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50311459 No.50311459 [Reply] [Original]

Lets say,, theoretically, if I started a video game development company in NYC, would you want to work there?

What are some things you would like our office to have?

Any incentives you would require or like?

>> No.50311647

No women on the dev team. At all. Ever.

Tech women will make men go postal in the coming years. You will fucking see it. POSTAL.

>> No.50311685

Don't worry my friend, boys only in my company;)

>> No.50311902

you crazy son of a bitch I'm in.
But seriously this is all I'd need really.

That and a hiring process where the people interviewing actually are developers and not some professional parasite HR idiot with a checklist.

>> No.50312107

Why would anyone want to live anywhere near that shithole of a city? Go somewhere cheap and low key like Bastrop TX

>> No.50312489

Because I don't mind it, plus we could all walk around in nice suits and pretend like were a very important company

>> No.50312617
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as long as we are able to profit good over it, im in.
We could do something like stepn has been doing lately, literally cool pngs and that ambientalist shit

>> No.50312659

But anon, I would be willing to work as a software engineer in a small ish city for $80k if I really liked the company, but you'd have to pay me at least $250k to go anywhere near NYC, LA or Houston

>> No.50312681

Good hourly rate and cut of games sales, no tolerance of office politics and reward and recognize competent individuals that perform well

>> No.50312682

>if i were to start a company in a location with ruinous taxes and home prices, would you want to work there?
Nah man, I'm good

>> No.50312901

What if I meet u in the middle at 150, and give 2 month of paid vacation

But in NYC u can walk down wall st smoking a big cigar

>> No.50313060

150 in New York is not worth man, sorry. It's too expensive to live there, that's like 90 take home after taxes and housing prices there are nuts. I have 5 years experience as a python dev, about 3 years as a java dev, and I've done tons of devops work managing pretty large scale systems on AWS in terraform. I would 100% be happy to work as a backend dev for your game company. I'm fast at getting crazy shit done, and I can't function in globohomo corps anymore. I've literally brought a startup back from total meltdown after all their engineers rage quit and I was the only person willing to work there. I just can't afford NYC and hate cities

>> No.50313279

Hmmmm, you make some solid points.
You sound like a real salt of the earth type of guy. My company needs guys like you.

>> No.50313303

do nothing. get paid.

>> No.50313492
File: 146 KB, 539x568, 1619272288398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot simply a start a "game development company" in fucking 2022, the people you need are in different cities, prolly in different countries, and they are not willing to relocate. In order for them to do so you'll need a name and stability you don't have because you are just a startup.

>> No.50313816

I'm an electrical engineer working in power and MEP in the Midwest, my job used to be comfy but it's getting increasingly stressful and I now have to work 4 days a week. Should I learn to code (again) and switch industries after getting some projects?

>> No.50313834

I make like 65k btw, 3 years experience

>> No.50313844

just get into GameFi
devs are making millions off of that shit. you could easily get a grant from something like Hbar foundation. they’re looking for gaming devs

>> No.50313901

No you wouldn’t shut the fuck up. 80k in lcol areas isn’t even that much these days. Whereas 250k in NYC is living pretty good.

>> No.50313906

Na most straight well adjusted cis men actually like women and will put up with their shenanigans because their presence simply makes them feel whole inside

Wait nvm

>> No.50313933

Yes if you don’t mind coding. Not that hard to go from ee to SWE. Be warned though the big tech larpers claiming they make $500k are pretty uncommon. But you could easily get $100-125k without really trying at 3YOE.

If you feel like grinding leetcode and get into big tech you could be making 2-300k.

>> No.50313953

All that effort to make a dev robots joke, hilarious anon. Truly original

>> No.50314195

It's easy come, easy go in the game industry. You need access to other companies' employees. So the gargantuan game industry is highly concentrated in a handful of cities- NYC not being one of them. Also, game devs scab it up, taking on the worst compensation vs expertise in all of computing. NYC would drive wages up too high to really exploit that fact. Finally, game devs are too autistic to find the HUSTLE AND BUSTLE OF THE BIG CITY enticing enough to relocate.

Might be the single worst city for game development. I'd expect a vanity game studio there to go the way of 38 Studios.

>> No.50314350

let me work remotely from rural Nebraska

>> No.50314396

I live cheaply and I'd much much rather make less money and live in a trailer or a small house with not too many people around me then live in a mega city again. I grew up in Houston and it was hell on earth and even that's a relatively cheap shithole. I can't imagine willingly going somewhere like NYC

>> No.50314446

Working as a dev sucks ass but it is fairly easy to make good money. I'd recommend learning some ops tooling and learning about build systems and docker. Everyone loves the guy who can figure out why a build is fucked up. I love development, just hate companies that do it. Currently working for a data science "startup" within a larger mega corp (insurance not tech) and we are producing pure vaporware and have to pretend to like company culture and shit. It hurts

>> No.50314461

There are almost none in NYC, but the new mayor wants to entice more tech companies to move there. That's why I'd leverage for rent and tax breaks to bring In talent
Sure as long as u have good production

>> No.50315272

> just get into game finance

>> No.50315287

Well adjusted to what? Being a bitch? Clown world? The collapse? I never got what well-adjusted meant. Why would you need to be well-adjusted? Is this society so evil and unnatural you need to be "well-adjusted" to survive? Like well-worn. Pathetic.

>> No.50315437

nyc income tax is 31.40% $31,398 for $100,000 a year. I prefer remote and work from miami