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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.79 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20171213_131627508_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5023847 No.5023847 [Reply] [Original]

Bought this last year.
Will upgrade to sth more ballsy soon. Thinking rosegold Rolex day date with green dial?

>> No.5023860

If you had waited a year this could have been a porsche

>> No.5023861


>> No.5023871

Nice timepiece anon! I approve of the green dial call, too!

>> No.5023896

I'm definitely investing so I can go from wageslave to wageslave with a watch.

>> No.5023901

>buying anything but more crypto, ever
stay poor

>> No.5023907

You have wrists that scream “fat autism and Mt. Dew”.

Save your money, faggot.

>> No.5023908

Pretty much this

Have fun losing money retard

>> No.5023937
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korean prostitutes

>> No.5023973

Thx, pal. Sometimes you have to cash out sth to keep yourself sane.

>> No.5023998


>> No.5024031
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>> No.5024044

do they speak english? or does the whole transaction happen in silence?

>> No.5024055

Yes, i'm OP from that post like 4 days ago

>> No.5024070

Yeah man, nothing wrong with treating yourself once in a while

>> No.5024076

they speak enough english to communicate and ask basic questions.

>> No.5024117

Down payment on apartment

>> No.5024135

i like your taste

>> No.5024144

>Not buying a chinese made quality fake (not the 10$ shit, a completely identical clock using the same production process and materials for 250$)

Enjoy paying 10x for nothing. You can even sell the clock on ebay or craigslist for profits as long as you don't do it too often.

>> No.5024157
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I made 32k this year while doing it part time. My main business is a welding school in Texas. I bought me some nice equipment for my office at home out of the 32k I made. Spent about 6k in a new laptop and extra top of the line monitors.
Its a fun game to play. Just dont become addicts anons. There will always be moon missions to hop on.

>> No.5024182

Please no

If rolex, a Daytona or a yachtmaster

But literally any other brand. IWC, JLC, VC, PP, AP, Lange

>> No.5024203

What are you ? A Woman ? Sissy wrist watches.
Buy a deepsea.

>> No.5024220
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This is the style I aspire to now that I don't have to look professional anymore. Need the day date, desu.

>> No.5024250

have you ever thoughts of becoming a certificated underwater welder?

>> No.5024268

That's an ugly watch/

>> No.5024275

IWC is fancy as fuck. I would like one of them in the future.

>> No.5024282

And literally kys for 100k? No thanks.

>> No.5024312


nice job on a nice reward for yourself. For me i cant justify even using btc to pay my bills knowing it can be worth more next week but i had a good run with litecoin this week so maybe i will get myself something nice.

>> No.5024319

Grainfther (homebrewing equipment) plus more homebrewing equipment and malts, hops etc. Currently bottle carbonating.

>> No.5024364

A fun car

>> No.5024376
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>> No.5024404


>buys a depreciating asset

sell that shit immediately and purchase more coinage

>> No.5024457

LSD, Plan B, dinner, movie tickets, and gas

>> No.5024466
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Bought this. Cheaper than low-tier mechanical crap marketed to goofuses who think they're gonna "pass it on" to their kids, and much better. Syncs with atomic clocks every day so it's always 100% accurate. Impervious to nuclear explosions.

>> No.5024477
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Also this. 10SPY. Get on my level mechdorks.

>> No.5024541

plan b has the best tater tots

>> No.5024556

I bought a pizza years ago with bitcoin

>> No.5024594

Where is the best place to buy nice chink shit online?

>> No.5024600

>Giant knob
>large clock hands
Fucking disgusting.

People buy things because they are useful to them. You get value out of a car in reduced travel time, who cares if it loses monetary value.

>> No.5024644

Im the guy that posted the pic.
Hell no. That is a scam UWW schools sell to noobs coming out of highschool. Sometimes I feel bad for even the guys coming to MY school. And we are legit. Just some of them dont have what it takes and are just falling in debt.

>> No.5024663

Btw, I only take financial aid from kids out of highschool. State of Texas came to offer me Veteran Aid to have returning vets come here to learn. I declined. Poor dudes are already fucked enough.

>> No.5024695

If that's the case then you go with the gold/green.

Yeah, cause you dive to 500ft. with your 9k watch regularly my man. Half those brands have steel sports

They've stepped up their game recently to

>> No.5024705

>That is a scam UWW schools sell to noobs coming out of highschool
that's called college and it's a scam for most of the population

>> No.5024765

My nigga

>> No.5024808
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LSD, MDMA, speed and some nootropics

>> No.5024852

ugly gaudy dogshit

>I bought me some nice equipment for my office at home out of the 32k I made
smart investor

>buying something that decreases in value over time with something that has consistently increased in value over time
>also, ricer car

bleck :/

you redeemed yourself

>> No.5024856

drugs off darknet

>> No.5024884

>bleck :/
what's wrong with it shitposting aside
it's a nice watch

>> No.5025004

A lot of moaning and light screaming

>> No.5025024

casios are reliable and classic for sure but what's the model of this one? it's definitely much better than their oceanus line right now that has all kinds of stupid bullshit going on, but I'm not a fan of the unnecessary IATA codes around the outside

the seiko is pristine though

>> No.5025060
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>> No.5025066

it's a JDM oceanus

>> No.5025069

I don't get peoples obsession with watches.
A fitbit is massively more functional.

>> No.5025197

Wrist fedoras.

>> No.5025199

you look like a fag and it's actually not more functional

wear a fitbit with your cheap ass polyester suit into a meeting and see how you look compared to the grown ups

>> No.5025253

grown ups sounds like the opposite of image obsessed retards.

>> No.5025271

>giving reasonable consideration to your appearance means you're image-obsessed

>> No.5025287

To be fair Subaru's hold their value. Better then a Mercedes and Bentley.

>> No.5025303

I'm more of a mushrooms, phenibut, phenylpiracetam type of guy

>> No.5025328

>gaudy = reasonable

>> No.5025341

what is gaudy about the watches I posted?
btw a fitbit is gaudy.

>> No.5025351

>it's actually not more functional
All non-smart watches really do is tell time. My fucking phone does that. Why do you need a clock strapped to your wrist 24/7?

>> No.5025366
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not bad anon, don't pay attention to any of the poor schmucks. They think spending 0.1% of your net worth is a big deal.

>> No.5025374

you also don't need a fitbit when there are plenty of other brands that do the same thing for a fraction of the price, like a mi band 2 for example, a watch is fashionable and makes a statement. A fitness tracker tells everyone you're a massive faggot, although fitness trackers are good to use as watches in environments where a watch may get damaged

>> No.5025405

>My fucking phone does that. Why do you need a clock strapped to your wrist 24/7?
I bought an Apple Watch and wore it for about 6 months. That's how I got into "dumb" watches.

You won't know until you try it I guess. But I value my time and having it "strapped" to my wrist is useful. The AW is a useless fucking gadget, just like a fitbit. A good watch looks nice and serves an important purpose.

>> No.5025440

It kind of is, in a time where a 100x moon mission could suddenly make a measly amount of money something big.

>> No.5025466

>You won't know until you try it I guess. But I value my time and having it "strapped" to my wrist is useful.
lol, nailed it

>> No.5025471


>> No.5025482
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Skip the rolex and get a used AP ROO. Every rich parent buys their kid a rolex.

>> No.5025500

that is a shitty ass weld brah

>> No.5025523
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You gotta learn to enjoy life, anon. I spent 10 btc back in 2014 buying cocaine from the dark web. Other people probably spent 10x that in 2013. You gotta let loose. Worry not, once you start nearing 7 figs the stress starts going away.

>> No.5025571
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>> No.5025611

>realizing gains
What kind of idiot are you? It's HODL for a reason.

>> No.5025636
File: 2.41 MB, 4032x2268, 20171213_084854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this sweet three sided knife.

>> No.5025712

Nice murder weapon.

>> No.5025765


>no breitling navitimer

kys, I bet you wear a portofino

>> No.5025864

I've been considering cashing out like 10k and getting a really beastly rig, huge screens, nice smartphone and a high quality desk and chair. Should I?

>> No.5025880

The patrician choice mate

An Omega isn't a shitter as some would have you believe. It's the bond watch, although people think he wears a roley

>> No.5025920

go Breitling Transocean/IWC Schaffhausen Porto Fino or go home

>> No.5026060


>> No.5026071


thats not how you spell chronometer senpai.

>> No.5026083

Why not just get a fake Rolex? These days they're almost as good quality as the real ones for 1/20 the cost. I'm gonna get a yacht master fake next year.

>> No.5026129

>10k on a computer setup

Dude what the fuck
A high quality rig costs like maybe three grand
I could see stretching the whole setup to maybe five, but at ten you'd have to really try to waste as much money as possible.

>> No.5026378
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>spending money

>> No.5026441

Souped up truck and badass mini vacay to denver also eat out everyday what a time to be alive

>> No.5026635
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>he actually bought a real one
Ultimate cuck. I bought this in Turkey for $70 and it's basically the same as a real one

>> No.5026762

nah that's fucking dumb
if you aren't already so wealthy that it doesn't matter, buying trinkets like the overpriced junk in the OP isn't sensible
at least get a rolex and not just some Swatch shitter

>> No.5026787

>He fell for the cashing out before becoming a millionaire meme

>> No.5026819

except that your automatic mecanism is worth 10 bucks made in china and that you lose 5 minutes everyday and that the material is shit.

But yeah, exactly the same probably

>> No.5026820

>spending more than $1k on a computer
I remember my friend had a windfall and bought a ticked out P4 system back when those were fresh. It was seriously nice and he spent probably 5 grand. 10 years later it was worth like $50. A similar computer for ~1k or whatever at the time turned out to be about as good.

The problem is diminishing returns. Anything over $1k and you're honestly just looking for ways to blow money on nothing because you decided arbitrarily that 5k was your limit. Even $1k is just a shot in the dark—use slickdeals and get the best or second to best components for as little as possible and assemble them. Don't splurge on stupid bullshit just because "my budget is 5k"

I mean, I honestly don't care what you do with your money, but you have a choice

>> No.5026837

Because wearing a fake rolex is something only niggers, wiggers, and Paki faggots do

>> No.5026839

100 tabs of LSD, 5 grams of DMT, 15 grams of MDMA over the darknet. Also bought a ticket for the new star wars movie.

Still got a lot of profit left, but i ride the rockets

>> No.5026857

>except that your automatic mecanism is worth 10 bucks made in china and that you lose 5 minutes everyday and that the material is shit.
In contrast to the real mech which loses 5 minutes every week or whatever. By this logic you should always buy 10SPY quartz.

>> No.5026884

And who gives a shit? You buy these watches for the appearance and not for "le epic mechanism xDD i have autism"
When it breaks in 1-2 years I'll buy a new one, problem solved :^)

>> No.5026907
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>not buying a 35 dollar Soviet watch

>> No.5026960

New transmission and a head gasket.

>> No.5027011

>on a NATO strap to boot
are you a male feminist?

>> No.5027025
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>> No.5027034


That seamaster is fake as fuck.

No wonder this place is a zoo.


>> No.5027038

iPhone X and a 96 corvette

>> No.5027041

Do you even /g/ bro?
I bet you don't even have a ThinkPad.

>> No.5027084

I have an X220 which I use as a foot stool while I use my superior MacBook running the UNIX-like macOS

>> No.5027130



This is a Pajeet right here, at least you have mediocre English skills.

>> No.5027148

>overpaying for weak specs

How many times per week do you get cum injected up your ass?

>> No.5027164

What makes you say that?

>> No.5027179

where do I buy this?

>> No.5027199

>literally the only thing that meets my criteria on the market
>everything else is second rate and requires concessions
lmao pleb
like I said I already went through the Maxipad phase. Enjoy your "roll cage" bro

>> No.5027315

eBay. Name is Vostok Komandirskie.
There's a million different bezels and colors.
If you want something sturdier get an Amphibia. Also by Vostok. It can go up to a depth of 200m.
The Komandirskie us a winding watch. Once a day should be enough. The Amphibia is automatic, but can also be winded if needed be.
I love both.

>> No.5027351

Don't you have a street to shit on, or a call center to tend to?

>> No.5027463
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>> No.5027476
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The only shitskin here is probably you since every single american on this site is obsessed with race and all that autism.

>> No.5027530
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Saluto Al duce.

>> No.5027560

Wanna suck each other off?

>> No.5027600
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My comrades. Vostok amphibian mechanical fucking awesome for 40 bucks.

>> No.5027604

Grown up sound insecure.

>> No.5027648

weaponized autism yikes

>> No.5027682

>>literally the only thing that meets my criteria on the market

Yes, it meets the gay criteria. I bet you get hundreds of twinks proposing you to be their gay bottom when they see use your macbook in Starbucks

>everything else is second rate and requires concessions

Right, well my sexual preference is women so I wouldn't make concessions with that either. Do you.

>> No.5027711
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Nice. You should replace the band tho. Get a NATO, or a shark mesh. Trust me. Here's my Casio diver with shark mesh.

>> No.5027715

>haha lol gay xD
it's a laptop, stop projecting your sexual insecurities on everyone else in totally unrelated spheres, it just makes you look fucking retarded
this place is full of literal 15 year olds lmao

>> No.5027769

>it's an overprice laptop bought by gays and feminisits

I'd rather be 15 years old and be associated with THAT

>> No.5027793

No offence, but it has been scientifically proven that the % of gays among Mac users is higher than the general population.

>> No.5027838
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My absolute nigger

>> No.5027862

They are bulletproof and cheap BUT they got a fucking commie star on them. Can't be associated with that shit.

>> No.5027903

Has the /g/ meme gone too far? Before /g/ I had a digital watch.
Now I have all these fucking meme watches that I love and I wear a different one everyday.
My next purchase is going to be a Pepsi Seiko.

>> No.5028071
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it's also associated with old school hackers because it's the last decent unix-like system which also happens to be better than everything else ootb

>> No.5028113
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>> No.5028161

My work makes all cloud engineers use mac for the superior shell

>> No.5028247


Confounding variables.

Look it up you absolute retard.

>> No.5028263

>lol mac users are gay but don't show me any other stats
you are probably poor/stupid/a nigger/all of the above

fuck off cletus tyrone vii

>> No.5028265

Ubuntu is better than OSX ootb when it comes to tech.

OSX's unix tools are so fucking outdated you need to install homebrew to be on par with modern linux/unix systems.

>> No.5028299

>Ubuntu is better than OSX ootb when it comes to tech.
why because it has apt?
that's your one reason?

protip installing homebrew takes seconds and is a one-liner and works exactly the same as or better than apt

>> No.5028340

Btw I use Ubuntu... on my servers. HTPC, home server, servers at work—all Ubuntu. That's where it belongs—servers and appliances. Because Linux has shitty terrible UI/DE/WM, poor integration, bugs, terrible UX period

>> No.5028492
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>> No.5028524

confounding would imply some kind of causation still though
this isn't confounding, this is flat out ecological fallacy

>> No.5028751

>ur gay, science proves correlation blah blah
>ok ur a nigger
>logical fallacy!

>> No.5028791

>not realizing I'm on your side

>> No.5028912


nice OP

i got a seamaster pro but it's not with crypto money

i'm planning to either buy a yellow gold day date with black face or rose gold AP royal oak

i really want the a rose gold patek nautilus with a black face

>> No.5028940

I'm not mocking you in particular friendo

>> No.5028949

single purpose device over hyped for financially uneducated neets
>sorry anon

>> No.5029012

2254 is a great choice. Get a steel rolex. Gold ones are wanker tier

>> No.5029072
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>> No.5029145

>be me
>was a NEET for many years
>only got out of the NEET hole after I cold turkey'd vidya
>now somewhat successful
>craving new rig
must... resist...

>> No.5029169

kek. I'm using my x220 right now running macOS because I'm not a pleb unable to install a simple piece of software.

>> No.5029199

enjoy fixing shit after every single update / reboot poorfag
>w-w-well I just need to wait for pajeet iqbal to update t-the kext and then i can update and i heard the next one even supports imessage! hackintosh4lyfe!
not to mention the shit hardware

>> No.5029229

Good on you, but a clock? Its wise to take profit and buy something to pass the time until money wont be an issue anymore. Does it really matter if you have 10% more or less at the end of all this?

>> No.5029236

I don't blow my gains on bullshit like that sorry. I put it back into my investments and wear clothes from goodwill so that I can own 100 rolexes later. Why you blowin money fool? Still a virgin even though you got the rolex.

>> No.5029258

At least you'll never be late for work.

>> No.5029275

Got a Chinese amazon fitbit for 40 bucks shipped. Don't really need it, just I wanted to prove to my fatass friends I average 30k steps at work when they didn't believe me

>> No.5029291

Bought a new gaymen PC and a phone, also took some cash from Bitcoin ATM. In total spent about 3% of my crypto holdings. Once I reach $150,000 I will buy a macbook.

>> No.5029301
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>you can commit fraud as long as you don't do it too often

>> No.5029357

Good taste, minus the movie tickets.

>> No.5029360


>> No.5029370

Jesus fuck, haven't you guys learned anything?
>buying depreciating assets
>not holding while the market's going crazy
fucking normies

>> No.5029393

>enjoy fixing shit after every single update / reboot poorfag

buyers regret talking. not everyone is a techno-gimp like you.

>not to mention the shit hardware

that's rich coming from someone who's using actual apple hardware.

>> No.5029415

I bought a 57k house in a small town.

Plan to work random jobs and trade to cover cost.

NEET life achievement

>> No.5029429

Omega watches are for middle class people trying to buy beyond their social class. Thats why my dad bought one lmao

>> No.5029431

>no response
thought so poorfag
sorry you have to settle for india-tier hardware and run hacky bullshit which breaks every update because you can't get the real thing

meanwhile i'm over here enjoying my 2880x1800 display 802.11ac aluminum finished monster of a laptop and you get to settle for bumpy plastic shit trackpad lmao

lmaoing at ur life

>> No.5029458
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>> No.5029461

>serves an important purpose
Knowing the time is important. In the modern era finding the time is easy and doesn't require portable clocks anymore. Watches are worthless.

>> No.5029486

>teleports behind you

>> No.5029489

I don’t care what anyone says, a high quality watch is a good purchase. I’m gonna wait till I feel like I made it tho, having a payed off house, car, wife, kids and some good savings with a Rollie on the wrist sounds comfy.
They also make great heirlooms, second to wedding bands.

>> No.5029492

I understand what you're saying and I thought the same thing when I was 17. Believe whatever you want—I don't care.

>> No.5029507

Just a bunch of sex toys. I'll be buying an apartment soon, though.

>> No.5029509

> 2880x1800 display

I'm running two of those and a wacom citiq on my other hackintosh you fucking gimp. I'm literally laughing right now at how pathetic you are. keep throwing money at gays and black-programmer-womenz on ipads for subpar hardware because it's shiny.

>> No.5029524

Hope you used Monero.

>> No.5029536

Yeah, that pesky big UWW conglomerate.

UWW is high pay, high skill job. Just because you can't teach it, doesn't mean there aren't jobs for it.

>> No.5029578

>I'm running two of those and a wacom citiq on my other hackintosh you fucking gimp
jee bill, how does your laptop have two screens?

>> No.5029583

>only Americans who obsess about race

t. never been on /pol/

>> No.5029585

Oh, and I'll probably also drop a lot on a really good computer with VR soon.

>> No.5029592

Honestly there is no point in buying expensive watches unless you are an enthusiast or you drive your lambo every day. Everyone will assume its fake unless proven otherwise

>> No.5029611

o u sweet summer child

>> No.5029647

>with maturity comes watches


>> No.5029680

it does tho

i bet you also think that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, that iq isn't almost entirely heritable, and that niggers don't commit violent crime at a rate which is about 8x that of whites (per capita)

among other things
lil fuccboi

>> No.5029699

>my other hackintosh
>how does your laptop have two screens?

a) can you read you moron?
b) are you retarded. you can plug an external screen to a laptop.
c) I'm running three screens. but that's a again.

>> No.5029720

> Buy watches
Nobody gives a shit
> Buy sports car
Everybody becomes jelly. Starts reporting you to the tax man.

>> No.5029744

>my laptop has x
>that's not a laptop
wow you proved me wrong lmao
fuck you're dumb
btw i have two 5k ultrafines chillin here in front of me plugged into that nice laptop i was talking about

enjoy your bargain bin trash

protip just run windows on your manchild rig pathetic dumb faggot

>> No.5029778
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>makes completely unrelated assumptions
>literally no grammar

>> No.5029785

I spent 2.5k of my crypto yields on a 2017 mbp because the ppi on my 1080p W520 was literally killing me from looking at gdax all day.

It's a nice machine but way overpriced. Pleasant for browsing and trading but once I launch shit like overwatch the thing throttles to hell. Can't even use the dGPU. Should've gotten the base model with Intel graphics.

But whatever it's a machine I got for basically free from fake internet money.

>> No.5029813

go back into your basement again, vidya neet.
that fine overpriced battery in an aluminium clamp of yours is supporting niggers.

>> No.5029842

>omg u can't generalize about me
>m-muh grammar on 4chan
>no response
lmaoing at you so much
you are honestly unintelligent
and the way you post makes it clear that you have ego issues and self-confidence issues stemming from your lack of intellect
it's sad

enjoy updates breaking your manchild toys friend

>> No.5029899

lol you didn't generalize about me at all, faggot. You're just a retard who thinks hating niggers and owning a watch makes you mature.

>> No.5029907

>unironically trying to play OW on a mbp.

It wasn't built for that.

>> No.5029972

I never said it "makes you mature" you monkey

>> No.5030029

> you have ego issues and self-confidence issues

says the dude who's butthurt about people dissing his femputer

>> No.5030033

It runs fine on ultra at 80fps at native res.

Until the throttling kicks in then it drops down to 1.9ghz and 15fps. It's ridiculous.

>> No.5030119

>lol that's gay LMAO
>oh i guess ur a nigger
>wow look how butthurt he is LOGICAL FALLACY!!! look at my hackintosh!!! REEE!

l m a o i could not be more smug rn

>> No.5030172

I have the same one, 15", not sure which GPU it is. Weirdly enough I haven't had any throttling issues you describe

But same story here, got it basically for the same price as the entry-level model so I don't care too much. The 15" isn't the value model anyway, that's the low-end 13" model which is pretty good as far as value for money compared to competing products with similar specs

I was actually planning on trying out a dGPU to see how it does since the CPU seems powerful enough to play most AAA titles

>> No.5030213
File: 42 KB, 648x155, Screen Shot 2017-12-13 at 18.52.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5030281

how to do you buy shit with crypto? was trying to do my research and couldn't find much

>> No.5030293

You ever stick it in your butt ?

>> No.5030319
File: 3.44 MB, 4320x2432, 1998-toyota-corolla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not much but it's nice to get what is essentially a free car from some made up internet money.

>> No.5030325

But you have to be mature to want to wear one?

*tips fedowrist*

>> No.5030355

all I said was that I thought the same thing before and now I don't, my own interest and realization came with time, you're the one extrapolating a bunch of stuff from that

but yeah you do seem really immature

>> No.5030410

You cash out first dumbass

>> No.5030431


>> No.5030457

When crypto crashes, he will at least be able to say that he got a cool watch out of it. You on the other hand..