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File: 363 KB, 1917x1080, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50293038 No.50293038 [Reply] [Original]

>turn 40 tomorrow
>still haven't made it
>negative net worth
>completely alone

should I kms?

>> No.50293058

Don't do it fren, just find Jesus.

>> No.50293066

Find God. Jesus Christ is there to welcome you in your hour of need.

>> No.50293079

No, because in the coming collapse we're gonna need every anon. So keep yourself alive, faggot.

>> No.50293160

Im in your same spot just landed a low paying wfh job that Im gonna use to pay rent and accumulate during this bear cycle. Just get whatever job you can so you can start buying and wait until the next bull cycle. It doesnt take much to make 200k like this and with that money you can go live in peru and surf or something while having a bs remote job that pays you in dollars for spending money, giving you enough years of a better life while you do the same during the next bear market. Better than anheroing yourself if youre gonna do it at least let it be in a beach

>> No.50293527

listen to this guy, don't be a faggot OP. it's never too late.

>> No.50293559

I'm turning 23 and something new on my body hurts everyday, doubt I'll make it to 40. Keep going.

>> No.50293605

We're getting to the good part just hold out for 2-8 years to experience historical societal collapse. Go out in flames not like a faggot.

>> No.50293606

I just got back from Disney World and Universal with my gf of 6 years and her friend and her friends gf. I had lots of fun and made a new friend to play vidya with. I work from home and life has literally never been better. Tonight her period will be over which means it's raw dog night and she is currently making yellow chicken curry for my post work out meal. Life has never been better for me and 8 years ago I cried alone in my car on my birthday after lieing to my parents I was going out with friends. You can make it kings. The Harry Potter rides blew my fucking mind as I haven't been to a theme park in like 10 years.

>> No.50293613

Good time to buy AMP and XRP.

>> No.50293687

lol dont you wanna know what happens with Link? stick around, faggot. we can die later.

>> No.50293699

>should I kms?
Why? You're free. No one can take anything from you.

>> No.50293725

He has no skills
We will eat his fat meat.

>> No.50293761

on second thought i'll remain alone

>> No.50293846

I highly recommend it at least once. Can't take money to the grave.

>> No.50293901

i obsessively played video games for over 20 years and i regret most of it
disneyworld is not fun. i went there with a gf 10 years ago (from a time when i could still attract one) and i regret that too

>> No.50294004

If you Kill yourself u just get reincarnated as a faggot or a nigger so unless you’re one of those I don’t suggest doing it

>> No.50294103

If you want to die: you should go work out and learn how to seduce women so you can be a serial homewrecker. That would give your life meaning, purpose, and direction and getting shot by a jealous husband is a better way to die than getting Alzheimers.

>> No.50294181
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Godpseed anon sounds comfy af

>> No.50294534

True. People don't get it but life is forever. You just enter another body. You are life itself so you're always going to be living.

>> No.50294561

If we can move his hands and feet we can use him. If not, why the fuck would I eat human meat regardless.

>> No.50294586
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Just buy a plane ticket to Kauai and live on the beach with thousands of other homeless sexy women. It's that easy if you want to literally make it

>> No.50294650


>> No.50294658
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Anon I'm almost 36 now.
I'm living in a place and the powers turned off cause my bills behind, just got fired and they denied my vacation after approving it.

My teeth are falling apart, infections all over pus and boils including inside my mouth, pretty sure my hearts failing from bad health, I can't even afford to eat.

I got a job and start thursday it's going to suck but what choice do I have I thought about killing myself all week long and been crying for help, I thought for sure I didn't get the job but I got the call this morning.

It's a job I don't care but it will pay the bills and lower my shitty life down to a more slightly manageable level.

The point I'm trying to make is I'm literally going through a hell most people would kill their selves if they were in my shoes, maybe I should maybe I will but not today frens....
Not today.

>> No.50294679

if you have a good credit score just credmaxx

>> No.50294925
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Your gf's friend is a guy holy fuck

>> No.50294967
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You still have time to make it in the next cycle Anon. Did you even try to make it in Crypto? You have to put in the work.

>> No.50294968

How do you guys get gfs? I'm 32 and never had one. Spent a year on dating apps, over 5000 swipes no matches

>> No.50295003

I'm a 27 khv. Do all the good shit, work out, take care of myself, etc.
Also I just had rona recently and started balding after that. Which is funny because no men in my family are bald, ha ha ha, funny isnt it. Is it over?

>> No.50295032
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Anon have you ever tried loving yourself first? No gay talk, real shit. Like work on yourself, take care of your weigh, hygiene, clothes etc. Next get out of the house, go to parties, or events. Have the balls to buy a girl a drink or invite one for coffee. Even if you get rejected just see it as earning experience points. One of them is bound to say yes.

>> No.50295082

Well I did the self improvement meme where I got a hair cut, lost weight, and got better clothes. I went from 35k a year job to 80k a year remote.

I can't look women in the eye and have avoidant personality. I can't talk to them unless they approach me. I haven't made a friend since middle school 17 years ago because of this. I figured dating apps would get the ball rolling since you can text and ease into it first but apparently I'm pretty ugly. /soc/ rated me a 4/10 average.

>> No.50295118
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Hmm Anon, i know this is going to sound fucked up. Have you tried hiring escorts? You dont have to fuck them just to get use to a women nexts to you. Hand job, bj. But if you dont want to go down that path, just join some sort of church fuck it. Mormon and Christian girls are sluts once they see you accept the faith. Do something brother, dont just sit there and not try.

>> No.50295186
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Welcome to the boomer club, fren. You're officially old now.

>> No.50295187

No you should live. I’ve had some crappy jobs and I have a crappy job now. Life is better when you’re making money so if you’re able to find anything. Go to a temp agency and say you’re looking for work. They’ll have something for you.

Life finds a way. It’s never too late to make money in the money market.

>> No.50295196

I'll try going to a downtown bar again or something, last 5 times I did that it was awkward as fk and I was sitting in a corner with my other beta friend

>> No.50295201

By the way happy birthday. If you’re smart you will make it by the time you’re mid 40s and still retire early. Wish you the best

>> No.50295214

you pull your arse out in trying to do something and all the things you need will come to you, including the challenges
I don't give a fuck if your sixty, you life five years for now could be a world away from where you are now
like fucking magic
but it'll hurt, and you'll have to keep going when it does
stout heart anon

>> No.50295236
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No. Something weird is going on globally, try to wait it out. Get a job too.

>> No.50295263

How do you know you're balding?

>> No.50295280

it's never too late anon

>> No.50295296

i always figured if im broke by 40 and dont care anymore i could always just be a van living vagrant and just travel the world trolling locals in random places and hooking up with random girls just generally not giving a shit until something kills me.
and then if i do have a lot of money by 40 i could do that but with a nicer van

>> No.50295322

This. What a faggot. Going to pedo world and playing vidya while your girls “friend” and his girlfriend all fuck your girl.

>> No.50295362

Did you go on the avatar ride at animal kingdom? That shit slaps

>> No.50295363

OP listen to this anon. Even if you're worthless by (((society's))) standards, we're gonna need all hands on deck.

>> No.50295373

Probably should've joined the military before the age limit so you'd have bennies.

>> No.50295431
File: 129 KB, 634x845, 12183134-6915165-image-a-10_1555056881634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get forklift certified and find SE asian waifu. You could be the bare minimum wage cuck and there will always be an SE woman willing to shack up with you.

>> No.50295475
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Anon dont over think it. I think i found the problem. The more you put the pussy in a pedestal the more you wont be with in its reach. Go to places where your likely to meet nerdy girls. Never give up Anon, its never too late. Did you make it in crypto? Or are you a poor fag? Money can give you room to be more creative.

>> No.50295492
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This is the way for most Anons. Most of the western women are spoiled rotten and no fun. Import your Thot, youll be much happier too.

>> No.50295566

I don't want to bother people by making a new thread so I'll just post here
I'm 30 and after a few failed businesses going back to school for a (funded) masters in a meme field of physics I always wanted to do but has very little profit potential. I'm glad to get a chance to do it, but I'm terrified of the future without much career trajectory.

Starting to think I shouldn't have listened to my parents and just chased money

>> No.50295785

>still haven't made it
we talk again in one year
do what you like
>negative net worth
hm, ok that one is improvable.
>completely alone
if you don't want to be alone maybe you could find a way to partake in social activities.

should I kms?

>> No.50295816
File: 75 KB, 618x741, jesus pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus loves you so much, anon. You are His child. He has things for you to do. Be about His business. Harming yourself is out of the question, that should go without saying. Live on. Love you, anon.

>> No.50295840

No man. Buy a yamaha p-125 and git gud. Wage during day, piano at night. No thinking or sorrow, only piano. Then add fitness. 5-7 hours a week.


No thinking or drugs or booze or women or self pity, just stick to those two things.

>> No.50295862

Don't simply kill yourself. If you must do that, and I hope you don't, but if you must - do it in a blaze of glory. Take someone who deserves it with you. Sick of seeing these pathetic pointless suicides. Do some good on your way out.
(In Minecraft, of course!)

>> No.50295945

force yourself to talk to every girl. doesn't matter if all you can muster is a stuttered "Hi what's your name?" That's what you need to say. Women give excellent feedback through their rejections, even if it feels harsh.

>> No.50296051

I wish I could fast forward a month so I could have my power on and food but I'll survive till then.

>> No.50296157

Watch this scene, Jesus is Lord anon

>> No.50296236
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Rather I would go to Ibiza in Spain book my self with Elysium a travel concierge. Luxury stay, Mediterranean sea, and more than anything pay with crypto is my option. I hope and love to go there soon.

>> No.50296268

how long have you been unemployed

>> No.50296290

why havent u already loll

>> No.50296338

Bro your networth should be at least 500K by now? You aren't going to make it!

>> No.50296368

You still have a chance to make it anon. Get into the crypto space and explore.

>> No.50296412

Live for Jesus. Ultimately he's all you need.

This is why you never buy XRP. Heartless bastards looking to shill that crap at any moment.

>> No.50296479
File: 275 KB, 1047x1034, 70BC454D-61E2-4F49-9644-D5B0F3D48C38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do i got the thing for you

>> No.50296480

Is this pasta?

>> No.50296519
File: 5 KB, 249x172, 1652740222848s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your reasons anon? I'm only looking to get lands in the Sportsmetaverse. Showing good prospects for profits in the long run.

>> No.50296542

And who gets to decide that he should have made 500k by now

>> No.50296670

Been hearing a lot about Ibiza but I've never been there. Good to see crypto payments being accepted in more places.

>> No.50296678

Dude at 40 you should be halfway through your mortgage already! You should have 500K in equity alone on your house!

>> No.50296708

If I ever find Jesus I am going to put him on a cross and stab him with a spear.

>> No.50296910

It's called lesbians anon
Luck and numbers game but also work on yourself
It was closed, also didn't get to do Hulk or Velocicoaster. But Hagrid Motocycle was kino.

>> No.50296932

based theme park appreciator

>> No.50296957


>> No.50296962

another demoralization thread on 4chan
bots posting this suspiciously more lately

this thread does have one thing to learn: don't fall for the NEET and Single meme

It's brainwashing so people end up poor and lonely

>> No.50297006

the thread is actually full of positive stuff retard

>> No.50297039

>1 post by the OP

it's a bot thread moron, learn how to spot them

>> No.50297131
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True. I would ride and die for anons in a SHTF scenario.
OP, I wish I could help you along the way m8. All I can do is pray to Jesus for you and offer some advice.
Rich Piana said that with the internet and social media it has never been easier to keep a business running. I suggest you try starting your own business.
That or get a job with the goal to FUND your online business. (You can do McDonalds or helpdesk stuff so you get a foot in the door for IT work if you want).
Ask you're working, really think what kind of problem you can solve within the fields you're thinking about and sell a product that solves that problem.
While you're thinking, just start a YouTube channel centered around a hobby or field that you're interested in.
For the youtube channel.
OP, think of something you enjoy doing.
>watching anime
>rock climbing
Whatever it is. You don't even have to know how to do it so long as YOU'RE interested in it.
I recommend you start a YouTube channel around that hobby you have or like.
There will always be both affiliate links (2% to 5% commission on items if they buy with your links) and potential for sponsorships ($15 to $30 per thousand views depending on the niche)
Content such as:
>videos on the gear / equipment of the hobby
>videos on the best locations for the hobby
>vids on the best techniques for the hobby
>vids on news / updates about the hobby
>vids hyping up new gear / equipment coming out
Just add upbeat music to the background of you talking and have camera cuts between you talking and examining the gear or headline every 10 to 15 seconds.
Have the music match the mood too.
You can make good money with a hobby channel ONLY IF you make videos on what's trending or tie your hobby to what's currently trending.
If you build a following, you can even sell your own items the are within the field of your hobby.

So get some means of income with a larger goal. Remember that it's temporary.

>> No.50297161

Do what this anon said OP. That are go to a trade school and become a welder.
Since you're older, that's actually an advantage. If people ask, just say you decided you wanted to do something different with your life.
Then try building your business up on the side.

>> No.50297208

True fren. Jesus needs to be our source of life and we need to follow Him the best we can. Because this is all temporary anyways.
We'll be able to fully rest in Heaven with Jesus after we live a full life here, no matter how hard our lives are now, Heaven and God are worth enduring.

>> No.50297580

oh you will see Him one day, and He will remember what you said today nigger unless you repent

>> No.50297595
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Sometimes you need to admit the cruel, harsh reality of this world. The reality that we're all old and we're all gonna die soon, that's why i stopped giving a shit about everything and im now investing fully on memecoins. Incidentally, i've made the biggest gains with QOM than i could have ever made with any other investment in my life.
And i still feel like an old, useless man

>> No.50297621

Once you find him your ego will melt off you

>> No.50297623

Using christfaggotry to cope with shit like this is just a rabbit hole that leads to further delusions and detachment from reality.

>> No.50297794

What is this timeline? Everyone is uplifting and christian. CERNiggers really did it this time. Even I feel tempted to write Christ is King, we will all be saved.

>> No.50297937
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Maybe my store will help cheer you up. Other than that, seek God.

>> No.50297947

this, get saved

>> No.50298004
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Yeah that's true. We can actually buy houses with crypto in Spain, Turkey and Dubai at ease these days. The adoption is just incredible.

>> No.50298086

>I went from 35k a year job to 80k a year remote.
If you can help me out with this I could unironically probably help you get a gf/get laid. it's easier than you think.

>> No.50298899
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Honor God by being a morally upright person. Live a stoic life and be grateful for everything. Value experience and wisdom over materialism and money. Meditate and pray daily.

>> No.50298910

Don't just but also don't become a duck fuck christcuck. These people are a disease that target others at their low points.

Just enjoy the rest of life.

>> No.50299989

Now that crypto payments are being accepted needs to secure assets on blockchains would arise as well. No one would want to get hacked and lose funds. Personally, I use privacy solutions to keep my wallet shielded and hide sensitive data from fraudsters and hackers.

>> No.50301727

kill yourself normie
step 1: be good looking. if you have tried everything else and you are still not getting any joy then you must be unattractive facially. all the other meme shit like going gym and reading books is all bs, sorry.

>> No.50301795

you'd survive anon

>> No.50301822
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>>completely alone
>should I kms?

If female strip naked FIRST then live stream
If male, no one cares

>> No.50301831

>masters in a meme field of physics I always wanted to do but has very little profit potential
Bullshit. If you come out of it with any kind of programming ability, you're golden. Why? Because it's easier to teach physicists and mathematicians how to code than it is to teach CS grads how to do high level math - the latter often isn't possible. If you have a masters in physics and can program, you can apply for all manner of quant positions etc.
t. quant

>> No.50301845
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How far has XRP gone with their SEC case? the only asset on my watchlist is ICON. Showing good potentials as it gets more adoption from the world of sports.

>> No.50302015
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Take out some rotten government official that votes on shit you disagree with on your way out first.

>> No.50302074

Robing is a scam. It's a trap. Roping is a trap, it's a trap, a trap, A TRAP. I warned you, anon. Don't say I didn't. It's literally and metaphysically a rugpull when you kys. Don't do it fren.

>> No.50302139


Find Jesus, don't do hard drugs.

Read about sales or marketing or any trade that you like.

Read motivation self help books

Every morning listen to positive affirmations on YouTube.

You will make it

>> No.50302161

Even if you got fired 5 or 10 times , still find and accept jobs and work yourself in a better one

>> No.50302166

Why would you do that? It's not over till it's over. If you want a wife and kids and all that bullshit, you can still get it. If you want to lose yourself in hobbies, you can still do it. You only live once. Do whatever you want.

>> No.50302235
File: 576 KB, 1600x1072, 1575839617271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not over. We all have our own demons to fight and the climb out of the abyss often seems pointless. Good luck anon, I believe you can do it.

>> No.50304228

how did you let it get that bad? if you do it, can't blame you.

>> No.50304320


>> No.50304990

40 it is the beginning of your new life. You are still strong but now you now how world works.

You are also more conscious about yourself anon, you already know what is wrong or good for you.


>> No.50305077



Happy Birthday Anon, you are not really alone.

>> No.50305220

Based normalchad

>> No.50305237

No. Never kill yourself.

>> No.50305250

Gym makes you attractive if you're taller than 5'5 and don't have a physical malformation.

>> No.50305316

The fuck is a quant

>> No.50306814

True. I'm seeing considerable potential in the sportsmetaverse, especially with the support its getting from big names like Sony and Youtube.

>> No.50309235

No. You should just do better. How can you not improve?

>> No.50309325

>cried alone in my car on my birthday after lieing to my parents
I think I vaguely remember you posting about this years back. Whether it’s you or not, good job fren. Glad you made it.

>> No.50309409

yes you pathetic loser

>> No.50311355
File: 2 KB, 125x112, 1657617054946s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone has plans to make it bizfag. My strategy is to hold assets with long-term potential to be in profit in the next bull run and the privacy solution Railgun is top on my list for its multi-chain capability.

>> No.50311383

you sound like a bitch and thats coming from someone that has spend the past 10 years alone on his bday

>> No.50311416

No fren, you have us at least

>> No.50311648

That has been my wallpaper for about 6 years now. Sorry about your life, OP.