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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50254842 No.50254842 [Reply] [Original]

Is it better to have 4 cheap properties in a poor city that pays rent or 1 property in a richer city with 4 rooms that pays similar rent?

Is one much harder to deal with / handle than another?

>> No.50254859

It is better to kill yourself landleech parasite

>> No.50254870

The latter. My dad did the former and it drove him fucking insane. You're constantly dealing with deadbeats. It's probably what drove him to drugs and killed his stupid ass Dealing with all these reatds myself nearly broke me.

Will you make more money on the first? Maybe, but better to rent in upscale areas with people who aren't total fucking dregs of society

>> No.50254883

how about split that 1 property to 2?

>> No.50254888

Is it better to poop your pants and change you pants after 5 minutes or pee your pants and change your pants after 30 minutes?

>> No.50254906

HahshahahahahHHahahahahahahahahahahaha the fucking projection ahhahahahahahahahahaha his deadbeat daddy died and now to cope he doubled down hahshahaahababsbhs pathetic parasite

>> No.50254919

Rule 15

>> No.50254923
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spotted the poorfag

>> No.50254960

it's always better to deal with educated people

>> No.50254971

>literally leeches off someone else's work while contributing nothing
The poorfaggots with jobs are way more valuable than you are, if all landlord parasites died tomorrow no one would notice.

>> No.50255041
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The amount of butthurting basement dwellers inside this finance community just for landlording is unbelievable.

>> No.50255063
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I fail to see how your concerns are my problem

>> No.50255099

Do you want to rent to people with good credit or bad credit? Why the fuck would you risk a mortgage just to rent to somebody with bad credit?

You know who runs the poor cities? Landlord-Tenant lawyers. You know who they represent? Your tenants.

>> No.50255897


>> No.50257932

landlords produce housing technically

>> No.50257958

2nd one is obviously better on both counts, less work + more reliable tenants.

Expenses may be greater so you would need to keep cash on hand and the losses will be huge if a tenant stops paying and you need to go through eviction but if you do a thorough background check on renters that's very unlikely while it'd be virtually certain in a lower income community.

>> No.50257985


maybe in shit states. one phone call here and the sheriff will escort you out

>> No.50258036

you still can't evict people in a few places in california because of the coof. kek

>> No.50258072

>what are slumlords

That's absolutely not how it works you retard, you are a complete fucking moron if you think poor cities are run by the poor or their lawyers. Poor people do not just go to a lawyer and get a free ride, most are trapped in an endless cycle of debt and bills, there is not a martyr class of landowners who suffer constant losses to house the poor.

It's very simple, it's just a different business, you have to be as aggressive as possible and fuck over the poor or they will fuck you.

If some dumb fuckin white boomer who thinks poors are just misunderstood, signs a contract trying to be as fair and upfront as possible then yeah they're gonna get fucked over and lose several months rent and probably huge property damage.

To be a successful slumlord you have to aggressively go after your tenants and make them sign contracts where they agree to waive all rights and squeeze them for as much money as possible, if they are hard workers (most poors honestly are,maybe 60%) they will get caught up and you can ease up and be straight with them, the lazy mooches will soon get behind on payments then you can continuously hound them with threats of eviction, if things go south you have everything documented and ready to go in court and you can start advertising to get the deposit from the next tenant.
It ain't pretty but it's the way the world works in every slum from Chicago to Shanghai to Mumbai to Mombasa

>> No.50259755
