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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50313125 No.50313125 [Reply] [Original]

Bros WAGMI..

>> No.50313155

i'm vaxxed. not my problem

>> No.50313175
File: 232 KB, 750x508, 29CDAC54-7670-46D5-9AC0-AB8AC5B9353A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Qatar moved the WC to peak covid season

How do I short the world cup bros

>> No.50313193

Not this fucking meme again!

>> No.50313219

we did it reddit

>> No.50313235

I'm pureblood, not my problem

>> No.50313241
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lol what?

>> No.50313253

use an on chain prediction market to bet on whether the world cup will be cancelled/restrict attendance or whatever you think will happen.

i think polymarket (polygon) has this functionality

>> No.50313338

not anymore

>> No.50313429

Youll never be fully vaxxed.

>> No.50313640
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>There are still people holding/buying this pump and dump shitcoin, which has already topped out.
Explain yourselves

>> No.50313683
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kek 90% of the deaths in Italy are vaxxed people you fucked up

>> No.50313724

You should go to the Lombardy region where they first got hit with COVID and tell all the locals that it's a scam, and see how you do.

>> No.50313880
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>> No.50313929

it's a link bagholder board
wtf did you expect

>> No.50314003

COVID lockdowns incoming...
Mask mandates too.

These variants are for real. Wear the fucking mask.

Let's pray that XRP hits $10

>> No.50314046

wow people get colds and mild infectious diseases when they go out and mingle with other people.

My retard friends that actually locked down for 2 years got super sick when they did get sick because their immune system was weak as fuck.

If you ever plan on living a normal life again lockdowns do not work, they only work if you plan on living in a bubble in perpetuity, otherwise you will have an immunity debt to pay.

>> No.50314105

You are an unscientific fool

>> No.50314115

>People still care about covid
I had it last month. It's literally nothing. Find something new to freak out about. Not the pox either. They're already vaccinating the ass pirates so that's over.

>> No.50314136
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>> No.50314182


The retarded fools that are scrambling to deal with a devastated (but impressively resilient) supply chain after 2 years of fucking lockdowns which is 200% going to kill more people than a fucking cold ever would.

>> No.50314199
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Inflation may be out of control and food prices are at an all-time high, but we are still in the middle of a pandemic. Stay home, save lives, and wear a mask.

>> No.50314201

Everything on that list is caused by covid you delusional fucking nut job.

>> No.50314217

Oh cool, all the vaxx schizos are back

>> No.50314222

Wear the fucking mask.

>> No.50314303

Over 90% of people are vXxed though?

>> No.50314911

you have to go back

>> No.50315089

Guess Ukraine is not distracting people enough any more if they are trying to bring this old bullshit back.

>> No.50315192


Everyone has to catch covid, vaxxed or not.

>> No.50316664

Its not helpful with the new strains unfortunately. We are doing it shit again. They need to slow down people spending money.

>> No.50316691

This strain will fail like the others.

>> No.50316694

Me too. And yet I got fucking sicker than my unvaxxed friends who caught the first wave. Didn't one of you fuckers chase me off the elevator for not having a mask yesterday?

When lockdowns happen and the market shits the bed again, I'll probably hold cash depending on if the fed reverses or not. Last time I went all in from 80% cash and 3x my portfolio. Easy money.

Actually, this time I'll just turn on Bloomberg or MSNBC and do the exact opposite.

>> No.50316745

Thank you. I used to work in Virology before this whole mess. This one actually might constitute a new "strain" or "subtype" based on significant mutagenesis. The whole "variant" or "sub variant" garbage is completely made up. Invented by retard epidemiologists who are now "experts" and have zero wet lab experience. They received zero funding up until now and were the only lying retards that MSM could interview as "experts".

So thank you for using the proper nomenclature, anon. And yes, this one is kinda bad- far worse than the previous. And no, no vaccine will help much except whole virus/attenuated. Best hope you caught it previously.

>> No.50316768

but have u taken this month's booster?

>> No.50316799

Yeh ok I'll go get on a plane and do that.. you fucking moron.

>> No.50316831

>this month's booster
Kek why does this not seem unlikely
Go get your booster! This is serious!!

>> No.50316897

zero chance. I already had that shit. My immune response is more than enough. Idc what epitopes they add to future boosters as I have far more than they can ever add without an attenuated.

>> No.50316923

But if you don't then you might die!

>> No.50316939

You gotta point. Unfortunately the dr. science Fauci hasn't been dooming on air yeet. I guess his ratings went to shit? Idc, I'm in grad school now and would really love for another lockdown so I can get out of rotations lol
Maybe I should go on television and shill?

>> No.50316971

Please do. Can you name my manager specifically and tell him to !et his workers WFH full time again too?

>> No.50317003

Lol for real

>> No.50317006

I'm afraid I dont have that sort of lobbying power. Last time it was Bezos and Gates who were profiting immensely from lockdowns since it put small business under. Either they got their fill (unlikely), or the fed told them to hold up since it's an election year and impending depression. They're really trying to suppress this latest strain. Last fucking Feb when everyone was catching it they arbitrarily decided things were safe again. It's complete lies.

Only worried about my parents at this point. Everyone I know that's under 40 has had it (boosted or not)

>> No.50317021

thats awesome. how is the thing determined to be true or false?

>> No.50317030

If it puts your heart at ease covid probably never existed so your parents are safe.

>> No.50317672

no, but you need to be worrying about heart attacks instead

>> No.50317730

Only if he shakes his duvet hard or sleeps in a bad position or drinks coffee or breathes air or takes part in other heart attack inducing senarios.

>> No.50317758

6 dose? fucking hell

>> No.50317779


>> No.50317819

>>50313155 >>50313241 >>50313338 >>50313429 >>50313683 >>50316664 >>50316694 >>50316768 >>50317672

That's the only way the C-virus can ever be a problem.

>> No.50317840

I got it on saturday, probably from hanging out with my neighbors on the 4th

fucking sucks, my head feels heavy and I can't taste anymore and when I breathe through my nose it burns.

>> No.50317883

he's right you absolute faggot. contact with other people is extremely probiotic. you fags who have been hiding under 2 masks and a face shield sanitizing all their groceries and chronically depriving yourselves of vitamin D haven't been doing yourselves any favors.

>> No.50317903

>literally everything is covid's fault
you're just as much of a schizo as red deer /pol/tards

>> No.50318051

your experience is yours
>me got 2 vaxx shot
>gf got 3 shots
She got really sick was bed ridden for 4 days.
I wouldn’t have even known i was sick if she didn’t make me get tested with her. I got to party for 7 days while my gf watch from the couch.
Oh yea i also spread it around and I didn’t say isolated hahahaha suck me
Ill spread it again if i get it again too.
I made all our friends sick. Hahahaha
We need to cull the weak vaxxed or not your weak genes need to be removed from the pool

>> No.50318134

Have you had your 8th booster yet

>> No.50318213

covid is a complete nothingburger if you have a functional immune system
i had a 100f "fever" with a very slight headache for about 24 hours, no coof, no loss of small, no joint pain, no after effects whatsoever.

>> No.50318939
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So was I…

>> No.50318956

Wow, turns out you can still get pregnant after vaccination!

>> No.50319086

>We need to cull the weak vaxxed or not
Sorry chief, the thing is if you got vaxxed you are the one with the weak genes. You're susceptible to propaganda and coercion. You're not welcome in to the geneostate

>> No.50319220


>> No.50319243

Perfect timing in line with this announcement
