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50317372 No.50317372 [Reply] [Original]

How much money does one actually need to buy a homestead, retire at 30, and live a simple but comfy life? I'm at $2.5M but it will probably take a least $1M to buy the property and home where I'm looking. So what are we looking at like $10M?

>> No.50317390

>not buying a remote plot for $80k and building it yourself
even if this wasn't a cringe larp you're cringe anyways.

>> No.50317430

That's exactly what I'm planning to do. Unfortunately I don't want to go out somewhere with more affordable land like Texas or something since all my family and friends are here. So I'm looking at probably $500k for about 100 acres and somewhere like $300-400k to build the house.

>> No.50317443

>$300-400k to build the house
you live alone just build a cabin like every other autist you do not need that big of a house

>> No.50317527

You NEED to have a large shop as well, can't be blowing money on a mechanic, carpenter, plumber or whatever the fuck. Don't get a car less than 7 years old. Do everything yourself, only order in a septic drainage guy. Look for a municipality that doesn't have retarded approval processes for stupid shit like a shed or plumbing changes to your house. Definitely do not get a pool. 2.5 million is enough but you have to be a tough cookie and only buy things if it will give you a decent return on investment

>> No.50317535
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>you live alone
I have a wife
>just build a cabin like every other autist you do not need that big of a house
Same answer, I have a wife (yeah I know). I'd be fine with a shack without electricity, but she wouldn't. But price of the house aside, I'm wondering what the "make it" amount is for this type of life at 30.

>> No.50317548

>being married
you never made it in the first place, I hope she doesn't know about your assets because she's taking half of that if you even dare suggest something like this to her.

>> No.50317591

Way ahead of you. I got a good chunk of tools and am already pretty good with carpentry/plumbing. Not great with cars but I know some small engine stuff. Yeah I'm aware a pool is a literal money pit so not touching that.
>Not marrying a woman who wants to have a homestead.
Ok virgin.

>> No.50317621

anon the bugs will get in, ew

>> No.50317700

Fool. Tell us, was your wife virgin before marrying you? If not you very much are gonna get a divorce. Don't know how a man can get that cucked to get marry

>> No.50317782

! million for property? where are looking, even in cucknada (worlds most overpriced market), you can et a nice plot of land and house for like 600k cad so like 450k usd

>> No.50317950

>100 acres

For what?

Have you so much as planted a vegetable garden before? What's your homesteading experience?

>> No.50317969

100ac raw shouldn't cost 500k, unless it actually fertile

>> No.50317976

>100 acres
>100 acres

>> No.50317986

All you need is three acres and a cow anon.

>> No.50318037
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>> No.50318039

>Have you so much as planted a vegetable garden before?
I've been gardening for 20 years. I sell microgreens to a few local restaurants as a side hustle. I currently have 3 acres and have chickens and a few goats and rabbits. I know a decent homestead can be made on about 5 acres, but I want to have a lot of land to expand in the future, have space available for kids when they get older since I can't imagine the housing market is going to un-fuck itself.

>> No.50318380

You can't buy a homestead but yeah $10M probably for the boujee homestead larp you seem to want to do and you can sell it at a loss and get an apartment in the city after a few years when you get bored

>> No.50318976

>have space available for kids when they get older since I can't imagine the housing market is going to un-fuck itself.
I have the same life goal as you and this is a big concern of mine. I am greatly concerned that my kids may never own a house if I don't own enough land to split amongst them. Even if they do everything right in their lives. Hopefully that's incorrect, but the thought does bother me considerably

Good luck with your quest anon

>> No.50319098

Thank you fren. Keep at it and you'll get there eventually. I just have to laugh at all the shortsighted people ITT saying "you just need 3 acres bro."

>> No.50319264

depends if you want running electricity and water

>> No.50319422

stuff like this goes for like 30k - 80k in maine all day. it would probably be cheaper to just relocate your family to maine than buy land where you are

>> No.50319521

Checked. But isn't the growing season kind of shit that far north?

>> No.50319543

Depends on state, household, and what you are willing to bring or sacrifice(amenities). Are willing to do it on your own, or do your require others for guidance, install, and maintenance. You can do this for as low as 5000 in a near desert or a couple million in prime land next to a coast. I can do this for less than 200k for 10+ acres with off grid electric, water system, and sat internet for less than 2500 yearly maintenance/tax for the rest of my life. Where? I am not telling you, fuck off we are full. Also its even cheaper in 3rd world-er states, but if they ever find out you are not native nor have native family they will target you.

>> No.50319556
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save 100k for your surgery

>> No.50319596

>sat internet
What kind of speeds does satellite internet get you these days? My dad used to have it maybe 15 years ago and I remember it was shit. Curious if it has gotten any better.

>> No.50319610

I dont think it makes a difference cuz I live in Ontario which is further north and i'm pretty much surrounded by millionaire farmers. they mostly grow corn, tobacco, ginseng, and dairy cows. season started a few months ago and ends around october i think

>> No.50319632

depends where in ontario, most of eastern ontario (cottage country) is shit for growing, but thats where all the homesteaders and cottagers and offgrid people are

>> No.50319668

For 2.5mil I would buy 3x 3bdm houses in a safe area of a city and rent them out. I would also buy a yacht that I could comfortably live on - 40foot keeler. Rental income would be $1800/week.
Some time in the future you can trade 2 houses for land, build a house (or have it built) sell the yacht and still have income from one rental.

>> No.50319672

Tbh I don't find the rural life appealing. 4chan loves it because it's the furthest you can get from the onions yuppie urbanite lifestyle but it just seems so boring. All of your neighbors would be room temperature IQ rednecks, who'd want to live in a place like that?

>> No.50319681

Buddy that was in starlink got 80 mbs consistently with reaching 100 mbs quite often. This would actually be most of my expenses lol or I can cheapen it If I chose to live closer to a rural cell tower for sub 15 mbs I imagine. I tried reg Sat in another country and could not stand the latency. Also didn't help that it was borderline jungle.

>> No.50319725

>All of your neighbors would be room temperature IQ rednecks, who'd want to live in a place like that?
I would much rather be surrounded by room temperature IQ rednecks than single-digit IQ niggers and midwit hipster onions bois. As long as you're not talking deep south deliverance type rednecks, they are some of the nicest people in the world will give you the shirt off of your back if you ask them as long as you don't fuck with them.

>> No.50319804

>I would much rather be surrounded by room temperature IQ rednecks than single-digit IQ niggers and midwit hipster onions bois.

False dichotomy. In the city you'll find plenty of relatable people of your age group that you can connect with and meet up and do things with. You're not going to find any of that in rural Kansas lol. But then again you literally said you'd be fine living in a shack with no electricity so clearly your tastes differ from mine

>> No.50319846

>clearly your tastes differ from mine
Fair enough. Just not much of a people person I guess. I have a very close-knit family and a nice small network of loyal friends, so I'm happy enough with that. Never understood the appeal of going out bar crawling or any of that shit. I just want a piece of land to truly call mine and have the time to work it to my liking.