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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5030782 No.5030782 [Reply] [Original]

Is this piece of shit headed back to ICO levels?

>> No.5030808

Nah give it a month

>> No.5030830

I'm glad that I waited for a lower entry. Hopefully it fall to $0.50. I'm going to drop 100 ETH in if it does.

>> No.5030855

ICO price was $0.25.

It went like more than x5 yesterday, on the very first day of trading. Give it time.

It's cooling down now, we'll have another bull run when the team announce partnerships in EOY. Look at the roadmap on the website.

Pretty sure it won't dip below $0.50. $1 is the support.

>> No.5030895

I bought at 1.50$, fucking fomo'd in...
Don't forget, listed for 1 day, 20M volume.

>> No.5030933

>Don't forget, listed for 1 day, 20M volume.
Is that good or bad bought at 1.30 hopefully it bounces back

>> No.5030945

I also bought at 1.50. Sold Req for this shit. I thought req would dump from the news.

>> No.5031015

It's dead now
Barely any volume happening
Everyone wised up to how shitty the token is in practice

>> No.5031025

That's good. 20m volume in day 1 trading is crazy.

WaBi's circulating supply is 46m. Do the math.

Compare the market cap between the two. REQ is good and has potential, but WaBi has way bigger room for growth considering its small market cap.

Or you can compare it to WTC as well since the two are seen as competitors.

>> No.5031086

Dead ? Nah nigga id say more like fueling before the take off. Except this ship takes some time to fuel up

>> No.5031183

give it some time, you should be sitting pretty well if you hold it for a month

>> No.5031206

wabi is already 4x ico, not much more room to grow

MOD far more professional and only 27m mcap

>> No.5031253

The token is pointless. They scan the labels to verify it's not counterfeit. They get a free token valued at whatever you'll pay for it. That's it.

>> No.5031331

Congratulations on falling for the /biz/ shills and buying the bags of everyone who sold off their 3x gains from ICO. Seriously. Great job.

>> No.5031372
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>fueling before the take off

>> No.5031404

You people are so fucking retarded. Just because something isn't a problem to you, it's unfathomable that it could be a problem to anyone else.

Fucking millennials... You're the biggest self-absorbed piece of shit generation the world every contrived. Even worse than the boomers, because at least they had a spine and weren't a bunch of safe-zone pussies.

>> No.5031429

Don't get emotionally invested in shitcoins. Those bags aren't going to get any lighter.

>> No.5031545

lol, retards of /biz/ have zero business sense.

Literally zero.

You're all a bunch of fucking retarded millennials.

Stay poor, dumb motherfuckers.

>> No.5031585

These MOD fanboys baka.

MOD is literally the definition of securities. The only function of MOD tokens is to get dividends.

The SEC is already at the door. Security coins will get wrecked very soon.

>> No.5031587

You're not going to make money on investing in a token when the token is the weakest part of an otherwise excellent business. Businesses are not interested in your SchruteBucks, they just want the counterfeit checking technology, which is excellent.

The tokens were just a way to add more money to the startup. You got got.

>> No.5031600

Logically, not emotionally.

Emotionally, I think pajeets and braindead millennials are retards.

Logically, if you're not holding a decent amount of this, you're a fucking moron and you deserve to be poor.

>> No.5031698

And if you did a simple economic test of the business model, you'd realize you're wrong.

Your basically calling the "airline miles" business model "SchruteBucks".

It's okay, most crypto investors have taken zero time to learn other cultures where these companies are going to be operating.

The Chinese love rewards programs, much more so than any western nation.

Again, this board is filled with people who look at a business in such a 2-dimensional way, it's staggering.

>> No.5031776

Shut up retard. Have fun holding those little frog bags.

>> No.5031784


>> No.5031820

Iam not invested in mod or care about it, but the token has 2 functions actually 1) dividends 2) Votings. That is not too bad.

>> No.5031866

I bought in at 7800 but just sold now. Volume drying up, this can get ugly. I'm a Bitcoin Cash Cuck now.

>> No.5031909

I know. I held MOD for a while, but I sold 'cause the SEC and the regulators are gonna bring these security coins down.

Even if I'm not a burger / don't live in burgerland, prices will be affected 100%.

>> No.5032132
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Yes, you fucked up.

>> No.5032139

I will! I'm going to love making 10 BTC off it over the next month, while butt-hurt faggots like yourself clamor over each other for "the next big thing".

I bet you're one of those faggots who told people they were retarded for holding Litecoin and through FUD, got them to sell it when it was still below $50.

I'm not one of those people who fall for the suggestions from faggots.

>> No.5032261

You are one angry little freak.

>> No.5032324

Bro you need to stop delusing yourself
No one wants to buy this crap no mattr how low the offer is
Deindling volume=dwindling interest

>> No.5032334

Learn how to hold a coin longer than 24 hours you fucking retard.

>> No.5032389



>> No.5032392

buys coin that just releases, sell within 24hrs. Wonders why he is poor fag

>> No.5032465
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Zoom out, nigger.

WaBi is based on Walimai, a company established in 2013 in Shanghai. They have been in the Chinese market for years. Already have a working product and app.

Market cap still at around $50m. Possible partnership with Alibaba group. If you don't know Alibaba, you're a moron.

>low market cap
>working product, real life usage
>possible partnership with Alibaba group

It's all on their website wacoin.io.

What else do you want?

>> No.5032498
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>> No.5032533

Wabi could easily be $3 by EOY.

>> No.5032680
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$3 price would put WaBi at a $138m market cap.

That's very very possible. Just compare it to WTC's market cap which is more than $150m.

>Also, look at the roadmap on the website: the team are going to announce partnerships on Dec 31.

Pretty sure one of those partners will be the Alibaba group.

These stupid pajeets on /biz/ saying WaBi is dead etc etc are either idiots or intentionally spreading fud so they can accumulate at cheap price.

>> No.5032737

Lol walton has grinded hard for that mc wabi is a literally who coin

>> No.5032798

That would be great if these companies were airlines and they had to pay for their own airline miles but they're not. Go look at the flowchart in the whitepaper. Notice the only flow of WaBi to the merchants comes from consumers. But there's a lot of WaBi coming out of the merchants to the customers. I wonder where that WaBi comes from? That's right, your 'loyalty program' relies on not only the consumers buying WaBi but the merchants. Why would the company be interested in some loyalty program they have to pay for when they could just, you know, buy your fucking labels and put them on their product? Go tell a CEO he can buy your product with real currency, but he has to sell his products for FrogCoins. Then when he asks, "How do I turn these coins into actual money?" enjoy explaining cryptoexchange to him.

>> No.5032841

I'm not saying WTC is shit. I'm comparing the two since they both have similarities, so that plebs can get a depiction of WaBi's potential room for growth.

We'll see what's gonna happen when WaBi team announce partnerships in EOY.

>> No.5032846

>working product
>real life usage
You guys really need to stop regurgitating this trash everyday. The tokens themselves act as cheap coupons or gift cards you doofus. They're fucking trash while the real product the team has been working on for years is impressive.

>> No.5032984

Don't compare it to the goat ever again or ill punch you the fuck out bitch

>> No.5033016

It acts as a literal currency you can buy products with, brainlet.

>> No.5033018


I’m accumulating all the way down, it’s going to get hotter than shit within a month.

>> No.5033054

WTC holders are always incredibly hostile toward WaBi. If WaBi was shit like they claim, they wouldn't react in this manner. A smart WTC holder also bought WaBi.

>> No.5033120
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Come at me, pajeet.

Yestreday I joined WTC telegram group for fun, and all the people there were shit talking WaBi.

They are afraid that WTC will lose to WaBi. Kek. I remember someone in the group said "big red candle when WaBi hits binance" lmao your 'holders' are leaving WTC for WaBi.

>> No.5033156

Lol WTC has ran away with it dumbass i been swing trading that shit coin wabi like a used up whore to up my WTC stack

>> No.5033196
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Some MOD fanboys are also hostile towards WaBi. But WTC pajeets are the worst.

I mean, if they really believe WTC is superior, they wouldn't be that hostile (or scared).

>> No.5033253

>Brags about swing trading
Yeah cool and all but in reality we know you've been burned dozens of times. It's just like bitcoin vs. alts. The majority of people who won in terms of monetary value were those who simply held. Good luck stressing.

>> No.5033275
File: 61 KB, 737x407, Screen Shot 2017-12-13 at 20.34.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew tough words, big boy.

Bags are getting heavy eh? Lmao hang yourself rakesh.

>> No.5033304
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Le everyone is indian meme

>> No.5033338

Fuck these pajeet coins I wish I could personally kill everyone who shills this garbage just because of how annoying it is

>> No.5033348

you got memed into buying Wavi?


>> No.5033352


Not yet. If you sell now you will.

>> No.5033383
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Kek don't you have a better comeback, big boy?

>> No.5033400

>"Pajeet coin"
80% chance you hold Link.

>> No.5033638


>> No.5033663

Sorry kid im having a cash workout in my home gym almost time for your subway shift better get going and catch that bus