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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50287892 No.50287892 [Reply] [Original]

So.. uhh.. when are the CPI numbers dropping?

>> No.50287902


>> No.50287906

thanks anon

>> No.50287907

2 more days

>> No.50287910

It will decimate the markets. It will be ogre.

>> No.50288153

They're coming in hot again. Gonna be brutal.

>> No.50288315

he's acting real flirty in that photo

>> No.50288403
File: 155 KB, 354x392, 12897439857346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friday at 8:30am, every time
be there or be square, it's your chance to read price action reaction in real time vs a high impact data release. The only way to get better at positioning around these things is to learn how the game is played in real time

>> No.50288483
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 08769845234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're going to go under 20k again aren't we

>> No.50288485

Your link says wednesday

>> No.50288487

Wednesday. Favorable CPI means they can keep raising rates, unfavorable means your money is worth less. Either way thanks for playing goyim.

9.1% check em

>> No.50288520

zero chance CPI is lower than last month. Gas prices didn't come down until end of June. Weds is gonna be a bloodbath

>> No.50288545

one off

>> No.50288621


May was 8.6, energy was up in June, I think the minimum is 8.8.

>source, I'm a government economic statistican.

>> No.50288647

The number will be whatever they want it to be

>> No.50288698

isnt it the other way around? is it not: lower CPI = more room for QE/less need for raising rates, higher CPI = more need for raising rates/no room for pivoting?

>> No.50288725

Nothing ever happens.

>> No.50288758

yes, burn it down.

t. fellow government leech

>> No.50288768

Yes the other guy is dumb

>> No.50288774

You sir, are a very handsome man.

>> No.50288807

Higher CPI means they don't can't QT or raise rates but it also means people pull their money out of risky assets. And the whole point of CPI is to measure how much your dollar can buy, when it's high your money is worth less.

>> No.50288873

This. The government is all-powerful and controls literally everything. The government could thus fix everything.

>> No.50288909

With all this talk about the CPI, isn't it already priced in by now?

>> No.50288944

i was referring to your digits

>> No.50289638

No bc nobody knows wtf will happen

>> No.50289701

Load up those shorts, men.
It will be a great day.

>> No.50289764

You are very handsome and pretty

>> No.50291020

The White House says it will be HIGHLY ELEVATED

What's my best play for Wednesday? Gold? Energy? Real estate? Food? Throw me some stock picks pls

>> No.50291171

Bank run on cash