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50298724 No.50298724 [Reply] [Original]

High salary, prestigious job, can travel around the world and easy lays.
Anyone here considering to become one?

>> No.50298745

A bus driver?

>> No.50298757

Pilots don't have a high salary lmao. They are just better paid bus drivers, but bus drivers have really good benefits

>> No.50298762

whats the salary like? from what ive heard its a very costly profession to get into these days, it takes a long time before you are flying 737s and shit

>> No.50298775

>oooo he's a rogue with no attachments that can fly me to place on postcard I can take a selfie at for internet attention

>> No.50298798

already am pilot.
salary is okay, but it's more of a hobby.

depends if you want to fly 737's, that's multi engine rating, commercial, jet, etc - I do dual prop and such but it's a hobby, to get 400 hours, cost me about 50k, but it was fun as heck.

so I fly a plane, basically means nothing. sure great tinder pics, but trust me - you don't want the whores.

and unironically my current gf is a flight attendant.

I don't make money flying though, I am a boring SDE.

>> No.50298801

A useful beta who will fly you to different places to be fucked by the local Chads.

>> No.50298811

>over 80k education to make 45k a year

Bro just learn to code lmao I make more than pilots and fly where I WANT to

>> No.50298838

>45k a year
Its 160k in Australia.

>> No.50298855

You haven't flown on an airplane since you were seven you fuckin liar.

>> No.50298863

I don’t do dollary doos but I’m betting that it isn’t 100k out of school. Regardless, I work remote and don’t have to redeye to some podunk town. Math doesn’t math here in US

>> No.50298875

Keep capping ground nigger I been to all the places you seen on social media and more

>> No.50298888


You will need a commercial rating/IFR on high-power multi-engine with at least 250 hours (this flying time is bullshit though, nobody will hire you with this little time). That's going to be minimum between 50-100k to pay for your training and aircraft rental/fuel. And if you're looking for commercial in a jet, also have to factor in simulator time. And I don't mean MSFS 2020. If you had to take out a loan for your training and didn't compensate some of it through lower level professional flying, you will be in a sizeable financial hole before hour 1 as a paid commercial pilot.

>> No.50298992

I’m a pilot and I don’t think it even mattered on tinder. Tried not mentioning it at all, then tried it with a selfie I took inverted over the ocean with my helmet/oxygen mask. Wasn’t much difference.

Maybe it’s because I live in bumfuck where military pilots are a dime a dozen (no other reason to live here) but the hot girls don’t put any effort into responding and fat girls are worthless. Or they think you just want a hookup but I actually just want companionship desu.

>> No.50299029
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>> No.50299032

>but trust me - you don't want the whores
>my current gf is a flight attendant
anon, i..

>> No.50299107

No, short of absolute memeshit like gender studies it's one of the worst decisions you can make.

>High salary
Being a pilot is like a doctor in the sense that this is only true after over a decade of slave wages

>prestigious job
Again, only the jobs that take over a decade to get, girls don't care about regional or military pilots as >>50298992 can attest to. Only private planes or jumbo jets.

>can travel around the world and easy lays.
The only pilots that work international flights are the ones only a few years from retirement. They are literally the most competitive jobs in the already extremely competitive aviation industry. The reality is you'll spend most of your career shuttling people back and forth between Detroit and Phoenix.

Doesn't mean not to do it though, just that it is not a good financial decision.

>> No.50299134

>high salary
>rarely home
perfect target to be cucked.

>> No.50299148

Lmao just join the air force and then retire

>> No.50299164

I sometimes forget that most americans never leave the USA and that shit like this is impressive to them.

>> No.50299198

Pilot.... a glorified bus driver... give me a break lad

>> No.50299205

The salary is fucking garbage. I have a private license, instrument rating, multi engine, high performance, complex, and commercial rating. When I realized I would be making 60-80k for the next ten years I said fuck that and went into construction. I make more at 32 then I ever would as a pilot. Not to mention you’re constantly away from home and if you have kids you miss their whole lives while a bunch of thirsty whores try to ruin yours. Every fucking pilot I know is divorced or single. I make 200k swinging a fucking hammer building shit and I’m off by 2 everyday. No thanks to being a miserable bus driver in a giant metal fucking tube.

>> No.50299235
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I have a friend that is a 6+ foot blue eyed pilot.
The story he tells... women really do fuck pilots at the drop of a hat
He just finished his third marriage.
Even married he was having wild three ways with his wife and random women.

I am lucky if the waitress notices me and does not spit in my food.

>> No.50299241 [DELETED] 

Damn you really put a lot of time into that before deciding to do something else. Do you not enjoy flying?

I feel like this is one of the benefits of the naval aviation side of things. You don’t actually fly that much and when you do, it’s at least interesting (sometimes).

Airlines seem like hell.

>> No.50299256

Ive been 15 years in the industry mostly on A320 series. Its a fucking awful job, just another wage slave but youre surrounded by autists with a huge ego. Id advise anyone to avoid it. Youll be paid well enough to be comfortable but youll never be rich, you also lose any kind of social life and will die early form the health problems. toxic af industry

>> No.50299277

>can travel around the world
Not can, must. Pretty nice when young but I wouldn't want to commit to a life of traveling the world past 30.

>> No.50299299

The fuck is an sde

>> No.50299334

This is because he’s over 6 ft, blue eyed, and employed. He would clean up regardless.

>> No.50299340

>high salary
No. For the top 1% of earners sure but it takes years of grinding to get there and you're indebted up your ass because it cost you 200k and ten years of less than minimum wage to get a seat in the cockpit of a airliner. Then another 20 years of grinding to get a reasonable days pay.

No. Glorified bus driver

>Easy lays
If you can't get easy lays now, becoming a pilot won't help your autistic ass

>> No.50299368

Yeah I probably put 4 years into it. I was working full time as a sheet metal guy. I went from making 45k a year to 90 while trying to be a pilot. I was 22 and making 90k a year. That’s more money then you’re going to make as a pilot until you’re flying some real shit. Which becomes not flying at all. More like a systems manager. I would work from 6-2 then go to flight school at 3pm-5pm about 3 days a week. By the time I was 28 I was making over 150k a year doing sheet metal. I bought the business and now I do a little over 200k but all my employees make a killing and actually like me. No one makes under 100k at my business because I’m not some boomer cuck expecting people to live in Seattle area for less then that. With my investments, my net worth is probably higher at 32 then it ever would be retired as a pilot. And I fucking love my job.

Don’t get me wrong, I still fly and enjoy it but I do it for fun. Float planes are sick.

>> No.50299389


Well yeah, that is true.. but being a private pilot means he is paid to hang out in hotels for days during business trips of his clients.
He meets a lot of women this way along with using dating apps to arrange hookups.
He has women PAY for everything for him to go on vacation with them.

Life is very different for Chads.

>> No.50299396

What type of construction do you do?

>> No.50299397

Nice, glad it worked out for you anon.

>> No.50299414

Sheet metal. A lot of standing seam metal roofs, gutters, metal siding, coping metals, flashings, etc. people don’t realize you can make a shit load of money in construction. They never told us in high school plumbers and garbage men were making triple their dumbasses.

>> No.50299419

Do 20 years just to get less than half your pay. Fuck that shit bro.

>> No.50299447

Nice. I’m making 80k - year in software development and I had to complete college for it. Thankfully it was cheap. I’m going to see if this is something I can learn online.

>> No.50299456

That's actually insane to me that this kind of career is possible, working for 100k+ a year in your twenties while studying and the just buying your company and making even more.
Makes me wish my country was more like the US tbqh

>> No.50299461
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If you are NOT going to college or joining the military then becoming a plumber is an incredibly lucrative profession.

>> No.50299510

I honestly don’t know why anyone would want to join the military for money other than getting a girl pregnant.

>> No.50299550

I worked my ass off. I actually started by pushing a broom at the companies wearhouse when I was 16 part time. They wouldn’t let me do any installs or work full time until I was 18. The owner always encouraged my flight school and let me take days off when needed. When I got my commercial he said to me well you have a decision to make. He made me an offer for 120k and I was 22, just bought a house for 150k and had a serious girlfriend. I took the offer, married the girl, had kids and wake up everyday greatful for life, my job, and my family.

>> No.50299559

Plumbers can make a stupid amount of money.

>> No.50299586
File: 30 KB, 554x554, Serious_Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lifetime guaranteed cost-of-living adjusted retirement income and free lifetime healthcare for you and your spouse.

You can join at 18 and have a full retirement at 48.

>> No.50299608

>Plumbers can make a stupid amount of money.

I know... it is amazing how many people do not realize that their plumber is probably a millionaire

>> No.50299636

Very few people do the full 20 years. Also, the government version of retirement income is different than my. If you get a skill, you can easily maximize your Roth IRA and put money in s&p 500 to retire early as well. Also, you can move to another country to get cheaper and better health care.

>> No.50299653

Based as fuck anon

>> No.50299669
File: 253 KB, 1600x600, Florida_Retirement_Home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude, the free lifetime health care is worth a fortune!

No way in fucking hell would any sane person choose to live outside the USA.

>> No.50299712

Maybe worth a fortune if you are sick or hurt all the time. Someone who is fairly healthy won’t see much use of it and any normal insurance would be sufficient.

Living in USA is starting to look less appealing especially when you can get a lot more for less in other countries. In Thailand you can live comfortably for under 1k a month and that includes health care.

>> No.50299725

Id stick software dev. I'm making $200k/yr, fully remote at 25yo. Keep in mind, Im doing two jobs but never work more than 40hr/week total. Im pretty average too. Just went to a state school, Im nothing special

>> No.50299762

Woah. Maybe I need to step up my game. I know I could put time in a second project but I’m lazy right now only because my last project burned me out.

>> No.50299789
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>In Thailand

Dude, no one wants to live with kidnapping, bribery, lack of English speech, surrounded by poor ass uneducated people, an unfair legal system, etc.

There are a lot of good fucking reasons people want to move to USA and not the other way around.

>> No.50299793

Not with the jab mandates

maybe later

>> No.50299809

I feel that anon. I am very burned out right now, and struggling hard right now. I don't know how to get that steam back and the energy to work. Doesn't help I have no incentive, they are W2 jobs. In the future I want all like 1099 income to write off and my own business I can control fully and more freedom.

Programming is a hobby and Im burned out whih says something. But I do think personal.projects go a long ways (or other work ones that look good). Make a good resume and be personable in interviews. Leetcodes and shit like that are scams though, wouldnt waste time there.

>> No.50299867

You literally described all of the cities in the United States. Thailand is relatively safe and they do speak English in a lot of parts of the country. There is a reason why so many people are going to Thailand to retire.

>> No.50299899

>learn to code
everyone says this, but what do I do when I know how to code?
where's my instant money?

>> No.50299902

What burns me out is the clients not understanding software development life cycle or trying to be “creative” instead of keeping things simple and easy to use.

>> No.50299924

Freelance and build personal projects. If you have a degree you can join one of those consultant companies like recapture.

>> No.50299953

>Clot shot required.

Literally no compensation this side of Earth is worth this.

>> No.50300079

no, I want to become an obese fat man and make my bed my throne and toilet.

that's why I keep taking jobs that don't involve leaving my house or investing like a retard, sometimes I just check out metaverse projects hoping to find something fun, pure crap, there's the occasional interesting thing like lace but I feel like I'm still at the same starting point.
it won't make a change to go outside, I've accepted my destiny.

>> No.50300405

>Pilots don't have a high salary lmao
Have you a sense of humour? What is there to 'laugh your ass off' about the fact that pilots don't receive a high salary? wtf am i missing here? I see this all the time on here. Fuck me, people are strange

>> No.50300415


>> No.50300449

most people can't learn to code
i have hiring managers with years of dev experience telling me that an overwhelming majority of their applicants are grossly incompetent, even those with a seemingly handsome amount of experience
this "learn to code" meme needs to die

>> No.50300469

>high salary
>never at home

gee i wonder

>> No.50300481

>i have hiring managers telling me
this is called 'hearsay', anon

>> No.50300510

How the fuck do i get into this?

>> No.50301264

perhaps, but after talking to CS grads who don't know how to work with for-loops after 5 years of studying, i believe what the HMs tell me

>> No.50301278

so, little known fact. Once a military retiree hits medicare eligibility....they HAVE to go onto medicare. Tricare for life is simply medicare part D.

This was a redpill, not even chiefs or officers knew this. You will be suprized how many people in the military DO NOT know this.

>> No.50302833

what's the money/time investment to get a pilot license? like for small planes or helicopters?

>> No.50302894

brainlet. airline captains at majors make more than codeniggers. https://www.airlinepilotforums.com/major/136055-end-2021-salary-survey.html

>> No.50302962

ameritards get fucked again. some pilots for major airline here make like 15k.

>> No.50302978

a month. not per year like in ameritard land

>> No.50303067

Pipefitters make stupid amounts of money, not the guy that you call to come unclog your toilet. That guy makes a living, but the pipefitter is the millionaire, but he has to do real work for it.

>> No.50303175

that mcmansion, kek

>> No.50303203

Learn to code was a pathetic attempt by MBAs at FAANG and related companies to lower salaries by flooding the labor market. It was doomed to fail but they couldn't see that because they never understood what it takes to code. Ironic given that most of those companies were founded by people who did. Now its just used to mock journalists.

>> No.50303308
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It's a "passion" job that people will do for nothing because they love flying. It was worse 10 years ago. Regional commercial airline pilots were making like $28k/year in 2010. The shortage is real now though and everyone is starting to pay better.
The military is still the best route because you get the best training for free. You don't have to join the airforce academy, can go army pilot without a degree. No military means being a small plane flight instructor for 1500 hours until you get your ATP. You better really like flying to go through with it. It's not glamorous like some movie with Pan Am pilots and hot stewardesses.

>> No.50303334

>graduate with a cs degree and no understanding of loops
how the fuck does this happen? I taught myself recursive shit like merge sort when I was 12 and there was no tutorials... and I am not a programmer at all.

>> No.50303357

Most modern planes run almost entirely on autopilot, pilots have become obsolete and continue to exist solely based on normie fear of being flown by a computer.

>> No.50303786

mil pilot here, flew civi side for a bit.
I paid close to 70k for all my licenses, most of my friends i went through flight school were making around 100-120k/year after 4-5 years.
but during that 4-5 years they were making like 40-50k/year.
A few never got out of that 40-50k/year.

You really need a degree to advance anywhere in this industry, but desu it's an absolute amazing job.
I'm making about 100k/year right now, tend to have a lot of free time also.
That being said you don't get into this career for the money, you get into it because it's an awesome job. Lifestyle is good if you're a single guy, not good if you have a partner.

>> No.50304012

>people in charge of operating large commercial aircraft make more than people programming two hours per day from home
sounds good to me

>> No.50304212

For Helicopters In the UK, to get Private Pilots Licence, Commercial Pilots Licence and Flight Instructor Rating takes a minimum of 250 hours.
At £400 per hour average cost for an R22, that's £100k.
At which point you can be employed as a flight instructor on dismal wages, but you'll fly for free so your hours will go up over the years. Before long you'll be at about 2000 hours and employable by commercial operators who will then train you on much more powerful machines.

Getting to 250 hours can take as long or as short as you like. It could easily be done in a year if you have the money and time. Even sooner in America due to better weather conditions.

>> No.50304511

This is bullshit, you cant pass first year papers without arrays let alone for loops.

>> No.50304575

Have you seen how school works recently?
>Prof releases a lecture video once a week
>all assignments are online
>4 online tests that you can cheat on easily
Congrats, you passed a term

>> No.50304624

im an autistic work from home hermit but i would unironically love to be an airline captain. they get 10-20 days off per month. good money + chances to see the world for free, what's not to like. only thing keeping me away from flight school is the decade of grinding it takes to get into a major airline -- and by then the pay might be back in the shitter.

>> No.50304642

even bus drivers don't have to read credit card advertisements

>> No.50304647

they literally just copy code for assignments and memorize trivia for exams
they never focus on gaining practical skills, they only care about getting a decent GPA with minimum effort required

>> No.50304649
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>High salary, prestigious job
This isn't 1960 anymore. Pilots are basically a glorified bus driver with salaries to match, but way more school debt.
t. pilot

>> No.50304744

wife getting blacked in Houston this weekend

>> No.50305000

Look up some local sheet metal companies. It can be a dangerous job and if you’re afraid of heights it’s not for you. If you’re serious about construction I would look into plumbing, sheet metal, excavation, utility companies, electricians, elevator mechanic or a union carpenter. All these trades make over six figures and if you ever can figure out how to start your own company you can make a lot more then 200k a year.

>> No.50305246

I live and work in Vietnam and can do whatever the fuck I want on my 2k a month salary, including throwing half of it into crypto if I want

>> No.50305486

Sexually Dimorphic Entropist

>> No.50305524

Dude you are an English teacher, right? 2k a month is pretty high for an average Vietnamese

>> No.50305541

Considered it but I only had 50k at the time and couldn't afford to train

>> No.50305627

If the common man knew how good women treat chads there would be riots on the streets and women hanging from lamp posts.

>> No.50305680

Every experienced pilot Ive ever met has always made sure his son did not choose aviation as a profession

>> No.50305878

Barely any good information in this thread right now. So I will give you what I know.
>private pilot license, expect to pay 13k, can not make money, can hobby fly though.
>instrument rating, another 15 to 20k, still can't make money
>commercial rating, can finally start getting free hours, expect it to cost a minimum of 20k
>single engine land, 15k
>high performance endorsement, to fly planes above 200 horse power, probably another 15k
>complex endorsement, to fly planes with constant speed propeller, retractable landing gear, and flaps, 20k
>multi engine land, 15-20k
Once you have these, you will have a good base to start training for type ratings, at which point you can start looking for jobs as a corporate pilot as PiC or FO, or as an observation pilot, many might want you to get a CFI rating, which is another 20k or so. In general, expect to spend between one and two years and literal mountains of money, but if you spend the time reading most of the materials and doing the ground work before, you could probably do it in five or six months, with lots of effort and if you have some natural talent at flying.

>> No.50306170

Just to let you know flight attendants are near the top of the list for professions where co-workers sleep around with each other.

>> No.50306214

>five months to go from never flown an aircraft to 747 type rated

No wonder air crashes happen 24/7 nowadays you guys are india tier holy shit

>> No.50306639

747 requires minimum 1500 hours for ATP, unlikely anyone is getting hired with 5 months of experience even if they have 1500 hours, atleast as PIC. You might get to FO for a 747, but it is highly unlikely.

>> No.50306664

Women love pilots because they're gone 90% of the time but make decent money, so the women can cheat on their husband's while they're away.

>> No.50306799

If you like being useless. Planes fly themselves better.

>> No.50306909

Everyone is saying pilots are glorified bus drivers but that’s an insult on bus drivers. Pilots do fuck all but keep autopilot on and sit back and relax. Bus drivers have to constantly have their mind on the road and put up with shitty traffic and fucking COONS.

>> No.50307008

Pilots are glorified bus drivers, it's actually pretty easy to pilot a plane. I thought it was complex until I started playing Microsoft Flight Simulator and was like "Wait, is this it?". I haven't look at pilots the same ever since.

>> No.50307086

I've met my fair share of cool bus drivers but their job isn't that hard either. The hardest part is probably counting change and that's it. Once you drive the same route everyday for 1 month, it becomes mind numbing.

>> No.50307137

sorry to hear that airbusbro. almost every flight I take is an A320/A319. I will be sure to be nice to all my pilots in the future and maybe we will meet sometime

>> No.50307141

nice larp
prior zogbot aircraft mech now working on an airline as logistics supervisor, talking to pilots a lot
sure one here and there might no enjoy it as much, but it very very rare, and they all get paid ridiculous amounts of money compared to everyone else in the industry
youre just sad cause youre probably colorblind and failed pilot school before even classing up

>> No.50307159

Obviously, the women just want to travel for free, yeah? Tinder is a competition of who can be the most shallow.

>> No.50307164

most pilots arent married because of this and they sleep around a lot themselves, the ones that are married do it too

>> No.50307247

elite autists always underestimate how dumb the average normie is. I can blame on the everyone is equal propaganda you get in school, you might notice everyone is not equal with grades but you might also believe its cause they dont try and not cause they dumber.

>> No.50307293

Nigger, the majors are paying $45k, and that's in you're very lucky. Most are stuck in the regionals working shitty hours in shitty conditions for $25k to $35k. And add in $70k - $100k in flight school loans. What exactly qualifies as "ridiculous" amounts of money to you?

>> No.50307298

bingo, as pilots say

>> No.50307352

Any point in a 30 year old switching into it? I'm looking to no longer be a codenigger

>> No.50307718

>how does this happen
It doesn't. It's BS

>> No.50307872

this isn't 2007. https://www.airlinepilotforums.com/major/136055-end-2021-salary-survey.html

>> No.50308472

Retardtier post

>> No.50308581

Really awful once you hit age 35+
You want a family and your health starts going downhill
All your non pilot peers past 35 make as much or even more money than you AND they get to do it while sitting in a comfy office and going home to their kids everyday

Why do you think there is such a massive pilot shortage?

>> No.50308948

basically, yes
roasties love travelling
they love fucking around
they love being dumb
he is "well travelled"
the holes love that it fills their inner emptiness
he chaffeurs people to all kinds of different places
and then he is gone, no responsibility, no consequences, femoids love that
it's a nigger tier job but femoids are so empty headed they get most things wrong or the opposite of what's what

>> No.50309245

Your original post doesnt have the same effect anymore then, dipshit

>> No.50309293

He clearly feels threatened by them and feels the need to mock them in whatever way he can find. Maybe its bc hes a skillless loser with no determination to become a useful member of society.

>> No.50309446

My dad was a pilot and used it as an excuse to cheat on my mom and sleep with women around the world. :(
He died, but I wonder if there's any half brothers I'll never meet.

>> No.50309514

Met a guy who's a pilot at a college reunion. He enjoys the work, has a wife and is thinking about having kids soon. It pays well enough for their needs living in the midwest, and he's starting to get flexibility in choosing which flights he will take each week. Not a bad gig all things considered.

>> No.50309590
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This. THIS! SO MUCH...THIS! If you want to make serious money you need to not pursue any further education besides dropping out of high school, getting a GED, and getting a blue collar trade job like an electrician, plumber, or landscaper. You should also accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and read The King James Holy Bible every night. That is where the REAL money is, both spiritual and material! You could have a whole wardrobe of jeans that fit just right.

>> No.50309692

FUCK YOU for flying a cooler jet than I do.

I just shuttle retards between Riga and Paris.

>> No.50309742

>The world is running out of pilots

>> No.50309868

fuck traveling. if i must i drive my car but i dont want to travel.

>> No.50309904

Bus drivers have to deal with the lowest of the lowest of society on a daily basis. They also have to deal with traffic and having no toilet.

>> No.50309976

because they know they can fuck chad and he'll be in another state by tomorrow morning
just women things

>> No.50310171

wtf does picrel mean? best guess I have is that "men see cities as full of working people, women see only unsafe men" but I truly have no idea

>> No.50310291

they know it but choose not to believe it.

>> No.50310296

I'd never be able to, I'm almost legally blind

>> No.50310376

Short men are invisible to women.

>> No.50310623

>selfie I took inverted over the ocean with my helmet/oxygen mask

You aren't taking the right pics. Women don't want to go in a fighter jet upside down with you. They want a guy who can take a private jet to a vacation destination.

Same thought process applies to bodybuilders. You went too extreme and women are turned off by it.

>> No.50310824
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777 first officer here, I know they've been saying this for 25 years but there is actually a pilot shortage now. It's probably the best time to start at a major airline. If you get hired at 25 years old vs me getting hired at 35 you are going to earn like an extra $5 million over the course of your career.

>> No.50310830

Women love pilots because they are quick fucks that will be gone the next day and they don't have to worry about making a connection with another human being.

>> No.50310972

I fly an Airbus for Spirit (lmao, i know) and Im considering changing to coding/programming. Being away from my wife is awful and the trips (and pay) have only gotten worse since Ive been here

If Frontier buys us then there is no way Ill stay here

>> No.50311021

how long before they flood the industry with air india pajeets for $50k/year?

>> No.50311159

That's a great question. I'm in Canada and everyone here is comping at the bit for the opportunity to go fly in the States for way better pay and cheaper cost of living. If they start giving work visas to foreign pilots it will likely be a race to the bottom like what happened with computer jobs.

>> No.50311182

Spirit pilot here. We are about to/already hiring Australian pilots. Its a great way for management to literally never raise our wages, thanks guys

>> No.50311234

Australian, Canadian, South African pilots are to aviation what the Bangladeshis are to cargo ship crews. Absolute locusts.

>> No.50311670
File: 217 KB, 1216x833, DFG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these trades make over six figures
sick of this meme. Tradies make like 60k a year dude, and that's after busting ass all day long in shit conditions
>sheet metal
>Construction Equipment Operators

Even if you're in the top 10% of earners, you're not going to be clearing 6 figures unless you live in one of the handful of states with very high COL. See pic related for electricians in Texas.

>elevator mechanic
there's like 20,00 elevator jobs in the entirety of the US. You'd have a better shot at becoming a fucking poet or a literal basket weaver

>> No.50312004

>5th yr FO
>$246,600 pay
>$38,400 B fund
>$5400 per diem
>$290,400 total
>Average 13 days working per month
>651 block
>Does not include profit sharing which should be around 3-4%

>Year 12 737 CA
>W2 = $405,000
>B Fund = $38,500
>Per Diem = $8,700
>Block = 845
>Long driver
>Averaged about 16 days/mo.

More proof you should never listen to /biz/, lmao at the wagie cope in here.

>> No.50312152

There was also like 2 or 3 pilots at FedEx that made over 1 million when COVID was starting due to getting stuck in China and overseas. It’ll never happen again but it did happen to a couple people.

>> No.50312430

in the SKY

>> No.50312736

Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot you know I’m fucking right. You’re probably a faggot pilot. No one respects you you know. You only bag whores.

>> No.50312772

this kek, any profession where you have options to cheat and get to know new people all the time will result in cheating. journalists for example.

>> No.50312831

>salary is okay
>I don't make money flying though
what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.50313020

The algorithm attempts to determine what your current objectives are and then feed you prospects which represent the opposite of that

Not that you’ll get shown to them, because you won’t. Additionally your conversations will be cut off midstream

>> No.50313299

Lmao sick Google chart cuck. Keep sitting at a desk for 80k a year while all us degenerates make well over 100k and fuck your wife at lunch time.

>> No.50313417

Kek no

>> No.50313446

>sick Google chart cuck
it's bureau of labor statistics. more reliable than some random LARPer who claims everybody working in the trades makes 100k

>> No.50314406

Most of it is knowing everything about the aircraft, all the emergency procedures, how do identify problems and handle them, being able to shoot instrument approaches, speak the language on the radios, being familiar with a shitload of regulations, etc.

Wiggling the joystick in the sim is not what makes a pilot. They’re more like sky accountants.

>> No.50314514 [DELETED] 

Thanks. It’s actually only a T-45 though and I still suck at it.

>> No.50314526

Well I’ll keep larping straight to the bank anon

>> No.50314637

Youre trying way too hard buddy. If you actually make 6 figs doing your low skill job then congrats. Most tradies dont make 6 figs. Simple as
>t. has lots of friends in different trades

>> No.50315824

At one point I wanted to learn how to pilot a rescue helicopter. Being able to rescue and save people has more meaning than flying a bunch of snobs to their destinations.

>> No.50316187

yeah wtf fuck my civil engineering studies I'll apply to my country's aviation academy, it's cheap as fuck only cost 15k to get atpl license and possibly hired by the flag carrier airline (FINNAIR)

There is literally no better employment financially speaking than being a pilot and everyone who disagrees is coping.

>> No.50316244 [DELETED] 

I guess? In the Coast Guard you can do that. Marines or Army though while you might do some SAR (search & rescue) missions you’ll also ferry troops into combat.

Picture that. You’re 25-30 years old. Pick up a bunch of literal 18 year old children from the boat, land in a hot LZ, tell them good luck and to please get the fuck off the helo, then go back to the ship to pick up another batch of Marines. Ferrying children to their likely deaths.

That’s the life of a V-22 pilot. Attack helo guys think they’re so tough because they’re trigger pullers but I think transport pilots are the real psychopaths.

>> No.50318266

dang there are lots of pilots on biz

>> No.50318493

>Bro just learn to code lmao

>> No.50318560

My dream was to become a jet pilot
I tried to join the brazilian air force 5 times and couldn't get it

>> No.50318610

>you also lose any kind of social life and will die early form the health problem
I don't have a social life and don't want to live long
Perfect for me, a shame that I don't have the money for my pilot license

>> No.50318627

>I was 22 and making 90k a year.
I wish I was born in a rich family and a good country, lol

>> No.50318679

that's because brazil doesn't have an air force, dumbass

>> No.50318704
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>> No.50318718

Absolutely based anon congrats on making it

>> No.50318732

post more modded DCS screenshots

>> No.50318754

based boomer who will get cancer soon.

>> No.50318766



>> No.50318791
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>> No.50318796


goddamn i can smell the virginity from this comic.

suck a dick and be a fag already.

>> No.50319198

kek wut? Post your tits slut.

>> No.50320175

Ain't doing it if the pay ain't 150k
All boomer jobs are worthless and are literally automated a already. No pilot flies the commercial flights, it's a meme job and you can fuck straight off. Learn to be the middleman

>> No.50321185

There's a huge pilot shortage. As it's set up now, the barrier of entry is fucking massive but already Airlines are doing their best to lessen the blow they're receiving when all their 60 something pilots retire. American for example is accepting everyone and their grandma into their pilot academy. Problem is the majority wash out.

Shitty regional pay? Already reversing.
Shitty starting pay at the national level? Already reversed.
Of course you can't change the logistics of flying and how tough it can be on a family, ect. But if you get in now and manage to land a job within the next 5 years or so, you'll be roughly in the higher tiers of seniority as your career goes on. That means making captain, that means getting the best routes, that means a job making 30k a month. That's not chump change by any means and it'll more than make up for any up front investment if you genuinely enjoy flying and the status that comes from being a pilot.

>> No.50321881

>you don't want the whores
I'd definitely be smashing as many UAE flight attendants as possible

>> No.50322007

too much regulation not enough testing for skill and rewarding it, but that's every blue collar job now

>> No.50322049

>not enough testing for skill and rewarding it
In other jobs that gets you a 100-200k a year at max and means more stress than pilots have with much smaller salary

>> No.50322073
File: 151 KB, 1200x750, aircraft-single-piston-cirrus-sr22-g2-360229_0d7e9d1fd6295f3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much pussy will this plane get me?
i just wanna have mile high club bros

>> No.50322329
File: 101 KB, 862x575, a woman is not a scaled down man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard it's extremely competitive to become a pilot in the AF and some things like being too tall or short you can't even control.

>> No.50322496

>Pilots don't have a high salary lmao.

shut the fuck up retard. stop talking SHIT your whole life.

>> No.50322535

Lmfao you stupid nigger.
777 pilots first officers start 225 and captains easily go above 300k

>> No.50323009


Pilots earn shit money till they make it to several thousand of Flight time because insurance companies hate insuring planes with low experience pilots.
So a pilot really starts to make good money at 40 and generally will retire at 55 because of some health reasons (sight, heart, high blood pressure, etc..) as insurance also hate sickly pilots or pilots that could pass out more than average.

So the life of the pilot (unless you are lucky) is like this:
First few year crazy hours and McDonald's salary, following year crazy hours and construction worker salary, hit 40 quickly make 6 figures hit 50 make high six figures and much better hours, hit 55 retire.

So really you get to enjoy being a pilot too late and for a short time while sacrificing your 20s and 30s with shit salary, crazy working hours most likely on cargo planes with no hostesses.

If you have the right hookups you can proceed with your career much faster.

Also there are pitfalls, you really are trained for only a couple of planes, can't just switch from Airbus to Boeing or from small models to bigger models or from propeller to jet engines without very costly certifications and training. So if your plane type group becomes unpopular your salary will tank unless you spend a very large sum for retraining for a different model.

Now you can't just bang hostesses like until the 2000s, feminists, me too movement and all shit gets you fired fast.

No drugs or alcohol unless you have a very standard work schedule (rare nowadays for new pilots) as if you get called at 6am thinking to be free the next day but a colleague got sick and you have been on a bender till 3am you easily lose your job.

Flying is no longer fun. The computer does literally everything and you mostly go trough checklists and taxi the plane on the ground. Sometimes you will turn off the autopilot for take offs and landing just for feeling that you are still more than a glorified backup for the autopilot.

>> No.50323038


>> No.50323055


NEVER marry a working flight attendant. Might as well marry an hooker, at least she would get paid to cheat on you. 9 out of 10 flight attendants i met had sex with pilots or other crew at least a few times regardless of married or not.
The job is perfect for that, unlike pilots they can get drunk always hang around together, get drunk together and sleep in hotels usually used by airlines so full of of pilots and crews which are all away from their spouses.
Even if she is almost a nun it is bound to happen, angry over a small fight the spouse the day before, a bit too much to drink, sexy pilot asks to walk her back upstairs and oops!
Than easily becomes an habit.

>> No.50323065

Most garbage, schizo thing I've ever read. Can easily make six fig in your 30s (provided you started early 20s) and bang a shit ton of women (not usually stewardesses since that could get messy).

Lost my drink at the "Autopilot for take off and landing". Literally impossible- they've tried it for years now, still doesn't work. I encourage you to use "autopilot" for landing if you ever learn to fly. Let us know how it goes! I'll keep an eye on the headlines.

>> No.50323071
File: 367 KB, 3200x1800, MV5BNGE3YWQyNjQtZDk0Yi00YWUyLWI5NjQtYTYwMjU5N2Q2ZGJhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTc5MDI5NjE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okie from muskogee

>> No.50323293


I don't know where you fly or how old you are but nowadays on Airbuses young pilots aren't allowed any manual flying besides category 1 approaches... Because insurance ran the numbers and decided it's safer this way.

>> No.50324335
File: 157 KB, 726x443, aapilot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a huge pilot shortage. As it's set up now, the barrier of entry is fucking massive but already Airlines are doing their best to lessen the blow they're receiving when all their 60 something pilots retire.
ya the barrier is pretty wild. picrel

This is what American Airlines sees as an ideal career progression. My summary would be:
Take out $90-100k loan (just for the program; not living expenses)
2 years of poverty wages
3 years of not much better than that
3 years of "OK" pay
In year 9, the real career seems to begin, but it's ultimately in-person work going who knows where.
>Bro just learn to code lmao I make more than pilots and fly where I WANT to
unironically this, if you can tolerate it. I just spent 3 months working from the philippines and my salary progression has been this from 2016 to present:
I'm at 20 year american airlines captain compensation, although the captain does have an incredibly easier job, better self actualization, nicer uniform, etc than me. I didn't have to take a nigger-tier loan or work for poverty wages at any point. I also got to catch the bull market for a bit, which in hindsight has been *very* important (also a good reason I avoided medicine; I'd be a resident in debt right now instead of worth $700k)

Seems like it could be a decent young man's game, if you got started right away at 18; would still help to have about $100k from family or something to cover the huge. For a 30 year old career switcher, it'd suck having to chill as a regional pilot until nearly age 40.

>> No.50325705
File: 69 KB, 910x732, SnodgrassBananaPass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy that maverick from top gun was based on forgot to remove the control stick lock the old senile bastard.


>> No.50325803

stop flying around faggots, improve your own place so you dont have to. fuck travel thots too.

>> No.50325843

This one's pretty good


>> No.50328242

this is 100% correct. And all flight attendants are whores.

t. pilot

>> No.50328294
File: 75 KB, 600x1040, Kornheiser_Why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread

>> No.50328351

agreed. at least your on airbus though and don't have to do that much actual work... besides talk to retarded boomers for 5 hours.

Dropping your trips for a side hustle is the only way to make real money.

>> No.50328566

tells you all you need to know.

>> No.50329079

I switched career from pilot to programmer due to Covid and lack of flying experience causing me to struggle finding work again.

I now make about 20% less but I work 50% fewer hours (32 hours instead of the ~70 hours). I work from home for 24 hours a week and only go to the office once a week to do the required SCRUM routine.

I flew A320 in Europe. I now work at a large software company on mostly back-end inner workings.

I recommend this to pilots that are getting fed up with the lifestyle and never being at home.

>> No.50329142



>> No.50329221

Pilots can make decent bank but only after years of grinding since both insurance and airline companies want to fuck them in the ass as hard as possible, and thats not counting all the shit you have to pay for just to become one. Unless you genuinely want to fly and are willing to put your nose to the grindstone for years dealing with stress and low pay its not the best choice. You fly in spite of the pay, not because of the pay, if that makes any sense.
t. was in the process of becoming a heli pilot until it was discovered I am colorblind as all fuck, feelsbadman

>> No.50329328

touch grass incel

>> No.50329381

but you can drop to zero, kek

Im also out if its f9.

>> No.50329382

They’re trying to lure in new ones because a large number of the pilots who actually had good salaries and benefits grandfathered in just quit during COVID. The good salaries haven’t been available to new pilots for 10 years and they won’t start offering them again now that travel requires so many new regs.

The best course of action here is to let the airlines choke to death and then get in on the ground floor of the new companies that replace them.

>> No.50330102

Becoming a pilot in the AF is used as a re-enlistment and recruitment tactic. They sign you up for 4-6 years as tech operator/maintenance for said aircraft, then make you re-enlist to be an officer and pilot. This can all be avoided though with right parents and money.

>> No.50330168

What about them Fucking sprinkler cats? They are always need fixing and replacing.

>> No.50330174

all lot of rich people get their own pilots license actually