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File: 592 KB, 1284x1182, 2865d80a072af67943d5845aea4efdf1142af41443fa52a1d9d7521ecde8fc85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50318153 No.50318153 [Reply] [Original]

In a few days I have to choose between either getting my legs removed or getting my arms removed gotta be legs right arms and hands are too useful

>> No.50318176

Yes arms are more important.

Do you have the most severe case of diabetes or what??

>> No.50318180

I hate to say it lad but say goodbye to shoe shopping which you will unironically miss the most after your legs are fucking gone

>> No.50318190

Fucker probably lost a bet

>> No.50318191

do they really give you the choice for diabetes kek

>> No.50318216

Legs obviously. You can get prosthetics and be able to walk. There are no cheap prosthetics for the hand or expensive ones for that matter. What the fuck happened, OP?

>> No.50318258

Oh no but you need your legs for STEPN HU-HU-HU-HUH!!!
Shut the fuck up faggot jeet what a terrible post

>> No.50318259

He lost money to a cartel doing long at 69k

>> No.50318294
File: 33 KB, 303x298, 1655965683170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50318336

Diabetes or the mafia? If the latter, go down fighting instead.

>> No.50318458

What fucking movie is this

>> No.50318467

If your legs are removed you can still go hiking in the country, walk along a beach, enjoy nature.
You can even still fuck doggy style or standing up and maybe give a girl an orgasm, if you pay her and she's a good whore.

What do you have to look forward to in a wheelchair? no one is going to hire you in a wheel chair anyway so it's not like you're more employable?
You'll be able to browse the internet more easily? wow big whoop. You can just get accessibility software for that.

With you legs you'll still be able to socialise with your friends normally. You can meet up with them by yourself, join them when they go for a walk afterwards. you won't get that awkward feeling that you're making things less fun because you're in a wheelchair so they can't move around too much or do much.

When you have no arms and can walk you're sitll basically subconscious viewed a real, normal, whole human, you're just severely injured.
When you have no legs and are stuck in a wheel chair you're genuinely a cripple.

a guy with only his legs is way more virile. than a guy with only his arms.
Don't choose the bugman wheel cage. live free on your own feet.

>> No.50318547

>go hiking in the country
>trip over a rock and fall
>can’t lift yourself back up because no arms
>can’t signal for help or call someone either because no arms
>can’t even reach for food or crawl out because no arms
>starve to death

>> No.50318598

y are u like this kek

>> No.50318615
File: 34 KB, 500x375, zev sleeping on 790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all night by the zev zev

>> No.50318709

you don't need arms to get up dumbass, humans aren't turtles. have you never rolled over and done a sit up? or or gone from lying flat on your front to the kneeling position then up on one foot and one knee then stand up? sure there are some places it would be dangerous to hike without arms, like swamps or places steep places that need 3 points of contact, or thick bush that you need to cut your way through with a machete, but that still leaves a lot of places where you'd be perfectly fine.

>> No.50318745
