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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 477 KB, 1170x1538, FDA61487-EA58-4CD1-BE0D-55ECADE196AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50293324 No.50293324 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50293342
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>It's real

>> No.50293358
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>it's real


>> No.50293377
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THAAAAT'S not good for business.

>> No.50293378

lol crypto baggies

>> No.50293382
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>> No.50293387

>we can help
how? funds are not safu they are gone.

>> No.50293392

Not my problem. All in on USDC, all in my Ledger.

>> No.50293396

It’s all coming crashing down

>> No.50293398

It's over.

>> No.50293399


>> No.50293416

So they took it from Uniswap and Binance detected the hack and is trying to help them fix it?

>> No.50293419

bullish for solidly

>> No.50293426

really wishing i had set limits on approvals now.

>> No.50293443

Only hitting wBTC so might be limited to just wBTC for whatever reason.

>> No.50293452

Say what now? Explain.

>> No.50293453

Holy based that hacker redeemed all of the unclaimed Eth.

>> No.50293486
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funds are safu

>> No.50293489

should I transfer my holdings to coinbase?

>> No.50293518
File: 991 KB, 500x394, sisko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CZ filing defect reports for other chains

>> No.50293520

Yeah do that now. CEXs are your friends buddy.

>> No.50293530

see you at $800 on Wednesday

>> No.50293545

Andre was very critical of UniswapV3 and created a uniswap/curve killer that he rugged.

Are you holding wBTC on uniswap?
What is your public address?

>> No.50293548

weird, hacker stole a bunch of wbtc/eth LP somehow. cz tweet implies binance fucked up somehow? what token listing is he referring to? also top kek an hour ago he was eating dinner with macron, then this happens

>> No.50293561

You should transfer your coins to a personal wallet and just chill during the bear market. And get a job in the meantime.

>> No.50293565

can cz be anymore based?

>> No.50293577
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binance not affected

>> No.50293578

I used uniswap with my HW but a different account can other accounts be affected?

>> No.50293579

Not a smart contract issue


>> No.50293602

>only $4.7M worth of eth
do people still give a fuck about pocket money?

>> No.50293630
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Pancakeswap is gonna do more volume than Uniswap next bullrun and finally I will have made it

>> No.50293631

Hmm, it doesn't look like a phishing attack to me but samczsun is a million times smarter than me so I believe him.

>> No.50293650
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I guess this meeting today wasn't bullish

>> No.50293660

Both tokens will go to 0. Literally Token Not Needed.
>Still thinking DAO tokens do anything, let alone appreciate in value

>> No.50293666

I am trying to understand what happened.
It seems to be a hack removing liquidity related to an NFT collateral?

How can I analyze what happened better?

>> No.50293674

posting in epic bread

>> No.50293721

Nothing burger, can't believe cz posted this

>> No.50293723

Click the decode button

>> No.50293738

etherscan has a tool to revoke approvals

etherscan menu > more > token approvals. youll need metamask.

protip dont do swaps on wallets that matter, always do swaps on temp wallets and move your coins to your real wallet afterwards. the only thing you want on coldwallets are transfers.

>> No.50293743
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wtf is a uniswap?

>> No.50293770
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>> No.50293778

Ah nice!
Thank you I didn't know this function.

It seems this was not a hack but a phising campaign scam:

LP is implemented as an NFT in Uniswap.

>> No.50293781

Ok Fink

>> No.50293785
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Lmao CZ just wanted to kill some weak hands before we take off.

>> No.50293790
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>tfw you put your shit in a wallet instead of an exchange like a dummy

>> No.50293803

More info here:

>> No.50293869
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just CZ spreading defi fud as usual

>> No.50293870
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>a very successful phishing campaign
kek pajeets still doing what they do best

>> No.50293916

Literally only cryptokeks are dumb enough to fall for this

>> No.50293940

I didn't know etherscan can display incorrect information...
It seems I will have to read every contract in the future if I want to see what happens.

>> No.50293941


>> No.50293951

Why would shorts get liquidated, he means longs surely

>> No.50293959

I didn't tell you to click on it and didn't tell you to do it quickly.

I wanted to share my findings in real time only and now understand better what happened while you didn't learn anything.

>> No.50293973


honestly, pretty based

>> No.50293978

I was talking about the phising email, not your post lmao

>> No.50293990

why didnt all the hacks happen when the prices were higher? hmmm....

>> No.50294005

Shut up and panic sell.

>> No.50294039

Ah ok
This reminds me of the twitter scams where Elon promised to send back double of what was sent to him.
The websites had a timer which made it look like you only had 10 minutes to do it, but the timer was reset each time the page was loaded again.

>> No.50294081
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>> No.50294088

he's a market maker and this all fits my memelines PERFECTLY.

>> No.50294089

It's one of the favorite tactics of psychopaths and manipulators to try to make you accept something quickly by being very persistent and urging you for a quick answer.

Everyone learns after a mistake, but it worries me how stupid Uniswap users are after all this time spent in the market.

At least Bancor used jewish tactics and infinite printing to hide their scam.

>> No.50294166

I only use kyber, so this is irrelevant to me

>> No.50294195

Shut sergey

>> No.50294252

Aren't Uniswap holders supposed to be smarter and more savvy? How could they fall for a Phishing scheme like this?

>> No.50294326

>Andre was very critical of UniswapV3 and created a uniswap/curve killer that he rugged.
So you were joking around? I can't imagine solidity surviving beyond the next couple of years.

>> No.50294491

>I can't imagine solidity surviving beyond the next couple of years.
This is why cardano and Plutus will win

>> No.50294529

it was phishing bro, stfu

>> No.50294555

They can take all $5-6 I have on there that I literally can't swap out

>> No.50295111

How many times has eth been
hacked now?
>the future of finance surely
What a joke

>> No.50295387

Once Qanplatform is live it will be adopted majorly as the dapps can be built with any programming languages and it's a quantum resistant blockchain.

>> No.50295417

Kek proving once again how based he is

>> No.50295466

Seriously, Dex's getting hacked
Hardware wallet's leaking their customers name and home addresses.

Binance is literally the safest place to hold your coins

>> No.50295470
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future of finance

>> No.50295482
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It's funny. I was just in a bancor thread talking about how code is imperfect and can fail yet I got a bunch of shit for it and how uniswap had solved amm.

Sounds like it's ALL shit.

>> No.50295501

Second tweet was they have no contact with uniswap devs, one of tokens he listed without requiring.

>> No.50295513

why does this sound fishy

>> No.50295536
File: 10 KB, 227x222, images (30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust me this is nothing desu. When the quantum computers are out its gonna break our wallets and make it vulnerable for hacks and theft, it's wise if we get adopted to a quantum proof or a hack proof blockchain so we don't need to work in McD for all we know

>> No.50295569

Are you aware that 3ac lost literal billions trying to leverage slurp the dip and 5% of all bored ape yacht clubs have been stolen via social engineering scams and phishing sites? These people are not as smart as you give them credit for

>> No.50295568

Why the fuck would we need a quantum resistant blockchain

>> No.50295583

because a quantum computer can crack bitcoin here are all the keys https://keys.lol for every adress

>> No.50295613

Because the quantum threats are not really far, many big gaints like Honeywell, IBM are working on it and by 2023 a fully functional prototype will be out. Even a single threat can't be negated imo.

>> No.50295616

But I thought quantum computers haven't been invented yet

>> No.50295626

yeah, bitcoin isn't cracked yet is it?

>> No.50295635

When you put it that way I guess it makes sense. 2023 is not really far away

>> No.50295636

Anon you are exactly right. It will spit our wallets private keys in no time

>> No.50295678
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They have been developing for ages now desu. And now it's time for them to be unleashed onto us. It's better we take precautionary measures like joining a quantum proof and a hack proof blockchain. By the EOY they will go mainnet so no worries desu.

>> No.50295710

Keeping assets in a ledger is based. I take extra measures when making on-chain transactions by using privacy solutions. Can't risk leaving any data lying around for hackers.

>> No.50295756

Obviously not.

>> No.50295772

Not your keys, Not your coins. You lots never learn.

>> No.50295781

Better safe than sorry. I'd like to see the quantum computers in action though cause I can't believe btc getting cracked.

>> No.50295807

This quite a pity for Uniswap, but then the flaws in Uniswap has been evident from the insane IL to this now.

>> No.50295896

They love to learn the hard way.

>> No.50295930

Well a lot of the celebs and companies that "bought" apes they got registered by admin assistants and PAs that technically own them.

>> No.50295955

Is there a DEX that doesn't suffer from IL?

>> No.50296019

kek, it’s not even an exploit, someone just got phished. cz is dumb as fuck and so are cucknance users

>> No.50296143
File: 40 KB, 640x628, AEEDB85A-47D2-4445-8E42-070622F4D30D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IBM are working on it and by 2023 a fully functional prototype will be out

>> No.50296154

Based. We must secure the safu of our funds and a future for white tokens. Death to defi niggers, I won't be happy until every dex is swinging from the trees.

>> No.50296345

Alliance Block DEX boasts of reducing IL to the barest minimum, you should channel your research there.

>> No.50296372

Binance is probably the exploiter

>> No.50296388

It was me hehe

>> No.50296529

basically, a lazy well-known pajeet level attack made someone an instant millionaire

>> No.50296552

You lost this war already fag, DEXes have come to stay and there's no stopping them.

>> No.50296606


>> No.50296880 [DELETED] 

nigger send me 10eth

10eth is make it money here on brazil


>> No.50296919

Phishing is now "hacking". retards on the internet need to download a bullet to the head.

>> No.50297175

If you don't agree it's your loss I don't really care. Atleast it's better to not cry on the later part. I really hope you soon understand the necessity of a quantum resistant blockchain.

>> No.50297229
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>baiting this hard