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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50262789 No.50262789 [Reply] [Original]

economically speaking why the fuck is the third world rioting? They have nice beaches and water, they can fish for unlimited food. Whats their problem?

>> No.50262793


>> No.50262806

Uneven distribution of tropical fish

>> No.50262840

Glowniggers getting fucked

>> No.50262850

>they can fish for unlimited food

>> No.50262857

you think this isnt the work of glowniggers? its glowing all the way down

>> No.50262873

the protestors are being spurred on by western glownigger NGOs

>> No.50262885

The poor are stuck in their hovels, living hand to mouth and watching the corrupt rich piss on them. I guess they are just more impulsive than Westerners, who eat this same shit, relatively speaking, without a murmur, life-fucking-long.

>> No.50262897

we do have the benefits of endless entertainment and 100x the wealth of third world people I guess. You do have to sell your dignity for it though

>> No.50262924

>they can fish for unlimited food
Not if their little fishing boat gets intentionally crushed by Chinese illegal dragnet trawlers

>> No.50262993

Unironically because they are board and their chimp brain is craving for happenings

>> No.50263005

>they can fish for unlimited food.
lol no they can't
everything is ruined by pollution
if ONLY people could just return to nature
it's not feasible

>> No.50263007

Why aren they calling this an insurrection?

>> No.50263028

>people in 3rd world country can't afford to eat or buy fuel or basically anything
>they riot
>DuDE itS TeH FeDS

>> No.50263031

>calling other people chimp brained

>> No.50263053


non of it matters, they will just vote in/appoint some new asshole regime who will start the cycle of corruption anew.

>> No.50263065

you've got me now faggot. I have made a with autocorrect. Now that?

>> No.50263154
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Ze supply chains are failing. It vill be a cold vinter for Europe. Und next year you vill take in ze famine migrants. And you vill be happy.

>> No.50263182

I'm gonna keep dunking on you because you did it again you stupid monkey

>> No.50263216

Their country has almost ran out of money and fuel, are you retarded?

>> No.50263222
File: 546 KB, 1536x2048, d58mnker3ka91[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who says they can't have fun while also overthrowing their corrupt government?

>> No.50263243

they used (((organic))) fertilizers
now they're starving to death

>> No.50263259

Because your average American is a sniveling coward like his European counterparts. They would eat literal feces if their government tells them it is mandated by law.

>> No.50263329

cuz there is no media to make content or money for the advertisers. jan 6th was theater

>> No.50263350

you get portioned sunlight goy, the skies is real estate to park our chemtrail curtain on

>> No.50263353


>> No.50263388

Yes! It's the smell of revolution!

>> No.50263509

>body types
subcontinentals have the worst physique genes on the planet. jeets will literally die of starvation and still have a weird volleyball sized potbelly and bitch tits

>> No.50263539

Not one person lifts in this picture. These types will be conquered by the strong, time and time again

>> No.50263618

how do they decide who will lead their new government?

>> No.50263629

What if someone drowns? Indians are known to be terrible swimmers and regularly have to be saved by chad Aussie lifeguards

>> No.50263644
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Those people just toppled their government. You sit online all day posting about how you're gonna do something one day while crying about the jews keeping you down

>> No.50263722
File: 501 KB, 748x756, Screenshot_20220710_001420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not for long. China is quickly depleting the seas to feed their army of clones

>> No.50263855

ok based

>> No.50263866

Man this week is gonna be fucking crazy

>> No.50263871
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Hi Uncle

>> No.50263879

There's more IQ in that shit tainted water than in your entire city combined

>> No.50263896
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>social mediia all celebrating on this
>but went apeshit condemning Jan 6 attack

>> No.50263914

White boomers are just that unlikable

>> No.50263917


the sri lankin government is less formidible than a well run cost co in flyover us states. don't kid yourself. they literally got outed by one vice roastie and a chinese dude

>> No.50264033


>> No.50264102

Yes. There always someone who puts idea in plebs heads.

>> No.50264104

i is sO sMoRt!

>> No.50264515

People are told what to think.

>> No.50264544

They got memed into green energy and ESG scores when they could barely feed their people, and now the same people who implemented and cheered for those policies are going full nigger and blaming the politicians for their problems, all the while still espousing the identical beliefs

>> No.50264581

this isn't Sparta cunt, DYELs rule the world

>> No.50264597

>if I just type "economically speaking" before my /pol/ post, it becomes a /biz/ post
fuck you, you absolute fucking niggerfaggot

>> No.50264617

That's a normal cigarette

>> No.50264627

This is an attack on democracy

>> No.50264671

They all want to be president, swim in the pool all day and give orders, while the rest do the work (nobody wants to work in high heat and humidity)

>> No.50264722

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

>> No.50264740

>>DuDE itS TeH FeDS
>i is sO sMoRt!

back to twitter/reddit with you

>> No.50264741

Lol. Learn to spell nigger.

>> No.50264780

>the west is just that anti-white
fixed that for you

>> No.50264855

Get fucked Michael you twink

>> No.50264869

99% of cases the feds are involved one way or another. This is China's ally, you think glowies aren't trying to topple the regime?

>> No.50264889

The idea that you need food to live is from the CIA? Did the CIA also brainwash you into being a fucking retard?

>> No.50264935

these people see adverts and all kinds of media reminding them how fucking poor they are every waking moment of their life. they're also impulsive and rather stupid. its a recipe for stuff like this.

>> No.50264995
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In Srilanka the socialist government took Greta Thunberg too seriously and implemented ESG policies.


>> No.50265010

Dude they ran out of food and fuel in Srilanka, they even ran out of paper, it's not muh corruption, It's total collapse.

>> No.50265017
File: 36 KB, 1080x551, 1650831314876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bait

>> No.50265087

Yeah they are always stupid faggot
t. Latin historian

>> No.50265126

>overthrowing it with someone more corrupt and authoritarian
lmao, he'll be beheaded for that spliff. gj bro, violent revolutions sure work!

>> No.50265151

They're just getting rid of ecofags trying to starve them.
That's not new /biz/ talked about it back in april in the context of fertilizer.

>> No.50265152

>they can fish for unlimited food.

the fish are long gone. overfished decades ago.

>> No.50265166

>They're just getting rid of ecofags trying to starve them.
>That's not new /biz/ talked about it back in april in the context of fertilizer.

sri lanka couldnt afford fertiliser, thats why they tried to function without it.

the covid restrictions on tourism basically destroyed the country by starving it of hard currency that would have been spent on imports of fertiliser and fuel.

>> No.50265167

CIA, they need to install "NATO DEFENSIVE ALLIANCE" in Asia too

>> No.50265171

>ho says they can't have fun while also overthrowing their corrupt government?
They'll overthrow it with something more corrupt, as it happens time and time again in these cases.

>> No.50265225


>> No.50265251

Their corruption bad, our (jewish) corruption good.

>> No.50265388

This is what vegetable oils do to you.

>> No.50265432

You dumb fuck. Most of these people work hand to mouth one guy earning for a family of 6 doing task-orientated job.
Food inflation means they suddenly can't make ends meet anymore. There are always riots in developing countries when food inflates beyond normal.

>> No.50265450

im sure you would forget to breath unless someone told you to

>> No.50265460

I don't know, but I generally hate government and chances are this is justified since most are ruled by jews

>> No.50265474

Because they're third worlders

>> No.50265488
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who do you think owns the property?
Who collects the money from tourism?
Even if they earn a shitton of money it'll be unevenly distributed, 80/20 or even worse.
Same with you and your boss. You are only getting peanuts

>> No.50265578

The gubmint is a chink vassal
The protesters are organized by glowniggers

>> No.50265585

>t. popeye join roller

>> No.50265596

Now that I’ve thought about it, the island poos and that schizo jap are chads compared to the goyim cattle in the states, Cucknada and Yuropoor

>> No.50265610

>the virgin larper
>the Chad Pajeet

>> No.50265624

Westerners are way too comfortable to revolt and generally turd worlders are way too buck broken.

>> No.50265696

>capital riots are okay when we do it

>> No.50265731
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But instead they focus and virtue signal about le carbon hoax and the pollution and overfishing and all real Environmental problems continue.

I really hoped that the vaxx would be the solution that is needed.