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50247358 No.50247358 [Reply] [Original]

build your crypto portfolio with 100k

>> No.50247383

25% matic
25% bnb
25% avax
25% sol

>> No.50247404

50k btc
50k eth

>> No.50247408


100% LINK

>> No.50247523

100% LUNC

>> No.50247554
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100k - Powell
My bet for 2022 and for sure the best investment option in the bear market

>> No.50247585


>> No.50247600


>> No.50247613

Not that good

>> No.50247625

Perfect, smart choice

>> No.50247650


>> No.50247699

100% RLC no hesitation

>> No.50248104
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>> No.50248890
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Just launched
>RIP Paulie
>eth chain
Paulie from sopranos died today, buy him a drink and hope for a moon!

>> No.50248962

100% LINK, plus a loan to buy more LINK.

>> No.50249131

100% I see pee

>> No.50249144

100% into top network

>> No.50249155

25% ETH
25% DOT
25% GME
25% ORE

>> No.50249205

Good morning sirs

>> No.50249219

Lunc d0b0 audius

>> No.50249278

All in for bao finance

>> No.50249672

Why don't we just use the money for fun?

>> No.50249704

50k lace
projects related to the metaverse always tend to have a weird twist

>> No.50249712

hey normie, I'm considering flipping my SOL bag for LINK and ORE.

>> No.50249721

metaverse is a growing shere

>> No.50249910

Fucking retarded. But so is SOL, so it's not surprising.

>> No.50249930

No shit newfag

>> No.50249995

>1 BTC
>32 ETH
>500 SOL
>4k NEAR
>5k cash to pump into what ever hype is going about at the start of the next bullrun, be it doge, shiba, gaming, nfts or walking application etc.

>> No.50251189


>> No.50251425

25% Rubic
25% XRP
15% Link
15% CRO
10% Akita Inu
2,5% Niggerfaggot Inu
2 5% Thanos Inu
2,5% BTC
2,5% ETH

Fight me irl

>> No.50251448


>> No.50251461

32 eth
2k link
Rest in stables waiting for market to stop sucking

Yes this is my portfolio

>> No.50251470

thread is literally about using the money for fun. you're just too much of a normalfag to get it

>> No.50251498
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its good seeing that lunatics and linkies are still here shilling their shitcoin.

If you prefer a breath of fresh air then Nirvana might be right your alley.

>> No.50251506
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50% BTC
50% XCN

>> No.50251527

All in on dog bat

>> No.50251906
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100% ICP

>> No.50252424

10k BTC
10k ETH
10k BNB
10k Elrond
10k VET
Go for 40k USDT/BUSD and stake that shit.
Keep the last 10k for SHIBA/DOGE/LUNAC or any other shitcoin you feel owning

>> No.50252550

The key is to Diversify, Memecoins most not be more than one or two at most
>30k BTC
>20k ETH
>10k MATIC
>20k QANX
Keep the rest as stablecoins else you go broke and start selling your asset

>> No.50253216


>> No.50253223

100% rose

>> No.50253540

33% ETH
33% DOGE
33% SHIB

>> No.50254450

DCA into BTC or ETH and when the market FINALLY TRULY Capitulates chuck some coin into some alts

>> No.50255447

100% RLC is quite an exaggeration but the ID product the project offers is totally worth it but a little less diversified compared to ORE ID in terms of the application and adoption.

>> No.50255492

Bitcoin - 5-10%
Monero - 5-10%
only these two, everything else are shitcoins, and my risk management doesn't allow me to put everything into crypto, I would put the rest into stocks and reits

>> No.50255561

I think you lot are shitting on SOL too early

>> No.50255812

YNGMI anon, just a friendly reminder that shit is going down just like monero.

>> No.50255846

100% niggercoin

>> No.50255888

30% LINK
20% ICP
20% FTM
20% BOO
10% RSR

>> No.50255902

>Checked and based
I'd rather have 15% on sol till they get their shit together
5% gme
5% ore

>> No.50255920

pretty much this but I would switch avax for eth.

>> No.50255967
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20% BTC and ETH
10% Alts and Shitcoins
50% MtG reserved list, Vintage Pkmn, out of print lego sets
20% Ca$h

Verification not required

>> No.50256010


25% BTC
25% LTO
50% XMR

>> No.50256049

50k eth 50k matic
eth with polygon's scaling is unstoppable theyll be in the top 3 after btc

>> No.50256345

25% BTC
25% ETH
25% LINK
10% ROSE
10% XMR
5% VRA

>> No.50256929

>some coin into some alts
only alts working on privacy, web 3 and NFTs cross-chain support is what I'm looking at investing

>> No.50256937

Polygon is definitely getting to that spot, the recently launched identity product is giving privacy protocols are run for their money and also opening up the already existing niche of identity management projects such as Ore protocol and RLC for the few I know.

>> No.50256942

30x leveraged bitcoin

>> No.50256981

their network is always down

>> No.50257080

That's a whole lot

>> No.50257239
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Rex.io came out with version 2. It just launched. Its certik audited and an advanced version of Hex.
You get paid back everything you put in when you invest through the daily auction. Create a a stake for 222 days (thats how many days there will be of daily auctions) and get back all your USD. Its 12.9% yearly and you can scrape your stake for yield. Theres MREX for 10% more REX. And TREX for 25% more yield in shares per day.

>> No.50257271

the only good take in this whole thread

>> No.50257280

50% USDC
20% BTC
20% ETH
10% low caps

>> No.50257298

They are both correlated, you can just buy 100% of one of them

>> No.50257321

40% ETH
30% BTC
10% APE
10% ROSE
10% AVAX

>> No.50257345

100 dollars of the top 1000 coins and tokens as of 7/9/2022

>> No.50257348

30% BTC
30% ETH
30% BNB
20% XMR

>> No.50257367

50% BTC
30% ETH
5% BAT
5% ORE

>> No.50257394


>> No.50257399

based except for APE

>> No.50257418


>> No.50257445

50% HEX
50% Pulse

>> No.50257469
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kek, poor OP, by using Raiinmakerapp to create and publish content via my existing social handles, I'm building my portfolio without spending a dime, Faggot.

>> No.50257498

Sylo would be a great option as it begins its NFT journey through seekers.

>> No.50257514

moreover its a hardcore defi platform so thats always a plus

>> No.50257521

50k? What are you asking me about 31k for?

>> No.50257547
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Interesting, but degens are stacking MATIC, BNB, BTC, ETH, COIIN, and NFTs by monetizing their social influence via Raiinmakerapp. Go and fucking research, Anon.

>> No.50257575

100% CSPR

>> No.50257610

the Ore network supports cross-chain NFTs minting, transfer, and trading as well

>> No.50257678 [DELETED] 

the Ore network supports cross-chain NFTs minting, transfer, and trading as well

>> No.50257684
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u must enjoy pain. linkies already wasted TWO BULLRUNS while absolute normies who knew jack shit about crypto and assblaster 777777 literally outperformed with dogshit worthless NFTs and garbage ethereum clones. what a fucking disaster.

>> No.50257775

I just read an article on Keanu Reeves joining an NFT project which is backed by sylo as a communication provider.

>> No.50257807

One of the very few decentralized platforms that has end to end data encryption to tackle piracy and hacks.

>> No.50257887

20% BTC
15% LINK
10% ETH
10% ICP
10% ALGO
5% PRQ
5% TRU
5% XRP

>> No.50257911
File: 8 KB, 250x227, 1649157338461s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sound good, Pajeet. I intend to do the same, as well as use the Raiinmakerapp to stack cryptos by creating content and participating in campaigns to earm Coiin, other cryptos, NFTs, and digital gift cards from over 300 global brands.

>> No.50257934

The Ore ID also protects users against hacks and theft which is why it's gaining more adoption. over 300k users atm

>> No.50258007

jesus christ, avax is the superior Eth and the emperor really has no fucking clothes at this point.

>> No.50258838

Checked and based.

>> No.50258874

Get your hands on these

>> No.50258878

100% Shiba Inu

>> No.50258880

0% btc
0% eth
0% link
50% gold
50% silver

>> No.50258884


>> No.50258902

Monero over eth? sounds pretty familiar

>> No.50259051

Makes sense I have been dmor on this since the polygon ID was launched and I find it quite exciting.

>> No.50259062

100% GNS

>> No.50259068

1/4 between btc, eth, link, xmr

>> No.50259136


>> No.50259279

49% INJ
1% GNS

>> No.50259643

100k is too much anon, except you can afford to loose all.
If it were me I'd buy more Honeyland nft and also invest in their labd sales

>> No.50259683

Nfts interestingly still gathering lots of favourites.
Ones with utility will make it