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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50246413 No.50246413 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically how does anyone make money these days? I have a STEM degree but have only ever been able to get shitty, minimum wage, entry level jobs with no upward mobility.

>> No.50246445
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I'm a high school dropout who never went to college, and I earn close to six figures as a multimedia specialist for a large financial company.
Back in the 2000s I played around a lot with Photoshop and got really good at it, so I started doing freelance work.
Then I built a portfolio and moved to a big city, and found an entry level graphics job.
Several years later of doing work at small companies, I used my skills and experience by landing a job as a graphics specialist for a huge investment bank.
Flash forward to 2021 and a random financial company cold-called me out of the blue and offered me a great salaried job (I think they found me on LinkedIn), and I've been with them ever since.
Your mileage may vary, but it took a lot of hard work and sacrifice.

>> No.50246457

Leave and apply for a prop trader position if you're any good with markets. $100k + 50k profit share if you're average

>> No.50246463

what i'm seeing is basically if you went to college and you're in your 20's you're fucked

>> No.50246478

If you dont get promoted after 1 year in an entry level job, you are going to be stuck in lateral move/entry level hell until your mid 30s

I graduated in 2016 with a biochem degree, fucked off for 3 full years, finally found a 50k entry level job after 1 year of searching(couldnt find anything because no experience so I ended up lying on my resume). Got promoted within 1 year to 80k. Just got promoted again 1.5 years after that to 115k

>> No.50246486

nice blog post fag lmao

learn to code or forever stay a pleb

>> No.50246494
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Go be a dick somewhere else, incel.

>> No.50246530

Because you have to start somewhere and you must build experience to climb to the top. If you’re a midwit like me, you’re essentially forced to bullshit your way up by job hopping every couple of years while using fake references. I don’t like lying, but sadly it’s the only way for me.

>> No.50246561

I know how to code in python and have a bunch of machine learning projects on my github. No one responded to my resume for 3+ years so I gave it up. YES I STUDIED AND REWORKED MY RESUME AND ASKED PROFESSIONALS ABOUT IT.

>> No.50246611

why don't u write another novel about your life that no one asked for? 30 year old man making "close to six figs" ur in no position to be giving financial advice to a dog, let alone a human

ngmi, not trying hard enough or something. no one who has been seriously studying and working on programming for three years is unemployable. you have some blinders and are unaware of your own glaring weaknesses or something.

>> No.50246619

I deliver the mail for the Usps. 23 year veteran letter carrier. I am to of the payscale and will probably make about $85k this year with OT, plus a few small side businesses. I do not have any debt and invest about half of my income into assets split 50/50 stocks and real estate. On paper I am a millionaire. You can build wealth over time with a decent middle class income if your consistent and careful with money.

>> No.50246640
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>why don't u write another novel about your life that no one asked for? 30 year old man making "close to six figs" ur in no position to be giving financial advice to a dog, let alone a human
The story was about how I have no education and no college debt, whereas a person of my lack of education is typically projected to work at McDonald's or Walmart in his 30s.

>> No.50246658

i tried to learn web dev but i couldn't get past javascript because of boredom. Tell me anons how do you guys do it? I have no problem coding stuff like simple videogames and other things but i find making websites very boring, any tips?

>> No.50246702

web dev is very different from full stack is very different from backend is very different from embedded is very different from data science is very different from data engineering and so on. all u have to do is find one that is somewhat enjoyable, and start joining series a/b/c startups and as long as u start before 25 u are essentially guaranteed to become a millionaire within a decade, unless u end up working for all the losers. when the stakes are that high, it's the opposite of boring

>> No.50246739

>get a cushy government job, be frugal, and invest in assets
Yeah this

>> No.50246744
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>I have a STEM degree
let me guess. mechanical engineer?

>> No.50246764

this is boomer tier advice. anyone 115+ IQ can be making 100k by 24 years old (2 YOE) easily as long as u are in a technical field. and guess who's richer down the line, the person who has 100k+ to invest, or 80k? USA has 1-2% GDP growth. u cannot become wealthy working a government job with such pitiful gdp growth, u need to be in a frontier field working on something high growth

>> No.50246770

30 year old boomers are almost worst than actual boomers

>> No.50246856

>highschool dropout
>yeah just be 40 like me

literally everyone and their mom has a bachelors now if you don't get one you're viewed as functionally retarded

>> No.50246880
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Well, I ain't got no education, and I'm doing pretty fine for myself.
Maybe I was born at the right time and got lucky.

>> No.50246935

lol your comment really got to the debt serfs

>> No.50247013

Grill me all you want for not having an expensive piece of paper from some school, or give me shit for earning slightly less than what some pajeet tranny makes in Silicon Valley, but all that matters is that I got pretty damn far in life without owing any money to Mr. Sheklestein, nor did I have to sit through lectures of Marxist professors telling me why I'm responsible for slavery and apartheid.
I basically said, "Fuck school, I'll do what I want to do" much to the dismay of my elders, and somehow defied all odds.
Hopefully OP can learn from my example and realize it's never too late to start, and to never give up.

>> No.50247069
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All i got with my ME degree was a shitty minimum wage drafter job

>> No.50247331

Even worse, a mathematics degree.

>> No.50248483

I drive a truck.

>> No.50248999

>it's never too late to start, and to never give up.
thanks for that

>> No.50249024

Why does /biz/ hate mechanical engineering so much?

>> No.50249044
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No problem, that's what we're here for.
OP had a serious question, and I gave a serious reply.
I will say this, though: when following my advice of trying to go far in life without a degree – or "taking the scenic route" as I call it – be prepared for a lot of heartbreak, misery, and hard work to get there.
It's not easy at all, but if you keep your wits up, you can persevere.

>> No.50249129

Bachelor’s earned after 2015 can’t be employed
All they know is lack critical thought
Retard profs
Spout libtard nonsense
And lie on dey resume

But for real, a lot of corporate jobs expect a degree but there’s a shift to education plus experience. Get an associate’s, save on the 1.25 years of worthless humanities et al, get a job, and grind up by being good at what you do.
Or do tech, because that’s still all about knowing what you’re doing degree or not. Just don’t anticipate becoming a software engineer for FAGMAN early in life.

>> No.50249164

-university with a well-known regional name. This means like UVA in virginia or UCLA in california or Texas A and M in Texas. Going to 'miss maria of our lord of heaven in the meadows of appalachia school for women and the one guy who goes here' liberal stem arts school with 200 students is a recipe for failure
-not having a plan for university debt. Most university debt is easily payable, but most people don't understand principal, don't understand interest, don't calculate out how much they should set aside after graduation each month, don't take christmas or summer jobs or take advantage of tax writeoffs for interest and tax credits for education/the EITC as a student to build capital for safe keeping after uni and other stuff like grad school tuition wavers or payment deferrals or scholarships/grants factor into this
-internships or experience. Universities are also to blame because most of them have it as a required credit but don't impress on students a need to get experience
-"dude collge is the best years of ur life just be drunk cs get degree lol" mentality
-people are bad at writing resumes. Protip: you can use white text to add a little invisible bit of stuff to your resume so that keywords are repeated over and over without HR seeing it, but the software they use to screen will see it. Also always exaggerate your experience as long as it's not a job that will get people killed and you liable.
-connections, used to be references but now it's connections. Having a friend who can get you a job goes far.
-certifications. Having certs doesn't necessarily get you a job but will strengthen your resume.
-doing shit for literally free outside work to make it look like you're PASSIONATE and therefore willing to be a hardworking slave for peanuts.
-accepting that you need 200k a year to live like boomers did in the 1970s because rent costs are too high, you will never have the peak life they did.

>> No.50249167
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was STEM the biggest scam of all time? I got an electrical engineering degree and my best offers are around 80k salary with most offers being closer to 70k. People that I know who did shitty degrees in communications or marketing are getting six figure offerings right off the bat with no prior experience or internships and I just feel like I got completely fucked.

>> No.50249209

>the 2000s freelance work
>30yo boomer
He's clearly pushing 40, zoomzoom.

>> No.50249222
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That's correct.

>> No.50249260

tbqh it’s not a scam but we’re in a gay area of civilization where hard skill employment is being passed to Rajeet or Xi and soft skill project customer whatever is being put on a pedestal because there’s not really anywhere else to go with hard skills
We’re basically just waiting for researchers to make new technologies commercially viable while engineers race to the bottom on material savings and manufacturing processes
Triumph of the spectacle
Might as well do what you can to abuse it though

>> No.50249294

why the hell do you think 70k-80k is bad? I'd fucking KILL for an offer like that right now.

>> No.50249338

Just apply for some trading algo bank jobs

>> No.50249384

yeah it's fucking bullshit

yeah I deserve more though. meanwhile dipshits that got degrees in garbage like "marketing" are getting offered 110k? it's completely fucked up.

>> No.50249386

Ah, it's too late anon. I graduated in 2015. Haven't had a serious job since then, though did a few years of python and deep learning shit on my own trying to get in to something. Never worked, so I kind of threw in the towel, moved in with my parents and became a hardcore NEET.

>> No.50249394

Where are you getting these numbers from? A marketing degree where I'm from on the westcoast is like minimum wage starting.

>> No.50249450

Not hard to get six figures as an ME if you maneuver yourself right.

>> No.50249461

must be turning down offers or something with a STEM degree or something. There's a lot out there, if anything just pick up a contracting job somewhere and fain a companies trust then move from there. What country/state you in?

>> No.50249487
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>near 6fig
Kek. I pick things up and put them down and make 6fig. No degree.

>> No.50249496

what position was the entry level and what type of company?

>> No.50249506


>> No.50250041

>postal employee
>cushy government job
Pick one and only one. USPS are slave drivers. I have heard it from many of their employees. They have it rough compared to your typical Fed.

>> No.50250164
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>shitty, minimum wage, entry level jobs with no upward mobility.
I gross 10k a month in oil. It's hard work but can't complain too much since it's set me up with a good amount of money in my 20s. Few more years and my investments will be secure on their own.

>> No.50250169
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Just accept poverty bro, finding an honest, earnest job in this day and age is close to impossible, there is too much scam, drama and other BS to put up with and it's all just so tiresome, Human labour has meaning when it's continuous and tangible, how many "companies" do you know that are working on longterm concrete things?

>> No.50250262

>have friend that was neet for 8 years
>decides to go to trade school after mom threatens to kick him out
>in one year completes a course in pharmacy tech
>two years later is now making $25 soon $30 an hour
How are people with actual college degrees not capable of doing this

>> No.50250270

>duuude work hard bro
>here's my story: I got lucky
Very cool

>> No.50250295

You may be a nigger faggot but you figured out the cheat code. Nobody gives a fuck about college toilet paper. Skills are what matters, even if it's just knowing photoshop good. STEMniggers are basically walking Wikipedia pages, they have no creativity to apply what they learned.
t. 6fig accounting degree wfh masterrace

>> No.50250381

Maybe because you can throw a rock in any direction and hit a mechanical engineer

>> No.50250393

>Protip: you can use white text to add a little invisible bit of stuff to your resume so that keywords are repeated over and over without HR seeing it, but the software they use to screen will see it.
It’s not 2016 anymore, resume software can catch this shit. If you’re caught fucking with your resume, you’re blacklisted from ever working at that company