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50282419 No.50282419 [Reply] [Original]

50% of PhD students have at least 1 parent with a PhD

>> No.50282434

good genes + good education

>> No.50282450

>phd in economics
is there a more expensive way to demonstrate you've spent years in school and learned absolutely nothing?

>> No.50282465

yeah a phd in engineering

>> No.50282467

high docility environment and genes

>> No.50282504

90% of economists are retarded.

>> No.50282515

don't get it twisted, having a PhD is not a success, it's a failure. it means that u wasted the prime of your life (18-27) getting three useless letters and doing useless research instead of actually bettering yourself. someone who did amateur MMA for 5 years is more successful than someone who did a PhD.

so really, all this tells us if ur parents are a failure u are more likely to be a failure too.

>> No.50282558

95% of phd...

>> No.50282586

I dropped out of my PhD and don't regret it

>> No.50282790

there are worse things, gender studies, literature.

>> No.50282835
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>academic achievement being limited to those of considerable means is a good thing and here's why™
we really need a western "down to the countryside" movement.

>> No.50282989

that doesnt sound very unreasonable considering childs have taken after their parents for ages.
but it also leaves you wonder if some sort of exploitation is going on, whether the average joe and his kids are being gatekept from higher education to keep them dumb and poor forever.
maybe thats the real reason for the pushing of niggers and minorities into prestigious academies. they are weak-willed and easier to control than white. who cares what funny title you give to the monkeys to make them happy and obedient while you secretly own everything

>> No.50283040

You should you fucking looser.

>> No.50283042

>parents with no skills and an unhealthy obsession with academics raise kids in similar fashion

How many years of meta studies do you think it took to figure that out?

>> No.50283044

depends on the phd. if you get one related to ai/ml, you’re pretty much guaranteed to make 300k. I’m sure there are other lucrative fields as well

>> No.50283059

50% of PhD holders are absolute retards.

>> No.50283088

dude if deshawn from the good wanted a phd he could pull Bs throughout high school and get into a progrqm for free

>> No.50283092
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Or just parents never showing them love so they become obsessed with academic or career success

>> No.50283121

>gatekept from higher education to keep them dumb and poor forever.
have you met people with phds? spending 15 years in school doesnt make you 'smart', usually it turns out into an idealogue retard

>> No.50283124

I dropped out from a PhD in math. It's closer to 70%. It's crazy how invested everyone else's parents were in them. Like they would get regular visits from halfway across the country. My parents are trailer trash and my dad is the only one with a HS diploma. I was never going to make it

>> No.50283146

You people are ridiculous.

>> No.50283184

untrue. doctorate stipends are an absolute pittance, like $25k/year.

>> No.50283217

PhD drop out is definitely more favourable than a phd graduate. You at least figured out that it wasnt optimal to what you want to do. A PhD is only useful for becoming an academic

>> No.50283224

Academia is fucking gay and disconnected from real life.

>> No.50283237

What he said is true.
PhD REQUIRES cucking nonstop for over half a decade and NEVER stepping out of line just so you can feel good about yourself and impresss retards (who are not actually impressed).
Most PhDs are actively destroying freedom and the future by helping administer the plans of psychopaths.

Same with MDs

>> No.50283271

a phd is for research and prestige. if you dont want it then go work at some company doing mindless robot work for higher pay

>> No.50283292

any sort of research oriented profession in the real world is going to be dominated by PhDs. look at the people who design experiments in pharma labs, or who is designing ASICs or ICs at a microchip manufacturer. they're largely PhDs.

>> No.50283299

It's almost as if intelligence is genetic

>> No.50283306

Math PHDs can become quants, but its pretty hard to get hired by firms

>> No.50283321

Research for globohomo and fake prestige.
Colleges are big corporations for all intents and purposes amd just exploit the most servile of the group to work for less.

>> No.50283346

People that finished the program are making $150k starting salary in finance or slightly worse at a national lab or doing a postdoc at some lame ass uni in the middle of nowhere. Meanwhile I'm stuck at $65k in IT hell. But I'll make it soon enough
No, a complete waste of time and I still feel like a failure for not continuing with it even though I hated everything after qualifying examinations. I was only good at solving puzzles, not at research. I got completely filtered.
Also, like >>50283184 said I don't have any savings from it because the pay is garbage, but they still make you teach. Horrible deal. Makes me wanna strangle a nigga just thinking about it

>> No.50283352

No they can't.
Qaunts require imagination and the fact they got a PhD necessarily means they have none.

>> No.50283357

Never heard of anyone paying for a PhD, they are usually funded by fellowships
You're thinking of a Master's, JD, MD, etc etc

>> No.50283460

The average quant has a math/cs phd anon. Im not sure what you’re on about.

>> No.50283584

lmao, someone who does any sort of contact sport uses the prime of his life to fuck up the rest of his life. Have fun with dementia, being retarded by reaching the age of 50, and your kids having no respect for you because you're as dumb as a brick.

>> No.50283597

I did it for the prestige. I was studying in a field bridging geometry and ANT. Waste of time, should have joined the chinks and studied ML. So much easier.

>> No.50283639

midwit take. if you are smart enough to get a phd in ai/ml you could have stopped doing university after your bachelors and made much more money than that in the 5 prime years of your youth (22-27) and have started your own company by the time a phd gets their three letters.
maybe but he could beat the fuck out of any scrawny phd making 20k a year to live like a slave for FIVE YEARS during the prime of their life
read about osmething called opportunity cost mr goofy. just because you are a failure, doesnt mean that phds are somehow a good idea. also basically no phd has a starting salary of 150k except math/stats/cs

>> No.50283641

Lot of cope in this thread from neets and plumbers who spend most their time on their knees serving the system that they pretend not be apart of.

>> No.50283663

Phds are pretty cringe, unless you're a medical doctor or some kind of high end scientific researcher...all the other phds are totally useless degrees....also about 90 percent of Phds nowadays are all liberal woman who have nothing better to do than waste time with degrees.

>> No.50283672
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holy brainlet cope
only the creme of the crop get in, bitchtits
if you haven’t done even a masters you have no idea how competent and creative you need to be to be accepted into a doctoral program

>> No.50283690

unfathomably based and truth pilled

>> No.50283708

Hi, I’m a PhD physicist, AMA Reddit
Doesn’t say “PhD”, says “PhD or other postgraduate degree” which includes roughly equivalent degrees like an MD and blatantly inferior degrees like a Master’s
For certain PhDs, yes, anything math related will pay out in the long run (just don’t fall for the postdoc trap)
This is also true, your average PhD is a status seeking Twitter blue checkmark that’s afraid to fart unless they check the NYT first to make sure farting isn’t canceled
The ones I know that aren’t like this go hard redpill/blackpill, probably as a reaction
When I was in grad school, even the people from “poor” countries like Turkey and India came from the 1% where they were actually rich af and would get expensive gifts regularly from home
In all my grad school time, I think I met one person that was working class in origin, everyone else was some kind of spoiled brat (myself included)

>> No.50283739

>maybe but he could
these people are in a perpetuate state of 'could'.
It's like a football player who never made it saying he could play in the Premier League.
It's as simple as what you make out of it.
And if the dude with the PhD is able to give his children a better life I think it's worth it. If I could retire by 40 because I busted my ass off during my prime years I'd consider them well spent.

>> No.50283757

PhDs are a scam at this point. You're at the mercy of some trannies or bitter old fucks that hold you hostage for funding or cheap labor and you're making $30k/year at age 32 to work full-time plus racking up delicious debt from your undergrad plus possible family (since you can't afford to support them). It's a racket.

>> No.50283770

and btw. there are many people who are able to study and exercise at the same time

>> No.50283831

>For certain PhDs, yes, anything math related will pay out in the long run (just don’t fall for the postdoc trap
it's called the sunk cost fallacy doctor. anyone who can get a PhD in math is EASILY missing out on more money by not being an earning man from 22-27. just because u can do some napkin math which makes it look like it pays to do a PhD in math, doesn't mean it's true at all.

why do I know this? cus I went to one of the best schools in the world for math and it was split about 30/70 between people doing PhD and not doing PhD from our undergrad class, and now five years later there is literally nothing the PhDs could possibly do to catch up the rest of us. doesn't matter if they have 200k starting even

>> No.50283891

hey morons, you're forgetting most "doctors" are genuinely retarded despite having the needed various factors working in their favor such as either access to private tutors who know the subject like the back of their hand, good parents who know the subject and work in that field so they set their child up to study for it long before they step into college, good nutrition and exercise habits with the necessary supplements, stellar connections or even sucking off the professor if you're a woman in many cases
>inb4 muh hardwork
means nothing if you're competing with someone playing on a higher playing field who puts in even semi decent effort

>> No.50284009
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Fuck you /biz/ I just want to put it behind me, fuck you!
>I think I met one person that was working class in origin
The closest I found to my social standing was a guy who grew up without a father.
>even the people from “poor” countries like Turkey
My chinese office mates owned their homes. The grad students from Chile, Argentina, and Colombia would get regular visits from their parents. My parents couldn't come because a trip halfway across the country would have been too expensive for them. It's over. I've accepted my lot in this world
You don't get a PhD for the money retard. Its for the swag of solving previously unsolved problems. Failure is subjective. Lots of goofy unselfaware academics are content with their mediocre careers

>> No.50284023

That’s not the sunken cost fallacy, that’s just a sunken cost
$200k is low for a starting salary for a math-based PhD
You fail to account for the fact that PhDs tend to rise more quickly though the ranks in the companies that hire them, globalhomo does care about that shit
Wonder why you’re seething so much despite going to “the best math school”, did your grad school applications get rejected?

>> No.50284063

>You fail to account for the fact that PhDs tend to rise more quickly though the ranks in the companies that hire them, globalhomo does care about that shit
i don't understand how he can ignore this. credentialism exists. like i said, in anything that's highly technical or academic, PhDs are running the show and bright bachelors or masters degree holders are doing the wagie work, if they can even break into the field. >>50283292

>> No.50284164

The same people who couldn't get into med school
Have children who couldn't get into med school

>> No.50284191

matter of subjective experience but in my field in tech, its absolutely not true that phds "rise through the ranks faster than people with just a bachelors". sure, a phd would rise faster than a bachelors with 0 experience, but between a bachelors with 5 YOE and a phd with 0 YOE? its not even close who rises higher.

after 5 years of hard work from 22-27 you can easily be VP/director at a tech company, and good moving beyond that is intangibles, not whether or not u have 3 letters.

>Wonder why you’re seething so much despite going to “the best math school”, did your grad school applications get rejected?
i didnt even apply to grad school but u do realize all the top schools that arent public like the cali unis just give out high marks and research projects to every single undergrad, making it essentially impossible to NOT be able to go to grad school, if u want to? literally 90% of the people from my undergrad class were handed tickets to grad school, its a broken system

>> No.50284249

>reducing intelligence to genetics
absolutely retarded. my parents are moderate-low intelligence (dad is a high school dropout) and i got into med school. ended up hating it and quitting, but that's another story. the point is that nurture plays a significant role in intelligence. parents who read to their children and challenge their minds at a young age end up with intelligent children. parents who raise their children on talmudvision or ipads end up with children who are perpetually several years behind in mental development until, after a lifetime of mental laziness, they plateau and never independently push themselves to learn outside of the confines of school.

>> No.50284268

>most trees are brown
holy midwit, we know why you dropped out of med school

>> No.50284297

>after 5 years of hard work from 22-27 you can easily be VP/director at a tech company,

we're talking about real companies here, not meme codenigger startups with a 29 year old jewish CEO. credentialism exists in real companies that produce real products, whether it's a FAGMAN dumping tens or hundreds of millions of dollars into next generation AI/ML or a pharmaceutical company dumping billions of dollars into small molecule research. in cases like these, the people running the show are bright PhD holders with multiple decades of experience.

>> No.50284306

please work on your communication skills, retard midnight black gorilla nigger.

>> No.50284339

> after 5 years of hard work from 22-27 you can easily be VP/director at a tech company
You’re retarded. No amount of hard work in 5 years will allow you to become a VP, unless you joined early at a startup.

>> No.50284380

Genetics = maximum potential
Nurture = filling that maximum potential.

>> No.50284393

How many farmers have farmer parents?

>> No.50284411

>someone who did amateur MMA for 5 years is more successful than someone who did a PhD.
not worth the CTE + brain damage
saying someone who worked for 5 years would probably be better

>> No.50284424

I got my PhD at 25 and now I make $165K at 27. I never paid a dime for my education, I got scholarships all the way. You were saying?

>> No.50284529

So I have a scholarship from the gov to do a PHD/masters starting next year in CS. Should I do it anons? I would continue working full time while in school. Only want it for the social clout and maybe be a professor some day because thise jobs are easy as shit. I actually program alot in my free time so nothing would change there with research. I am banking alot on that I can phone in my effort and do well. I never studied in my undergrad

>> No.50284530

Most of the PhDs I know aren't notably bright. Only one of them is financially successful. Most of them have rich parents, poor prospects, and are terrified to jump off the education train because they know the employment market waiting for them is less than encouraging.

>> No.50284589

You should have stayed, finished, learned C++, and became a quant. You fucked up.

>> No.50284843

which area of physics did you study? what's your job now? was the phd worth your time over getting job experience?

>> No.50284927

Well you need a masters for a phd soo

>> No.50284932

Not in the US.

>> No.50284993

Not everyone is like you faggots. Some people actually enjoy the studying and academic challenge. For some people, not everything is about making money or fucking pussy or reviving the volk or whatever the fuck YOU respect.

>> No.50285084

yea and some people are fucking losers
you can disparage start ups all you want, but its really not that hard to go look at sequoia capital or a16zs portfolio, apply to whatever is in series a - series c stages, and become a vp/director within 5 years. why does that make u seethe so much? idk, cus its really just as easy as a phd, and alot more fun

>> No.50285126

In Australia it's Bachelor -> Honours -> PhD

>> No.50285130

>nearly incomprehensible niggerbabble post
>still insists VP/director in 5 years
>discussion completely irrelevant to this thread
do you have a learning disability? jesus fucking christ.

>> No.50285214

u are graced with the opportunity to speak with someone much more successful than you and u call him mean names (like n-word). ngmi

>> No.50285583

you're a nobody LMFAO
get real nigga

>> No.50285601

Low iq subhumans like you think shitposting and pathetic larping qualifies you to make it in real life. Reality is going to hit you hard when you find out that’s now how it actually works.

>> No.50285636

most postdocs are 50-60k LOL
i seriously doubt these numbers, does this include the incredible number of foreign grad students?

>> No.50285655

how do I short the right graph?

>> No.50285662

130 IQ (I paid to get it tested because I am deeply insecure)

>> No.50285686

hi luke

>> No.50285753

>got phd at 25
>make 165k at 27
im a new grad making 180k tc, did codesmith with a bachelors in chemistry
you wasted your prime years cope

>> No.50285853

Computational condensed matter
SWE like most physicists (it’s either that or analyst)
I can only answer that question statistically on this since it’s a hypothetical, I will say that people treat you differently when they know you have a PhD. Some copeseethers engage in pointless pissing wars with you to prove they’re smarter than you, some are weirdly overly deferential, really the only people that treat you normally are the non-NYT-reading fellow PhDers that know how bullshit the whole system is
I will say that it’s the management that are more likely to be deferential to you, as one of the other anons said there’s a heavy credentialist bias in globalhomo so you’re automatically assumed to be on a career advancement track and not just another code monkey

>> No.50285870


>> No.50285909

Kek, the phd cope in response to this. Hit the nail right on the head.

>> No.50286488

This is a question for all phd haters in this thread. Will soon start a PhD at a top institution in statistical science. I will mostly do math and I plan to finish it. It is however very unlikely I will go for postdoc or academia because (shock, horror) I may want to have a family. I know that math doesnt go far in industry and my codenigging skills are limited to scientific scripting. I am reasonably smart. Thing is I absolutely despise the codemonkeying typical of SWEs in. The kind of monkeying that gets obsolete in 3 months and I have to stay all day on obscure forums to keep up with new shit coming out of some MIT/Google lab. I want to best fast track to maximizing my math nigger skills with just the right amount of codemonkey to moneymaxx once Im out.

>> No.50286577


>> No.50286592


>> No.50286593

>This is a question for all phd haters in this thread
what is your question? there is no question in your post

>> No.50286594

>150k starting salary in finance
LOL thats first year out of undergrad pay

>> No.50286634

what companies recruit from codesmith? how long did it take you to land your current job? I cant believe a bootcamp teaching js somehow manages to place everyone into 130k/year jobs, insane blackpill for cs degree bros. if you dont mind answering, are you at fagman?

>> No.50286658

Its because they have the money to pay for that shit, retard.

>> No.50286700

Yeah it's not clear. I will rephrase. I want to finish the PhD but I will very likely go to industry. I want to get tech money but I hate the typical SWE codemonkeying routine of eternal skill obsolescence. My codemonkeying skills are not sufficient to get tech money straight away. What are the specific coding skills that I need to leverage and complement my math-filled resume and get tech money out of the PhD? I want the bare minimum of such knowledge.

>> No.50286716

I know several people in their 40s or 50s with a meaningful PhD and putting it to good use. Everyone I know under 40 works in jobs they could have easily scored with a bachelors or no educaation. Or they used their doctorate program as an excuse to stay in school and rationalize not wanting to work.

>> No.50286736

Masters are paid as well if it's STEM
t. Former MS student that matriculated to a phd

>> No.50286803

if you do stats probably just python and go after data science roles. risk management will prefer people who have PhDs and has a large most. still, what you should really do is get as many internships as possible during ur PhD and learn this for yourself. your PhD program won't encourage it, but they likely will allow u to do summer internships or something similar if u somehow tie it into ur phd. so instead of wasting five years doing math and then trying to hard pivot to tech, you should be pre-emptively pivoting during your phd, and learn by experience for yourself which tech roles you like the most.

>> No.50286858

a 'kicked in the head' opinion if there ever was one.

>> No.50287246


Dont know a single PhD that wasnt some geek or pampered child scared to stop sucking their mothers tits and go into the real world. Thats why they stay in education so long. They are pampered children scared to do anything for themselves

>> No.50287390

>Dont know a single PhD that wasnt some geek or pampered child scared to stop sucking their mothers tits and go into the real world.
It's pretty typical for PhD's in biotech to be normal people.

>> No.50287558
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>What is the right number?
It's irrelevant. Nature vs nurture is irrelevant when PhDs are supposed to be based on merit. Tough shit for anyone who was dealt a bad hand at the start of life but that's just how life goes. Anyone who paid for a PhD is a shitter. Nowadays anyone not from a top 20 school of their field is probably a shitter.

>> No.50287607

Thanks anon. Wise words

>> No.50287870

i'm 130 as well and work minimum wage
how did it go wrong

>> No.50288337


>> No.50288678

this sounds specific.. you okay anon? i have friends like this desu

>> No.50289031

Some of the toughest blackbelts I knew in BJJ were PhD or Masters students, and I lifted/did BJJ all through mine. Not MMA/Muay Thai because surprise surprise CTE does real and all those guys were half-retarded.

You're right about the degree being a waste of time (me personally I founded a startup and work for myself so who cares about my credentials at this point) but you're demonstrating you're underaged and ignorant, possibly bitter & malding that you tried and failed

>> No.50289038

I have over a thousand books and collect amtiquarian books and my entire life is centered around learning.
I realized VERY EARLY how limiting school was

>> No.50289044

phds will be useless for anything other than becoming a professor in a few years

>> No.50289060

130 is 1/50 smart.

>> No.50289062

>you were saying?
go back

>> No.50289170

I'm from Latin America, my parents didn't finish school and I'm currently doing a PhD in mathematics in Germany (universities here are free).
Education is the only valuable thing that no one can take away from you.

>> No.50289697

Avg PhD intellect on full display

>> No.50289828
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phd is pretty much worthless if you are naturally at school these people go for medical school, MIT type tech shools and so on where they actually earn a lot

phd/academia is often times just worthless diploma cerebral narcissit get cause they try to shine being "intellectual"

>> No.50290060

I went to Harvard for my PhD. I noticed that nearly half of my cohort of about forty were children of professors at other prestigious institutions.

The breakdown by origin was roughly 33% gook + sundry other ethnicities, 33% American, and 33% European. Of the Americans, about 90% originated from flagship public schools or prestigious private schools. Only one other student attended a community college besides myself.

The Euros tended to come from Oxbridge and a few other prestigious places like TU Delft, TUM, etc.

The Chinese nearly all came from Tsinghua, Peking, or Fudan.

There were very few non-jewish white students. Even fewer weren't faggots. There were only like two pajeetas, surprisingly.

>> No.50290133
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proof that IQ is more nature over nurture

>> No.50290196

Lol, at Harvard, every straight male in my cohort was a powerlifter. All we did was work and work out. You've got an inferiority complex.

>> No.50290286

kek cope harder cucks. in the internet age long formal education is proof of being a midwit


>> No.50290306

You fuck up your body, your mind and pretty much the rest of your life while becoming pretty much unemployable outside of mma training.

>A Phd makes employable until senile dementia makes tou go bonkers. Even then tou might even hold honorary positions. If you're planning on living more than 35 years, you should seriously think about doing a phd

>> No.50290582

obviously i have an inferiority complex thats why im so successful

>> No.50290617

doesnt that chart just reflect the fact that a higher percentage of parents have higher degrees now compared to the past?
Fucking retards

>> No.50290627

>prime time
>18 year old boy who does not know how to wash under his balls

>> No.50290657
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This thread is going to make me FOMO into a phd program. If it makes the insecure retards here seethe and cope then you just know it must have a big payoff.

>> No.50291187
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>t. phd in statistical analyisis, making 30k / year*
*as long as the state grant lasts

>> No.50291194
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>someone who did amateur MMA for 5 years is more successful than someone who did a PhD.
You had me going there.

>> No.50291277

Do you only get your PhD at 27?

>> No.50291636

unless fast tracked a bachelors takes 4 years (22) and a phd takes 5 years (27) so yes. top performers can scratch a year or two off that with a bit of effort tho. the average phd grad age is probably close to 30 tho, its really only 27 if nothing goes wrong, and <27 if "everything" goes right

>> No.50292150

I just got my masters at 27 so I should get a PhD now so I'll be finished by 30 but it's not a good idea right?

>> No.50292169

This. PhDs a laughing stock. You work so hard for nothing. You get scraps. It's just racket for autists who love to study

>> No.50292277

>love to study
depends. if you go to the right school and the right time they'll throw a phd for near 0 effort

>> No.50292528

A PhD is just a researcher training program. If you want to be a researcher you'll almost certainly need a PhD. If you don't want to be a researcher you probably don't need a PhD. A career in research is probably not the best way to get rich, but if you get professorship, a good position in a national lab or a good industry research job you'll certainly make more money than the standard wagie. Since studentship stipends are usually tax-free and entry wages in most professions are fairly low, you can actually end up with about as much money left over each month as a starting wagie if you apply for enough gibs.

What's more, you're paid to think so there is more freedom than the standard wage cage allows. This is what actually drives people to research, as being another software/corporate bugman or manual laborer breaking their back for pennies is not a fulfilling prospect to anyone with a soul. Far from wasting your best years, a PhD allows you to spend them in a way that gives you much more freedom over your day-to-day life than almost any other option available to most people, and you're surrounded by other young people so it's easy to stay social and active.

The amount of defensive cope PhDs trigger is pretty revealing about how people actually view them. "So what if you've got a PhD! You're not even a multimillionaire olympic athlete!"

>> No.50292627


yes, and most quants loose money

>> No.50292645

>you can actually end up with about as much money left over each month as a starting wagie if you apply for enough gibs.
>being another software/corporate bugman or manual laborer breaking their back for pennies is not a fulfilling prospect to anyone with a soul. Far from wasting your best years, a PhD allows you to spend them in a way that gives you much more freedom over your day-to-day life than almost any other option available to most people, and you're surrounded by other young people so it's easy to stay social and active.

everybody knows that PHDs suck off state funds and do no valuable work, that's literally the only point of tetriary education in the 21st century. it's just that some people like to actually create value rather than suck on uncle sam's tittes, especially because nobody knows how long people will be willing to give away their money for freeloaders

>> No.50292693

PhD in what? Don't they give those out for poetryjams now? Every batista at starcucks has a PhD in women's studies.

>> No.50292796

If they were doing valuable work they'd be employed and not students. Getting to the point where you can do good research takes time though, so you're always going to need something like a PhD program if you want researchers. And you absolutely want researchers if you want to stay competitive in the tech race. A large portion of current and future technology started its life in a physics lab. States don't fund research just for shits and giggles.

>> No.50292840

Except that most of PhDs are faggots who use their titles to compensate a miserable life. Their PhD is a proxy for some sort of perceived status.
>t. MD that has to do with several PhDs in biology related fields

>> No.50292909

>latin america mystery meat leeching off Germany’s taxpayers
I’m relieved that EU is going down the shitter.

>> No.50293017

The problem is that research has become a meme. People go into it because “I’m doing since”. The only thing that keeps them going are public-funded networks of useless facade research programs, up until they hit a given age and no one wants them anymore. So they either start sucking cocks in a vane hope of getting some university tenure in a distant future, or they become unemployable “overqualified” faggots. Either way, they start coping with “if only the system was meritocratic I would be yadayada”.

>> No.50293035

also depends heavily on your advisor/lab/who else is helping you do research

>> No.50293440

Getting a PhD builds the grad school Ponzi scheme higher and contributes to degree creep. That being said, I have no regrets about getting mine; it gave me access to a whole new dimension of nepotism and my research was probably the coolest subject matter I will ever touch.

>> No.50293467

Probably no. If you exclude female related studies.

>> No.50293524

The reason you don't regret it is because you're an autist who loves to study. It's certainly not good for the money

>> No.50293821

You lump together all of research into one ball, call it a meme and then come up with some strawman based entirely on the chip on your shoulder. Not really much to answer there.

>> No.50293880

>It's certainly not good for the money
It almost never was in the past. Scientists of old were richfags (occasionally sponsored by nobles) who did it as a hobby, not too much as changed.

>> No.50294840


>> No.50295084
File: 14 KB, 325x346, Let me go already.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that I wasn't doing work that ultimately proved the entire line of research should have been dropped a couple years before I started, but my PhD (and most of the ones of the people I worked around) were funded by private industry, not the gubment. Big Energy wants its new materials developed and its way cheaper to shop it out to grad students than to pay their actual R&D guys to do moonshot research.

Define meme, dude. No one with a brain is going to claim that women's studies / lqbtbqq studies / afro-jap-ainu basket weaving is a waste of time and money. But seriously, go the website for your state's largest university, and check the mechanical or chemical engineering department's website for faculty's laboratory pages. No one there is doing work that someone smart didn't think was worth funding. The final application of some of this work may be decades out, but it will eventually pay off, and the fact that you apparently have no idea what PhD research entails tells me you're either underage or a bitter dropout.

States don't fund research just for shits and giggles.

For actual science, this is also a huge factor. The whole reason the NSF grants exist is that the US knows that by investing like 160k in the best and brightest students it will likely reap millions in future benefit as those students go on to long research careers.

>> No.50295104
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*isn't a waste of money

>> No.50295194 [DELETED] 

much of the 'private sector' investment into tetriary education is done for tax benefits and for political connections.

>> No.50295210

much of the 'private sector' investment into tetriary education is done for tax benefits and for political connections. so at the end of the day, it's not much different from direct taxcuck money

>> No.50295305

It's nepotism you fuckwits. Why the fuck are people still pretending this is a hard work bootstraps thing? Your parent knows a bunch of other PHDs and they write letters of recommendation for you and then you're into the coveted super secret program getting elite internship help and all the scholarships you need. Like shit. The entire system is fucking broken.

>> No.50295382
File: 127 KB, 1024x434, bozobucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon. I need you to stop typing with your ego and be honest for one moment.

Can you name even one single, particular instance of a private firm funding technically oriented researchers at an American institution of higher learning, wherein that firm received tax benefits for doing so? What political pull do you believe Schlumberger gets from dropping about 200k over 3 years at a mid-tier public university to get some research done on improved ground penetrating sonography?

I ask because you're talking in sweeping generalizations about hundreds of firms funding tens of thousands of students all over the USA, in the tone that typically suggests you're pulling things out of your ass.

>> No.50295445 [DELETED] 

not directly, i suppose, i'm not going to search. but yes it's a good point for a lot of people with decision making capabilities about what company get subsidies and which aren't.
just look at your example, your 'research' showed exactly that all the money they dumped into the program was 'wasted'. 'wasted', because their intention was never go get actual good results out of it, they just want their record of "working together" (read: shoving money into) your financial institution.

>> No.50295463

not directly, i suppose, i'm not going to search. but yes it's a good point for a lot of people with decision making capabilities about what company get subsidies and which aren't.
just look at your example, your 'research' showed exactly that all the money they dumped into the program was 'wasted'. 'wasted' and not WASTED, because their intention was never go get actual good results out of it, they just want their record of "working together" (read: shoving money into) your financial institution.

>> No.50295766
File: 555 KB, 1600x1270, LMAO how do wreck when there are only 7000 cars registered in state history.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...so you don't actually have a single, solitary instance to backup the fantasy you have of how the world works in your head. And you won't bother to try and find proof for it not because it would be hard, but because you know you probably won't find it and the ego-punch would hurt too much. Go be a zoomer somewhere else.

Anon, you don't have the slightly clue about how R&D decision making works, and you need to stop pretending as though you do. Private companies such as oil and gas majors have their own internal, very well funded R&D divisions, and their job is to work on optimizations of existing systems and processes, and to bring laboratory proven systems to pilot scale. They don't really do their own bench scale work anymore, because its a waste of their effort to do it. They shop it out to university research groups knowing that most of what they are paying for will hit a brick wall. Of what does sort of work, only half is worth their own guys taking up, but the other half is useful for patent trolling the other energy majors.

There is no such thing as "actual good results" in research except for results that accurately reflect reality, because they dictate what the next step of the investigation is. If you knew what would work before you did it, it wouldn't be research, chucklefuck. They got what they wanted, which was a go/nogo on a new class of materials for gas separation. The university gave infinitely fewer shits about their existence than did the professor; there is no good-boy-point system for firms paying for research that is in their own self interest. Give an example of this actually entering into the decision making process of a firm to fund technical graduate research in America just one time.

>> No.50295843

>Give an example of this actually entering into the decision making process of a firm to fund technical graduate research in America just one time.
ur asking for evidence that when bureucrats decide company subsidies and legislations they take into account what connections said companies have with their friends? how do you prove that? are you really this blind? because you're not getting far in academia if you are, it's 99% about connection building and abusing state funds. BUT it is better in america than in europe, that's true.

>> No.50295874

only based post ITT

>> No.50295940

>There is no such thing as "actual good results" in research except for results that accurately reflect reality, because they dictate what the next step of the investigation is. If you knew what would work before you did it, it wouldn't be research, chucklefuck.
give an example of a single 'researcher' researching failed projects for decades THEN coming up with something goundbreaking. 95% of researchers will never produce anything of value and are quiet literal leeches. those who do SUCCESSFUL research, that doesn't just end in concluding it's wrong, do many of those and do it from relatively early on. this
>There is no such thing as "actual good results"
shit is abolute cope from shit tier researchers who have never found found a result worth any value in their life, and never will. good research has results. the person who told you it doesn't is a failure, along with 95% of his peers.

>> No.50296525
File: 2.09 MB, 383x204, Utter disgust.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More incoherent garbage. You desperately want it to be true that an entire segment of society that you do not and cannot participate in is an inherent evil. For the sake of you ego, you need it to be true that private industry would only ever pay for graduate level research because doing so gives them some minor pull with a single department in a university, or because, apparently, doing so gets you some sort of nebulously defined bonus points.

You're such a god-tier reseacher too; you can't imagine a world where a competent person, due to the nature of the work, spends years getting "no" as the answer to every question that they ask. You want some examples of years of failure to get a right answer?

>SSZ-13 zeolite, the final useful product of almost 12 years of Shell's best and brightest doing work on artificial ceramics for separations that could avoiding propane poisoning.

>Chlorampenicol, first artificially synthesized antibiotic was finally achieved in 1949 by a team led by a man trying and failing to do so for four years.

>Troy, functionally erased from the map and hunted for over millenia. Heinrich Schliemann finds it at 49 years old after decades of fruitless, obsessive research.

Good research is well documented, repeatable by others, and ultimately, incrementally or by leaps moves a field forward. No ones spins their wheels for "decades and decades"; they're producing negative results and giving well informed reasons and mechanisms of failures. And with a large enough understanding of failure conditions, you can often figure out the case for success. That's literally the theory behind quite of bit of Fisher's statistics.

If you're such a fucking wizard, why don't you post the DOIs of two publications or patents you're on as an author. Don't worry about outing yourself, so long as you can pick some with the same set of advisors/coauthors we won't know which one you are.

>> No.50296612
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kek. i ask for ONE SINGLE example of a "researcher" publishing failed studies for decades THEN coming up with something groundbreaking. and picrel is the closest example you can give.

but i never said failure can't be beneficial. it is beneficial for the individual and teaches you. it's just not something the state should subsidize at any level not even indirectly via company subsidies.

>> No.50296617

Good. Retard spawn should be forced to work in humiliating, low paid occupations.

I chuckle capriciously to myself as I ponder the implications of a 18 year old blonde wagoid licking LITERAL HORSE SHIT off my feet, before I slide them slyly through her nubile, poorly educated breasts

heh heh

guess your parents should've gone to college, retard class

>> No.50296672

>but i never said failure can't be beneficial. it is beneficial for the individual
the issue is that nowadays, with academia being way overfilled with people who do not and cannot ever have anyhing to do with real research, this has become an excuse for subsidizing people who can not produce anytihng BUT failure to be in positions they should have nothing to do with

>> No.50296890

the chad anti-social vs the oversocialized virgin

>> No.50298280
File: 838 KB, 1284x1255, dump_eet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question for anyone who has completed, or has pursued a PhD/masters in math, or just has studied the subject considerably. Do you think that with the internet and access to information mathematical research/breakthroughs are possible without being in academia? Or is the networking and academic environment necessary for that kind of work. When I was in school, my TA's always seemed pretty isolated so I wonder how much socializing (or networking) PhDs even engage in nowadays.

>> No.50298430

Delet this

>> No.50298494

Who gives a shit
>1 post by this id

>> No.50298511

Dad here. Stop wasting your time here and get back to work.

>> No.50298704

>credentialism exists

>> No.50298765

>The entire system is fucking broken.

More like the system never changed. Since the dawn of history, most prominent positions in society were achieved through the solicitations of a family member.

>> No.50298787
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>> No.50298959


delicious cope. you guys just couldn't create anything worthwhile so you chose the smoothest, socially easiest path and desperately trying to convince yourselves it will eventually pay off. hint: it won't and as people realize how little value your clique has in the modern age it will only increasingly lose even its remaining prestige

>> No.50298993

There is no system where "I'm a phd and my dad was a phd and his dad was a phd" makes sense. It creates a kind of 'academic nobility', effectively ruining the idea academia is meritocratic. For example Professor Olaf Rudbeck of Sweden who did a lot of work rediscovering the Icelandic sagas and working on biology and dissecting humans at a time when it was considered heretical was the son of a Bishop, I believe. Being the son of a rich person is different from "the family business is shitting out communist propaganda with a veneer of academic rigor".

>> No.50299101


sure, there have always amateur mathematicians who solved problems without being in academia like Pierre De Fermat.
Also, Yitang Zhang made his twin prime conjecture breakthrough working at a sandwich resturant.
Sometimes, in order to make major breakthrough, you need to get away from academia's pressure of publishing lots of papers quickly.

>> No.50299150

>your average PhD is a status seeking Twitter blue checkmark that’s afraid to fart unless they check the NYT first to make sure farting isn’t canceled

Of course they would be. They invested years in their phd they don't want to fuck themselves over by being canceled or having their licence revoked (can PhDs even be revoked? I know PEng can, and so can MD). I bet if I slapped you across the face you won't do shit in fear of charges.

>> No.50299822

Thank you friend, I'll read about these two people. I really enjoyed math in college, but I'm hesitant to get a PhD/masters in it. I'm still studying it for fun and I like reading about people outside of academia who managed to keep it a part of their lives. And that last statement resonates. I've noticed that with people who made breakthroughs, they all had of course a lot of time to think, but also, they had a fascination with a specific idea. Shannon with "communication," Mandelbrot with "randomness" to give a few examples. And they carried those ideas for many years before anything came of them.

>> No.50299957

Jews are behind this. Jews tell people they need to listen to their parents, even if that parent is single mom.

>> No.50300157

:D Islam inbreeding is the funniest.

>> No.50300218

the author of the article doesn't have a phd. should have looked at outcome given origin rather than origin given outcome.