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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50292841 No.50292841 [Reply] [Original]

Where my BAT niggas at

>> No.50292990

I use brave because it's fast and less woke than firefox/chrome. Is BAT actually worth something?
>but you can tip people
You can tip people with any crypto

>> No.50293046

Bat is integrated into the entire ad system of brave

>> No.50293369

Here and deeply demoralized. Why didn't I buy link instead.

>> No.50293493

Don’t ever call me that word again chud

>> No.50293509

Why the fuck would you buy this trash

>> No.50293762

Stay poor NIGGER

>> No.50293849
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>> No.50294275

Batman checking in. Never selling. Not even at $40. I will die with my BAT and nobody gets my seed phrase when I’m im gone

>> No.50294333

Ive unironically been using Brave as my main browser for a couple years. Where can i see how much BAT its given me by using the browser?

>> No.50294367

It’s given you none until you turn the rewards on

>> No.50294388

its been on for a couple years but it hasnt moved from 0 balance. I dont really care about the tokens desu because I like the browser but was just curious if they were hidden somewhere and didnt know.

>> No.50294465

You gotta adjust your settings or something. There’s no way it should be at zero

>> No.50294567

look in the settings you fucking retard its not that hard

>> No.50296321

Do you have the auto-contribute turned on? Could be where it's going...

>> No.50296518

What's with all the BAT shilling lately?
Also....should I turn on ads? Used brave for years and never did. Privacy issues?

>> No.50296594
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i think its because nearly everyone on /biz/ has bent the knee to brave and the market is quieter at the moment less inorganic shitcoin shilling is happening and the real supports are rising to the top. it seems like somewhat of a sure bet at this point with 60 million users. just needs more normies stacking bat.