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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50253904 No.50253904 [Reply] [Original]

PoH trannies BTFO. Kleros sirs we stay needful. Do not redeem.

>> No.50254391

What's the drama here, that Luis faggot has been shitting up the Telegram for way too long.
Obnoxious fuck.

>> No.50254970

Kleros sirs I like these old school memes. Hitler PoH is good taste. Pinakion meme game is top tier


>> No.50255135

This thing is so cringe.
Why do Santi and Clément hate each other?
Is Santi jealous of Cléments l33t dev skills?
Did Santi bang Cléments boyfriend?
>Why is Santi acting like he made "peace" while voting for the proposal last min? Acting like he was neutral the whole time which he clearly wasn't.
>Why is Clément acting like PoH was under "attack"?
If these kids don't start working together they gonna fuck up both projects for their own pride.

>> No.50255278

Clement gave Santi AIDS

>> No.50255465

It’s ego and hurt pride. What started as a small issue (general disagreement with a person) as well as Luis being butt hurt over losing the election. If you look at the telegram discussions over the past month or so, it’s really just a few (maybe 20 at the absolute most) that are pushing this. Most members of PoH have little to do with governance issues and are there for the free money. So it’s a very small minority that has grown very passionate and inflamed against Clement and Kleros coop particularly. Frankly, they showed their aptitude with HIP 49, considering how they literally would have destroyed PoH by forking to a nonfunctioning arbitrator. There’s no thinking it through, no concern for building in a safe and healthy way. And there’s certainly no gratitude towards Kleros, they have conveniently glossed over everything Clement has done for PoH. I think Santi sees an opportunity, and that PoH is his meal ticket to fortune and fame. He’s the “idea guy”, while all the technical and useful work is done by Kleros! Will only end in these fools harming exactly what they’ve sought to protect.

>> No.50255592

sirs our village is saved!
praise vishnu my brothers in kleros!

>> No.50256019

Mizu works for a middle eastern government. Not a real person, opinion discarded. None of the other participants in the coup have the skills or fortitude to launch a fork. That would require abstaining from chronic masturbation for a few days. Not gonna happen!

>> No.50258362
File: 218 KB, 1164x2070, 9CD6F821-3212-49CE-B3B7-CE46EC108ADB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel is a literal red statue of marx that santiago keeps in his own living room. that's all you need to know.

>> No.50258584
File: 1.94 MB, 486x205, 4A72CE25-5B9F-49CE-BFC2-2E27BD878F8A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already saved a screen recording incase he ever deletes this shit. don't speak spanish but everyone there probably already knows he's overtly marxist-communist. in any case, here's the source. archive it, faggots, and be sure to make everyone in the community aware if they aren't already.


>> No.50258653

hello kind Sir are you already registered in the registry of humans?

>> No.50259157

built for bbc

>> No.50259930

Worldcoin > PoH.
Kleros will survive even without PoH. But PoH jurors would be useful

>> No.50260420

PNK is NOT fine

>> No.50260464

sir please explain or withdraw your statement
I cannot allow you to saying this alone sir

>> No.50260517

shit I missed this hahahahha

>> No.50260680

nigger detected

>> No.50260795
File: 2.52 MB, 1388x1078, 1637554493661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kleros won. Bluesky integration is next.

>> No.50261409

PNK is fine
Someone at Kleros, probably a dev, has great meme skills. Hitler meme is old school, gotta love it. Don’t forget to sneed Luis!

>> No.50261547

>too busy playing AoE to vote

>> No.50261673

PoH is not enough. GDAO has ANONYMOUS Proof of Existence, solves sybil resistance WITHOUT KYC. TOTAL Supply 3 MILLION, btw

>> No.50261973
File: 208 KB, 976x806, 40195709476-1674-19761-967-41476197519571(-2116890814)9158146045107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]