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50302792 No.50302792 [Reply] [Original]

Britbong here, I don’t remember the UK ever being this hot and heat waves are becoming more and more common here.

Is climate change real? If so how do o position myself to be very wealthy in 50 years?

>> No.50302808

It's climate change. The chuds on this board will bring up fake stats from questionable sources and concern troll you full well knowing they have moved the goalposts from 'its not real', to 'its real but out of our control', to 'its real and in our control but does it really matter' as your streets start flooding and fires rage through your suburb. better take this conversation to /sci/. look after yourself and your family, purchase a property above sea level and in the next 20 years you may have a waterfront property.

>> No.50302827

not my problem

>> No.50302885

it's real and caused by humans but we can't stop causing it.

if we stop using fossil fuels civilisation will collapse in a matter of weeks and almost everyone on the planet will die of starvation/disease/violence.

>> No.50302967
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You don't remember what you actually felt like on this date of last year, never mind two years ago, or three, or four.
Climate change is real. Yes, indeed, the climate does change. The rhetoric of the planet literally dying and becoming uninhabitable to all life is not real.

>> No.50303056

>covidism cult put global economy to a stop
>stopped air pollution suddenly
>completely wreck global dimming
>now we will boil unless we start polluting again
pollution was unironically saving us in the grand scheme of things, hopefully burning coil these winter should increase global dimming again

>> No.50303063

start selling ice cream

>> No.50303093

>stopped air pollution suddenly
This nigger think the few homosexuals who actually fell for the memedemia has any impact of climate.
The amount of coal consumed increase because there where more people at home consuming more electricity you dumb fuck.

>> No.50303109


plus side is the gym is dead when it's this muggy.

>> No.50303116

Climate change also happened before civilisation.

>> No.50303186
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> the "heatwave"

>> No.50303202

Nobody is denying climate change you fucking retard, climate changes all the fucking time.
It's about how much our impact on it is and if we can do anything about the impact if we have any.

>> No.50303256

Ah yes, I’m sure comparing houses built in the middle of a fucking desert to 18th century houses made to withstand cold winters is the same.

>> No.50303283

Houses build to withstand cold winters are far better for hot summers than US style shacks.

>> No.50303337

How about typing "global dimming" in a fucking search engine before opening your filthy cum filled reddit sodomite mouth

>> No.50303369

Long Solero Ice Lolly

>> No.50303379


I don't remember the UKanons ever being this much of pussy's in my life until this year.

>> No.50303455

It's real but the human population needs to be culled regardless so we're letting it happen. Trying to convince people of their own good is impossible and a waste of time and effort.

>> No.50303682

this guy knows.

>> No.50303807

>the human population needs to be culled
And what person has the right to decide who should be culled?

>> No.50304162

Classic narcissistic hubris. A combination of luck and might will determine the outcome. Realistically almost everyone will be culled for the benefit of a future few. Either that or farming, breeding and warring ourselves into complete extinction. Hope you enjoyed the top.

>> No.50304189

so why don't we start with yourself?

>> No.50304191

>I don’t remember the UK ever being this hot
I bet you've lived here for a couple of years you dirty fucking immigrant. it's always this hot for at least a couple of weeks during the summer. Pakis out.

>> No.50304224

Plebbit is that way ->

>> No.50304295

>noone itt actually responding to OPs question

invest in water purification firms. like saltwater to drinking water. the water crisis will come, and then these companies will skyrocket

>> No.50304307

so like 22 degrees?

>> No.50304321
File: 977 KB, 750x1334, 2BCF4D8D-517E-4BFF-8279-963A5996A2F5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro really?

I translated my temperatures to C° just to make you feel bad.

>> No.50304368

how humid does it get in arizona though?

>> No.50304420


>> No.50304441

As a floridian this looks compfy as fuck

>> No.50304474

I'm going to bet that everything in AZ is built to deal with that heat since you get it yearly, nothing in the UK is built for 30*C+ weather

e.g. air conditioning in UK homes is non existent

>> No.50304483

Because you lack the opportunity to try.

>> No.50304702
File: 91 KB, 504x694, E3F297C3-7D34-4B14-A09A-6F1CE5E88449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>climate change
The last two years in Sydney, Aus, have been just about the wettest on record. Four major flood events in the last two years. And it’s been miserably cold compared to most winters as well. Climate change was supposed to make things drier and increase incidence of drought, not the opposite. It’s all bullshit.

>> No.50305073
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for different reasons.
The Antarctica used to be a jungle.

>> No.50305344

last year was hotter desu

>> No.50305382

Hardly anyone has air-con in their homes in the UK

>> No.50305386

climate change is fake

>> No.50305437

we already have a clear hierarchy of humans ranging from negroes to whites. so we start at the bottom and work our way up until we're back at a sustainable population level.

the dead weight only makes sense to prop up economic growth ponzis, and if those are going away, the need for browns disappears with it.

>> No.50305780

Short Canadian real estate.

>> No.50305835

dude such temperatures in the UK are mad, i start dying around 25C/77F

>> No.50306388

So Holland is fucked and the rest if the Netherlands is ok?

>> No.50306510

>predict new ice age in 80s
>doesnt happen
>predict heat destruction for 2020
>doesnt happen
imagine still listening after a failstreak

also its now #change because this way they dont get caught when their prediction hot/cold fails. Its gonna be correct either way.

Heres a real prediction
Farmers getting told to stop using fertilizer for climate after it was the sole thing that allowed to feed people is gonna cause a real famine and its not gonna be due climate

>> No.50306878

Climate Change literally means, more extremes of temperature. And if property is so expensive in Abbolands, why is no-one moving to that giant empty bit in the middle? It seems at least some of your fellow bogans can see which way the wind is blowing.

>> No.50306937

Yeah. London is not designed and built for prolonged periods above 25C. It'll turn into Harlem Riots, UK remix.

>> No.50307756

we do have a impact on the earth but nothing compared to what the gigakikes pump out about it, also its only europeans that have to pay for gay eco shit while 90% of emissions and pollutions come from
chinks /brownoids/blacks

also immigration thats pushed by the small hats doesnt help because they come to our countries and use more resources and consume more capitalist shit

>> No.50308233

open a lemonade stand

>> No.50308574

What would that vest actually save the monkey from?

>> No.50308612

You're not a bong, we had a way hotter summer last year. You're just another Ukrainian fresh off the boat used to negative temperatures in summer.

>> No.50308686

>the earth existed before 6000 years ago
Enjoy hell, atheist scum.

>> No.50308704

It's summer, it's hot.

>> No.50308746

this is none...
I ride a motorcycle and it is like a blowdrier

>> No.50308785

Everyone was indoors last summer, dipshit.

>> No.50308805

Maybe it's just you put down the beer or maybe it's that you just hit menopause

>> No.50310037

Only dipshits like you that suckle at the teet of big daddy government.

>> No.50310871

>the chuds
Shill. Didn't read the rest

>> No.50310944

yes the world is heating up! its getting hotter! but don't let them use this as an excuse to control your life more!

>> No.50312825
File: 101 KB, 1125x1080, 1653786926871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bloody hot one today lads. Melting here.
So, no then. Say you are fully convinced of this global warming/warming period, I got an idea for you. See, take a look at what grows in South of France and Spain and then start buying land/acquiring assets to implement the foundations/infrastructure in producing olive oil and wine for example. As we get warmer = more olives and more wine. Once established there is room for expansion up North and then into Scotland. Bulletproof plan right here lads. Right on the money. On the web. On the internet. For you. For free. Your welcome lads

>> No.50312889

lmaoooooo I can only imagine how this went

>> No.50313181

The highest temperature ever observed in London is 38.1 °C (100.6 °F) on 10 August 2003
This was 19 years ago, anon. Anthropogenic climate change is utter BS. Climate Science is unfalsifiable voodoo science and it's being use to manipulate us