 27 and haven't had my first kiss yet

>> No.50339927

Are you a queer

>> No.50339950

I hope you deserved the divorce. You propably cheated.

>> No.50339994

Obviously not. If he was gay, his body count would always be 3 digits.

>> No.50340035

I wish. I hate women

>> No.50340212

People also ask
How old was Colonel Sanders when he got rich?
He achieved success only at the age of 40, and became a millionaire after 60, having lost everything before that.

>> No.50340607

Not gonna lie, if I were you and were totally unsatisfied with my life and accomplishments, I'd probably kill myself. Life sucks, and not everybody can be astronauts. Some just born, breathe a little, and then die. Not everybody is destined to have a great story or great adventures. I hope somehow you find peace at least. I'm about to turn 38 myself, schizoid, no woman, no kids, no job, extreme fatigue, dysthymia. It gets harder to laugh, but sometimes I still can. But I have brothers and a sister, mom still lives, and a few friends. I hope you find the motivation not to give up. Good luck, stranger

>> No.50340641

he was a real person?

>> No.50341999

Post bank statements and front and back of your credit card or shut the duck up bitch

>> No.50342102

The fuck are you even talking about? Why does every person who uses the word incel sound like a mentally unstable person? There is nothing being talked about here that relates to "incels".

>> No.50342224

have sex

>> No.50342243

have sex, incel.

>> No.50342584
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>> No.50342620
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>> No.50342736

> well thats not the full story
Yeah it is. Stopped reading right there lol

>> No.50343300
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George Foreman won the championship at 43. Rodney Dangerfield got his big break at 47. Estelle Getty from The Golden Girls began her acting career at 55.

>> No.50343967
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>35 years old
>50k$ in bank
parents own few houses 300-400k$ net worth
I can live with 200-300k$ for an eternity or just live in one house and rent the rest

but man I'm so afraid
we are one civil war or foreign intervention away...
I rather be poor in 1st world than rich here

>> No.50344058

You can have a great story and adventures without anything at all. Just go do shit.

>> No.50345284

No worries. You'll have lost it all by 40