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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50281854 No.50281854 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.50281871

and US controls a chinese company because...?

>> No.50281878

So? Iran is a regional power in a multipolar world, the US doesn't have the latitude to do anything substantial post Afghanistan

>> No.50281898

can the US just fuck off already? then the EU, basically any centralised jewed out institution, who the fuck is any cunt to think they are in charge, and fuck the disconnect they have with the masses, fuckin cunts, and while im at it, fuck you too for shit posts that your probably paid for

>> No.50281914
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>> No.50281948
File: 67 KB, 450x450, 1656923125918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hi, I'm a cock gobbling niggerfaggot also known as OP. here's a random generic shitpost with a faggy ass screen cap that means absolutely nothing

>> No.50281982

Uhhh... so??? The fuck does that matter? Binance =\= binance.us
Op, you're a fucking midwit imbecile low IQ retard. Delete this post then delete yourself

>> No.50282029

clients say? what clients? is this even the US government saying this? what? an Iranian whamen in Dubai traded on a Chinese exchange?

>> No.50282068

OY vey! our most loyal allay controls world markets for a reason goy, can't just let the Chinese do whatever they want now can we?

>> No.50282126

Kill yourself fucking braindead Nigger

>> No.50282142

Guess what, chinks also trade with russia, despite our sanctions.

>> No.50282154

Militarily, yes.
But the US is still just big enough to cause major problems to world markets even though they shoot themselves in the foot by doing so. Take a look at sanctions on Russia, the Russians are coming out of this better than expected but US pressure on Europe and NA has cause a lot problems for everyone who lives in those countries, the effects of which will be felt for decades on a global scale.

The USA is a world power riddled with cancer, it will break down in the next 20 years but in the mean time it's going to thrash about while the power vacuum caused by it's decline results in global instability. The jews that control the US don't care what happens to it and it's people and are more than willing to send the whole nation in turmoil just to inch forward their agenda, that makes the whole country in to a giant unwitting suicide bomber.

>> No.50282185
File: 334 KB, 1860x1437, 1655225084109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The sanctions are working

>> No.50282215
File: 173 KB, 897x836, NiceOpinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao@urlife if you think im reading allt that

>> No.50282227


Binance hasn't been Chinese for a long time.

They moved to Canada after china chased them off and i think they are in some tropical island right now.

>> No.50282267
File: 1.15 MB, 760x993, 1656860394589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the context of OP its a big nothing Burger. If there is a multi national conglomerate of companies that has experience with regulators of all kinds and shapes breathing down its neck, its Binance. Worst case its shutting down shop in the US. The suicide bomber is going to crash on itself, while the world adapts, nothing ever happens.