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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50229767 No.50229767 [Reply] [Original]

That isn't putting into shitcoins or stocks.

>> No.50229817

What would Lowry do?

>> No.50229832
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>> No.50229831

Investing on Druid realstate, of course.

>> No.50229978

earn passively with good low caps like AxlToken or lend it with interest.

>> No.50230478
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If you live in America, start refining your own gasoline with pyrolysis out of plastic, on a large scale. Sell it for a dollar a gallon cheaper than anywhere else, and sell to your friends/family. Believe me, the money will start to flow.

>> No.50230517

Open two checking accounts, order $4900 worth of iPads on each of them, report the charges a fraud to your bank, sell the iPads on eBays, then get the money you spent back from your bank. If you do this, you have to keep it under $5k to avoid the SAR. No SAR, no crime.

>> No.50230747
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investing in Ride, that's building the first media platform to turn the car into one of the most exciting entertainment spaces.

>> No.50231194

Buy Lunc

>> No.50231313

another avenue for rug right

>> No.50231625


>> No.50231771

>What can I do with 10k to make money

you can consider putting it into some fundamentally solid projects with an actual use case, solving major problems as the case may be

>> No.50231943

you lot never learn, if it goes other wise then you come here to say trash

>> No.50231957

>go to albania
>buy two women
>set up only fans and streaming for them and be their OF manager
>use money to hire more bitches and expand the business

>> No.50232031

there are lots of problems people are facing in the space from rug pulls, hacks and identity theft, well its is really cool we have couple of protocols coming up to tackle issues with identity, users security and infusing cross chain features as well

>> No.50232034

short oil and natgas

>> No.50232799


>> No.50232861

Duh, anon.

>> No.50234921


>> No.50235972


>> No.50236465


>> No.50236810
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I am very interested in this topic. I too have some money, but not very much. I would like to invest but I don't want to be scammed. Maybe buy gold?

>> No.50238900

>no stocks
stocks actually make a lot of money in the long term
>no shitcoins
never put money into something with no utility. just stake some coins like ETH (has actual utility) or BitDAO (has actual backing from a $1.1 billion treasury)

>> No.50239395

what's the APY like?

>> No.50240508
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Be wise OP, staking is a good investment. I stake matic, dot, kgo, geeq and it's working well on my end.

>> No.50242186

Staking is shit unless you stake stablecoim

>> No.50242207


>> No.50243385

Anon is damn retard, you obviously don't know everything in life anon. Researching would be a good idea but staying poor is better for you.

>> No.50243404

What is that ?

>> No.50243576

If you are in burgerland, learn a valuable skillaybe through a good bootcamp and start a job in software engineering. Practice leetcode and get a job at FAANG. 3-5 years of exp and you'll be getting 300k total comp. Invest some, save the rest and open a business.

>> No.50244445

Okay kek

>> No.50244490

Fuck, invest on stables and stake

>> No.50244687


>> No.50244729

If you stake on stablecoin, careful with the platform you'll be using as I don't want you to end up like celsius or voyager. I've been using freeway since last year. Gotta see their own blockchain soon.

>> No.50244738

Stake hbd profit

>> No.50244749

pimp out women

>> No.50245110


>> No.50245522

Something is not right

>> No.50246123

But I'm right earning 43% for my stables there. People will think I'm mentally ill but that's the truth behind the project. Extending the defi services will be a better idea faggot.

>> No.50246163

What is hbd?

>> No.50246181

Daily spy options

>> No.50246602

What is that?

>> No.50246605

Invest in assets with long term potential chad. I'm going in on privacy protocols cause of the increase in demand due to the coming regulations.

>> No.50246671

I Bonds with Treasury Direct are paying 9% right now. Shit you not.

>> No.50246703

Fed here. Careful anon, packages have geotracking info on location left. They could prove you have the Ipads.

>> No.50246771
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If you don't want to invest in stocks or crypto and you still want to make real money off of 10k, your options are kind of limited. A 4% yearly return on 10,000 is only 400 dollars after all.

Real estate is an option but for 10k you aren't going to buy a property outright. I know you're not looking for stocks, but an REIT lets you invest in a company that specializes in being a landlord. There are general REITs, but also specialized ones for strip malls, warehouses, apartments in small cities, even farm land (LAND and FPI). I think housing is overvalued, but productive agricultural land has never been a bad longterm play.

10k may also get you in as a minor investor in a local business trying to get off the ground. Hit up your chamber of commerce to learn about local investment circles. If the care wash / mexican restaurant / florist you funded does well, you're entitled to some of their profits. Its what stock trading derived from.

You may also consider providing funding for micro loans given out in developing nations. The buy in is fairly low, and the people applying for them generally fall on the right side of the bell curve in their nations. 500 to help some dude build a poultry tractor, 5k towards financing a guy that wants to buy a Bobcat to do hardscaping for capturing rain on farms in his area, that kind of thing.

What are you leaning towards?

>> No.50247134
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Imo I think it would be wise to invest into a quantum resistant blockchain as the threats posed by a quantum computer makes our wallets vulnerable. I am just waiting on the mainnet to go live

>> No.50247229

Buy nickels and middle grade hard liquor. Nickels are a literal win win. You can’t lose money, but their metal content is 7 cents. That’s 40% profit right there, not counting any numismatic value, and they will never go below 5 cents value. Also buy middle grade hard liquor like bourbon or scotch like glenfidich and macallan. With 10k, you could buy a couple high grade investments like 25 year aged macallan. During a shtf scenario, that shit will be worth x10, you can drink it, and use it as antibacterial/antiseptic.

>> No.50247246

Faggot delight

>> No.50248439
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Xpress and Coti are not shitcoins. Don't be a badass looking for a x100 overnight OP

>> No.50248478

Yo anon instead of doing all this shit just wait till the integration of NFTs with Railgun so that once it's done we can use privacy protocols on NFTs which is more safe.

>> No.50248898

Not gonna make it panjeets

>> No.50249257

Shit, the ignorant is insisting. CryptoXpress is one stop so I expect payment services, transferring assets etc. Coti is the enterprise layer1. Don't think you understand all these. Should have went back to your mom's womb.

>> No.50249268

Ahhh, why not crypto?

>> No.50249436 [DELETED] 

Retard can't even spell. You're a loser

>> No.50249443

Retard can't even spell. You're a loser

>> No.50249478

There are so many opportunities in the Metaverse to explore anon. Not to mention that the sector has been getting attention from sports brands like Nike and Adidas.

>> No.50249508

>What can I do with 10k to make money
Quite a lot, you can-
>That isn't putting into shitcoins
Totally understandable, in that case you should look at leveraged op-
>or stocks

Flip shit on ebay I guess

>> No.50249521

This. Max limit per calendar year is 10K too.

>> No.50249554

I use the open right exchange for cross-chain NFts minting, trading as well as protecting my NFTs holding

>> No.50249633

only crypto projects providing services like payments, security, Identity, and asset management will thrive in the next bull run because of their use case

>> No.50249638

for a long-term thing we should be looking at projects that have quality services to offer like portfolio or identity management and many more

>> No.50249656

because its crashing atm

>> No.50249670

on which platform

>> No.50249713

What does the process of giving out microloans look like? is there alot of tape to deal with?

>> No.50249985

every day the same thread
1k in lunc
9k in link
then wait

>> No.50251139

>every day the same thread

>> No.50251144

why Lunc

>> No.50251577

Kek, won't even touch lunc with a 10ft pole. I'd rather invest in the Sportsmetaverse, at least they are backed by a good community and big brands like Nvidia and Elefund.

>> No.50253666

You're giving such a top tier advice to someone who wouldn't even do anything useful with it. I'll sprinkle a bit of crypto into this plan though.

>> No.50254032

>I'll sprinkle a bit of crypto into this plan though.
All advices here have been wack. Why say sprinkle? If you don't talk about it then keep your dirty ass from mentioning it.

>> No.50254064

Premium kneepads, a years supply of lube and condoms plus hormone replacement so you can become the cutest trap on /biz/. Easy 5-10x.

>> No.50254148
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>If you don't talk about it then keep your dirty ass from mentioning it.
Why so pissed? Crypto is very fruitful but defnitely not everyone believes that especially at this time. I'm a tech marketing degen.

>> No.50254518

I bet you're broke AF right now for choosing that.

>> No.50254629
File: 2 KB, 125x84, FROG HOLDING CASH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha. I agree I'm broke but I just bought your whole community with the profits I made from super staking KOLnet. I'll be coming to buy all your asses once the launchpad is live and I become a microKOL. Easy buy. Kek

>> No.50255060

Not a bad idea, projects offering web3 services are actually trending especially with access from web2 to web3, not a bad idea to put some couple of $$$$ on such projects.

>> No.50255437

buy Sri Lankan bonds

>> No.50255943

Because he's a retard

>> No.50256502

Wait wtf? How did you get him to sit in the chair?

>> No.50256601

Identity management is a buzzing word and I already see projects building products to protect users identity against theft.

>> No.50256700
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The answer is so simple.

>> No.50256960

Checked and indoor shrimp farming pilled

>> No.50257021

any project working towards protecting users against Identity theft will thrive in the next bull rally

>> No.50257344


>> No.50257548

I'm just holding some alts like kgo, Ore, Zec. not staking atm

>> No.50258788

Well I know a few of such products the polygon ID, ORE ID and RLC ID but they are more than just for identity security they also enable cross chain interaction using just a single identity even movements from web 2 to web3.

>> No.50259316

>I'll be coming to buy all your asses
Fucking wagie

>> No.50259368

Go kys

>> No.50259597

We should be over this protocol bullshit by now.

>> No.50260012

Definitely not shitcoin, I think a project with some sort of NFT support for creators to access the web3 seamlessly will be a good addition to my portfolio since web3 is on everybody's lips and NFT aint going nowhere anytime soon.