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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50296727 No.50296727 [Reply] [Original]

>stock market is collapsing
>real estate is crashing
>bitcoin is imploding
>inflation is out of control
>interest rates are blowing up
>gas prices are sky rocketing
>supply chain is breaking
>product shortages are occuring
>food supply is threatened
>personal savings are dwindling
>consumer credit is maxxing
>mass layoffs are beginning

>> No.50297019
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None of this is true.

Stop watching cable news, go outside, and get a job.

>> No.50297091

Good. I want housing to crash so I can get in at pre-stimmy prices.

>> No.50297113

All of this is happening you utter retard. Its happening slow so no one notices. Its happening though. Its all downhill from here just like the last few months have been down hill.

>> No.50297116
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Good thing I invested my life savings in the mother of all short squeezes, my comfy Gamestonk

>> No.50297127

My job has unironically laid off half of our employees this year.

>> No.50297184
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Learn a valuable skill, become useful to society, work hard, and you will have nothing to worry about !

>> No.50297222
File: 1.38 MB, 1077x1014, Screenshot_20220703-125247_DuckDuckGo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can live off my savings for approximately 1 year. Feelsgoodman. I have no fear. All is calm.

>> No.50297279

There is no skill that a Mecican or Chinaman can't do cheaper nowadays.

>> No.50297292

pull yourself up by your bootstraps

>> No.50297310

I need to make a meme image of a wojak hanging himself by the bootstraps

>> No.50297333

>have valuable skill
>no one has money to hire you
Great plan.

>> No.50297341
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>real estate is crashing
no it isn't. I'm still FUCKING priced out

>> No.50297361

US unemployment rate is 3.6%, you're just useless

>> No.50297370

That is because you only make 8 dollars an hour.

>> No.50297407

Touch grass. All of that is true moron.

>> No.50297454

Idiots don’t realize boomers mass retiring and there are not enough non retards to replace them. Therefore job #s will look good for awhile which gives the Fed more room to hike rates. There will not be a Fed pivot anytime soon.

>> No.50297458

>Stop watching cable news
Last time I checked news is saying things are amazing.

>> No.50297468

>just work for less than a living wage bro
No I don't think I will.
We were discussing the future anyway, not now. Go ahead. Have whatever trade you want. When the time comes no skill will be of value that isn't needed. For example no one is gonna hire contractors to work on houses. People will DIY instead. The free ride is over for greedy fucks who want to get paid for doing things people can do themselves.

>> No.50297483
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I make 70k and the houses here are still at 370k up from 150k and I'm FUCKING priced out WHERE'S THE CRASH NIGGER

>> No.50297513

If the market crashes then banks won't lend to you. Just get a gf and go halves on the house.

>> No.50297523

OK Boomboom

>> No.50297542

>my only hope is making it with qom with the big pump incoming
>my only hope is a memecoin
why did the system fail me like this
where is the promise of prosperity

>> No.50297565

many days has this been happening now 2-3 days?
get a grip, nothing ever happens

>> No.50297569

>be me
>76k salary
>priced out, moved to cheaper area
>40% increase in housing cost
>priced out again

>> No.50297576

It will crash as soon as the white collar workers start to realize they can move to another country to work. It already happening with Californians moving to Mexico.

>> No.50297582
File: 64 KB, 850x400, quote-i-have-never-made-but-one-prayer-to-god-a-very-short-one-o-lord-make-my-enemies-ridiculous-voltaire-30-37-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, maybe it was a bad idea to shock shut down the economy and quadruple the money supply.

>> No.50297618

please forgive our deep state
they're exceptionally fucking retarded

when people are broke, they will not submit to those with all the money: they'll just rob them and fight each other over the pieces

>> No.50297630

Ironically you won’t even need the savings. During financial habbenings they give out free gibs.

>> No.50297632
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>just enter into a six figure financial agreement with a femoid bro
I just wanted to have a vegetable garden and be able to masturbate in peace. it's over

>> No.50297636

this includes the military of course
because people who are in it aren't fucking patriots and they never were

>> No.50297641

any job that can be done from your bedroom can be done from mumbai, they're not going anywhere

>> No.50297653

>he doesn't have a professional woman with equal or greater income

>> No.50297658

why didn’t I sell

>> No.50297669

>export all labor
>spending power decreases
>prices increase perpetually because companies are greedy, short-sighted fucks
what do you think happens to a globalized country, anon?

>> No.50297682

>falling for the shitcoin meme
You have no one to blame but yourself.

>> No.50297743

>Water supply is out in Nevada
>California has no water shed
>They are trying to destroy the Colorado River now - for grape farms and avocado trees

Toppest of keks

>> No.50297856

Have fun getting hacked and your system being down all the time. I’ve worked for a company that tried this route and ended up costing them more money than what they saved. 1 fuck up for a major corporation is all that needs to happen.

>> No.50297864

We're about to find out

>> No.50297890
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I'll see you on the streets and if you're pretty shove you on to my sheets.

>> No.50297915
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i run these streets motherfucker

>> No.50297922

>the sky is falling
you retarded kids on here have never lived through anything bad

>> No.50297939
File: 119 KB, 976x549, cookedmexicans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thousands of brown low iq savages crossing the border daily

this administration hates the country

>> No.50297969

imagine the smell

>> No.50298060

According to the the first lady, it probably smells like breakfast tacos

>> No.50298247

What's the red shit coming out the back of the trailer?

>> No.50298258

Good luck with your professional self empowered gf. She will see you as beta someday and leave you for a Tyrone

>> No.50298263

Thats the Salsa

>> No.50298295

Good thing she’s racist

>> No.50298342

or else the dynamic shifts and you are getting bossed and nagged all the time, and now required to do more house work then her because she works 10hrs and makes more and you only work 8hrs and you better plan something for this weekend because she is tried from work and needs mandatory date night to relax that you have to plan and make dinner and cool and clean and go grocery shopping

I such a fuckin cuck

>> No.50298771

>where is the promise of prosperity
It is estimated that every single America is consistently robbed of $14,000 USD inflation adjusted since the 2008 financial collapse
It's almost inconceivable how blatantly robbed we were, and continue to be

>> No.50298865

Yeah in the form of bread. Don't think they're going to give us thousands of dollars again that we can all gamble on shitcoins with.

>> No.50298868

This is your economy on the Democrat party.

>> No.50298900
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Don't wanna sound like a dick or nothin', but it says on your chart that you're f***ed up. Ah, you talk like a fag, and your sh*t's all tarded. What I'd do, is just like... ha ha... like... aha... you know, like, you know what I mean, like... haha...

>> No.50298961

RE is slow, it's not crashing, but it's definitely turned over

>> No.50298980

Lmao, a 50% crash would destroy society and only bring prices back to levels like three or four years ago

>> No.50299020

A pandemic?

>> No.50299049

That word has lost all meaning.

>> No.50299051


>> No.50299083

Well we lived through the world governmwnts collectively fucking us over and forcing lockdowns and propaganda on us for two years, but I guess that wasn't that bad.

>> No.50299088


>> No.50299096

That's more like it.
Do you see your original mistake now?

>> No.50299160

teacher isn't a profession retard.
she's also ugly and stupid.
stop shilling crypto shit on facebook too.

>> No.50299186

>didn't even mention grocery store prices

>> No.50299242
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The ride still running lad, its not stopping for a while

>> No.50299354
File: 68 KB, 853x480, mpv-shot0045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would destroy society
Tell me more. Talk slow, use lots of metaphors.

>> No.50299475

Real estate is not crashing, it's returning to normal.

>> No.50299844

As long as they're alive, they'll be trying to kill me. I'll only be trying to kill them until they're dead, which they aren't yet. It's not over.

>> No.50300114
File: 14 KB, 348x348, sgusbfuksbvksv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just like the 2008 crash. Everyone lose hope, but those who positioned themselves well made a killing the next few years.
Get yourself 1 bitcoin and a few other assets that will be worth it. Don't buy real estate until the bubble bursts. QANX is another good crypto I'm holding. Get yourself as many assets as you can.

>> No.50300492

>Get yourself 1 bitcoin and a few other assets that will be worth it.
>implying magic internet funny money is an asset with value

>> No.50300524

Feels good knowing that things are about to collapse and you can buy the lowest dip possible

>> No.50300772

>This is just like the 2008 crash
This is nothing like the 2008 crash

>> No.50300856

It's like poetry. It rhymes.

>> No.50300907

THIS! I'm a truck driver 2nd shift, drop and hook and grab supplies when needed. The company I work for has a very hard time finding drivers. I'm dedicated and very hard working. Nobody can or wants to do what I do, therefore I hog up all the overtime and make descent money. Never will I live paycheck to paycheck ever again. I'm comfy. My job is easy, I don't understand why nobody would touch it with a ten foot pole, lol.
The company I work for is desperate for workers.

I have no worries, don't care about the current bullshit going on cuz I have plenty of money and a rock solid safe job.

>> No.50301353

Enjoy driverless trucks in 5 years

>> No.50301475


Not everyone is a serial killer/serial rapist like you

>> No.50302174

>Nobody can or wants to do what I do, therefore I hog up all the overtime
>I have plenty of money and a rock solid safe job
You're a disposable poorfag wageslave making such shit money you have to give up your life to get by. Retards like you are why no one in your industry gets paid fairly. Too many schmucks like you out there are too dumb to realize you are being taken advantage of. You'll figure it out someday. It'll be too late by then. You'll have wasted the best years of your life by the time it hits you how stupid your life choices were.

>> No.50302473

Where's Reagan when you need him

>> No.50304101

Well we have the equivalent of Carter in office now. If history repeats itself the next Regan will win election in 2024.