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File: 38 KB, 256x238, FinalFantasyVI-Narshe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50275099 No.50275099 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report
>GameStop Investor, NFT, & Wallet Sites

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>50269778

As always:
>sneed hedgies

>> No.50275105
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Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Ongoing hiring spree of specialists of e-commerce, UI, UX, blockchain and supply chain operations
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.035 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory
>Intent to launch NFT marketplace by end of Q2 FY '22 (May-July)

DRS & Computershare
>12.7 million shares DRS'd by Apr. 30th 2022
>Previously 8.9 million shares by Jan. 29th 2022 and 5.2 mill by Oct. 30th 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Thursday RRP: 2,172.457B, 102P = 21.299B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 2,144.921B, 97P = 22.113B per (roughly)
GERN + CHHE: >>50245235

>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan. 15th, 2021: 226.42%
>HF and broker class action lawsuit evidence
>SEC GME/meme stocks report
>GameStop Crypto Wallet available for download on Chrome
>FY22 Q1 results report is out
>Four-for-One Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend
>(Record: July 18, 2022; Dist. after closing on 21st)

>100 page comparison DD

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

>> No.50275189

Checked !!!

>> No.50275198
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>> No.50275219
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>> No.50275225
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>> No.50275238
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wagmi tomorrow

>> No.50275252
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>> No.50275260
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REMINDER that with the dividend, using the close price of Friday, 1 GME share is actually worth $32. Make sure you get em cheap before the divvy. WAGMI

>> No.50275278
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Assuming we stay in the $130 price range I was thinking about doing a buy limit order for 10 or more for $35~$40 to try to snatch up some cheap shares when the split happens. Is this a big brain strat or will institutions mog out retail and we'll see the price jump to $70+ a share immediately after the split?

>> No.50275282
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Baker checked

>> No.50275312

All I can say is that WAGMI tomorrow. No precise target, just up.

>> No.50275313
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Supremely based edition.

>> No.50275337

personally i just buy every time i get paid. every time i try to time to buy it i get fucking burned
>never forget the time i bought when it shot to $300 a second time and it immediately tanked to the 100s in the next few days

>> No.50275348

Stupid baggies. GameStop is never going more then $250,000 per share

>> No.50275378
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So you're saying that it'll go to $250,000 per share

>> No.50275392

post split?

>> No.50275395
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check 'em bakies. Still Holding

>> No.50275397
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I have exactly 300 shares. Been waiting for a dip to add, but I will be adding 10 more shares to my stack at market open. WAGMI

>> No.50275441

The 250k price anchoring fud is back.

>> No.50275471
File: 1015 KB, 1920x1080, 'Look everyone! There's that guy I told you about! The guy who held GME from before January 2021! Hurry if we make him kiss our tummies we might become his sugar babies!'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post splividend I'm going to kiss so many tight tummies and there's nothing you Indian Subcontinent Dwelling Dotheads can do about it.




>> No.50275472

Bakie check!

>> No.50275476
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Ken should jump ship holding the anchor

>> No.50275522


Apparently there were bank bail in law put in 9 months ago in leaf land that says the gubernment can take your monies to prop up the banks going insolvent. How do I make sure I avoid getting my assets taken from me in the event of banks going insolvent?

>> No.50275529
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Hello bros, I have some gamestop questions

-Does gamestop give you divvies?
-Are you continuing to buy Gamestop? What is your current strategy/plan with Gamestop?
-Is the ultimate plan to purchase all of Gamestop to put Sonic with blue arms in them to troll CWC?

>> No.50275539

Leave leafland.

>> No.50275543

Extreme directed violence

>> No.50275551
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Move to the USA.

>> No.50275555
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What the fuck is wrong with Canadians?

>> No.50275565

Don't worry, at least you have free healthcare :)

>> No.50275569
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>Apparently there were bank bail in law put in 9 months ago in leaf land that says the gubernment can take your monies to prop up the banks going insolvent.
Good luck taking my ETH backed GME shares.

>> No.50275574

Property. Gold, silver and lead.

>> No.50275575
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>How do I make sure I avoid getting my assets taken from me in the event of banks going insolvent?

unironically, crypto's only decent use case

>> No.50275585

No more laws brother. Law of the jungle now - the strongest one wins.

>> No.50275592

honestly, the more days that go by the more I think violence will be the only way. You could present clear evidence to law enforcement/regulators and they still wouldn't give a fuck. All they ever do is tack on 90 more days, submit rules for review for 180 days then another 180 days to enact followed by 923 days for rule rollout period.

Cayman islands need to get nuked.

>> No.50275614

Isn't Europe supposed to have a more closely-regulated stock market, or is that all just good PR?

>> No.50275620
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There's a reason Satoshi published in 2009 after the crash. Crypto is designed to prevent getting rugged by financial collapses by disintermediating finance. Ironically the hedgies have proven that only "scary" crypto that whales can't use as collateral is safe because Wall Street crypto whales will dump their crypto bags in case of a crash.

>> No.50275631

I've been buying and holding since Feb 2021, so I personally won't be buying too many more shares at this point, but I think I'm gonna snatch up a few more pre-split, especially if they try to tank the price before the 18th, which seems likely imo. My rationale is that maybe institutions will buy in soon, but once the price adjusts post split, I think more retail will be enticed by the lower price and jump in.

>> No.50275638

Got off the phone with my broker. If you're using Fidelity like me, make sure you change your dividend settings to "Reinvest in Security", otherwise they'll just give you a cash dividend for the shares.

I'm gonna set up a few limit buy orders going from $30 up to $50 or so. Happy investing fellow /biz/nessmen.

>> No.50275653

You think so? I wouldn't mind getting my hands on some extra cheap shares pre-split so they'd multiply into more post-split.

>> No.50275666

Come to the firing range on the USA Minecraft server. We'll set you up with what you need. Just make sure Trudeau gets to have a bunch of fun too.

>> No.50275667

Rule of law in the West has ended, its just T+x until the public catches on. What x equals I don't know, but for every day that passes they are one day closer to being out of Yil

>> No.50275676

It’s a splivvy you don’t have to do shit, they can’t just give you cash. Same shit happened with Tesla.

>> No.50275688

The dividend itself is not cash. I don’t think you understand, if they deliver anything other than shares they’re in violation of not only their fiscal duty but also SEC regulations

>> No.50275697 [DELETED] 
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-1 YIL



>> No.50275713
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I have to say it's exciting to be standing at the precipice of destiny staring into the face of the unknown.

>> No.50275733
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>> No.50275740

If this were standard investing in any other stock, I'd baleeb you, but we're in clownworld. Even though I tentatively trust Fidelity, I'm going to take every precaution not to get fucked. I can already see some jewish trickery at play where. "Sorry goyim, we couldn't find any shares at the time of the split, have this cash instead!"

>> No.50275744

checked and kekd

>> No.50275749

Everyone involved in that conversation should take their fucking meds.
Including you.

>> No.50275774
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Every rule we have is ultimately based on “someone will seriously fuck your shit up if you don’t,” and I gotta say, there’s been a lot of rule breaking and not a lot of shitfucking in response. That needs to change
It’s cut and dry. One broker not delivering the share dividend GameStop issued is cause enough to withdraw completely from the DTCC, kickstarting moass then and there. They have extremely strong incentives to at least try

>> No.50275804
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Big brain lad explains the dividend

>> No.50275820


I tend to agree. The splividend could certainly be the catalyst to trigger MOASS, I think the real stopping of the game is when GME becomes the first major company to move their stock to an independent exchange.

>> No.50275826
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>> No.50275827
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>quick and to the point
>no basedface clickbait youtube faggotry
>actually indepth
Why can't more people like him exist?

>> No.50275841

Yeah im selling, Cohen is supposed to run a tight and coherant ship and this is what we are rewarded with. Fuck Cohen. Im tired of his antics

>> No.50275846
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I don't think they will survive fucking the average guy like in 2008 one more time. Back then it was "we just have to make it through this one reseccion", now everybody knows we live in Purgatory and things will not get better from here. I honestly believe we are less than a year away from some serious minecrafting unless we complete the shift into the moass timeline

>> No.50275851


>> No.50275858
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*blockchain based exchange with an Automated Market Maker
Imagine the look on Kenny's face when Citadel's entire "market maker but not a bank" niche gets replaced by software that does it for free.

>> No.50275863

What's the best/most legit way to get exposure to GME right now via crypto assets? I ask because I'm not confident in Robinhood/WS/etc's ability to secure my claim to ownership of the asset if this plays out as you're all saying this week

How do I buy GME as an ERC20 (etc) and gain exposure to the split?

>> No.50275880

Whatifalthist Youtube channel is pretty spot on talking about wtf is happening to the West right now. Hold onto your butts.

>> No.50275899
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>How do I buy GME as an ERC20 (etc) and gain exposure to the split?

>> No.50275900

I want a shortie gf fr I might ask this cashier for her number at the gas station near me

>> No.50275904

You can't yet. The conditions laid out in their prospectus for issuing tokenized securities haven't been met yet. You can buy their partners' tokens Loopring and ImmutableX, or I guess Ethereum as the L1, but those have all been bogged pretty hard this year.

>> No.50275919
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/XSG/ welcomes GME and is also a part of our portfolio.

>> No.50275921 [DELETED] 

Do you want Heaven on Earth?




Jannies nuked the warface thread on /pol/

>> No.50275926

Exactly. That's what I'm thinking. We don't REALLY know how or when this is actually gonna play out. MOASS could start soon after the split or it could take several months, who tf knows? So my line of thinking is it's better to buy before the 18th and secure your extra shares while you can and before the price potentially ramps up post split.

>> No.50275929
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what will be your first post moass purchase bros?
mine will be a surprise flight to visit my best fren

>> No.50275942

Paying off my mortgage.

>> No.50275953


>> No.50275961

I'm gonna walk down to the Mazda dealership and get that White Edition Miata with the deep blue paint, red soft top and cream interior they've been cock teasing me with since before the sneeze. Then I'll pay last years taxes

>> No.50275966


>> No.50275973
File: 170 KB, 1080x821, EA45B423-7C0A-437E-881F-146CDD41F2C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last ten years of (((critical race theory))) has been a desperate attempt to derail Occupy and make sure we’re focused on irrelevant shit. Once enough realize how insidious of a lie it is though... we might be building Dachau II: This Time We Mean Business pretty soon

>> No.50275975

checked. I think I made a mistake of starting to see someone myself but I feel that old stress of balancing work, this bullshit and seeing her. It's too much at once. I always meant I would rather be dead than to sell but now its starting to seem very real.

>> No.50275976

that is a good idea imma steal it

>> No.50275983

since everything is going to shit anyways for the next 10 years or whatever and I'm 100% cash in my 401k - I'm thinking strongly about borrowing against mine and using it all to buy LEAPS on GME Monday before the split, knowing full well that it could take 3+ months or whatever. Would buy shares with it but the point would be to make a fat return ASAP and sell the calls the second I'm above 100% profit on them to pay back the loan and basically just pocket the money to reinvest in shares/roll into more calls

>> No.50275987


Well, I guess I'll just be first in line when GS (inevitably) cuts brokers out and does this directly on-chain. Fucking shame, I wanted in. I just know they'll strip me of my shares if things get too spicy ("here, we auto-sold for you anon -- look how much you have!"). Moon without me, brothers

>> No.50275989

You do realize that the panic of critical race theory was far more of a distraction and diversion from occupy then critical race theory itself right?

>> No.50275995


I’m going to buy the most tricked out motorhome I can find, and then I’m going on a cross country trip with my family for 2 months and catching up on lost time stress free and enjoying life.

And then I’m coming back home and really starting my business up with crazy capital behind it.

I’ll have 10,000 shares after the split.

>> No.50275998
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He points out how Dave Lauer refuses to acknowledge naked shorts. He's definitely based.

>> No.50276014

I chuckled yayayayayay

>> No.50276029

Reign energy drink from gas station

>> No.50276049

I kneel

>> No.50276065

Starting to wonder if races should really comingle. It is nothing but a bleeding weakness in the US. I understand a small number of minorities integrating into the dominant population, but having large numbers of people of different races all living in the same space has done nothing but create division and make some decent fusion food, at least in the US.

>> No.50276075

did not mean to send you that

>> No.50276086

The US is an interesting place though because it is a chance to love all different people from around the world in one place

>> No.50276087
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>what will be your first post moass purchase bros?
Another share of GME.

>> No.50276107

a /pol/ bot got lost kek

>> No.50276143
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Excellent and tumpilled

>> No.50276157

I will buy a tractor and pay off my mortgage.

>> No.50276175
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my knee jerk reaction is a LONG VACATION, but realistically, a white can of monster to just sit somewhere and take it all in.

>> No.50276212
File: 96 KB, 750x750, ciamoassdiscrationwagmilol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CIA is leaking Hunter Biden's phone through 4chan to distract the masses while MOASS plays out. Thanks a lot spooky frens, very based.

>I'll enjoy watching both

>> No.50276215


>> No.50276231

Jesus what a shithole... What would even be the point of this?
>My fellow Canadians, I regret to inform you that the banks were at risk of insolvency, so we had to bail them out with your savings hey what are you doing you can't just hang me and my cabinet from a tree ACK

>> No.50276241

Anything good in it? I haven't bothered looking into it yet.

>> No.50276251

Squeeze happened.


>> No.50276255


>> No.50276263

He basically spent his whole "adult" life begging his dad for money, doing coke and ketamine, hiring hookers, and sleeping with close relatives. His dad is in his phone as "Pedo Peter."

>> No.50276289

Getting the fuck out of the West, this shitshow is on a knife's edge.

>> No.50276296
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>> No.50276321

>t.time traveller

>> No.50276355 [DELETED] 

The thing no one wants to hear is that racial bullshit is at the heart of everything wrong with America. If niggers acted as if race wasn't an issue and just worked as hard as possible no matter what, and if white people (conservatives and liberals desu) acted as if it was THE central issue and bent over backwards to try to <reparate> past and current discrimination, everything would be fixed. People think that the sacrifices they would have to make for this are for the other people, but it's actually a form of self-preservation and forgiveness. For niggers it's rejecting generational trauma as the driver of their life path, for whites it's rejecting guilt (of atrocities) and fear (of the same atrocities happening to them if they ever lost power) as the driver of their political decisions.

Y'all talk about the wedge of identity politics but always focus on the ways the left falls for it and never about the ways the right does. Republicans really put a bunch of people who are going to absolutely fuck your rights onto the Supreme Court just so they could ban abortion. Congrats, you will always lose to corporations now. You will always lose to cops. You will always lose to rich people. If the rednecks/city slickers in your state elects a wackadoodle on either side they will have carte blanche to upend your lives and your only recourse will be to move somewhere else.

>> No.50276357
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Stay comfy, comfy weekend /GME/.

>> No.50276361

Bitcoin finna tank no cap fr fr

>> No.50276374

Checked and based.

>> No.50276431

based miata fag
reminder: The Mazda Miata is the official WAGMI GME car

>> No.50276441 [DELETED] 


This is fucking stupid.

Blacks aren’t competitive in the USA and they have an inferiority complex over it and we have a Jew run media that has weaponized blacks and tried to subjugate white people and blakc people by making blacks think it’s white people’s fault. The truth is—it was Jews owning the slave ships and transporting slaves here.

And now the Jew is trying to destroy white America. Black Americans are just not very intelligent or hard working on average and their culture propagates terrible behavior including crime which makes no one want to live near them. They have no one to blame but themselves and their shitty culture that is destroying America.

>> No.50276490

Chicken or the egg. Theres a lot that goes into why black culture is the way it is. Though ultiamtely doesnt matter if its the chicken or the egg at this point desu.

>> No.50276535

>and their culture
Dey culchea is and was propagated by glowwies to keep them that way. A slave class. This slave class is now being expanded to other groups of people. Blacks were just the testing ground. This is not to say there is no fault to be placed on the average basketball American for accepting chains that aren't made out of iron but of culture. BBmericans who managed to unghetto themselves are one of humanity's best individuals

>> No.50276557

Kek crypto baggies seething right now

>> No.50276560

Is it exactly 90 days from the splivvy date, or within 90 days?

>> No.50276573

90 days from the 27th IIRC

>> No.50276574

kek shills derailing GME into racewar bullshit.

>> No.50276589

The thing no one wants to hear is there are infinitely many "if everyone did this" scenarios that would end up in a perfect society so there is no point in pontificating about any of them.

And how fucking pathetic of you to say that "Y'all" fall for identity politics to just say "Republicans really put a bunch of people who are going to absolutely fuck your rights" like you're not doing the same thing. Literally kill yourself you stupid faggot. Go drink bleach you retard. >>50276374
You are gay too

>> No.50276590

Within. Think of ‘90 days’ as a deadline

>> No.50276608
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90 checke.d

>> No.50276613

New distraction/scapegoat is back on the menu my niggers in Christ.

>> No.50276616 [DELETED] 

Shit eating libtard hands typed this post. HOW ABOUT we round up all the jews and throw them in the fucking gas chamber? AND we could ship the niggers back to Africa since they want to complain so god damn much?

>> No.50276622

It should be a temporary truce, and fight globohomo together. After, we get be racist again but we got more important matters right now.

We could win. We could have it all.

>> No.50276624
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bros... how susceptible is CS to a cyber hack?

>> No.50276634

I see, thanks
kek kennoids

>> No.50276638

Forgot link

>> No.50276640

mlk almost saved it

>> No.50276652

>release zhe monke pox
>release zhe marburg

>> No.50276673

Why do you think he got capped fr fr. Tupac was unironically killed because he was going against what rap music was designed to be. He was going to use rap to tell niglets to stop fucking around and gangbanging, and instead to get an education. Kek he was starting to deglamorize crime in his music shortly before he was jannied from life

>> No.50276686


Takes 20 seconds to change the settings with Fidelity, may as well do it

>> No.50276691
File: 22 KB, 1249x151, JW_telescope_071022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright lads, will it be a picture that shows some kind of civilization, or just a random boring picture of some random colorful clouds

and what are its implications for moass and the markets

>> No.50276717

>may as well do it
no. I don't think I will.

>> No.50276724

You’ll be fine either way, fidelity has real shares

>> No.50276739
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Two more weeks!

>> No.50276747

Probably food. Maybe tendies for memes and my second dinner will be crabs because the crab is dead. My first investment is going to be into precious metal Jr mining companies. Then I'm hopefully going to get me the penthouse I've been eyeballing all month if it's still available. My first car is gonna be an older Nissan Maxima or it's Infiniti cousin. I'm gonna have the comfiest bedding, furniture and clothing. And I'm gonna keep my house cold so I have a reason to wear warm comfy clothing and sit by my fireplace.

>> No.50276775 [DELETED] 

>by making blacks think it’s white people’s fault
It is. You need to learn the history. It only tangentially has to do with slavery. The reason we're where we are today is because of the way black communities were utterly decimated in the 40s-60s in order to subsidize the creation of the modern suburb, and because the attention on the first phase of suburban collapse in the 70s and 80s was deflected by scapegoating the inner city and instituting shit like mass incarceration through the War on Drugs etc. These destroyed black businesses, black institutions, black families. Integration was a last resort that bougie blacks fled to because the ruins of the things they'd build couldn't support dignified living.

You're seeing the second phase now. It's because we're hitting the point where all those municipalities that got a second wind with the financialization of the economy are on the verge of insolvency once again. Think like being on the verge of bankruptcy, then being approved for a credit card, then maxing it out without having a plan to pay it or previous debts off. That's where we are. And the bad decisions that got us here are rooted in asinine shit like white flight, and the professionalization of certain industries. The fleeing and gatekeeping didn't solve the problems, they were barriers to efficient economic activity put in place to calm whites who were freaking out and couldn't face the true root of their issues. Red herrings to stave of minecraft. But the answer has always been to accept that you share this continent with niggers and get on with unfucking the economy by making useful things and paying everyone - everyone - a decent wage for their time. Ford that river.

>Black Americans are just not very intelligent or hard working on average and their culture propagates terrible behavior including crime which makes no one want to live near them.
This lie is the wedge and you're falling for it. Say nigger you shill honkey.

>> No.50276814

They hate niggers so much that they don't even realize how the jew made them. They should read up on Robert Moses.

>> No.50276848

It's oger.




>I'll settle for 100K a share w/no MOASS activated. Best I can do.

>> No.50276853

same with malcom x once he found God.

>> No.50276893

Agreed the moment any of them became aware of class and how it exists outside of race they took them out. Fred Hampton too.

>> No.50276906


I'm going on a walk-about. I'll take a bus to a nearby city -- that city is an airport hub, and it still has an arcade with a japanese third strike cab. I'll play third strike for a few hours, depending on how active it is that day. I'll then go to the airport, and buy a first class ticket to wherever the hostess recommends.... well, probably somewhere in the first world, at least. Maybe somewhere nordic, I dunno. And then I'll figure out my way back on my own.

>> No.50276908 [DELETED] 


What a complete fucking cop out bullshit answer.

Blacks are even getting passed by Mexicans. It’s not because for any other reason that blacks cannot do shit except blame white people for their short comings.

They bring NOTHING to the table—they can’t even order god damned fast food with class. They don’t know how to act, dress, talk, they can’t say please or thank you—they’re classless and culture less.

>> No.50276917

Do I have to login into computershare and fidelity to switch my shares?

>> No.50276920 [DELETED] 

>But the answer has always been to accept that you share this continent
how about no
>This lie is the wedge and you're falling for it.
you're an actual grifting retard if you think this.
average nigger IQ is 20 points below average whites. by mental capacity, niggers are closer to being disabled than they are to whites. niggers also commit crimes at rates significantly higher than any other group in America.
you sound like a fucking jew trying to psyop us into going along with your dumbass great reset. no thanks. I'm not accepting shit.

>> No.50276925

Thats interesting.

>> No.50276954 [DELETED] 

Tired of being broke, now you don't have excuses

Download the Mine Shiba at the link below


Use the referral code 19132340 to earn a boost in your earnings and start earning 4 SHIB per hour instead of just 1

>> No.50276956

That happens when you decimate the self concept of 6 straight generations of people. Bootstraps approach is usually a cop out to avoid getting down on a persons level and seeing things from their point of view. But there is always something you can do, thats true

>> No.50276957

>Write out a well-reasoned set of first purchases
>Attach funne monkey pictur
>Phone spazzes out
>Wipes my post
>Deletes monke from downloaded files
>Somehow turns on "TalkBack" mode
First purchase post moass is a device that actually works, Jesus Hotrodding Christ.

>> No.50276970
File: 907 KB, 498x300, 1650852579283.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to post the classic info graph about blacks
>I know that if I do I'll get banned
It's not fair bros

>> No.50276976
File: 536 KB, 809x622, raichu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been here so long I thought the out-of-focus leaf was edited in brap gas at first

>> No.50276981

You're both either glowies or too retarded to realize that you’re playing the role they made to you. You’re gonna get rich off moass but you’ll never make it.

>> No.50276982

get help

>> No.50276999

underrated, and kek
it is

>> No.50277018 [DELETED] 

Oh man I'm pissing someone off talking about this stuff.

MLK was merced the moment he tried appealing to poor whites. He realized that racial and economic justice were intertwined.

But black culture has never been suboptimal, it was always the reasonable (more than reasonable desu) response to widespread social devastation. You have multiple generations in shitty schooling, lead-poisoned, surrounded by drugs and gun violence, rejected by the class they escape and the class they try to escape to, and you call it a FAILURE that they mostly keep the resulting violence amongst themselves. And that's the most wretched population. Black women have the highest post-secondary degree attainment rate out of any race/gender group, you have black dudes becoming millionaires and billionaires by flipping bad poetry into international cults of personality, people descended from slaves inventing a culture out of whole cloth and selling it as a rival to shit thousands of years old, and succeeding it getting a global audience to buy it (even though there was an actual millennium-old West African culture to be adhered to). Not even getting into how white American culture is built off a combo of filtered black culture and putting on Euro nobility airs (because it was somehow shameful to exhibit actual common Euro qualities once one's family immigrated). Not even getting into how black culture has been influenced by white culture not just at the barrel of a gun but at the "barrel" of a "gun" (look up Euro admixture in black Americans; the chicken-or-egg dude was right in more than one way, kek).

Stop being useful idiots. The only way anyone gets anything in this shithole country is deciding on the one true thing that they want and suffering whoever it is they have to build a coalition with to get it done. You've seen with your own eyes how this tactic is used for ill. Use it for good.

>> No.50277041

This nigga spittin.

>> No.50277062

>maybe if I racebait with a /pol/ argument, people will forget about GME!
Shills are fucking desperate. See you on the 21st Sanjeev

>> No.50277082

>all these feds posting about nigger culture
go make an /amc/ general

>> No.50277085
File: 245 KB, 616x457, wagmi mobile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good sneedings?


>> No.50277091
File: 224 KB, 1000x1000, theonetheonly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never change, biz

>> No.50277101

Nobody Generals on /x/ are having a nuclear meltdown and Ambulance Victoria had a code red emergency last night.

>> No.50277107

Mine will be a hot dinner

>> No.50277113
File: 229 KB, 487x370, 1488476666096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50277126

I’m not getting my hopes up that we’re gonna be going back to $200 anytime soon

>> No.50277134

>But black culture has never been suboptimal
Not until the glowwies got their hand in shaping it.
>he thinks the CIA didn't distribute crack to black neighborhoods to fund their off the book ops in Nicaragua and elsewhere
>he thinks gangsta rap was organic
Didn't read the rest of your post cuz u a gay nigga

>> No.50277157

I think you’re agreeing with him.

>> No.50277160

Whats going on with the nobody generals? QRD?

>> No.50277163

Partly. He sounds like someone who should go back.

>> No.50277172 [DELETED] 
File: 186 KB, 800x600, 1643938762576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m not getting my hopes up that we’re gonna be going back to $200 anytime soon

>> No.50277207

agree with a lot of it, but lets not act like the jew media propaganda machine could get 90% of normies into scat porn if it wanted to. Lets not talk about how most rap that gets a global audience rivals shit 1000s of years old. What is famous for 1000s of years will probably be around in 1000s of years, no one is going to listen to drake or niki minaj in 40 years from now. Good points in that rant though

>> No.50277209

Get my dad a kidney transplant, he's at stage 5 failure and will be going through dialysis soon

>> No.50277212

We should ask him what he thinks about the small hats. Because I gotta say I agree with him on everything else.

>> No.50277227

What’s your opinion on jazz or rock and roll?

>> No.50277240

Love it. You going to claim blacks were responsible for all of jazz? I have a degree in jazz history btw. Blacks have always had a big hand, maybe even a dominant hand in jazz and rock n roll. Doesn't make them responsible for it

>> No.50277254
File: 503 KB, 770x578, 4564654561651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50277256

Why don't you donate your own kidney you fat fuck

>> No.50277296

There is no jazz without blues or ragtime. All black forms of art. Where did you get you’re degree?

>> No.50277337

I like to think so. Who knew urban plannig Youtube would be the key to connecting the dots.

>> No.50277342

Dont start with me on jazz. I dont like to think when I use this website and im not going to start now. You should look a little closer. Let me qualify that by sayin blacks were ESSENTIAL to jazz and rock and roll. You're leaning with your claim though. And it was a small school, not going to tell you but my teachers were the shit. You almost got me going

>> No.50277358
File: 118 KB, 2391x2717, 1657503208237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a Fed honeypot that went supernova. Just for teh lulz.

>> No.50277357

Persona 5 invented jazz so it was actually the japanese that invented it. Nice try though

>> No.50277371 [DELETED] 

naked city is the only jazz band worth a shit and chris potter regularly rims my asshole

>> No.50277373

Is this the GME general or /black/?

>> No.50277382

Kek. I swear I thought cowboy bebop invented it.

>> No.50277386 [DELETED] 

this is true

>> No.50277398 [DELETED] 

they did and sonic invented rock and roll

>> No.50277413


>> No.50277419

kek baggies
baggies kek
kek baggies
you will not be doing the making it baggies bros

>> No.50277434 [DELETED] 

Blacks wouldn’t even know how to read or write let alone play any melodic musical instrument if left to their own. Blacks did not create blues or jazz or rock n roll that is propaganda and a lie. Especially not rock n roll. Blacks are like orcs they have taken the beautiful melodious harmony that is music and concerted it into the most ugly representation of something “musical” that is rap and their nigger, prison culture based around it. Just like orcs they make that “music” as a mockery of all that is good and holy and beautiful. Any person of intelligence knows this and is one of the main reasons they are disgusted by the black race. Its sad and pathetic to see young white kids embracing this utter shite because they’ve been brainwashed into thinking it’s cool and would be condemned by their peers for criticizing it. Type “lil” into youtube. Look at the expanse of results. Disgusting. Blacks are arguably the worst of all races at making music for what they’ve done. You won’t find a single one today that does anything musical besides “rapping”

>> No.50277451 [DELETED] 

tl;dr kurt cobain invented rock n roll end of discussion

>> No.50277459

>You're leaning with your claim though.
No, man, your claim is the one that really needs some backing.
Close, Persona 5 invented disco.

>> No.50277461

Lets not go too far the other way now here

>> No.50277464

Top 5 countries to immigrate to following moass?

>> No.50277465
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>> No.50277470 [DELETED] 

>Persona 5 invented disco.
i thought that was fairly odd parents fuck me i'm an idiot

>> No.50277473

Joplin invented American popular music Sousa was a dead end.

>> No.50277478

It was Disco Elysium. it's right there in the title. It also invented communism

>> No.50277480 [DELETED] 

death valley
ur mom

>> No.50277494

im considering dual citizenship in italy due to lineage. also does anyone know how many citizenships one can hold at a time? how many passports?


>> No.50277501 [DELETED] 

no communism was invented by nintendo my dad actually works with nintendo, and said horishimoo samasaitagookasai told him that they're funding the russians.

>> No.50277507
File: 27 KB, 600x315, 46558c532e9553585630bbf9154a8b85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I researched this and "Live and Learn" was indeed the first Rock song ever produced.

>> No.50277520
File: 34 KB, 550x633, B48040DE-AADF-4048-B8EE-699217A8AD20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50277529 [DELETED] 

linkin park before linkin park desu frfrnocap

>> No.50277541


>> No.50277545

Fucking Kek. Honestly how can anyone be mad. This is quite possibly the comfiest Sunday leading into a market open thread that I can remember. No only thing missing is crypto ranking,

>> No.50277553 [DELETED] 

Don’t even know what the hell you’re on about. Europeans are responsible for not only creating all of the musical instruments, but the foundation and expansion of all music theory. Asians brought many brilliant perceptions into the mix and were also creating impressive and unique musical instruments. Niggers were raping chickens and beating on drums. Then they did some cool things but now they’ve gone back to something that is worse than the chicken thing. If you erased everything that blacks ever dis musically we would be missing basically nothing.

>> No.50277567 [DELETED] 

yo i kjnow this nigga he gave me a sloppy jose and reached around too this was all behind a walmart on a saturday just really eyeing each other i swear this nigga stole my heart, and SNEED

>> No.50277576 [DELETED] 

tl;dr kurt cobain invented music

>> No.50277591 [DELETED] 

split dividend no matter what happens on the 22nd GME is a money maker lol

>> No.50277597 [DELETED] 

Its true and you know it nigger. I dont “bait” and never have. I’m just an actual musician professionally who is disgusted by the rape and perversion of music by blacks. Read some Pythagoras and quit listening to lil shagrat you fool.

>> No.50277606

your mind expands as far as the modern propaganda machine and no farther if you really think that. have you heard of the 5th beatle? Come on look around a little

>> No.50277619 [DELETED] 

you both have aspergers this is a thread about /gme/ not about music theory or music. go play a fucking instrument you fat retarded lazy fucks

>> No.50277627

I see you have an affinity for the organ. Good taste.

>> No.50277634

ill have you banned fro the internet when i make it. and i do have aspbergers fuck you

>> No.50277638
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>> No.50277650

Wait I thought this was a Japanese pop culture appreciation thread. Fuck. I got lost.

>> No.50277658

You know nothing about music. I have the knowledge and talent to humiliate and destroy you. With both understanding and skill. Which lil nigger is your favorite? Is it lil shagrat? Lil nignog? Lil felon? Lil crime rate?

>> No.50277661
File: 1.63 MB, 1077x1077, FifthColumnFaggotry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haha hey guiz lets talk about off-topic shit and paint a racist narrative in the GME generals
There is an entire board for shit like that. You should go back to it. Or reddit, or whatever office you operate out of with a given listed narrative. Absolute faggots the lot of you and it's not a fucking cohencidence with market open just hours away either.

>> No.50277663

This is a Goebbels tactic, where you say something outrageously wrong with the utmost conviction. The point isn't to be right, but to introduce into the listener the splinter of a worry that they may be wrong. You then repeat the falsity ad nauseum, pounding it into the public's head. The Overton window shifts.

This is directly applicable to the work of anti-GME shills and I commend these posters for helping to bring attention to such a rherorical threat.

>> No.50277671 [DELETED] 
File: 666 KB, 1080x1343, 1655615224510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you live with burgers in your ass from a day to day basis. where do the burgers come from?

>> No.50277680

Is this bait right now or do I need to open this up

>> No.50277690 [DELETED] 

this is a baldurs gate marine biology shark enthusiast heavy metal forum

>> No.50277698

Based nooticer

>> No.50277701

I legitimately haven’t been this excited for a market open in I can’t even remember.

>> No.50277711 [DELETED] 

what happened? i know about the divvy split, but haven't heard anything recently. is it just fed faggots fed faggot posting, and the general stinking of curry?

>> No.50277713 [DELETED] 

What is wrong is the statement or implication that the black race has contributed in any significant way to the musical world. Don’t read into it or try and reflect your own deceit into what we are saying. We put forth logical and factual statements that prove our point. Is that all you have? emotional gobbledygook of “thats a nazi tactic!”

>> No.50277726 [DELETED] 
File: 232 KB, 1245x1080, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really enjoy dr.pepper

>> No.50277739 [DELETED] 


>> No.50277741


>> No.50277745

Bros it looks like ebaumsworld did it again. I think this is enough of a distraction to allow MOASS to start in earnest tomorrow.

>> No.50277763

This hunter Biden shit nuts bringing all sorts of attention to this site not that it wasn’t already but still the shut I’m seeing almost seems surreal because it’s exposed

>> No.50277773
File: 103 KB, 203x181, 1654264841449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>release zhe racism fud

>> No.50277781

WAGMI tomorrow

>> No.50277782

Yea theres multiple people in here calling out niggers for their disgusting prison culture. Scroll up. Lol dude go back to your university and gtfo out this thread you brainwashed faggot.

>> No.50277797

It's all another gay ass "look at the monkey" tactic regardless. I just wish clicking arrows for off-topic shit actually did something.

>> No.50277814

it did but only for a few posts

>> No.50277815 [DELETED] 
File: 926 KB, 1599x1429, i am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off nigger

>> No.50277822
File: 95 KB, 720x720, uwu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feeling some pretty intense energy starting with the guidestones being destroyed. What are other people feeling? Hard to describe

>> No.50277832 [DELETED] 

UwU life a kusoge I will have dogs and a house and pool i will jump into with the dogs every morning lmfao

>> No.50277835

china bankrun

>> No.50277836

Yes everything this summer feels different

>> No.50277839

>but still the shut I’m seeing almost seems surreal because it’s exposed
>we wasn't one of the nigras of the closing of the pools
At the very least you newfags experienced the 2016 influx, unless you were part of THAT diaspora?

>> No.50277840 [DELETED] 

qrd like i'm a retarded five year old child, or a golden retriever?

>> No.50277843

Yeah the energy is definitely different. The fud and glow bounces off me like never before.

>> No.50277850

my feelings: CERN put us in the based timeline.

>> No.50277856 [DELETED] 

If you listen to any kind of rap music you are a brainwashed nigger lover. There is no exception. Niggers are domesticated monkeys and have never contributed anything good to this world. While they had an opportunity to leave behind their evil and unenlightened lives when they were brought to countries of intelligence, they have squandered that opportunity and reverted back to their appalling and disgusting nature. Niggers are incapable of melody or harmony which are essential elements of what is has always been known as music. If you listen to niggers who wear chains and gold in their teeth and look like a mix between a clown and a monkey, you have no taste and no right to an opinion on anything. If that's you I implore you to save yourself and work hard to develop taste for sophisticated and true art. Otherwise you will be dragged down to the hell that the ones who fund that degeneracy have designed for you. Niggers are the worst of all in this world. That is all.

>> No.50277858 [DELETED] 

>CERN put us in the based timeline.
no it was the weasel sent by jesus christ himself that altered the cern timeline. thank jesus christ for bringing us into the weasel timeline.

>> No.50277857


>> No.50277870 [DELETED] 

tl;dr i listen to this like a g

>> No.50277876


>> No.50277880

just fucking shut up you ignoramus

>> No.50277884
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, D7171481-643A-4FED-A10E-AA50DEABC28C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50277889

Uh oh chinkies

>> No.50277893 [DELETED] 
File: 2.95 MB, 232x232, 1651098558867.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you switched your IP you disgusting fed faggot

>> No.50277899

Give me your Wu Tang NFT when it drops, because you clearly won't appreciate it

>> No.50277906

For me, it's the G-funk era

>> No.50277908 [DELETED] 

uh oh stinky, or uh oh lol oh well :^)

>> No.50277924 [DELETED] 

personally for me it's a spicy mcchicken, and pumpkin hill

>> No.50277939 [DELETED] 

fuck jannies
fuck trannies
fuck niggers

>> No.50277964

Wtf has happened to these threads? Are these the shills their sending now? Trying to get ppl to sell by pushing BLM woke sentiment? No way there’s this many narrative following agenda adhering faggots in a biz thread.

>> No.50277973
File: 1.02 MB, 631x837, 1445301460267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some "anons" weren't what they appeared

>> No.50277982 [DELETED] 

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.50277986

That image has been debunked.

>> No.50278004

In the end they fell for the larp. Either because they were truly retarded and lost or because they were glowies

>> No.50278010

I've been waging building racing spec miatas in my country. I personally can't wait for just a sniff of the squeeze to get my. Own and build it to my specifications. Hope to see you miata bros on the road one day.

>> No.50278015 [DELETED] 

the reason they all pushed going back to work is because their family/wife hates them, and they couldn't plausibly hold a relationship in which they actively have to participate in.

>> No.50278024

Figured out why the shills got so bad
>they're using 8,490 zombie OTC stocks (that retail isn't allowed to trade or own at all) in order to try and suppress all of this
>it's all incorporated into the same massive swaps that constitute AMC/BBBY/KOSS/dozens of other actual companies that still operate and turn a profit
>they control massive amounts of shares in these zombie companies since they shorted them into the ground and kept all of them and the gains they made tax free
It's amazing this hasn't led to a minecraft pvp server.

>> No.50278037



>> No.50278043

How many two (2) more weeks before this cute little system of theirs buckles under the pressure?

>> No.50278052

Hmm that does make some amount of sense.

>> No.50278053

and last but not least before I get banned, the greatest most unheard of piano player of all time, terrance schider my autistic homiehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEB32GHvqcE&t=19s

>> No.50278062

>mothman holding GME to cause immense disaster to the USA
Im okay with this

>> No.50278073
File: 29 KB, 700x422, 1648239042283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if all the racial bullshit is shilling or just bored anons.
If it is shills, good job, at least you found something new to shit up the threads with. If it's not take it somewhere else, this is the "laugh at baggies/hedges" thread, not the "laugh at racists/niggers" thread.
Though honestly I haven't seen the whole "muh racism" flooding thing work for getting anything but your own posts deleted for a while, so do what you want I'm not your fucking dad.

>About a year ago someone predicted the narrative shift to "GME holders are EVIL RACISTS" being one of the final shill tactics left to employ
lol, lmao even. You better not buy any GME goy, wouldn't want to associate with those EVIL RACISTS (many of whom are not only not white but not even American at all)

>> No.50278092

I’d say the thread handled it pretty well desu.

>> No.50278097 [DELETED] 

>my autistic homie
does he play with your balls when he eats the burgers from your tossed salad?

>> No.50278112

I dont know him but I wish I did.

>> No.50278115

That was beautiful. Thank you anon.

>> No.50278124 [DELETED] 

yo advertise yourself stop playing and put yourself out there

>> No.50278126

It is amazing that they can train a monkey to play notes on a piano. Did you know they have trained monkeys to smoke too? Have you ever seen a man play a piano though? That can really get interesting in ways that are beyond being a gimmick. Asian women are also amazingly talented at playing piano.

>> No.50278127

I got to the end of my backlog and finally started playing the Souls series. Why did I put this off for so long? These games are fucking amazing. About to start DS II

>> No.50278136

you are very welcome. I think covid might how got him. Hes as good as I've heard it. A true savant

>> No.50278138

The day the splivvy was announced felt like being bathed in sunlight. The whole world seemed different. I cannot imagine what it'll be like when the time comes.

>> No.50278139
File: 32 KB, 720x480, 1622249532770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is going on in this thread

>> No.50278148

not like this

>> No.50278150
File: 321 KB, 864x671, 1653886489953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but as with all glowniggers and just garden variety bored /pol/acks just reporting and ignoring them is the best option.
If you really insist on giving them a pity (You) anything more than a Sneed is more than they deserve, as they're either a deliberate shill or bored retard looking to shit up the thread.

>> No.50278153 [DELETED] 

good honest clean fun

>> No.50278165

I don’t know fren but I like it.

>> No.50278177 [DELETED] 

Lol fucking go back you woke pussies. Wah wah muh racism. Gotta be fucking kidding. If anything you or the shills. This is biz not your faggoty liberal university. There are people of intelligence here, thus “racist” people. Go circle jerk your mainstream retarded narrative anywhere else. We call out niggers for their niggerdom here and you will never change that you uncultured cattle.

>> No.50278190 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 490x430, 1650950294440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol fucking go back you woke pussies. Wah wah muh racism. Gotta be fucking kidding. If anything you or the shills. This is biz not your faggoty liberal university. There are people of intelligence here, thus “racist” people. Go circle jerk your mainstream retarded narrative anywhere else. We call out niggers for their niggerdom here and you will never change that you uncultured cattle.
fuck off honey-pot nigger

>> No.50278192

call them out for both their true failures and true successes. Dont be a scared thinker junior

>> No.50278207
File: 43 KB, 567x534, beholding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at numbers as god intended

>> No.50278212

Minecraft you say...

>> No.50278232

Jannies are kind of based when you think about. I mean, they do it all for free.

>> No.50278233 [DELETED] 

Check em you fucking idiots. Godamn you are the lowest form of life, even for americans. You must be damn near as fat as you are stupid but you sure are stupid. Be honest, you watch cnn and netflix and haven’t read a book in years. Seriously be honest.

>> No.50278242

imagine doing it for free on a business and finance board

>> No.50278254 [DELETED] 
File: 293 KB, 1212x1268, 1650457712587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check em you fucking idiots. Godamn you are the lowest form of life, even for americans. You must be damn near as fat as you are stupid but you sure are stupid. Be honest, you watch cnn and netflix and haven’t read a book in years. Seriously be honest.
finance, and business?

>> No.50278258

Is this why sears and other dead-stocks keep mooning randomly?

>> No.50278264
File: 121 KB, 750x1024, BA5D72CE-7B86-4835-BF1C-3AE70A37D915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50278266 [DELETED] 


>> No.50278269
File: 66 KB, 680x502, FXLNRw5UEAETSMN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Amouranth's earnings report from her onlyfans account. How does this make you feel?

>> No.50278288
File: 258 KB, 500x272, 1657228855732.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes me suspect those are AMC baggies or Link marines throwing more money at depreciating ass-ets.

>> No.50278299

>implying either link or amc baggies have any money to throw at whores when they're down more than 90% on their assets

>> No.50278302
File: 113 KB, 728x1024, 6FB901B6-8C1F-4F20-8110-8610693CAA92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50278318

based phoneposter

>> No.50278332

>implying that's ever stopped them
kek stimmies

>> No.50278333

How do they ever switch to net-longs is what I'm curious about? It just doesn't seem possible, there's no volume in these dead stocks other than what they provide, they'd just be selling to themselves if they ever wanted to buy. I don't doubt that it has some kind of benefit to them pumping the shit out of dead OTC stocks, but I'm curious what mechanism they use to absolve their shorts and go net long, and going net long requires sellers which obviously don't exist in these stocks. Is it accounting fraud and hiding the liability side in an offshore llc like Refco/Rhino? They sell a bunch of shares to themselves, then hide the liability side to make the balance sheets look better?

>> No.50278357
File: 8 KB, 666x88, uh oh hedgies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money isn't real but they've made it 'real' and caught themselves in their own trap

>> No.50278373
File: 59 KB, 720x718, oldmankek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makes me feel like anythings possible desu. if a 6 on a good day can leverage big tits and a twitch channel to net 27m gamestop can make me a billionaire

>> No.50278381
File: 328 KB, 831x799, 1B871456-1B95-41EA-8F7D-AB3A8360732F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are all clowns

>> No.50278383

I have no idea

>> No.50278399
File: 63 KB, 451x630, kekhoggua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turned on by their own meme weapons of mass destruction

>> No.50278408 [DELETED] 

he a big boi

>> No.50278412
File: 454 KB, 1115x1600, e372e303-5578-4525-aaaa-032c158f5a0a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably hidden in Brazil along with their 100 million Brazilian puts.

>> No.50278413

GME is scam

>> No.50278416

I HATE modern shit too

>> No.50278426 [DELETED] 

yes hishnu ganeesha vadavada the cumcoin is the one true purchase

>> No.50278431

Honk honk.

>> No.50278434
File: 639 KB, 487x815, clown-world-cometh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the clowns will survive clownworld. If you were smart you'd be a clown too.

>> No.50278435

Ha ha you will all lose all your money buying GameStop

>> No.50278455
File: 76 KB, 800x411, 1644891816282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50278486

GME store is bad and GME bankruptcy

>> No.50278487
File: 206 KB, 498x498, clown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adapted to the crushing depths of clown world

>> No.50278500
File: 269 KB, 823x653, 1647385542255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit it all makes sense now. Archegos and JPM are/were the big fish in this as Citadel's counterparties. This is going to torpedo the entire financial sector right as the boomers retire, and Fani Oter is letting it happen so he can blame Kenny for the industry not recovering instead of telling Americans it's all the boomers' fault for not having more children.
>cellar boxed penny stocks with weird trade to outstanding shares ratios (which could actually be those SWAPS archagos and JP Morgan are getting fucking RICO'D for)


>> No.50278505

Come on man at least put SOME effort in.

>> No.50278516 [DELETED] 

GameStop failure GME bad GameStop bankruptcy GameStop layoffs GME insolvent

>> No.50278518
File: 219 KB, 500x374, 21946272-5987-4956-A991-8EB61A45F366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50278524
File: 39 KB, 563x372, i am the white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oy cunt

>> No.50278530
File: 590 KB, 1170x1809, 1FBF500A-4EDD-4AE7-86FD-1A934E271B57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm does this look like a fractal to anyone else?

>> No.50278535

GameStop firing GameStop store closing GameStop failure GME termination GameStop lose GME bad

>> No.50278542

Likely tied to the SPVs in the caymens

>> No.50278567

GameStop board failure GameStop executive leaving GME uncertain GME sell GME outlook negative GameStop lose employees GameStop abusive employer GameStop law suit GME

>> No.50278568
File: 138 KB, 1198x826, Black Frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.GME gains will be fueled by the blood of Boomers and Jews
Based stock

>> No.50278574
File: 159 KB, 1508x892, 86E39536-CBB8-41A3-AEE8-130E24A961D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50278590
File: 171 KB, 500x394, super wiz biz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you could have stopped this

>> No.50278608
File: 70 KB, 1024x903, 1655762777269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and the end of that url

>> No.50278622
File: 276 KB, 2048x2048, BD8722D8-CE71-4D1D-9757-DA2E452F3306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Week on the left and 1 year on the right.

>> No.50278640
File: 112 KB, 882x731, holmes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see that you typed . instead of > to greentext. You turned capslock on to uppercase GME, didn't you?

>> No.50278667
File: 181 KB, 680x680, 1657335146449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of their marketing roastoids is going to have a bad morning if their supervisor asks them about it. It's too bad these companies forgot you can just edit hyperlinks client side. :^)

>> No.50278690
File: 37 KB, 250x176, 080101i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.50278703
File: 153 KB, 820x836, Tuxedo Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incorrect!!! I held SHIFT a little earlier than I wanted.
Good guess though.

>> No.50279314

I just came to the conclusion that you need to sell at open.

>> No.50279595

kek boomies, I'm comin for that bootie (like pirate bootie not old asses)

>> No.50281247

GameStop store GameStop stock GME play wallstreetbets GameStop scam gamification GameStop $20 and GameStop brick and mortar (next line, delete this after copying)
Just because GameStop is having a split doesn’t mean anything. Kek baggies Reddit GameStop $GME bagholder

>> No.50282454
File: 44 KB, 480x410, 1623079522785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50283594
File: 120 KB, 512x512, 79150420_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]