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50283892 No.50283892 [Reply] [Original]

If i have to start as webdev no big deal. Even blockchain dev.
Im now unemployed and want to use the opportunity. I know basic shit from a course i dropped out of years ago to purse my current career which i dont want anymore.

Is it possible to do this if I dedicate all my time for 1-2 years?

>> No.50284002

My plan is as follows:

>complete The Odin Project with Ruby path and Javascript after.
>Learn React
>learn basic CS concepts such as data structures, workflows, some algorithms
>make an effort to learn best practices in Industry
>complete a series of projects myself for a portfolio

Would this lead to a potential job after 1-2 years? Would i shot webz after?

Daily dose incoming

>> No.50285265

If you want to learn how to code, or find coding or other crypto jobs, join the semillalabs discord (link pinned on their twitter page). They have channels for each of these and more and there are 400+ devs in the group.

>> No.50285268
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>> No.50285287

Also, if you are a dev, there are dev grants available in the discord from Candle Chain. These are much easier to get than the ones from Ethereum Foundation or Hedera Hashgraph for example. Get paid to build your dreams.

>> No.50285531

Thanks, Doc.

>> No.50286495

Possible. Make sure to have documented projects in a publicly available repo.
Most job listings I've seen require a college degree even for developers.