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File: 861 KB, 788x694, good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50309999 No.50309999 [Reply] [Original]

Vancouver BC reporting in.


>> No.50310042

Unreal. And you have to live in Canada on top of that price.
Also checked.

>> No.50310250

yeah im thinking of leaving desu. maybe move to hawaii or something. weird to think that houses outside of NYC are 2-3x more affordable then up here

>> No.50311235

Canada has more land than the United States. Why do homes cost this much?

>> No.50311280

Because Chinese buyers are willing to pay.

>> No.50311306

>pay the price of a mansion for a shack in BC.
only in Canada

>> No.50311498

>2156 Sqft
Does it have multiple basements? The pictured house is like 800 Sqft.

>> No.50311507


Because all these retards only want to live in one of a handful of large cities. There is shit loads of smaller cities and towns where even the most expensive luxury mansion acreage doesn't come anywhere close to 10m.

>> No.50312119
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>> No.50312136

Im guessing its the land plot.

>> No.50312355
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import a coo

>> No.50312470

Because the amount of land a country has is meaningless in the face of consoomers who "need" to live in a city.
You could go buy dozens of acres of land in Kansas for a few grand right now, despite the real estate moonshots happening across the US? Why? Because nobody wants to be a heckin rural retard of course. Building things from scratch and finding your own way? No thanks. We'll wait for Mr. Landlord and Mr. Businessman to build us some nice pods and wage cages out that way 50 years from now. Then maybe we'll consider crying about THAT real estate.

>> No.50312653
File: 199 KB, 1080x1350, australiascoralcoast_257194216_641422753527126_7185583805367872404_n.42766e10da5d04aa29c1f4ec9441266c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australia has one of the fastest rising housing costs in one of the lowest population density countries. Just think, all that opportunity.

>> No.50312680

it's all chinks and pajeets in here


>> No.50312716

I have a general question...
why should I not throw a dozen eggs at the airbnb across the street everyday

>> No.50312723

I've always assumed they aren't allowed to build on most of it because of abbos or something

>> No.50312729

NYC outside of Manhattan is relatively affordable. 800k for a single family 2k sq ft house in queens and Brooklyn.

>> No.50312764
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>> No.50312766

more like
>where do I get running water?
>where do I get power?
>where does my poop and pee go?
>when does the trash man come?
That is the issue with building is fucking nowhere.

>> No.50312776
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Wow that's cheap!

>> No.50312785

Water I understand, probably can't do wells in most of Australia, but the rest are solved problems. I have tons of family in rural areas where these aren't provided by any city

>> No.50312807 [DELETED] 

>And you have to live in Canada on top of that price.
Beats being around niggers and Americans.
Good, I'm glad these niggers are leaving.
Can't wait to go back to Canada with EVEN LESS WHITES AND NIGGERS.

>> No.50312813

>Why do homes cost this much?
Wait for the globohomo warming event to kick off.
Also, fuck off we're full.

>> No.50312827

That's alot of assumptions there, mutt.

>> No.50312852

>>where do I get running water?
>>where do I get power?
Windmills and solar.
>>where does my poop and pee go?
You dig a fucking hole and piss on plants.
>>when does the trash man come?
You don't have a trash, you have compost and recycling everything.

>> No.50312872

I feel mugged by just looking at that price. And I thought that a €40 pizza in a run of the mill pizzeria in Dublin was bad enough

>> No.50312883

Because half if not more of canadian land is uninhabitable, and 95% of the other half has 0 infrastructure. Contrary to what you hear on 4chan most people arent misanthropes that want to live in the woods wth a 11 sex slave loli and no other human contact

>> No.50312906

> going to a jogger pit with high property taxes.

LMAO faggot.

>> No.50312914

>Because half if not more of canadian land is uninhabitable,
Global warming will make that land habitable. Big opportunity in buying Canadian tundra.

>> No.50312944
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I'd guess the problem with a lot of the middle is more simply way too fucking hot m8, and too far from water. BUT there is also a lot of AUS unpopulated without THAT much of a difference to coastal climate, which is where 85% of Aussies perch. idk, the difference between a postage stamp area being worth millions, and the rest being worth fuck all, that fascinates me. I don't think theres really that much more of a rational explanation beyond people r sheep.

>> No.50312950

>sold in 1979 for 92k

>> No.50312978

>houses are stupidly expensive
>demand through the roof (kek)
>liberal cities won't build more houses because they want the prices high
Reminder that if you leave shithole left wing places housing is perfectly fine

>> No.50313071

Global warming will end modern civilisation so your investments wont matter

>> No.50313082

I'm not an Aussie but it's probably basic supply and demand. There's more demand for areas near the coast but limited supply so price goes up. Why do people prefer to live near the coast? The infrastructure is probably better, the hospitals are probably better, the schools are probably better, the job opportunities are probably better, etc. That's what people take into account when buying a house generally, not just the house itself but also how close it is to things

>> No.50313085

>How much does digging a well cost
>How much does windmills and solar cost
>How much does a septic system (probably the cheapest)
>Hope the dump is not to far away
>Hope you have a remote job

>> No.50313529

Sold in 1979 for 90k. Damn.

>> No.50313634

i heard hawaii was bad. the locals hate whites so bad it's not worth it.

>> No.50313700

Who the fuck is buying this shit?

>> No.50313709


>> No.50313884
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>>sold in 1979 for 92k
>Sold in 1979 for 90k. Damn.

>> No.50313910

If you live in NYC 800k is pretty affordable.

>> No.50313917
File: 35 KB, 500x333, 18117857_0_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to Kelowna, you can get a better house than that for less than a mil
There's far less poos and chinks here too.

>> No.50313932

No one. It's money shuffling. They set it that high, then an obscene but more sane number sounds like a 'good deal'. Either that or it's HOAs making their own property seem more expensive.

>> No.50313937
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90% of the Canadian population lives within 100 miles of the US. You'd have to be pic related to survive norf of that.

>> No.50313942


>> No.50314260

The answer is pretty much always still less than what you'd pay for land in a city. The bigger question is if you value the convenience of not having to deal with all that yourself, and clearly most Australians do. But eventually the cost equation changes if city prices keep growing

>> No.50314308

That has to be an outlier, even in Vancouver.

>> No.50314338


it probably got zoned for multi units thats why its the price.

normally it would be 2-3 million

fuck vancouver

>> No.50316089

The Chinese, they purchase land here as a speculative asset then refuse to rent it out to locals.
Rest of the country created tax policies to prevent this but for some fucking reason Toronto and Vancouver didn't.
Oh yeah, fun fact, the only thing you need to vote in Canada is proof of residence, sure that's not related in any way though.

>> No.50316125

Because all the retards here only wants to live in the biggest cities.

>> No.50316201
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No it isn't. I'm Canadian and work in construction.
You cannot build on crown land, you must meet a hundred different zoning requirements, your building MUST be energy efficient now.

It has quintupled the cost of building, this is how they are propping up the house market. Make new construction for residential impossible.

>> No.50316226

Also step code being introduced is going to push the cost of construction even higher

>> No.50316255

Vancouver is fucking awful and it's only getting worse. Do not ever think about coming here. The houses are insanely priced, cost of living is insane, too many non-white immigrants, the weather fucking sucks, and really low salaries. The only people living good here now are the rich chinks that have invaded. There's also a really really bad junkie problem stemming from the Downtown Eastside that is spreading like a plague all over the city. Random violence occurs daily in the downtown core. Every week theres stories of people being stabbed with a dirty needle by some junkie.

>> No.50316603

shut the fuck up faggot this is a fake price

>> No.50316898

Kits is nice

>> No.50316964

Yes, real price for this dump is only 3 million. Affordable!

>> No.50316978



>> No.50317040

Most of our land is kinda shitty and its use is more for natural resources than living in.
Its too cold and snowy, so I'm hoping that global warming is actually real.

>> No.50317070

> the weather fucking sucks
> Random violence occurs daily in the downtown core
i live in the downtown core and have never witnessed violence but yeah the junkies are still wild and laying around everywhere

>> No.50317094
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>> No.50317150

Kits/Point Grey/UBC are all lovely but for the RE prices there you could live almost literally anywhere else. And the people are still SHIT.
I just took a trip to my hometown, Kitchener-Waterloo in Ontario, and was fucking floored by how much warmer and kinder the people are. You actually have neighbours barbecuing for each other and sending their kids over to play in the pool. Much less passive aggressive good goy virtue signaling. Women actually look your way and smile at you. The social atmosphere in Vancouver is fucking miserable and extremely cliquey by comparison.

>> No.50317177

and if you drew that line just a hair above the 49th parallel it's something like 80% of canadians

>> No.50317193

I live in kerrisdale. The only good thing about living in vancouver is all the asians I get to bang. Legit heaven on earth. Its like shooting fish in a barrel for a white guy.

>> No.50317201

>consoomers who "need" to live in a city.

yeah man just move out to the middle of nowhere and commute 100 miles to work, or give up your career to be a logger

>> No.50317229

what other anons have said plus no one wants to rezone anything. If you look at vancouver on google maps you'll notice huge swaths of land are single dwellings so the housing is very sparse. I used to live there and it's a absolute shithole unless you bought 15 years ago. Otherwise enjoy living with a roommate for some retarded amount of money. I was making 6 figs there and barely saved money despite being the cheapest fuck around and I lucked out with a super cheap place on top of it all.

Anyone I talk to that wants to move there I always warn them to stay away unless they have a net worth of 5M+. Get wealthy somewhere else and then move there if you must.

>> No.50317274

You can always go out to Langley and get a bargain $1m 2500sqft goyshed, then you only have to drive 1 hour (in decent traffic) to enjoy Vancouver.

>> No.50317406

I hate the commute man and that's still pricey. I used to live in White Rock and my head office was in Surrey. The commute was still 45min.

I'd only recommend living in langely, maple ridge, etc (the outskirts of the mainland) if you have a job there. That said if I was going to buy it would be in Maple ridge. It's still over priced but it's nicer and the commute is ok.

I just hate how there is so much land and all of it is wasted on single family homes. You wouldn't even need to change much of it, you would just need to add a few apartment building closer to the downtown core and that would solve the problem. My suspicion is that every homeowner lobbies hard for that not to happen to keep their house price inflated. What's funny is that I quit my engineering job over there because of the shit prices and all my rich bosses who bought houses years ago and make retarded money were all pissy
>uhh you're wasting an opportunity
>you're really valuable here, it's a shame you're leaving
>It's going to take so long to retrain someone to get your skillset
>think about all the connections you've made over here

I know it's stupid but I hate boomers so much because of my experience in the lower mainland. They all sit on 2M houses, have boats, have other properties that they rent at insane prices to young guys like me and bitch none stop about how they can't find people. Oh well, not much you can do but move to somewhere else

>> No.50319143

yeah, that's sounds like a capitalist problem. Greed/I got mine and all. No one gives a shit about you or your well being, they only care about their bank account (which is funny because is probably going away soon/CBDCs).

>> No.50320021
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op here
>inb4 im a fag
I think vancouver in particular is so fucked due to a combination of money laundering (google 'vancouver model'), global spotlight (expo and olympics were held here), geographically closed due to mountains and lastly because 1/3rd of canadian homes are owned by multi-home owners.
long story short, fuck this place

>> No.50320166

>listing has been up for 117 days

>> No.50320257
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>spending $10 million to live in CANADA
you could buy a fuck huge ranch in mexico and get your dick sucked by an endless supply of latina hookers for that

>> No.50321428
File: 882 KB, 260x173, 1654614747545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck UP. Notice to any anon that reads this, we ONLY accept whites. Let the chinksects keep hongcouver, leave the white man Kelowna region all the way east until Calgary.

>> No.50321584

It's mostly property developers that have infested the liberal government, coupled with chinese foreign investors, ( part of china's plan to make Australia economocially dependent on them, and also they are easily paid off by any group that waves money in their face,) as well as the fact that they push for mass immigration since they don't want to invest in public infrastructure (they'd rather privatise it) and it's the only reliable way they know to increase GDP.

Couple all of that with the fact that the rich have all their money in australia latgely based in real estate like it's 1600's England and a shit ton of laws and tax exemptions to prop up the housing market, ( 5% mortgage down payment, 15,000$ cashback when buying a new home, money you make from real estate you don't have to claim back on tax, negative gearing e.t.c) and you have an average house sellingnfor close to one million dollars.

>> No.50321693

>almost 10 million
Who would pay for this? You must actually be retarded to buy a shed at this price. I just can't comprehent how fucked the north american housing market is

>> No.50322022

What's the best place to buy a make it mansion in Canada ($2-3M), not necessarily a city but in a beautiful Nature scenery but also a popular tourist place where you can just bang hiker chicks?

>> No.50322080

>less than a mil
isnt a mil still a ridiculous amount of money?

>> No.50322082


>> No.50322170

America did it
Australians are unironically just lazy cowards. There's populated US towns dryer than the outback

>> No.50322277
File: 1.87 MB, 624x352, you scuff ma shoes nigga.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather live with those people than niggers and spics cause at least you know there's 0 crime. Also, Indians and Asians don't fall for that woke gay shit either like Trudeau loves.

>> No.50322381

It's going to be Armageddon when this bubble pops Holy shit

>> No.50322652

If I had that house id sell asap and move somewhere cheaper. Why? If I owned that house Id recognize the scam propping up the housing market. Not gonna be the guy who got rich and lost it all holding back to true value.

>> No.50323031

Real answer: overregulation, and mismanagement.

1. There are huge swaths of land owned by people that goes completely unused, who wish to subdivide it. They are simply not allowed.
2. As schizo as it sounds, Trudeau is in the WEF’s back pocket. He+his sycophants have policied strictly so that foreign real estate flipping chinks are able to own everything first, and none of the government-owned “Crown land” gets released for private use. Nobody who is actually connected to this country is allowed to prosper because they want the middle class to disappear.

These root causes only make the bugman problem mentioned here >>50311507 more concentrated and obvious. No, the land is not “unusable” either, Alberta is our only productive province and the entirety of it is sectioned off for farmland, the north border of which goes up to 60 latitude (further North than fucking Moscow).

We simply have shit niggers in our government who want us to suffer. The only other explanation possible is EXTREME retardation.

>> No.50323051

leafs will give the country to China before they let the bubble pop idiot

>> No.50323093

This is a typo for sure. Surely they mean 980,000.

>> No.50323109

Unchecked speculation. It'd put them into a depression if house prices ever returned to affordable values for median income earners.

>> No.50323132
File: 86 KB, 694x509, 5426A7D8-75D3-42CF-93C0-8A55B59D70FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because half if not more of canadian land is uninhabitable
Most of the land is habitable, but immigrants don’t want to do the work to make it so. They just flood cities and coast off the work of our ancestors.
Roads must be built, wells drilled, some sort of solar panel/windmill system to run lights and small appliances.

>> No.50323182

>Reminder that if you leave shithole left wing places housing is perfectly fine
You’re wrong, liberal cities high house prices spread like a contagion. They creep outwards. I live in a rural community and the house down the street is listed for 700,000. I paid for my house 5 years ago only 240,000. It’s a clear disconnect between the wages that are paid here and property prices.

>> No.50323211

>90% of the Canadian population lives within 100 miles of the US.
That’s because we freeload off your success.

>> No.50323550

This is just false. I grew up in a small town in BC and our family home is now selling for 5x what it was worth when we lived there and that was 20 years ago. Its more broken and decrepit now too. Yea it's not 10M but its waaay more than anyone earns in that town.

Indeed. The population of vancouver has been steadily decreasing last I checked, a lot of these places are sitting empty and are only bought as investments.

>> No.50324382

The U.S. has pretty strict laws for outside buyers owning real estate, so we just buy them in Canada. Do you want us to baghold the US dollar that U.S dumps on us via exports?
t. chink

>> No.50324504

Who is gonna tell him?

>> No.50324512

It's over for Canadians. They'll be forced to hybridize with their Chinese overlords or move to America.

>> No.50324545
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buuuy it you letalded clackel

>> No.50324629

Are you guys fucking kidding me? This can not be real. Why would anyone do that. If you think about it, 1 million usd is enough to live like a KING in SEA, maybe thailand for the rest of your life without working ever again. Nice place with pool, near the ocean and shit. Why on earth would anyone pay these prices holy fuck I thought my city was bad.

>> No.50325681

Another engineering anon reporting in. I moved out to langley from winnipeg during the coof since the job market in manitoba ate shit. My experience so far has be4akkyj
en that houses are fucked and the people are a lot colder. No one will make eye contact or smile at you or acknowledge your existence - especially in downtown vancouver.

>> No.50326258

Chinese mainlanders brought all the property here with Fentanyl and Triad money. The houses are adjusted for drug cost inflation.

Canada is so cucked they willing sell their houses to chinks who poisoned their streets. They have no redeeming factors.

>> No.50326532

hello sirs answer this

>> No.50326696

At that point, why not just sell move somewhere cheap?

>> No.50326815

Free market capitalism

>> No.50328340


what a nice house, and it costs just 9800 dollars, I might buy one

>> No.50328532
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Canadian here who’s spent a decent amount of time in the arctic. It’s not that bad if you have the right resources. That being said, you can’t be a drooling idiot, you really need to know the land you’re on. I’ve seen people camp up on a flood plain thinking the ice was safe and wake up with water flooding their tent, soon enough their under 10ft of ice water and dead.

>> No.50328578

>who set the interest rates?

>> No.50329673

lol no. go on rew.ca and filter houses by over $7.5 million. there are shit loads of these shitty properties

>> No.50329693

solar is shit in canada

>> No.50329826
File: 403 KB, 638x695, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here
just wanted to make this thread to show my neighbors down south that even though you got it bad, we are getting fucked worse up here

>> No.50329846

Imagine being some random retard who bought one of these shacks 40 years ago literally just riding the lottery on your house. You could cash out and go live like a lord somewhere cheap.

>> No.50329870
File: 295 KB, 498x339, woof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the hell is their endgame? I feel like this is going to end badly someday.

>> No.50329953

Best part is that some boomer bought this in 1965 after 2 years working as a janitor or grocery stocker.

>> No.50330050

Bugeating and podliving.

>> No.50330148
File: 122 KB, 1200x1200, China_India_2100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because Chinese buyers are willing to pay.

First answer is best answer.
Canada is where wealthy Chinese go to avoid the (CPP) Chinese Communist Party.

>> No.50331584

>think I can pull one over on real estate boomers by buying a house in remote cold area
>check prices within an hour drive of Anchorage AK, Billings MT, Bozeman MT
>they're even higher
Seriously? Boomers are buying vacation homes in fucking Alaska? Can't you fucks just stick to florida

>> No.50331585

fuck off retard

>> No.50331633

Because most of that land is undeveloped and near-uninhabitable frozen tundra.

>> No.50331678

That's basically the majority of the boomer generation in a nutshell. You could be a total fuckup back then and still come out on top. If you fucked around like they did now in 2022, you'd end up dead on the street.

>> No.50332248

>soon enough their under 10ft of ice water and dead.
Suprised you're critical of drooling idiots when you're a drooling idiot who doesn't know the difference between 'their' and 'they're' and english is not even my first language.

>> No.50332314

Why didn't you just buy a house when they were cheaper?

>> No.50332378

This, also be born to rich parents. It's so fucking easy.

>> No.50332402

Because the government wills it
lol fuck off retard. people manage to live in Alaska and it's a snowy shithole. people live in Florida and get their homes destroyed every year

>> No.50332596

Congrats bro. Glad you’re in this thread to grammar check us and you do it for free.