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50264021 No.50264021 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50264052

it made a new ATH again you fuding faggot

>> No.50264057

Whens this sht gonna dump?

>> No.50264184

never because the dumps just get eaten up every time https://twitter.com/feenixcrypto/status/1545076686584221706?s=21&t=4YyXRc-gABTTc3vePAL3kA

>> No.50264231


You REDDITORS keep shilling KENSHI here - we DONT WANT IT! you say the dev is Swiss but that CANT BE TRUE, because the DEV IS BROWN! You say the variable tax fee keeps jeets out, but TAXATION IS THEFT! You say holders earn reflections but welfare is for LAZY SHITSKINS!

So no, I won't be buying your Chink Garbage. Take your oracles, deep indexing and liquidity locker BULLSHIT somewhere else - after this next crash maybe you'll learn that only WEAPONS and AMMO are true investments.


>> No.50264243
File: 672 KB, 906x513, E2E66AA5-0A58-488A-90A2-51FB7B848E04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>5026402literally Wtf is kenshi???????????

>> No.50264368

who besides virgin weebs cares about kenshiit?

>> No.50264415

RadioShack and Pantera Capital. Look at their Twitter followers.

>> No.50264440

isn't radioshack a tai lopez scam company now

>> No.50264487

>RadioShack is a scam
Great FUD sort yourself out

>> No.50264606

Zach ("CLG") is such a weirdo. I met him at the last Smartcon and his girlfriend is some 5 foot zipperhead who barely speaks English. It's pretty clearly some kind of fetish arrangement that made me really uncomfortable. Don't ever meet your heroes, seriously. A lot of you wouldn't be bagholding Chainlink right now if you saw how gross these guys are in person. There's a reason it's 90% down.

t. Insider

>> No.50264795

I love the anti-pajeet tax

>> No.50265283

Jannies hate it

>> No.50265298

It's literally a shit crypto exchange owned by Tai Lopez you stupid street shitter

>> No.50265314

Akimbo philipino shit covered penises back flipping in the half pipe on sac tricky

>> No.50265322

Very organic thread sirs, thankful and needful to be included

>> No.50265334
File: 45 KB, 360x352, FDA9D81B-1240-4067-8D12-12BA74A06BDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your meds schizo y’all kenshi niggas smell like dick butt ass poop weird ass niggas I stg

Y’all pie as fuck on god

>> No.50265419


Yeah been waiting for an entry point

>> No.50265456
File: 3.38 MB, 960x960, 1635347752820.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a dumb NICHOLAS! You're crying cause you didn't get in early WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

>> No.50265462
File: 1011 KB, 1920x1080, 1612798837596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are those rumors you can't sell it? Is it something within the contract?

>> No.50265480

They have an anti-JEET tax. Sale tax that scales down logarithmically and disappears after 28 days so this can't be pumped and dumped like your Indian friendly tokens on bsc

>> No.50265604

Scam coin lmao acting like a variable tax is a positively. I will not feed your village

>> No.50265630

Biden won, the election was not stolen, vaxxies aren’t dying, you will lose your guns, your kids will be trans, you are an american, you will never be a man

>> No.50265642

Who the fuck is hard shilling this ? Afaik the kenshi jannies would instaban you if you're associated with this place

>> No.50265644

I just bought some batteries from radioshack retard. I guess your chud brain thinks batteries are a scam because it’s not a fossil fuel. Big oil shill.

>> No.50265674

what would u prefer for a oracle token with a marketcap of literal zero? VC's that buy in early an set the token at an initial marketcap of 100m? And dump inevitable for a 100x profit until their bags are empty? Or a decreasing sell tax? Pick one