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50261806 No.50261806 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 35. I'm actually 35 (thirty five) years old. Kids born the year I graduated high school (2004) are graduating from HS this year.

How do i profit from this? More importantly, how do i cope?

>> No.50261825

What advice would you give to a 23 year old neet

>> No.50261831
File: 3 KB, 558x548, D51B0B26-F6D6-4DA8-BB62-981A17EE7807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 27, but mentally I feel the same as when I was 14
I feel like a kid in a world of adults. I'm not able to assimilate. I'm not able to change my personality to fit the views of employers (sort of. I can be fake, but it's draining).

>> No.50261835

>How do i profit from this?
more years experience means higher pay
>how do i cope?
stay fit

>> No.50261963


workout/get fit
go out side/get off the computer. force yourself to be out of your comfort zone.


i feel like that too. don't feel like my age. most people my age have a mortgage and wife/kids. I still live at home, even though have a nice career/money.

>> No.50262143
File: 538 KB, 1242x2068, 0C4D3E93-D3F3-41DB-BD4F-A76A0D5DED39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya.. also sucks dick that last year I could have bought a home in full and be semi-retired. Oh well. Now I'm bagholding and accumulating for the next run. Here's to hoping 2023+ is going to be face melting

>> No.50263997

>next run
Very optimistic of you

>> No.50264262
File: 63 KB, 640x849, 2413FE0A-A91B-4EC2-BE3E-7D6B5F00FCB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many such cases

>> No.50264393
File: 508 KB, 3300x1840, womenlovekiddiddlers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At 35 on a (presumably) American diet, you are already aging like milk. Without looks, even if you make it financially the best you can do is pay some 21 year old "sugar baby" for starfish sex at $2000 per session then watch her text and complain about the men she really loves (chad) when you're done. You can't even do anything fun since everyone around your age group is a married boomer or grew out of the party phase already. Is it even worth it at that point...If you didn't live life or get rich young, it's over.

>> No.50264687

Once you turn 30 everything you do turns into a cope
>go to the gym
>buy cool car or motorbike
>dress up in any way other than business
>get with a women your age
>get with a 20yo
>re-educate yourself
>learn anything new
This post is also a Cope. I'm coping aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh

>> No.50264721

Being on 4chins is the biggest cope

>> No.50264736

i feel for the nihilism trap and it's gotten worse ever since.