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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5026164 No.5026164 [Reply] [Original]

Fml I'm going broke sell sell sell selling low bought 50k worth at ath 370 kill me now

>> No.5026191
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I want to die just lost like 10 grand in 24 hours

>> No.5026290

You will never forget the lesson you learned though, and that's worth more than any coin.

>> No.5026330

>buying at the all time high


>> No.5026333

Ah man think of if you had been smart and bought some at $30 like us

>> No.5026353

Be patient man.

>> No.5026401

No. let him sell, more for us,

>> No.5026412
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>> No.5026464

buy at ATH and then panic sell the dips, that's the /biz/ way

>> No.5026500

>tfw bought during the complete disaster that the panic was yesterday night
>up 20%
can't complain about this silver fucker

>> No.5026578

Just fucking HODL and be rewarded... It's not that fucking hard. The coinbase coins will continue up for a while with some corrections along the way.

>> No.5026881

Iron hand.

LTC will be 2,600 by february.

cap it.

>> No.5026987
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Its overbought man, get out. I made 10K on it, but once I saw the sellwalls and the orders yesterday I knew we had reached it.

Normies are flying in and it may very well reach $400 but there is a massive correction for this and we all know the investments are coming from normies looking for BTC level gains from 2009.

Get out while its above the current $300 floor or run the risk of a massive dump.

>> No.5027776

just wait until the inevitable 400 by eoy you pussy. you mean to tell me it wont go up at all within the next 15 days?

>> No.5027841

These retarded gooks held the buying wall for too long, fucking piece of shit fat asses, they can't get enough of all these coins.

>> No.5027938

or maybe 500

>> No.5028016

that's what I thougt when bc was 40, and when it was 200, and when it was 700...

>> No.5028074


yeah get out so this retard can buy cheap litecoin.

>> No.5028120

PUMP ETH and make back your gains

>> No.5028150

Fking hodl

>> No.5028221

>Buyng at the ATH

Pink wojacks incoming

>> No.5028222

Be fucking patient. Sometimes you'll have to wait a little. It's the nature of the game - don't be a panicky bag dropper and sell at a loss unless it's a garbage shitcoin. I bought at 150, sold at 370, bought again at 380 because I let my emotions get the best of me. Sucks but I'm still up and holding until the next spike. If you sell now you'll miss it.

>> No.5028326
