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50242400 No.50242400 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.50242418

>wastes 1 billion and gives it to twitter troons

>> No.50242422

doesn't he have to pay a billion to walk away?

>> No.50242439

He's got plenty of billions

>> No.50242449

Why can't he lobby politicians to do shit for him?

>> No.50242493

it's bearish for crypto, but no one gives a fuck. Even doge doesn't react.

>> No.50242499


he does? pretty sure all his save the world meme companies get fat subsidies

>> No.50242515

Lmao hope this coomer's rocket blows up with him on it

>> No.50242516

He can't fucking do this!

>> No.50242521

Holy cope

>> No.50242545

Twitter is finished. Going to 0.

>> No.50242546

he literally lives on those subsidies because his companies aren't profitable

>> No.50242550


>> No.50242561
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he should start posting on Truth Social exclusively now for extra lols

>> No.50242581
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>> No.50242608

>twitter celeb gives a billion dollar bribe to twitter execs in plain view of everyone

>> No.50242616

>Elon takes a hard stand against low fertility, pro more babies
>Shinzo abe (known more babies supporter) is murdered
>twitter Elon deal is "off"
do they really think that I can't see what's going on, and understand the connection. and implications?

>> No.50242629

>just after the genocide stones are destroyed
my almonds are activated

>> No.50242643
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>> No.50242662

He has to many kids to fill

>> No.50242666


>> No.50242670

Not in liquid cash, he'll need to sell tesla stock

>> No.50242681

Load up on shorts, frens. We are crashing that shithole with no survivors.

>> No.50242716

>Tries to troll Trump and it fails


>> No.50242722

twitter btfo

>Although Twitter has not yet provided complete information to Mr. Musk that would enable him to do a complete and comprehensive review of spam and fake accounts on Twitter’s platform, he has been able to partially and preliminarily analyze the accuracy of Twitter’s disclosure regarding its mDAU.

>While this analysis remains ongoing, all indications suggest that several of Twitter’s public disclosures regarding its mDAUs are either false or materially misleading.

>First, although Twitter has consistently represented in securities filings that “fewer than 5%” of its mDAU are false or spam accounts, based on the information provided by Twitter to date, it appears that Twitter is dramatically understating the proportion of spam and false accounts represented in its mDAU count.

>Preliminary analysis by Mr. Musk’s advisors of the information provided by Twitter to date causes Mr. Musk to strongly believe that the proportion of false and spam accounts included in the reported mDAU count is wildly higher than 5%

>> No.50242785

This thing doesn't read well for musk.
>You didn't give me data
>You didn't give me unfettered API access
>Uh actually you did but you took a whole week to lift restrictions
>Uh I haven't finished analysing data but you're lying doodyheads

Lmao. White people truly are the Jews of the world

>> No.50242815

>twitter btfo
Imagine believing that.

>> No.50242817

kys faggot

>> No.50242849

Can't the sec sue Twitter?

>> No.50242860

what a dumb faggot Elon Musk is.

>> No.50242875


>> No.50242881

It doesn't matter because every NPC now thinks that Elon is the owner of Twitter anyway.

>> No.50242952

NPCs have long forgotten about any of this. They're too busy being angry at something something Trump, wait no, something something Covid, wait no, something something Ukraine, wait no, something something inflation, wait no, something something abortion, wait no [insert CURRENT THING here].

>> No.50242957

>greentexts bunch of bullshit lies
>waagh muskie is da jooo
Kys niggerbrained fag

>> No.50242991

Stay mad, cumskins. You know it's the truth. Maybe learn to read as well so you can serve your cumlord better.

>> No.50243033


>> No.50243059

twitter is about to be memed to 10x

>> No.50243096

Wrong, Many NPC's fucking LOVE elon musk and obsess over him and get extremely angry if you say anything negative about him such as his constant market manipulation, or the fact that he has dozens of children who he all ignore. Most people have no idea how many children he has lmao

>> No.50243206

>you know its the truth
What i do know is that , thats a lie. Maybe ask god to be born white next time shitskin, that will increase your iq by 100 points minimum.

>> No.50243212

No, but Twitter can sue Musk for way more than the billion dollar termination fee due to specific performance.

>> No.50243222

I wouldn't call those NPCs, but rather just Elon fanboys. NPCs don't obsess over Elon. NPCs don't really obsess over anything, they have live-by-the-moment goldfish brains that get emotional/excited/angry at whatever spur of the moment things is propped up by the media and then forget about it the moment that gets dropped for the next CURRENT THING.

>> No.50243237

Pretty sure Tesla is selling plenty of cars and for quite a lot per car too.

>> No.50243242

>NPCs don't obsess over Elon
Anyone who obsesses over a celebrity who does literally nothing is the definition of an NPC.
If you are an Elon fanboy you are a complete and utter robot. Fuck off normalfaggot.

>> No.50243264

Ok apes, start buying Twitter, the squezze will be squoze.

>> No.50243268

tesla made their first profit due to car sales in q2 2021. everything before that has been due to carbon credits

>> No.50243285

Sure, but it's profitable now unlike the myriad
number of green energy companies that receive subsidies forever and never make a profit.

>> No.50243295

Kek. I remember all the 4cels on here getting giddy that they might be able to call someone a nigger on twitter
>Muhhhhh heckin free speech
Bore off

>> No.50243343

Nobody expected you to be able to say nigger. The giddiness was that Elon would probably not censor centrists and conservatives as much.

>> No.50243364

does TWTR line go up or does TWTR line go down?
Aftermarket is fake and gay.

>> No.50243368

Twitter is TSLA's marketing budget

>> No.50243399

musk is a jew retard

>> No.50243401

>Nobody expected you to be able to say nigger
Revisionist. It's the only thing people were looking forward to. Saying nigger and saying why things are the jews fault. Nothing else.

>> No.50243420

>some anons shitposting on 4chan is what literally 100% of conservatives were thinking and hoping for
You're brainwashed.

>> No.50243424


>> No.50243435

Nobody believes this drivel, not even you.

>> No.50243444
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>do they really think that I can't see what's going on, and understand the connection. and implications?

>> No.50243458

No, you can already do pretty much everything else on twitter. You don't get banned if you don't call for violence. I've said some pretty fucking nasty shit on twitter back when I still used it. I got many reports, but never suspended because I avoided the only things that matter: calling people tranny faggots, saying nigger and posting nazi images, or blaming jews. If you don't do this, you can get away with anything. If you think otherwise you got brainwashed by people who are mad they got banned for spamming hitler images.

>> No.50243482

It took him this long to realize he was offering way too much for that shithole.

>> No.50243485

I don't use twitter because i'm not a faggot so I wouldn't know.

>> No.50243509
File: 193 KB, 494x795, 1611018401234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitter fires employees
>stock broker freezes their shares so they cannot sell their stock and essentially drive the price down.
>elon pulls out because twitter is half bots
>twitter vows to take elon to court
>stock goes down

>people slowly migrate to trump's truth network
>slowly bringing down stock prices as bots begin to out number real people.
>stock broker finally allows fired employees to sell stock
>stock goes down further
>twitter spends all its money on lawsuit against elon
>twitter finance reports are bad due to lawsuit
>everyone bails
>stocks go down even further
>elon is finally forced to buy twitter but at new current price
>price is 1/4 of its old price
>elon now owns all of twitter at it's 1/4 original price
>elon makes a deal with trump to merge networks
>left wing extremist add themselves to the tranny ratio
>everyone celebrates by clapping

>> No.50243521

>people slowly migrate to trump's truth network
absolutely delusional, holy shit

>> No.50243537

that guy is good only at speaking

>> No.50243539

wait and see. 2 more weeks

>> No.50243560

>“The algorithm posts tweets based on likelihood of user interaction”
No shit, the left don’t even watch cnn, they watch fox and the right watches real news like fox. This is the Howard Stern effect.

>> No.50243591

He already did faggot

>> No.50243678

>got banned because i called twitter out about shadowbanning me
>new account got banned because i got mass reported by mentally ill stans just because i tweeted that “bts sucks, their music is nowhere near the level of western legendary boy bands”
>most recent account got locked because i just tweeted that i was pro life
But sure keep parroting how twitter lets you get away with anything

>> No.50243702

Everybody on Earth is a Jew

>> No.50243710

>>most recent account got locked because i just tweeted that i was pro life
Delusion. You told someone that they were worthless and should kill themselves and then you called them a faggot. 100%.

>> No.50243720
File: 83 KB, 966x976, wrongbitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>people slowly migrate to trump's truth network
>absolutely delusional, holy shit

>> No.50243727

It will lol, it was the main thing propping it's price. Everyone thinks bitcoin is going to 25.000 or more and when it doesn't happen well...

>> No.50243752

This is terribly bad for crypto.

>> No.50243773

wouldn't current investors be concerned that they wouldn't let him do due diligence of the number of bots
in fact, wouldn't almost anyone financially involved with twitter be concerned about that, especially advertisers

>> No.50243818

spoken like a true retard. if i am trying to buy your shit company and you provide me false credentials and details, YOU are in breach, not me. Retard.

>> No.50243891

30 us dollars lol
lmao even

>> No.50243940

didn't they not want him to buy twitter
now that he isnt they're seething?


>> No.50243941
File: 120 KB, 1200x628, Parag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Elon sir didn't redeem it sirs?

>> No.50243994

>tranny-obsessed retard thinks everyone is as delusional as he is

>> No.50244211