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50265739 No.50265739 [Reply] [Original]

>Bankman-Fried’s Crypto Firm Alameda Is All Things to Voyager
>Alameda Research is lender, borrower, holder of crypto broker

Everyone, meet Sam. The father, the son and the holy spirit

>> No.50265747

He's going to get fucked so hard by the dfinity lawsuit

>> No.50265754

>He's going to get fucked so hard by the dfinity lawsuit
What lawsuit?

>> No.50265769

Dfinity is suing the NYT and a group called "Arkham Intelligence"
As soon as it comes out that Sam is behind Arkham, he's going to be in a fuck load of trouble.

>> No.50265923
File: 59 KB, 680x612, JDHYN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's his kryptonite

>> No.50265941

Even if Sam gets caught in dozens of other things it is trivial to not leave a paper trail on a fucking article. You ICP baggies are pathetic. And a paid campaign that caused a 90% drop last year doesn't explain the second 90% drop since then.

>> No.50265965

fucking jew bankman. I hate him bros

>> No.50265966

Seething FTX drone. The things sam does are super illegal, if he gets caught in one they will seize all his assets and find out everything he has done. Tick tock, sam.

>> No.50266021

>The things sam does are super illegal
Yes. But that doesn't help ICP. Here is a question you will never get in your circle jerk threads, what is the maximum amount a paid negative marketing campaign can cause a price crash? It certainly isn't 99%.

>> No.50266097

No one even brought up ICP. You are the only one talking about it.

>> No.50266116

So this guy comes out of nowhere with money he got from (((arbitrage))) somehow. And is now becoming the biggest exchange in crypto. We need a fully functional dex. And we need it urgently.

>> No.50266130

Sam Bankman-Ovenbaked

>> No.50266141
File: 158 KB, 1463x1228, 1657452272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alameda Research is lender, borrower, holder of crypto broker
what kind of arbitrage trick is this

>> No.50266156

See >>50265769. Your first post which mentions Dfinity, which is interchangable with ICP for the purpose of this discussion. You clearly just don't like the way this discussion is going because you have no argument.

>> No.50266168

>Dfinity, which is interchangable with ICP for the purpose of this discussion.
No, it doesn't work like that. You SBF shills are really lacking in the brain department,

>> No.50266185

The only way jews will get their comeuppance is with guns, ropes and ovens

>> No.50266192

>Dfinity is suing the NYT and a group called "Arkham Intelligence"
So the Dfinity foundation are suing them for launching a negative campaign that caused the price of ICP to crash but this doesn't involve ICP. You are retarded.

>> No.50266198

It’s because only ICP shills care about Arkham ICP meme boogeyman

>> No.50266202


>Tick Tock
>2 more weeks
>Trust the plan
>Patriots in control

You piss bagholders are so cringe. You will never make it. You're ceo is a joke. We're laughing at you bagholders.

>> No.50266216

This is the first major group going after SBF. That's why it's relevant. Many others will follow. You can only control so much of the damage.

>> No.50266223

Who are ICP suing first, Meta for infringing on their logo or Sam? You losers are so irrelevant.

>> No.50266324

Internet computer