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50322306 No.50322306 [Reply] [Original]

hello fellow germans, how are you doing it with taxes?

>> No.50322318

i don't report

>> No.50322360

I use a coin tracking software and enjoy the thought of people having to look up shit like MOMMY MILKERS

>> No.50322364

do you buy cryptos anonymously and use false names on brokers? or how you make sure they wont get you?

>> No.50322397

10 year rule got removed. you just have to hold for 1 year to be taxfree but report staking income. thats pretty good

>> No.50322419

Is the one year rule staying though? My accountant said they're debating changing it

>> No.50322420

Good goy

>> No.50322426

nope, i am not german, i use my country's IDs and bank - but i never cashed out, ofc if you want to cash out a big amount even in my case i will be fucked because for sure the bank will report. thing is, i dont want to report because fuck taxes and fuck these niggers, they sperg out about crypto, not real money, bad etc but want gains from your risk

>> No.50322438

Get a real job dreckige judenschwein

>> No.50322522

There are no taxes. You are not so retarded to daytrade in germany, are you?

>> No.50322555

when you hold longterm but when you trade you need to pay taxes for every sell i think, but im not ready to trade yet, i need to train myself more on the simulator.

not yet, i will milk the arbeitsamt aus till they wont give me arbeitslosengeld anymore.

>> No.50322666

>when you hold longterm but when you trade you need to pay taxes for every sell i think, but im not ready to trade yet, i need to train myself more on the simulator.

you need to pay if you hold for less than 1 year

>> No.50322697

do i really NEED to satan?

those 22 digits in a row

>> No.50322723
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>do i really NEED to satan?

nope... just use a bitcoin atm machine in other countries, might tedious ofc

>> No.50322777

I've been wondering why people don't just use those.
Are they not anonymous or does nobody know they exist?
Pretty sure there are some in Czechia for example.

>> No.50322778

taxes? you just hold for one year, cash in and out with XMR

>> No.50323007

i googled bitcoin ATMs seems like its limited to 1k if you want it without verification and you have to pay 8% fees. i looked for ATMs in switzerland and cz in germany it seems like you need always a verification.

>> No.50323260
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You only have to pay taxes on profits

>> No.50323912
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xmr called
ring ring

>> No.50324263

Why do they make taxes so hard to figure out? What a fucking global racket for accountants.

>> No.50324351

which software?

>> No.50324497
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tax evasion is based and you should do it too.

>> No.50324620

Anon, can we talk about how insane Germany is?

>American married to a German.
>Expecting a child in September.
>We're both unvaxxed so she can't come to the US without a residency permit.
>Stuck in Germany for at least 2 years, either until she gets her greencard, or the CDC lets unvaxxed into the US again.
>We need more space so we look for a house for 6 months.
>I'm self employed, they won't lease to me. Eviction in Germany is almost impossible so unless they're 100% sure about your income they don't trust you.
>Her mother finds a new apartment and sublets to us her old apartment because that's easier than just getting a lease in my name.
>To get residency, I need health insurance. We write her health insurance saying we're married and we'd like to get a policy for me.
>Her health insurance writes back saying not only will they not insure me but they're charging her more money per month because now that we're married her income is higher.
>Contact private insurance and ask for coverage. They want me to get a physical. The doctor they set me up with is an African married to a white German woman.
>Her mother has been driving us all over because my license isn't valid in Germany after living here 6 months.
>The test for the German Führerschein is the most insanely difficult driving test in the entire fucking work.

At least, when I pass, I'll have a "Führer license". Heh...

>> No.50324699

unvaxxed gang reporting in.

>> No.50324720

My favorite story here in Germany was going to a Christmas market last year and having a Muslim turn me away from it because I didn't have my vax card. :) I can't wait to leave.

>> No.50324733

hold for a year and you're good, are youi too retarded for that? It's the ONLY good tax law in germany op.

>> No.50324827

Thats bad anon. Clown world. Fucking invaders...

I'm an Ausfag and things got really bad here with the vax shit. I've never been so disappointed in my countrymen before.

I really was convinced for a while that I just would never be able to leave my state again. Had to accept it. But this year they decided to quietly drop 99% of it.

>> No.50324884

I've heard about Australia's situation from my friends. They are considering moving to the US now. When I get back home they're going to come over and see if America is something they might want to live in long term.

>> No.50325026

Lot of people here talk about Florida as some kind of haven from Globohomo. Any truth behind it?

Country capitulated overnight. And with a conservative government at the helm nonetheless. While we were unable to travel and in lockdown they imported hundreds of thousands of 3rd world immigrants. And made us pay for it.

My town filled up with actual negros overnight. There are roving gangs that own the night now. They are doing gang robberies, rapes and mostly fighting with groups of islanders. But to talk about it or mention it is racism.

Country has swung left hard. I'm in shock.

>> No.50325112

I went to Georgia (Country) and opened a multi-currency bank account there.
In Georgia there are no taxes on crypto and they won't report shit to germany.
Have been able to cashout 160k on that account without any issues.
Used the money to order luxury watches and to pay shit with my georgian debit mastercard

>> No.50325132

Florida is a very bizarre place. The climate is similar to Queensland, if you're near the Gold Coast. I would say it's the most libertarian state. The northwest panhandle is a place where women wear jean skirts because God forbids them from wearing pants. In Miami, you will see fat 13-year-old beaners walking around without bras and speaking nothing but Spanish. Almost everyone in the state has a serious problem with drugs. There's several navy and airforce bases and the veterans living there have PTSD from roadside bombs. The swamp people cook up meth and cause problems.

However, everyone agrees on one thing there: Fuck the Government. Even the taco people are from Cuba and distrust government. If you like choking on humidity, dislike the US Feds, and like banging brown girls, you'll do well in Florida.

>> No.50325206

Floridaman here. We shut down during the pandemic for like two weeks and then said that is enough and went back to near normal. I have never been asked for a vax card (nor do I have one). I don’t own masks. Only place people wear masks are in hospitals or some gay tourists.

>> No.50325407

germanfag here
this country is hell
I had a chance to move to florida in march 2020 but couldnt because of the corona bullshit
now the company that was gonna sponsor me is going through a major crisis because the financial markets are collapsing
If I have to spend the rest of my miserable life in krautland Im gonna off myself its pure hell living here. everybody is retarded and a stickler for the rules. people behave in a way here that would get you killed in other countries and they all think its perfectly fine. as far as Im concerned the muslims can take over at least they never barked at me for not wearing a mask.

>> No.50325429

lol what how can a place like that exist.
The American government sounds hardcore tyrannical. I'd wager anything they're pushing on every front to bring a state like that back in line.

I'm in QLD, its still pretty White here. Brisbane & much of the Gold Coast are lost to foreigners at this point. Things are getting weird there.. dirty.. unsafe.. ugly.
I figure we will turn out like South Africa where small White towns become violent and hostile, solidify into White only areas while the rest of the country burns.

As far as money goes I'm half tempted to buy a few properties in where I guess those places might be. If I'm right they'll increase in price dramatically in the next decade or so as more and more yellow / brown blood is pumped into the country and safe places diminish.

I would go to America but I hate South Americans with a passion. I read somewhere they will be the dominant group in the few years. All they do is BBQ and complain. Honestly its like fucksake what are you.

>> No.50325480

Brisbane was very Asian last time I was there.

If you're going to buy property and just rent it until it's useful to you, Florida is probably the place to do it. You can evict with almost no notice and no reason.

>> No.50325546

>The test for the German Führerschein is the most insanely difficult driving test in the entire fucking work.
I passed that shit high on weed when I was 17. wtf is so difficult about it?

>> No.50325738


I lived in Brissy for a few years. Its an Asian city. I met so many Asians who would wear green / blue contacts, dye their hair light colors and larp as one of us. Would fall to shit if I said they were Asian. "I'm the new Australian". Jesus fucking christ I hate those cunts.

I have no doubt this cuntry will fall to yellow fingers in time. White Australia seems determined to die. Theres no other way to put it.

Goddamn I love Florida laws. I hear stories of people shooting home invaders and standing their ground on the side walk. Beautiful.

>> No.50325741

The test does not have multiple choice, it has many choices, and is designed to trick you.

Actual question:
You are on the Autobahn traveling at 100km/hr and a truck ahead of you is traveling at 70km/hr. You wish you perform an overtaking maneuver. How much far do you need to be able to see before the next crest in the road to safely perform this?

[ ] 400m
[ ] 600m
[ ] 800m

The answer is 800m, following the rule of thumb that you need to be able to see the difference in speed (100-70=30) multiplied by 10 in addition to the stopping distance of and some other shit.

Don't believe me?

All of these formulas are also on the test.

They're each worth 5 points. There's 30 QUESTIONS on the test, and if you miss 10 POINTS, you fail and have to re-take it.

>> No.50325797

You're kinda selling Florida for me. I think I'll see this country out till the end. When I know theres no chance of it surviving I'll leave. If the states haven't balkanised by then I guess Florida is as good a place as any.

>> No.50325856

Like I said easy as fuck
What? you cant memorize 30 answers?

>> No.50325884

>Not exclusively dealing in XMR

>> No.50325892
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It's definitely not for everybody. I want to go back up north.

There's several hundred questions, from which 30 are picked at random. This was after 2 hours of practice yesterday. It's going to take at least a few weeks to understand what you stupid kraut fucks want.

>> No.50325954

I passed mine on the first try and never even really learned for it, just tick whatever sounds reasonable.

>> No.50325961

Reasonable to a German and reasonable to a human are different realms.

>> No.50325995

bro I did this stupid test at 19 stoned out of my mind its not that hard.

>> No.50326004

i paid taxes like a cuck once, then in following years just claim my btc have been held for over a year. if they try to audit my ass they will find out i overpaid on my taxes earlier and give up.

>> No.50326128

Quick, how fast can you drive on a road outside of the city with one lane in each direction when there is no posted speed limit?

>> No.50326158

100 km/h. I have no driver's license and have never tried to get it.

>> No.50326254

can't be that difficult when every fucking idiot drives a car in germany. Don't think I know a single adult person that doesn't have a Führerschein desu.
>passed first try while being tipsy

>> No.50326344

nice try glowie

>> No.50327101


Why don't you just move to Romania or something?

>> No.50327124
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florida is post-white dumb spic conservatism

>> No.50327131

She doesn't want to move to a shithole like Romania and the neighboring countries are all difficult to get into, and since they don't speak German or English it's even more difficult without her there to translate. Netherlands would be my first bet, but since she's so close we might as well just stay so her family is around when the baby is born.

>> No.50327169

get a fake mask from fakemasksworldwide. its a breathable cloth that looks like a mask. fuck them

>> No.50327191

In Germany, it must be a white medical mask clearly marked FFP2 and approved by the Government. Cloth masks were banned very early on.

>> No.50327759

their masks look very close to "real" ones. they even have a white ffp2 variant. not trying to shill, its just the only based option out there

>> No.50328029

Only Americans from shit states have to take the driving test lmao

>> No.50328188


>> No.50328263

yo my man youre a life saver
im gonna get me one of those when they inevitably roll out mask mandates again in fall
thanks! and fuck all thes autistic krauts. its 30+ degrees here and you will see people by themselves, outside with a mask on. ive never seen subhuman behaviour like this in the netherlands or other neighboring countries.

>> No.50329841

You have to get a Furherschein after 6 months in Germany.

>> No.50330864

No wonder that Germany is so fucked when some transpeople got so much power that they already ban Ballermannhits that are not even a little bit offensive.

We need to get rid of this people in exactly this order:

Refugees including those Ukrainian dumbfucks

Prolly we can use the muslim refugees to hunt all jews down before we get rid of them too

>> No.50331214
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Just sell after hodling 1 year
E wie Einfach.

>> No.50332308

Very based.
I will just pay taxes once I cash out and have made it
Not gonna pay taxes on a scam, it would be similar as if a drugdealer would be forced to pay taxes on his sales.

>> No.50332556

If you don't know how to drive manual then you don't know how to drive.

Simple as, fatto