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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 350x350, LINKMARINE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5027448 No.5027448 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously he deals with so much shit, you poor faggots need to sell LINK and fuck off already.

>> No.5027500
File: 61 KB, 1007x478, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link is going to be huge. But right now, the market is on bigger gains with other coins. I am day trading and putting my gains into LINK. 2018 will be huge.

>> No.5027528


>> No.5027549
File: 76 KB, 900x900, pepe_baller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmhmm. That Rory is the real deal. Yeah he married a single mom. So what. You know it takes a real man to do that. Go take your cuck accusations back to pol.

>> No.5027558


>> No.5027569

Ya dumb fucking /biz/ retards keep flaming Rory making us look bad. Steve Elis replies instantly on gitter about anything technical and Sergey hired Rory as a community manager to deal with questions/email people back. What the fuck do you mean theres no communication with the team? Learn to hodl you moon boy new faggots.

>> No.5027589

Ya Rory's boss af. I sometimes use the chat on the site to send him friendly messages to give him something a bit different than you ADHD fags harassing him all day.

>> No.5027625

They are working on the mainnet expect a roadmap with dates before eoy. LINK $8 by 2019 $70 by 2020

>> No.5027701


Nah LINK will hit more than $8 by 2019. Look at IOTA. Even more tokens issued, and LINK is better positioned to completely change the crypto space.

We'll see it hit top 10 by late spring, putting it at a $5billion market cap at least. But with only 1/3 of the tokens being traded that puts us at $15/LINK by spring. EOY once it announces some partnership updates and is now starting to be a core component in 2018's best ICOs, LINK will be $100.

If people don't know what they're holding, they shouldn't hold. If you do know, you know this is going to become a top 5 coin within a year.

>> No.5027770


How cringy is the slack? I heard people really posted toilet-sergey images there. Please tell me they keep it mature.

>> No.5027819


Is that from the slack or you just larping? It seems like something they might release for the december news.

Supposedly sergey was typing on the slack early this morning so he could post any minute.

>> No.5027996

Hopefully they announce new team members they hired with a roadmap. I can't wait to run a node when mainnet is up. LINK has amazing potential and a real use case. Once mainnet is up and exchanges list it + announcements etc I can see LINK having a INSANE market cap, espeically with all the companys that could potential use it (SWIFT/11k banks,SONY) etc

I've seen them post rory photoshopped pic, sergey photoshopped pic,its a shame really

>> No.5028062
File: 101 KB, 614x348, 20171210_142921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>takes a real man to do that
Pepe Baller, I love you too much to let you say that unaddressed. Never again please.

>> No.5028063


Ya I'm going to finally start developing blockchain software once the mainnet is up. Never thought of anything that tickled my fancy before, but with Chainlink's tech a whole new world of opportunities just opened up. I don't even care about the token value, I'm just looking forward to playing with it.

>> No.5028079

I want to swing trade but I don't want to miss the moon ahhhh

>> No.5028236


you're further along than sergey congrats!

>> No.5028355

what the fuck? you can't be serious. You must be a fake pepe baller trying to blacken his name. If you're the real pepe baller, >>>5028062

>> No.5028381

>Toilet Sergeys in the Slack
I wonder how much of the radio silence from Chainlink is a product of /biz/‘s “involvement”.

>> No.5028389
File: 27 KB, 332x495, install-new-toilet-cracked-china-clearwater-plumber-fort-worth-plumbing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone please post this pic on slack. I made it myself and thing Sergey would really appreciate it