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50281312 No.50281312 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Indians still believe in America?

>> No.50281330


Because they have never seen anything good in their life, only scams and poo

>> No.50281388


India is an apocalyptic and smelly shit hole with high taxes, terrible redtape, corruption and barely functional basic public services.

Cambodia, Vietnam or Ukraine lookslike paradises compared to India.

>> No.50281408

India is actually a fucking shithole. No matter how much people like to make fun of America, it is still better than most countries in the world. Social mobility is way higher in America than India

>> No.50282021
File: 267 KB, 384x444, 73B4383A-D1C1-40E5-91D4-E1F5D6A942C5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No bro, didn you heard? America is a racist shithole and everyone is literally starving. Don’t come here and tell your friends and familiy too mmmkay?

>> No.50282053
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>Why do Indians still believe in America?


>> No.50282067

they've been muttified. ever see what india used to look like? they had culture. today you look at india and it's nothing but retarded proto-consoomers dressed in knockoff designer clothes just begging to be exploited by western jews. no sense of culture or tradition, just endless longing for western consoomerism.


>> No.50282094

> Social mobility is way higher
But still 20th globally. The main claim of America as the land of opportunity is bullshit

>> No.50282110

OP is an incel
The tweet if accurate and it's not changing anytime soon

t. World traveler and businessman

>> No.50282123

Maybe for lazy people and people with victim mentality
Anyone can make it in America even low IQ

>> No.50282139

>Tfw you get slapped by a coke whore

>> No.50282433

He's reads like he's trying to get his fellow jeets to buy his bags.
>tfw he's recruiting "devs" for his new shitcoin