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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50302751 No.50302751 [Reply] [Original]

I'm an absolute europoor with something like ~6000EUR total in savings
is that bad?

>> No.50302866

Many are worse or in debt. Try to live your best life cause europe is going to hell soon and boomers will get rugpulled hard

>> No.50302904

If you have a house no.

Otherwise you are fucked , I am a rent tard but have 120k euros in savings and even I don't feel well with the upcoming inflation

>> No.50303047

You're unironically doing better than the average person

>> No.50303083

Depends what country you live in.

>> No.50303101

that's unironically huge for an europoor.
how many decades did it take for your to gather that huge savings account while paying for all the arabs and other parasites your communist country supports?

>> No.50303106

It depends.

6000€ at 20 in cheap eurocountry is different from 6000€ at 35 in an expensive eurocountry.

It is also different if the 6k comes from an expensive lifestyle that can be compressed, resulting in more savings, or if it is already the result of a saving-oriented lifestyle.

I agree with anon:

>If you have a house no. Otherwise you are fucked.

But apart from this, my parents never reached that amount of savings and they brought me to the adult age without too many problems. But it was a different time.

>> No.50303126

Most people seen to have a mortgage so thats several hundred thousand in debt.

>> No.50303127

I'm from one of the poorest, cheapest countries, I'm 24, and it's mostly because I wasted several years on a useless degree instead of working

>> No.50303153

you mean 60000 right?

>> No.50303161


>> No.50303587


Not so dramatic then, I would say.

Do not waste money on an Audi with 900.000 km and you can be fine.

>> No.50303611
File: 30 KB, 512x512, 1646025138978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek you'll have 3000 USD by EOY with that worthless shitcoin

>> No.50303650

but anon my money is in dollars and rubles

>> No.50303673

What you going to do with $6k? Can't buy a house for $5k can you? Barely can buy a car for $4k? Maybe you should have a little shed build for your $2k dollar equivalent?

>> No.50303795

how does
3000 usd sound

>> No.50303956

Thats pretty good.
I got 2500€ in savings.
Europoor from North
turning 33 soon.
wagie + rentcuck

>> No.50303985
File: 66 KB, 1258x433, fritz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy deine shower willst du kannst Mannfred

>> No.50305643

The average person is 100IQ, fat, lazy, entitled and just around a failure in every possible metric. You're not even remotely out of the woods until you're in the top quintile (80/20 and all that), and even then you have a long way to go until you can even think of relaxing.

World is getting georgia stone'd, grind for your tickets or fucking perish

>> No.50306043

Are you a NEET or have been one until recently? You're dirtpoor for a 33 year old.