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5032257 No.5032257 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder that crypto is still in early adopter phase and everyone still has an opportunity to make it even if you have no money in crypto now. Start small with 1k today and you could make it in 2019. If you've already lost everything in crypto, don't give up and submit to wagecuckery. You can still do it.

>> No.5032308
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this. just go and get some linkies, and you're all good.

>> No.5032320
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he's right. you can still escape wage cuckery

>> No.5032338

>crypto is still in early adopter phase

I mean yeah crypto is still early days from a relative standpoint, BTC is early to mid majority at best though

>> No.5032345

I don't think we're in the early adopter stsage anymore. The amount of normies buying into crypto for MUH FREE GAINS and not understanding the technology is ridiculous right now.

>> No.5032358

You'd have to be extremely lucky/"skilled" to somehow make it with 1k at this point.

Unless you just buy XMR.

>> No.5032361

By the time 2019 comes around, maybe my BTC transfer will complete.

>> No.5032376

That's objectively wrong and loser talk. Lost profits = losses.

>> No.5032383

ITT OP tries to trick brainlets into buying so that his prices are marginally better when he cashes out because it's about to crash

>> No.5032404

But block chain technology is only just beginning to be adopted and used more.

>> No.5032408

Normies will be tired of the crazy within days

Just like Pokemon Go and Nintendo's stock, alt coins will crash and level out and bitcoin will decrease or at least no more big gains

It's time to cash out and rake in that sweet profit or save face

>> No.5032410

I would say we're past the adopter phase, but there's a lot of room for growth and crypte have proven to be very resiliant.

>> No.5032429

>because it's about to crash

It's been 'about to crash' for almost half a year now according to people like you

>> No.5032446

lol it's not going to be used for anything except crypto currency

>> No.5032472

Most of the alts are useless and will disappear soon. Even bitcoin will crash because of insane fees.

>> No.5032590

>early adopter phase
lol no one is adopting crypto anymore
people just buy it so they can sell it higher
ironically the only "adopted" crypto right now is tether because it is used for it's purpose as usd surrogate, not for it's value

>> No.5032599

you're an idiot.

Also, with how many naysayers who are projecting doom and the end of this opportunity, I can't help but wonder.. How many of you shitheads currently *predicting* the crash called the bull run earlier this year ;)

>> No.5032614

You are retarded

>> No.5032616


>> No.5032636

Comparing cryptos to Nintendo stock.

Wow the intelligence on this board never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.5032674

You guys are seriously overestimating the number of new people actually buying crypto.

And most coins are totally unknown beyond the coinbase homepage. You absolutely can get a some big runs starting with 1k if you do your research.

>> No.5032690

Idiot days of 50x to 100x are long over, there is too much money in it. And the only way to get 100x is to go all in a coind under 1 mill cap and good luck knowing most are pajeet scams

>> No.5032713
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>they actually believed the hype

>> No.5032753

>lol it's not going to be used for anything except crypto currency
actually it's has more uses outside currency
but making everything a token and selling it when it is actually a service is beyond retarded

>> No.5032785

jfs shut up you retard. this is some simple middleware that's only useful for crypto currency.

>> No.5032801

You don't need a single coin to do 100x. You could do 10x in one, and then reinvest in another promising project or two and make another potential 10x. It's still very doable if you invest wisely.

>> No.5032813

posts le retard wojack meme because they are incapable of refuting the point.

>> No.5032822

>sent my id verification for coinbase 12h ago
>still no reply


>> No.5032851

You missed the discounts

>> No.5032880


Yeah two 10x in a row if you do good solid research and a little luck and poof you have 100k. Or multiple 4xs... and so on.

>> No.5032916

What discounts?

>> No.5032992

ok provide a working use case besides crypto currency that is cheaper to implement using blockchain tech vs. similar proven and pre-existing technology. make sure that your use case demonstrates the need for immutability, provenance, and consensus -- otherwise it doesn't pass the blockchain litmus test

>> No.5033012

I'm a noobie to crypto

If I theoretically put 1k in ETH today and didn't touch it for 1 year, what would it look like by the end of 2018?

>> No.5033023

how much currencies you actually need dingus?
one private for buying drugs
and one cheap and fast for buying coffee
everything else should just fucking die

>> No.5033086

don't buy them then faggot. you want a couple to take the spotlight but when the normies have an easy way to buy they will be in all the alts.

>> No.5033112

$500 or so

>> No.5033113

Not even including currency just off the top of my head: Insurance, Big Data, and VOTING.

>> No.5033117

Hodl for 4 more years.

>> No.5033124

Did I suggest there should be more crypto currencies? Go bother someone else you mong.

>> No.5033125


unironically about 8-9k
buy in now anon, follow your heart

>> No.5033129

Early adopter stage....

> Being traded by Wall St
> Big Bang Theory episodes about it
> Coinbase #1 app for smart phones
> Instagram girls shilling crypto
> Celebs shilling crypto

Yeah..totally sounds like its still early adopter stage.

>> No.5033151
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I'm most optimistic about voting, it's really something that countries need to jump on ASAP if they want to be perceived as a transparent democracy.

>> No.5033163
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like a cute kitty

>> No.5033188

>ask for use case
>he brings up vague topics
you don't even understand how blockchain works

>> No.5033219

Block chain technology itself has barely been adopted. That's what I mean when I say early adopter phase of crypto.

>> No.5033228


#1 app downloaded in the last couple days. Not overall. A few celebs did some tiny shill deal... Instagram sluts begging for money....no big deal.

And guess what wall st invests in all sorts of start ups.... still early adoption.

Far less than 1% of people own crypto. Early.

>> No.5033237

I understand it fairly well, could always know more. I think you are the one who is hiding your ignorance.

>> No.5033321

No, the reality is that I work at a company that the leadership team wanted to develop some blockchain enabled solutions. We couldn't come up with a single use case that blockchain was better (safety, scalability, etc.) than pre-existing tech. It's a tool in our toolbox, considered a niche middleware, that hasn't been used for anything besides crypto currency. Every white paper you read with promises of changing the future consists of nothing more than vague promises to get your money.

>> No.5033413

Look man, I work for a company in the medical industry. The use cases for blockchain involving healthcare alone are monstrous. Of course its not going to replace everything, but saying its only good for currency is a flawed analysis.

>> No.5033463

>The use cases for blockchain involving healthcare alone are monstrous.
Ok give me one. I work in insurance btw.

>> No.5033495


>> No.5033515
File: 145 KB, 646x700, Blessed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see... I see a gorgeous woman.
She's standing beside you anon, she's smiling, a beautiful and innocent smile, light brown hair, brown playful eyes.

Give me a second to look around.
The energy is telling me that I'm in a nice, pleasant place. I see white walls, I appear to be in a living room. It's nicely decorated.

Hold on, I hear something. It sounds like... It sounds like children laughing, it's coming from the backyard, but there's something else.
I think it's a dog... Yes it's a dog!

I look out the window, there's something colorful in the driveway.
Shit nigga it's a goddamn lambo.

>> No.5033536

Endorsed post

>> No.5033570

>Friendly reminder that crypto is still in early adopter phase

The utter state of normie laggards

>> No.5033582

that's an idea, not a thought out use case. users are going to have to provide authority to let providers see their records? is this centralized or decentralized? if centralized, then it's cheaper to do this with a DB. If its decentralized, imagine needing to keep everyone's entire medical history on a huge fucking blockchain. Does every doctor have a 50TB server? Btw, PwC shills hype to anyone that will listen, that's their business.

>> No.5033586

Collecting data of patients, so you dont need to carry shitloads of actual files to different kinds of doctors

>> No.5033594

This is the truth.

>> No.5033598

I think one of the most promising would be smart contracts and fraud prevention in relation to claims. I also think tracking inventory could benefit from blockchain, especially for medical devices where companies need to be able to pull specific product lots when defects are found AFTER devices have been distributed. I don't know too much about insurance, maybe you can enlighten me.

>> No.5033620

Small is 1k?
Lol gtfo

>> No.5033698

It's like a couple weeks at a minimum wage job, man. Yea it's small. I mean, you could start with less and still probably make it but it'll be harder.

>> No.5033712

then every doctor must be hooked into the blockchain network, as soon as one is not, there is a problem. also consider how much data is involved in sick people's health records. we have petabytes of storage to hold the shit, and we only insure 20m people

inventory management is another good idea until you start to get into the details. i had thought about a speciality pharmacy blockchain where the expensive drugs are transported and information is recorded about them to ensure quality upon arrival. and this is where you start running into problems, because you need EXTERNAL mechanisms to feed information into the blockchain, and at that point you're open to comprimised information, will not have consensus, etc. begging the question why bother with blockchain in the first place.

>> No.5033791

Thats a good point, and I'm not shilling link because any company could do this, but wouldn't progress in smart contract tech not make this easier?

>> No.5033811

another question to think about.. who establishes the blockchain for that anyways? UPS and FedEx and other logistic companies are already all up in that sort of thing. It's difficult to get wide adoption for a blockchain because there are many counter-parties with different interests.

>> No.5033849

>wouldn't progress in smart contract tech not make this easier?
Maybe, I don't really know. I don't think anyone else knows for sure either. I think we're quite a bit away before it's evident that it's useful for something other than currency, hence my original crude trolling.

>> No.5033956

And idiot or excellent bait --you be the judge.

>> No.5033995

yeah I can agree with that, you're not an idiot my bad mate.

>> No.5034038
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>brown eyes

u done fucked up nigga

>> No.5034077

the sight don't lie kid