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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50334929 No.50334929 [Reply] [Original]

What coin has everyone been monitoring lately? I'm watching ORN.

>> No.50334959

this fucking board has me on so much hopium i'm just waiting for lunc day; august 22 to hit

>> No.50335093

>meme pick: D0B0

>> No.50335168


>> No.50335409

Only BTC.

>> No.50335753


>> No.50335842


>> No.50335863

Matic is on fire!! and I'm still watching it.

>> No.50335914

BTC and XMR as they are the only two that matter.

>> No.50336090


>> No.50336110

If the government doesn't shut it down.

>> No.50336165


>> No.50336191

I see what you did there, they both use Proof of authority. well, it's the most eco-friendly around.

>> No.50336221

They are holding strong regardless of the legal case.

>> No.50336276
File: 6 KB, 249x157, 1657743932898s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm watching raiinmaker, OP. They allow degens to monetize their social influence and stack cryptos, nfts, digital gift cards etc, regardless of the size of their social influence.

>> No.50336298

Lamborghini is a nice car with just the right crypto investment a car like that could become affordable in a matter of months. Given the present bullish trend of the market. ORN will do it for me.

>> No.50336466
File: 2 KB, 95x125, 1650974777318s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stack some Matic by creating and posting content using raiinmaker, Pajeet. I will be f*ckng rich and travel around the world in few years, Fa

>> No.50336539


>> No.50336571
File: 65 KB, 559x624, IMG_20211205_162805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's nice, Anon. But proof of influence will be a big thing in web3 in the near future. Raiinmaker has been utilizing it to make sure that value is distributed back to the user in the form of Crypto and NFT Rewards.

>> No.50338625


>> No.50340060

Privacy solutions are based and would still be around after government regulations anon. They are the best long-term investments I'm aware of.

>> No.50340171

Yeah. They would come out victorious

>> No.50340183

Yeah. They would come out victorious

>> No.50340984
File: 134 KB, 1024x894, B112B069-868A-4B4F-9ED9-672C0DD61CE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they’ve been doing the recently with more than 8 multipurpose scaling solutions already released

They also had major partnerships with billion dollar companies. Just this month they partnered with

>Coca Cola

>> No.50343035

I'm looking since three days ago if it's a good idea to do perpetuals with GMT in Binance. The volume of trades is pretty constant and it is also predictable, and that's why that I've found in these three days of watching the chart of the governance token of Step'N

>> No.50343050

>governance token
They're all a shitty meme that doesn't really mean anything useful. You're a midwit if you unironically think that by holding that token you're somehow entitled to have a voice within the project. it's all bullshit

>> No.50343058


>> No.50343065

stepn has had so many new things this past month, I've honestly missed it.

>> No.50343070


Got some disposable income so it's time for me to actually get myself a suicide stack if possible

>> No.50343074

based, are you investing in the sneakers?

>> No.50343077

Fuck niggers jews and jannies btw

>> No.50343083


>> No.50343089


>> No.50343297

I have high hopes for polkadot blockchain and I'm anticipating the deployment of Railgun to it for user privacy on transactions.

>> No.50343981

Kek I can’t even tell if this is written unironically. Absolute state of biz

>> No.50344129

Vet, orn, rsr, onston, mgt, vtho, xrp (I no schizo), ama, babydoge (only cuz soccer), spell.

>> No.50344233

Dash, Zcash, Monero and Etherium. Because they have held value for a long time. If that's a retarded take, please bash my brains in with your superior knowledge.