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50267126 No.50267126 [Reply] [Original]

Millions of workers lives will be ruined and their health demolished. Productivity is crashing. Invest with this in mind.

>> No.50267300

it will be something related to covid but not long covid.
Spoiler: It has to travel via needle.

>> No.50267327

Anti vaxx people crack me up
>No way am I going to trust this medicine, no one knows what's in it!
>Anyway, I'm gonna catch this NOVEL virus 5 times in 2 years, it's just the cough! I'll be fine!
>Woah millions of people are having health issues all of a sudden! Could it be because of this crazy new virus that humans have never before encountered at such a scale? No, it clearly is the jabbbbb!

>> No.50267349

shut up spikey, no one asked your opinion

>> No.50267351

On a more serious note, they're drilling down the cause of long covid and there are many promising treatments. So anyone who may have it and is reading, please don't be afraid, help is coming

>> No.50267356

those chairs are excellent if you work on a computer all day, no pressure on your back. you just need an adjustable screen

>> No.50267368

Cool, could have sworn I don't care about that.

>> No.50267371

Yeah so let’s take an untested mRNA vaccine instead that had catashrophic results in all the previous trials, great idea fuckwad.

>> No.50267373
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Can I meme long covid? I also feel tired and my taste is gone. I just came back from a 3hr race cycling tour and felt like a grandpa cycling 5hrs.

>> No.50267375
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NEETs we did it, no more work for us.

>> No.50267390

What is 'the work industry' ?

>> No.50267398

Don't forget the best one
>Be government
>Release poison vaccine
>All obedient citizens die
>Population is now 100% free thinking anti government anarchists

>> No.50267399

blame the /pol/acks and other retarded fucks.
long covid is almost exclusive to anti-vaxxers
the vaccine's effect is mostly off your body anyway within 3-6 months you monumental retards.

>> No.50267400

>Hmmm I don't know if I'll be able to jump from the second floor of this burning building without breaking my legs and spine
>I'll just sit here and burn and call the firemen with the landing pad a bunch of globohomos!

>> No.50267407

>Woah millions of people are having health issues all of a sudden! Could it be because of this crazy new virus that humans have never before encountered at such a scale?
so are you saying the jab doesn't help?
>noooo if they h-hadn't taken the j-jab they would be even s-sicker

>> No.50267413

Still confers some benefit to preventing long covid.

>> No.50267424 [DELETED] 

I love how you anti vaxx morons just can't admit that "the coff" is dangerous and have to blame EVERYTHING on your fucking jabbs. You know both realities can exist right?

>> No.50267434

Never taking it. You’re retarded.

>> No.50267438

anti-vaxxers are generally retarded. the covid vaccines were literally created with computer simulations which is a new technique; that's why all the retarded reporters were saying "only 1 out of 10 of the vaccines will work!"; practically all of them worked.

now: the same retarded fucks had been vaccinated multiple times through their childhood and they keep vaccinating their own kids with vaccines with 1980s (or older) technology which were created with multiple times more questionable techniques.

>> No.50267441

And yeah, no vaxx is perfect. Ever hear of anyone cahing the flu after getting vaccinated? Covid is rapidly mutating and the vaxx can't keep up. That's how wild this virus is. But go ahead and catch 5 times just so you can brag about eating at Applebee's like a true free American.

>> No.50267453

Pfizer (TM) is sponsoring this thread

>> No.50267455

you forgot
>who are now way poorer
>in a country with a turbodicked infostructure
>and a government staffed by only the most loyal retards.
>btw all the races hate eachother more now.

>> No.50267457

You guys are shills/retarded. Just look at the covid long hauler subreddit, the majority if those people are VAXXED & BOOSTED. And all the most severe “long covid” outcomes are from VAXXIES, where they are completely debilitated and unable to work. Unvaxxed CHADS only get minor things like increased anxiety from nervous system dysregulation and lethargy.

>> No.50267461

i only got the first 2 shots, its enough to prevent long covid should i ever get covid

>> No.50267468

>5 times in 2 years
as usual pharmacucks don't have an argument so they make shit up.

>> No.50267479

First 2 shots do nothing for any variant past delta. Enjoy!

>> No.50267481

you have to be a bot, the emperor hasn't had any clothes for a long time, modern medicine is a cruel joke and nature provides actual cures in dirt cheap packages.

>> No.50267484

These are such obvious shills it’s not even worth responding to. Please explain why insurance companies are reporting excess mortality is up 40% last quarter from deaths unrelated to covid.

>> No.50267485

Nearly better after 2 years, 4 months!
Was fit, exercise every day before covid.

>> No.50267488


>> No.50267491

>They're injecting nano bits and literal worms I to you!
Also you:
>Source? Do you have a source? I'm going to need a source for that.

>> No.50267496

confirmation bias is the MO of antivaxxer retards; the majority of anivaxxers are sub-40 year old selfish fucks who were never expected to be that sick anyway; everyone from the start was saying the main goal is to protect the old people + to not max the health systems.

it's similar to conspiracy theorists who see the tree in the forest every single time.

>> No.50267497

1 time in 2 years you kike

>> No.50267503

Yes. Please get boosted.

>> No.50267504

> be wagie
> dont wanna work
> just claim i have a really long flu

>> No.50267510

kys spikey golem

>> No.50267514

The burning fire in this case is a candle, and you caddle are rather breaking your legs than putting out that candle because some retarded who burned himself once from a candle said so

>> No.50267516

Can YOU explain how it's related to the vaxx? No, you can't, because all you have is a headline with no scientific empirical data to back it up.

>> No.50267525

Have a nice time conversing among yourselces, shills, we all know you are a bunch of rat kikes and so we will just ignore this dumpster fire. Have fun talking to yourself, faggot. Not even sure why they would bother shilling on /biz/ but I guess their masters have deep pockets.

>> No.50267526

Lol you don't know what "novel" means, do you?

>> No.50267530


>> No.50267535
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long covid doesn't exist, it has been deboonked
95% were women larping on placebo medical treatments

>> No.50267536

wtf is a long covid all I've seen is vaids?

>> No.50267538

But meme coins only go up

>> No.50267541

Why are conspiracy theorists always the ones who loudly proclaim althe virtue of being open minded, seeing the truth, etc, but literally shit everything down with "shill" and "kike"? /Pol/ was a mistake.

>> No.50267547

'long covid' will become the new 'burnout syndrome'

>> No.50267561

Show sauce it's been debunked, and don't share a Twitter screenshot you anti vaxx retard.

>> No.50267563

Lmao again moving the goalposts, did you not get the memo that the vaxx did shit all to the hospitalization rate? The only thing reducing it was the mutation of the virus and its getting less dangerous, but lets pretend thats the result of the vaxx kek

>> No.50267565
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>> No.50267567

> just kill all the old people bro
anti-vaxxers are so retarded that they still talk to a strawman for fucking 3 years
nobody told you're going to die you stupid fucks; everyone from the start was telling you all the sub-40yo healthy people are almost impossible to die from it; it was all about not killing off easily the old and sickly people and that's blatantly proven it happened.

>> No.50267568
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>Long covid

Daily reminder, that there's no such thing. There is not a single shred of physical, medical evidence to suggest something like this is an actual, specific pathology.

What you're perpetuating is a long list of vague health complaints mostly White women report after Covid which is most likely psychosomatic, aka totally made up.

This is the next fibromyalgia: a "disease" created just to satisfy the millions of deranged White women that there is something wrong with them.

I would be less polite and simply call it "fucked in the head", as I'm sure my fellow /biz/realis will agree the average White roastie is.

>> No.50267574

you literally straw man'd my argument, bot or shill, has to be, you guys are everywhere.

>> No.50267576

long covid is real the spike proteins act like an allergen in the body and are difficult for your immune system to clear and get persisit for a long time however the vaxx shills are retarded since gettimg vaxxed is about 1000x worse and has much more severe outcomes.

>defending getting blood clots and myocarditis this fervently

>> No.50267577

>Lol of course you fall back on memes, such is the power of the fre thinking mind hahah

>> No.50267578

The amount of cope in this post is hilarious.
>Casually mentions millions of people catching covid multiple times without mentioning the vaccination status of said people
>Is too stupid/slurping cope sauce to realize unvaxxed chads are fine and it's vaccinated people with weakened immune systems catching the "virus" "multiple" times

>> No.50267585

>kill old people
If only.

>> No.50267591

nah, my brother is an antivaxxer stupid fuck, and they still get issues with his wife after months.

>> No.50267598

What the fuck are you talking about

fucking nigger caddle faggot, back to youre quarantine zone

>> No.50267603

lmao, getting a little nervous about your jab’s efficacy huh schlomo? Better get another booster just to be sure.

>> No.50267606

I know, that's why I said healthy people. When someone very young died from it and they say "there was no prior" issue: they're full of shit; of course there was an issue; it was just undetected by current technology.

>> No.50267607

Vax/antivax containment board when

I’m so fucking tired of you autists, you really deserve the /mlp/ treatment

>> No.50267612

>take jab + x amount of boosters
>still catch it 5 times in 2 years anyway, while also having to worry about sudden death due to 'winter vagina' and 'climate change'
>"w-well i mean if the fraudulent politicians and greedy pharmaceutical corporations with billions of dollars worth of damages paid out recent history worked together to bring me this experimental injection for 'free,' while i have to go into debt to get other definitively life-saving medications, it must be a good thing!"
nah i think i'll just take my chances with the 99.9997% survival rate cold thanks
bravo if you're just trolling for (you)s though

>> No.50267614

Blood clots and myocarditis and aids! How wonderful! Go get a stroke, faggot.

>> No.50267622
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>>Anyway, I'm gonna catch this NOVEL virus 5 times in 2 years

That's not how the immune system works.
Do you catch the flu virus 5 times in 2 years, you retarded faggot?

The answer is you don't. I've had the disease in early 2021 and subsequently had exposure to dozens of people who were sick with the much more infectious Omicron, which has defeated ALL of your shitty ass vaccines, yet not the superior natural immune system.

Memory T and B cells persist in the body for decades after infection, and help produce a rapid immune response once a variant is recognized.

Vaxxies are scientifically illiterate chimps.

>> No.50267625

>He doesn't realize covid is a vascular disease and causes clots and myocarditis at a higher rate than any vaxx ever could, even in younger, healthy populations
Hahahaha holy shit, how are we 3 years into a pandemic and you STILL don't know this? Do you not realize that all of the people feeding you this anti vaxx shit are 4x boosted by this time

>> No.50267630

You're stupid. All the >60yo were dropping like flies with low infection rates.

The main reason more of you aren't dead is the mutations that turned it weaker.

>> No.50267634
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then it's not long covid, it's long spikey

>> No.50267638

Lmao holy shit you really think "it's just the flu" don't you? Wooooooooow

>> No.50267646

>Comparing it to the flu
Holy fuck, it's terrifying how ignorant you people are about covid still after 2+ years. Please go Google the term "novel". Jfc this is sad.

>> No.50267664

The only people I know who have caught covid multiple times are those who have been vaxxed. Anecdotal but yeah.

>> No.50267669

>biz moving at a snail's pace for weeks on end
>polnigger vax post
>67 replies in 30 minutes
if it wasn't for the occasional "diamond in the rough" posts i'd leave this retarded shithole and never come back.

>> No.50267672

You are a waste of life. Go have a heart attack.

>> No.50267681
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>and they still get issues with his wife after months.

His wife is a roastie that's fucked in the head.
Tell her to stop taking behaviour modifying prescription drugs, drink water and exercise until exhaustion and her "long fibromyalgia/Morgellon's disease will vanish.

>> No.50267685

You are just a little faggot bitch scared to talk about reality.

>> No.50267686

That's one way to achieve an enlightened society. They did say that was their goal, the enlightenment of mannkind.

>> No.50267687

i have a friend with the same thing. it's called

Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)

>> No.50267688

I hope you're just posting for fun because you are making a mess of this argument.

>> No.50267689

who are you quoting?

>> No.50267690

yep, it's a paid shill/bot
i dunno how to tell you this, but antivaxxers are wining, the movement has grown 30% and doctors and nurses are more likely to identify as antivax than the regular population. We are coming for you and your bullshit treatments. Be seeing you!

>> No.50267695

>They hated him because he spoke the truth
Sorry you got sold a shit idea perpetuated by someone who's only interest in selling you that idea was to make money.
2 more weeks, right /pol/ack?

>> No.50267696
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When antivaxxers were seething about the vaccines, I noticed they were seething the most about the ASTRA ZENECA one because the germans were memeing against it because of some obscure case in order to sell their own.

I specifically asked to be vaccinated with the ASTRA ZENECA one because I'm not a retard; I knew exactly the medical technology involved; it even turned out later that the protection of ASTRA ZENECA was the best lol.

PS. Actually I had even theorized in advance why it was probably the best; it was purely DNA-based instead of RNA; that was theorized to make it more stable under more conditions (also why it was cheaper to cool).

>> No.50267709

Sorry i only take vaccines that work
>have tetanus vaccine
>never had tetanus

>> No.50267714

>single shred of physical, medical evidence
wrong. heighten "neurotransmitter receptors aak" were found in 30% of ME/CFS patients.

>> No.50267720

i don't care if you got the vax or not. what is it with marginalized low IQ retards and their inclination to fixate on absolutely meaningless garbage, until it becomes their central identity? idpol culture war niggerdom, you're the right wing version of an npr listening nigger lover. for all of your talk about christniggerdom, you'd think that forced sense of community would give you something to talk about or participate in.

>> No.50267727
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It's a novel flu you worthless chimp.
The flu was also novel back in 1918 and killed more people than your shitty ass Covid did.
And since 1918, the flu has been with us but the natural immune system is able to protect most healthy people.

Tell me, why do you take an experimental injection against Covid if it doesn't prevent infection or transmission of the disease?

The experimental injections are COMPLETELY OBSOLETE as Bill Gates himself has admitted:

Now fuck off Pfizer shill. Not buying your overpriced shares.

>> No.50267732

enjoy your blood clot golem
justin bieber got the same one

>> No.50267736


>> No.50267739

Did we get raided by /leftypol/ again? Fuck off you banch of globohomo bootlickers, not taking mark of the Beast

>> No.50267746

Drop dead, no one believes you or cares you faggot nigger.

Are you really such a fucking midwit that your brain hurts when people talk about serious topics?

>> No.50267749
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>DOOD, just trust the heckin simulationerino!
>COMPUTAHS said it was safe
those older vaccines had years of testing on their long term safety and efficacy.

>> No.50267751
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The absolutely BEST protection against Covid is natural immunity, so be sure to tongue kiss someone with Omicron, and you will have the best protection against current and future variants for YEARS.

>> No.50267759

I don’t bother venturing out of /smg/ anymore. Just no point.

>> No.50267767
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that means it's working

>> No.50267770

> blood clot
that was precisely the meme against it; it only affected like 1 in a few million people and only within minutes to a few hours of vaccination (and of course only already-sickly people); I had done that vaccine back as my 1st dose only anyway (the retards later fell into the German meme here and only imported the other ones).

That's exactly the kind of retarded statistics antivaxxers try to push; they keep seeing that 1 in a few million people may get something; they don't get that one in a few dozen of sickly people were fucking dying of it.

>> No.50267772

>muh scary topic!122!!omg I can’t handle reality11!!
That’s a good containment zone for midwits such as yourself.

>> No.50267773

Anons with long covid can you continue to work?

>> No.50267780

they seed some antibodies and so if you get it the body is reasonably prepared for the virus. You will still get it, but your immune system has a headstart. That is why i took those 2 shots but no booster.

>> No.50267783

All the unvaccinated people I know are healthy, caught covid once and that was it. While those vaccinated keep getting covid and have various side effects from the vaccine. Should I "trust the experts"? What do you think, retard?

>> No.50267784

Covid or LongCovid doesn't exist. The jab, now that's real.

>> No.50267785

>Are you really such a fucking midwit that your brain hurts when people talk about serious topics?
what serious topic? you screeching about getting a vaccine, when literally no one besides you cares about it? the rest of the world has moved on, nigger. no one cares. shut the fuck up. your exaggerated, niggerbrain reaction is a symptom of being a powerless retarded faggot. look at you screeching right now -- does anyone on the "opposing side" even care, beyond me wasting my time by responding to you?

>> No.50267795 [DELETED] 

bullshit. it's all political fanaticism; there are not 3 years of testing and the antivaxxers are still seething like it's the 1st day; it's obvious they don't do it for scientific reason but because they can't let go of their fanaticism.

there are double retarded since the technologies of the vaccines they were getting themselves in the 1980s and 1990s were multiple times more primitive and they needed nearly multiple more years to be as safely tested.

>> No.50267796
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>> No.50267802

I cannot wait for you to die, I already personally know 3 people who died months after getting vaxxed, all by vascular diseases
Kek in South America there’s a bit a movement of people warning others to avoid energy drinks because young adults are suddenly dying from heart attack, the stupid retards actually believe the energy drinks are suddenly being made to be deadly when in reality it’s a bunch of vaxxcel cattle casually drinking energy drinks like they used to 2 years ago but now they can’t handle it

>> No.50267808

They literally completely short circuited the normal testing guidelines to get this out the door. This is a fact. YOU were the study. This is a fact. And your justification is "DA AI SAID IT WAS OK!" You're a moron.

>> No.50267812

bullshit. it's all political fanaticism; there are now 3 years of testing and the antivaxxers are still seething like it's the 1st day; it's obvious they don't do it for scientific reason but because they can't let go of their fanaticism.

they are doubly retarded since the technologies of the vaccines they were getting themselves in the 1980s and 1990s were multiple times more primitive and they needed nearly multiple more years to be as safely tested.

>> No.50267820
File: 551 KB, 750x988, 0AD66CB4-83F3-4E78-9F2D-15AA0695D8B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autopsies of people who died within 2 weeks of mRNA vaxx show some interesting results. Lymphocyte infiltration into great muscle tissue is novel to pathologists. There’s a short communication in NEJM documenting this and a larger ongoing study using German data which is ongoing and includes full histology of each patient. Arne Burkhardt an old Prof of pathology is doing that study with a various other pathologists (many anonymous).
The live press conferences usually got deleted off YouTube within an hour…
Lots of interesting damage to vascular system that is novel to pathologists with 30+ years of experience (1000+ autopsies performed).
But yeah…retards who don’t read the primary literature will regurgitate the narrative that there’s no data…

>> No.50267821

why did you got vaccinated?
i didn't and i'm still alive
why have you done that?

>> No.50267825

>work industry
Fuck off NEET

>> No.50267827

Omg yasss thank you doctor fauci!!

kek you’re the one screeching, midwit faggot. You also sound like you’re on psychiatric drugs fucking mentally ill schizo.

>> No.50267832
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>> No.50267833

no you retarded stupid fuck, I had studied exactly the kind of technologies that were used; I trusted them; because I understand what was happening.

you retards were seething that a multiple times safer technology is not as "good" as vaccines you had already got themselves with way worse techs.

>> No.50267835

bad bot

>> No.50267839

Anon, don't even bother. You think these morons will change their mind, even if you literally explain it to them? They'll find a way to blame it on the vaxx AGAIN.

>> No.50267844

what is a good investment if many will be affected by long covid? Some healthcare companies any ideas?

>> No.50267847

Go back.

>> No.50267848

HOW DO YOU KNOW IT'S SAFE WITHOUT LONG TERM STUDIES?! Do you really think computers are good enough to model possible interactions 5-10 years down the line? You're a fucking bugman kneeling at the altar of the toys destroying the world. Go buy a funko pop.

>> No.50267850

I was never scared of covid. I know how those things work relatively well so I never expected it to hit anyone sub-60yo without them being very sickly already.
I wanted to protect my parents.

>> No.50267851

you sir, are the baitmaster

>> No.50267852

>This nigga doesen’t even know about the global depopulation agenda.
lol shitskin.

>> No.50267853

covid doesn't exist anymore, nigger. no one cares. it's not in the news, it's not talked about in public, you don't see masks anymore. no one cares. you're in a mentally ill echo chamber for paranoid schizophrenics. you're derailing your life over nothing.

>> No.50267863

it's already long-term used you stupid retard
you no longer have an excuse
as I said: you're just a retarded political movement with no basis in science.

>> No.50267865

>they just seed some antibodies
no, they seed cell manufacturing instructions which makes your own cells manufacture active spike proteins and then your immune system is meant to digest and learn from that

but the problem that they're finding is that it spreads around the body, into unintended places and prints out these proteins
this can lead to t-cell fatigue and confusion in the immune system, as your body also keys onto the fact that these spike proteins are part of your genetic material at this point
you can try to pretend otherwise but that's the paraphrased version of what it does, and it certainly isn't "just seeding some antibodies bro" you retarded / disingenuous lab-rat

>> No.50267866

Ignore both these faggots.

>> No.50267870

>depopulation agenda
Retard. There are too little people in the world

>> No.50267871

>Haha yeah it's totally the vaxx and not the virus they're catching too haha yeah dude it's just a COFF! a literal who on Twitter told me it's just a cold so it's okay to catch it multiple times!

>> No.50267876

You sound like a total faggot. Probably a tourist too.
You should leave this place

>> No.50267879

> just kill all the old people bro

>> No.50267881

One, 3 years is not long term.
Two, even if it was, you're admitting that safety was determined with YOU as the guinea pig. How do you see nothing wrong with this? "It's ok because nothing bad happened to me!"

>> No.50267882

I'm one of the rare ones who don't believe in the vaxx but do believe in ME/CFS. And yes you can get ME from the vaxx since you get it from the spike protein.

>> No.50267883

In this scenario do you have a 99.99% chance of surviving the fire by just doing nothing?

>> No.50267887

and prints out these proteins for longer periods than what they initially forecast to to the public*

>> No.50267905

>virus is mutating
>vax can't keep up
>better take the vax
I really can't wait to watch what happens to you people

>> No.50267915

How does it feel to know I’m never selling? Seethe and dilate

>> No.50267934

Kek twitter literally banned the creator of mRNA vaccines because he was warning people against it. You cattle niggers are insufferable and deserve everything coming to you
My gf recently got Covid, I was with her the day before she got diagnosed and nothing happened to me while her whole vaxxie family had to sleep it off, one even got hospitalized kek
Also this whole thread you’re coming up with the stupidest bullshit literally putting words in peoples mouths? You have no argument for fucks sake even the FDA put out a warning against Pfizer

>> No.50267941

This unironically.

>> No.50267946

>Haha not me tho, I'll be safe being unvaxxed and catching a novel virus multiple times with literally no protection
>Haha it's just the flu bro, a dude on Twitter said so!

>> No.50267953

20 pbtid

>> No.50267955

The lipid nanoparticles delivering mRNA to narrow capillary beds leads to higher spike protein production at those sites - and lymphocyte responses (ie cell damage).
You can derive this from first principles but they Japanese regulators had some autopsy data that also suggested this (high concentrations of lipid molecules in ovaries - they’re added to the outside of nanoprticle to prevent them clumping up due to electrostatic attraction, but some people are allergic to the molecule).
So yeah this wasn’t tested by Pfizer et al. because midwits like to jump on the bandwagon of a technology they don’t understand from first principles.

>> No.50267959

Fda has warnings for Tylenol. Is it a conspiracy now too?
Also, you can be asymptomatic and still have it and STILL get long term damage from it. But nah bro, it's just a coff!

>> No.50267965

>5 times in 2 years
at this rate the concept of an "immune system" will become a conspiracy theory

>> No.50267978

>long covid is almost exclusive to anti-vaxxers
what a bullshit line

>> No.50267985
File: 25 KB, 1600x901, covid-fed-qe-promo-1625877657147-videoSixteenByNineJumbo1600-v3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50267994

>Covid is harmless bro
>Compares it to a virus that killed millions and caused untold long term damage to those that survived

>> No.50267998

Pretty sure this goy is trolling us.

>> No.50268000


Trust the science ;^)
Only vaxxies have to worry about reinfections

>> No.50268010

Sorry anon, this isn't /pol/. You'll actually have to try to defend yourself instead of calling everyone a shill or kike.

>> No.50268016

he probably has never gotten so many (You)'s in his life

>> No.50268021

>21 posts by this id
It's okay anon, you don't need to justify yourself here. Go let your doctor reassure you everything is fine.

>> No.50268028

Just admit you’re trolling already or are you going to wait until we hit 300+