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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50259570 No.50259570 [Reply] [Original]

But are really good at packaging already existing innovation from publicly funded or STEM people that are getting ripped through all these NDAs and "contracts" to an already existing client base of consoomers. It just seems like it is a serfdom that will usher in the end of technical advances as gifted people will find out that these pigs just want to rip one off and laud the fact that they have all the fancy equipment over their minions.

>> No.50259622

I read a great article in American Affairs about basically this. Silicon valley can only create consumer facing products with a short timeline to profitability and China is beating us at innovation by using state run seed capital funds to bring big innovations to market.

>> No.50259631

This is the best first post I've read here in while.

>> No.50259655

Yep as we all know China is the real leader of world innovation rn

Those brilliant, industrious commies are responsible for basically every major scientific discovery and technological advancement in decades, capitalists just make cheap copies of their designs to turn a quick profit

>> No.50259692

This was true of China in the 90s. Look at how things have changed. China is starting to dominate EVs, Elon is even sourcing his battery tech from China now. If you want to take China seriously as a threat you have to be objective about their capabilities, all this paper tiger shit and nostalgia for when they sucked will only get you brainlet politician takes like "we will be at China by doing exactly what we've been doing"

>> No.50259711
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we're being raided again

>> No.50259718

capitalism is supposed to be about competition. Competition drives people to achieve and defeat their rivals, and in the process new techniques and technologies and products are developed that make society more efficient and wealthy. That doesn't exist in an economy where vast monopolies control every aspect of economic life. So the answer is that we aren't a capitalist society, we used to be. All the rivals were defeated, all market share was captured, and the regulatory and government agencies that were supposed to police them and prevent such things from happening have fused with them into this abomination of the Corporate State. And it seems like that is the natural life cycle of capitalism. Its not a state of being, its a process through which monopolies arise.

>> No.50259726
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I unironically even checked the leftypol catalog

>> No.50259742

Samefag. Communists lost, get over it

>> No.50259771

So you think we live in a capitalist society? We are a command economy with extra steps added. Instead of the politburo telling the factory what to make and how much of it, we have bankers deciding who gets loans and at what rate. The same effect is achieved. And i'm not a samefag you gaynigger.

>> No.50259777

teslas value- 800b
the entire chink stock market combined -1.1t

nice "domination" chang

>> No.50259786

Bruh American Affairs isn't communist, it isn't even liberal.

>> No.50259846
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>ohhh noooo nobody cares about my commie ramblings on le hecking /pol/ anymore. Lets make a thread on a vietnamese vanity investing forum and shill them le hecking marxist idea!!
>nooo not le hecking capitalists!! Lets use a picture of a pig in a suit but make sure the nose is small so it does not make it obvious that all the rich bad people inherently have jewish features!