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50252645 No.50252645 [Reply] [Original]

Why are women more risk averse to investing in crypto or even stocks?

>> No.50252656

They'd rather buy clothes and makeup to look good for Chad.

>> No.50252663

stupid fucks think shoes and clothes are an investment

>> No.50252665

100% male XY chromosome penis owner

>> No.50252667

This is a man

>> No.50252672

Women are half children and most don't understand money. Women are the niggers of gender.

>> No.50252673

A woman's worry center in her brain is gigantic compared to a man's

>> No.50252677

Women are natural value investors. They tend to invest in index funds, when they do buy stocks, they buy shares in real companies that have profits and which people actually buy stuff from IRL. They don't have the ego problem men have that leads them to getting scammed by crypto and fake stocks.

>> No.50252683

recall a fast talking slimeball salesman trying to grift you. now pretend 50% of the planet are fast talking slimeball grifters. thats what being a girl is like. they have ptsd from being lied to 24/7. also they have a fascination with the material, money is already imaterial enough for them, another step futher into the world of stocks? forget it

>> No.50252684

because they realize theyre both just elaborate scams that don't provide any real value, but fail to realize (or maybe they do and are just too nice to perpetuate them) that you can make money via scams

>> No.50252689

Why does he have that dumb fucking look on his face constantly.

>> No.50252690

That's interesting considering how Cathie Wood invests. Is she really a tranny?

>> No.50252693

How those ARK funds doing YTD?

>> No.50252709

Stop posting troops, fag

>> No.50252720

They're conditioned to be passive and not take risks from childhood and the society usually ensures that they don't need to.

>> No.50252733

>Why are women more risk averse
Stop here. And it's because it's genetically coded in both sexes that women are precious and their lives cannot be risked, so they must be risk averse.
Also that's a man, and one of the best troons can achieve.

>> No.50252740

Maybe he's just dumb.

>> No.50252742

That's a man

>> No.50252752

Because they have a monopoly on pussy and therefore it's up to men to get money to acquire said pussy
Also they're not as smart

>> No.50252753

because only half the population get the best mentally and physically enhancing drug we know of.

>> No.50252758

Because it's the expression that best hides his male facial features.

>> No.50252761


cathies worry center has turned on itself. to her, the existential threat of peak oil outwieghs the threat of tesla being overpriced. The threat of covid forcing everyone into perma-wfh outweighs the threat that Zoom is getting wrekt by competitors and waning macro demand.

>> No.50252774

That's actually a man

>> No.50252827

If she were my wife I would keep her home and make lots of babies to save the white race.

>> No.50252922

insecure much lolmao

>> No.50252994

Because they care too much about money. They think money and security will make them happy. That’s why they always marry the pussy npc over the person they really love. They are weak.

>> No.50253021
File: 498 KB, 1024x768, taf_queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/our queen/

>> No.50253044

Then they have a midlife crisis after they figure out the guy they married will never please them mentally or sexually.

>> No.50253064

Never going to happen they use tranny posting to ruin the board scare off old blood, flood reddit for new blood, chum the waters and start scamming again.
It's sick, the mods allowed it or did it themselves which is even worse and this board will 100% never recover.

>> No.50253121

>capable of doing this level of abstract thinking about a spergy topic
>wants us to think he's a woman

>> No.50253153

He only wants your money and your coom, anon.

>> No.50253268

That man is a genius grifter

>> No.50253274

thats a BLOODY bloke mate

>> No.50253301

Women are more risk averse than men. Biology, psychology and evolution.

>> No.50253307

>genuis grifter that feminized his body to narrow a market that appealed to his lust, has a controlled and sharp wit regardless
its an abstract kind of beauty

>> No.50253368

Has she sucked dick yet? Sad she only do pinups and nudies.

>> No.50253440

Beautiful woman. So feminine, I can almost smell her fanny. Would definitely breed cute babies inside of her juicy vagina.

>> No.50253552

Testosterone levels correlate with risk-taking behaviour.

>> No.50253574
File: 68 KB, 893x1106, Never_Forget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That ballsack...

>> No.50253614

taftaj looks like he'd smell nice

>> No.50253635

i have literally never had a conversation about investing with any of my female friends. If I bring it just becomes 1 sides. All they talk about is their zestimate

>> No.50253639
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>> No.50253651

Anyone who wouldn't fuck her in her boy pussy and eat her dick a little bit is gay as fuck

>> No.50253698
File: 157 KB, 940x528, 130BB3B7-2B50-4705-BDCA-AF3C304B8707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women’s strat is to get a provider chad. Women who invest or start a company are acting against their own evolutionary genes of “fire making” and “baby caring” and “hot meal preparing” and “hoarding food for the kids”.

It was always men who risked life and liberty to e.g. kill that large beast to feed the tribe and gain leadership to fuck more women.

>> No.50253772

Women don't need to take risks when they can always settle for beta bucks. Onlyfans whores are only being more proactive in securing the aforementioned.

>> No.50253792

>risk averse
kek no. they're just too dumb for them

>> No.50253813

>women this
>women that

Kill yourselves all of you seriously I legitimately want everyone on this board to kill themselves today, if you want to change the world start with yourself.

>> No.50253822

sauce on this qt?

>> No.50253834
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