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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50305925 No.50305925 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.50305946

Explain like I’m retarded (I am).

>> No.50305987
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Everything costs 10.2% more than it did a year ago, even under slightly tweaked globohomo numbers.
Any money you have in USD is worth about 90 cents on the dollar, compared to last year.

>> No.50305991


This report is in regards to the CPI announcement tomorrow, as you can see the rates are significantly higher than the consumers anticipated.


>> No.50306027

more like retards LOL

>> No.50306032
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Hello faggot
nothing ever happens stop trying to make anons sell the bottom

>> No.50306041


>> No.50306051

data comes out tomorrow. where'd you get this?
>inb4 bls dot com

>> No.50306055

What should I buy then?

>> No.50306095
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>> No.50306098

how can the governments allow this to happen

>> No.50306110

imgur filename
most likely plebbit or discord

>> No.50306111

it's a feature

>> No.50306120


I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to say.


>> No.50306121

Others have said what inflation is

The big news if this is real (questionable) is that CPI was projected to be at like 8.2%, for it to have jumped that dramatically amid Fed rate hikes and QT is extremely surprising and concerning

If it's real this means the Fed will definitely continue to hike rates probably with 100bps (1% raise) this month which means more pain for markets and crypto

>> No.50306161

Lmao inflation will continue until we get 10-15% rates

>> No.50306166

Wait, I a massive retard it is core cpi that was projected at 8.2%, and is apparently at 8.4%, this is less of an extreme result but the takeaway of more rate hikes and market/crypto pain is still there

>> No.50306183
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good thing I only have euros then

>> No.50306311

When are people going to realize the fed is powerless to stop inflation? Itt's been two years of this shit and people keep believing it month after month.

Every month we go through this shit. God damn people are stupid.

We knew the play two years ago. Commodities and physical gold and silver. Five years from now you will be rich. This is all just retarded fuckery in the mean time.

>> No.50306335


>it's been two years of this shit

It hasn't even been 1/2 year of rising rates

>> No.50306360


It doesn't matter. Inflation (official jew lie number) is 8%. You will have continued inflation as long as interest rates are below the rate of inflation. This is textbook.

It's infuriating month after month to watch good investments lose money because people are so god damn stupid. It's like they have no memory longer than a couple weeks.

>> No.50306376

Thinking about talking about thinking about. Transitory. Muh reduce the balance sheet. Muh demand destruction. Muh strong economy.

>> No.50306389

we knew this was coming two years ago. We saw them set the stage.

>> No.50306396

Allow? I think you mean cause

>> No.50306451

Nothing ever happens
>BTC drops from ath to 20k

>> No.50306470

based if true. godspeed.

>> No.50306508

>May 0.3

Didn't the market react catastrophically to the CPI numbers last month?
This doesn't make sense.

>> No.50306534
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>n-n-nothing ever happens
>yeah crypto is tied to the stock market and the fed, but that doesn't matter
holy cope

>> No.50306546

It's going to be over projections tmrw and markets will get smashed. Then two weeks later when we're officially in a recession we get hammered again. Btc 12-15k

>> No.50306560

>slightly tweaked
top kek

>> No.50306564

Commodities are currently cratering and gold is worth what it was 10 years ago despite double digit inflation, muh store of value it literally just inflates along with the rest of the economy with money printing lol

Only thing that's gonna actually bring inflation down is for the federal government to stop printing so much fucking debt. Monetary fuckery can dampen the effects a little but giving out free money = prices go up. And we've gone through so much QE that massive QT would be needed to get to the point where monetary policy has any relevance

The insane 3T+$ covid pork handouts are gonna keep driving up inflation for at least a couple years, we are past the peak though and we will see the Fed pivot and try to take credit when in reality all the free covid gibs money has simply been priced into the value of the dollar

>> No.50306568
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>> No.50306576

>Commodities are currently cratering
That means inflation is going down.

>> No.50306582

create, not allow. Basically has to do with inflation, i. e. "printing" more money (technically private lending). The distribution of new money is not even.

>> No.50306601
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Based leakanon
Selling now and buying the dip, ty fren

>> No.50306616

This seems fake

>> No.50306622

no one cares what boomers say it means what we want to know is: bull or bear?

>> No.50306635 [DELETED] 

if you really published embargoed data, you committed a federal crime


>> No.50306658

also just to clarify, why is the graph you posted "off" by a month? May was 1.0 yet the graph has it as 0.3 instead of April as 0.3? Is op just a fag?

>> No.50306680

fake. bullish

>> No.50306683

It would appear less fake if the calculations didn’t have 13 months in a year, and if the numbers weren’t easily falsifiable.

>> No.50306709

No particularly. We've been on a downtrend all year, but June markets weren't significantly worse than May or April.

>> No.50306724

Good job, anon. We need more feds crawling around this site looking for reason to shut it down.

>> No.50306741

>No particularly.
The Dow dumped 10% lol

>> No.50306753
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God bless you, anon. We are all fucked, but it's good to know some people in Washington still have the gonads to leak the data these retarded politicians like to toy around with. You're like the Edward Snowden of finance if these numbers turn out to be true.

>> No.50306765

Anon, I have bad news.

>> No.50306789

Yeah, just like April and February.

>> No.50306807
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This was the biggest, steepest single dump since January.

>> No.50306818

Alright funs over, source was a twitter larp.


You guys are so fucking gullible it's scary.


>> No.50306825
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Reported for announcing report.

>> No.50306846
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Reported for announcing a report of a report.

>> No.50306858

>inflation hedge isn’t hedging!!
Sounds like a value buy.

>> No.50306891

Lol, nice larp. Almost got me.

>> No.50307010

Yes, and then it went up at the end of the month.
Please, just stop. Learn to read and stop trying to backfill the data to fit your narrative. The CPI numbers are MoM, not your arbitrary timeframe.

>> No.50307027



The source is a twitter larp, shared it here to fuck with you guys because most people on 4chan is stupidly gullible and thought it'd give me a laugh, and it did. Thanks retards. Also I have no idea if it's real or not, there are some inconsistencies in the report which makes me believe it's just an edit of a previous report.

>> No.50307175
File: 176 KB, 897x563, cpi real v fake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just saying it makes no sense for the Dow to dump 10% on news that inflation went up 0.3% MoM.

And I was right; the MoM change that triggered that massive dump was 1.0, not 0.3.
Whoever made that pic just moved the months one over.

>> No.50307185

don't care, didn't ask

>> No.50307198

Yeah it's fake alright, he just took the pic from last month and moved the months one over, see pic here: >>50307175

>> No.50307349

With 30% shaved off major indices, cash is still ahead.